Arbeidsrechten pamflet – Workers’ Rights pamflet

Arbeiders rechten pamflet

[English below]

Arbeidsrechten – Workers’ Rights!

Nieuwe brochure uit. Help mee met verspreiden. De nieuwe update van ons arbeidsrechtenpamflet is uit en nu in nog meer talen beschikbaar dan eerst. Als werknemers zijn we kwetsbaar wanneer we niet goed bekend zijn met onze rechten. Zeker van buitenlandse werknemers in Nederland wordt maar al te vaak misbruik gemaakt. Dit kan liggen aan de moeilijk beschikbare informatie over het Nederlandse arbeidsrecht in talen anders dan het Nederlands. Met dit pamflet hopen we daar verandering in te brengen en solidariteit tussen werknemers aan te moedigen, zodat we ons beter kunnen weren tegen werkgevers die ons proberen uit te buiten. Aarzel daarom niet deze informatie te verspreiden onder je collega’s. De hier genoemde rechten zijn alleen onze basisrechten. Als we meer willen bereiken zullen we ervoor moeten vechten!

Online is de brochure in 17 talen te raadplegen via:

Van de meeste talen hebben we ook een oplage gedrukt. Beschikbaar zijn: Nederlands, Engels, Hongaars, Italiaans, Grieks, Pools, Turks, Spaans, Roemeens, Duits, Portugees, Russisch, Slovaaks.

Wil je helpen ze te verspreiden, mail ons dan op:

Workers’ Rights!
New pamphlet out now. Help us spread it.

The new update of our workers’ rights pamphlet is out and available in more languages than before. As workers we are vulnerable when we are unfamiliar with our rights. Especially foreign workers in the Netherlands all too often get taken advantage of. This may be due to a lack of available information on basic workers’ rights in the Netherlands in languages other than Dutch. With this pamphlet we hope to change that and encourage solidarity between workers, so we can defend ourselves against employers looking to exploit us. Please share its content with your fellow workers. Of course the rights listed below are only our basic rights. We’ll have to fight for it if we want more?

The pamphlet can be found online in 17 languages at:

Pamphlets have been printed for most of the languages too. Available are Dutch, English, Hungarian, Italian, Greek, Polish, Turkish, Spanish, Rumanian, German, Portuguese, Russian, Slovak.

Want to help out spreading them, email us at:

Benefit night for anarchists in Ukraine

Saturday 18 February 2023

18.00-20.00 Soup and drinks
20.00-21.00 Short movies about our and from comrades in Ukraine and discussion

Anarchists at the statue of nestor Makhno in Goeljaj-Pole Ukraine.

Since the start of the war in the Ukraine last February 24, anarchists and other anti-authoritarians have been involved in resisting the Russian invasion. They need our support. AGA has called for funds several times over the past year and continues to do so.
This nights we present several short movies on the work of anarchists in the Ukraine and seek to reflect on this with each other.

All proceeds of the nights will go to Solidarity Collectives.

Where: Anarchistische Bibliotheek/Bollox – Eerste Schinkelstraat 14-16, Amsterdam
When: Saturday 18 February at 18:00

In January 2023 we did the first night with short docs about the anarchists in Ukraine and anarchists in Russia that reacted on the war, when you missed them you can see them here:

North-Eastern European Anarchists/Antifa Respond to the Russian Narrative
(part 1)
(part 2)
Russia’s Anti-Putin Underground
Short doc about BAOK, a Russian anarchist group that attack the war machine with militant sabotage actions.

2022-07-27 Fundraising concert for Anarchists in Iran & Afghanistan

After the brutal US sanctions and takeover of the Taliban, our anarchist comrades in Afghanistan and Iran are asking for help! We are organizing a benefit concert at OCCII on July 27th in order to raise as much money as possible, to show solidarity, to support their initiatives and to make sure they do not get crushed by the atrocious conditions they are being put through. Killdren will be performing their brilliant discography as we invite y’all to come join in and shout, spend and sing a long!

Where: OCCII – Amstelveenseweg 134, 1075XL, Amsterdam
When: Wednesday the 27th of July at 7:30
Price: 8€
+ information:

About Killdren: Killdren are a two-bit rave-punk band with a smelly attitude who hail from Tunbridge Wells.
Sitting uneasily between straight-up nihilism and fresh-faced naivety, Killdren pen politically charged slapstick anthems. They form the ideal soundtrack to the worst generation in history.

Sunday 10 July: Poetin stoppen! Is FVD slopen! | Stopping Putin means destroying the FvD!


