We hide the moderator list (sometimes referred to as the “mod list”) in certain situations to help protect the safety of our moderators. There are multiple reasons why the moderator list may be hidden to you:
1. You are banned from the community
If you would like to appeal your ban, you should send a message via modmail (by tapping “message the moderators” or the envelope icon) and provide a reason that you believe your ban should be overturned. You should not chat or message moderators directly concerning your ban.
2. You are logged out
If you are not banned from the community, you can log in to view the moderator list.
If the subreddit is actually unmoderated, you won’t see the notice that the moderator list is hidden (it will simply be empty), and you can request the subreddit through the Reddit Request process. Visit r/redditrequest to learn more and please be sure to follow all the instructions listed in the sidebar detailing the process.