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Click HERE to access all recorded webinars to date. 

Japan’s constitutional amendment: a dangerous signal

The Empire Strikes Back: Imperialism’s global war on multipolarity

Biden’s Threat: Nuclear War or Sanctions

Ukraine: NATO Lit the Fuse

#FreeAlexSaab: Live Update from Cabo Verde

COVID can be Defeated: Cuba, China, Venezuela & Vietnam Lead the Way

Trans Day of Visibility

Free Palestine: Susan Abulhawa and Khaled Barakat Speak

Why We Defend China Against US Attacks

If We Only Have Love–a music video

Watch all music-videos

Click here for music-videos by The SeaWaves

Information, activism & resistance to U.S. militarism, war & corporate greed, linking with struggles against racism & oppression within the United States

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Purchase “Sanctions: A Wrecking Bal in a Global Economy”

Purchase “Capitalism on a Ventilator”

More IAC Books (click to reveal purchase or free e-read icon on left)

Capitalism on a Ventilator:
War in Colombia: Made in USA
 Gaza: Symbol of Resistance
War Without Victory
Haiti: A Slave Revolution
Marxism, Reparations & the Black Freedom Struggle