Stopping Putin means destroying the FvD!
Sunday 10th of July, 13:00
The elitist conspiracy fascists from Forum voor Democratie will gather to show support to and celebrate their friend, dictator and mass murderer Putin! Together with the fascists of the AFD from Germany, the Russian ambassador and other scum! Start 13:00
Everywhere around the RAI, Amsterdam
Europaplein 24
Be creative! Organise yourself in affinity groups, make a plan and execute it!


Poetin stoppen! Is FvD slopen!
Zondag 10 juli
, 13:00
De elitaire complot fascisten van de Forum voor Democratie komen bij elkaar om hun steun voor vriend, dictator en massamoordenaar Poetin te vieren! Met de fascisten uit Duitsland van de AFD, de Russische ambassadeur en ander tuig!
Overal rond de RAI Amsterdam
Europaplein 24
Wees creatief! Organiseer je in losse groepen, maak een plan en voer het uit!

Anarchisten uit Kiev – Oekraïne op de Pinksterlanddagen

Anarchisten uit Kiev – Oekraïne op de Pinksterlanddagen

Al meer dan 3 maanden is er oorlog in Oekraïne. Terwijl in de eerste oorlogsdagen het nieuws om de paar uur werd gecheckt, wordt de situatie voor de meeste mensen in West-Europa langzamerhand normaal. Er ontwikkelt zich een stagnatie aan het front, meer en meer mensen vluchten naar het westen van Oekraïne en vandaar verder naar Centraal- en West-Europa. Anarchistische, libertaire en antifascistische activisten hebben hun krachten gebundeld en zijn al voor de oorlog begonnen zich te organiseren en treden nu bijvoorbeeld op onder de noemer Operatie Solidariteit. Een anarchistische activiste van Anarchist Black Cross uit Kiev zal ons vertellen over haar perspectief op Rusland, Oekraïne, en het anarchistische leven in het land voor en tijdens de oorlog.

De presentatie zal in het Engels zijn. We zullen voor een vertaling zorgen indien nodig.

Wij, de Anarchistische Groep Amsterdam, steunen al vanaf het begin van de oorlog onze kameraden in Oekraïne die met uiterst beperkte middelen zich verzetten tegen de bezettings-macht en met directe solidariteits-hulp mensen voorzien van voedsel, medicijnen en helpen met vluchten uit oorlogsgebieden.

Deze bijeenkomst vind plaats op zondag 5 juni 
om 17 uur in de Gymzaal tijdens de Pinksterlanddagen.
Adres: Aekingaweg 1 A  te  Appelscha

Meer info van de anarchisten uit Oekraïne op:

Oproep van de AGA om geld te doneren voor Operation Solidarity
Oproep voor geld voor Operation Solidarity, Oekraïne!
meer info over de Pinksterlanddagen 2022
Pinksterlanddagen 2022
-------------English ---------------------------------- Anarchist from Kyiv – Ukraine at the Pinksterlanddagen /Appelscha For more than 3 months there has been war in Ukraine. While in the first days of war the news was checked every few hours, for most people in Western Europe the situation is slowly becoming normal. A stalemate is developing at the front, more and more people are fleeing to the west of Ukraine and from there further to Central and Western Europe. Libertarian, anarchist and anti-fascist activists have joined forces and started to organize before the war and now act e.g. under the label Operation Solidarity. An anarchist companion from Anarchist Black Cross in Kiev will tell us about her perspective on Russia, Ukraine, and anarchist life in the country before and during the war. The presentation will be in English. We will organize a translation if needed. We, the Anarchist Group Amsterdam, have been supporting our comrades in Ukraine since the beginning of the war who resisted the occupying forces with extremely limited resources and with direct solidarity aid provide people with food, medicine and help people escaping from war. This meeting will take place on Sunday 5 June at 17 oclcok in the Gym room during the Pinksterlanddagen. Address: Aekingaweg 1 A Appelscha, Holland More info from the anarchists from Ukraine at AGA's call to donate money for Operation Solidarity
Oproep voor geld voor Operation Solidarity, Oekraïne!
more info about the Pinksterlanddagen 2022

7th of May | “Lucio” documentary screening at Bollox for the arrested people at the Woonprotest in Amsterdam!

AGA is organizing a round of movies and documentaries screening during autumn in order to fund raise money for those repressed by the police during the Woonprotest demo on the 12th of September. 

On the 7th of May at 17:30, “Lucio” documentary will be screened at Bollox (Eerste Schinkelstraat 14, Amsterdam). The documentary is about Lucio, a Spanish bricklayer that became internationally famous for his revolutionary activities, specially money and checks forgeries during the 60s and 70s in Paris.

Our time slot is limited so please be on time. 
Doors open at 17:30, screening begins at 17:45.
Suggested donation is 3€, after the screening the soli bar will be open. 

Synopsis:  Lucio Urtubia dedicated anarchist participated in notorious kidnappings, he collaborated with Che Guevara, he swindled Citibank of 3,000 million pesetas. And did it all without missing a day’s work as a building laborer.
More information about Lucio:

Fundraiser anarchist movie screening for comrades in Ukraine

AGA is organizing a documentary screening to raise money for Operation Solidarity, an anti-authoritarian volunteer network in Ukraine.

On the 30th of April at 19:30, “The volunteers” documentary will be screened at Bollox (Eerste Schinkelstraat 14, Amsterdam). The documentary is in Kurdish/English with English subtitles. 

Doors open at 19:15, screening begins at 19.30.

Suggested donation is 3€, after the screening the soli bar will be open (cash only)

During the screening we will also transmit some words from the director of the documentary.

TRIGGER WARNING, this film contains extremely graphic images of violence and death!

This documentary is a 2 parts series, where it follows River Hagg as he travels to war-torn Syria, in hopes of documenting stories of the worst humanitarian crisis since WWII. He finds a medical unit of foreign volunteers as they provide aid to civilians, YPG fighters and ISIS. Part two: The volunteers continue to push with the YPG to the ISIS defended city of Manbij, Syria. River hears news from home and plans his exit. The team is granted access to the front lines and they find themselves on dangerous ground, surrounded by ISIS.


More information about Operation Solidarity:


If you cannot come but still want to donate, send the money to this address

Anarchistische Groep Amsterdam
rekeningnummer: NL28 INGB 0006 436436

Note: Ukraine

Punk night / Benefit fundraiser for Ukraine, Operation Solidarity

Waar: Garage Noord, Gedempt Hamerkanaal 40, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Wanneer: 21/04/2022 – 20:00

We have a nice mixture of punk for ya all this night. From riot-grrrl punk too hardcore punk and crust.
– Crustenunie | Crust
– The Earwurms | punk/riot-grrrl
– Tense reaction | Hardcore punk

First band will start around 21:00 and the DJ from WE HATE RADIO will provide some nice tunes to bounce on till late and in between.

The fundraiser

The war of aggression unleashed by the Russian government against Ukraine has been raging for over a month now. Livelihoods are being destroyed, civilians are being killed, injured or forced to flee. More and more people are facing difficult conditions, either on the move or staying amid the war. With each new day of attacks, the need for support is increasing. With this benefit, we hope to raise some money for mutual-aid groups helping out refugees and citizens or supplying aid to those left fighting for their communities.
One half of the donations will go to Operation Solidarity and the other half to organizations helping out POC & LGBTQ+ who are stumbling on harsh racism and discrimination making it hard for them to flee the country.

Operation Solidarity is an anti-authoritarian volunteer network organized during the war to jointly help all progressive forces in society to counter imperialist aggression against Ukraine. Who are raising funds for Territorial Defense fighters and their families, help refugees, and support progressive grassroots initiatives that unite people in the face of a common threat. With the funds raised, we purchase and deliver the most necessary humanitarian items, military equipment, and medical supplies to Ukraine.

War always affects minority communities disproportionately. POC & LGBTQ+ people are stumbling on harsh racism and discrimination while trying to flee the country. Not only that, but this war made it damn clear how fucking racist Europe actually is. Ukrainians are being welcomed with open arms (which of course is a good thing) in other parts from Europe and are given the right to work straightaway, while non-Europeans and non-white refugees are being pushed in camps with high amounts of uncertainty for many months till years on end. In some cases, just to get send back to the hell they were trying to escape.

There will be a stand of Anarchistische Groep Amsterdam for anarchist reading material and sticker.

We are really sorry, but the location is not wheelchair friendly. If you're in a wheelchair and want to come, please email us (fva[at] and we will help you to navigate.

Organized by:
- Darcy Trash Records

Suggested donation 7,5


Alexandre Marius Jacob, De Nachtwerkers.

17 april 2022

in MKZ, Eerste Schinkelstraat 16 Amsterdam

Jacob en zijn kameraden onteigenden ruim een eeuw geleden in Frankrijk meer dan drie jaar lang vele rijke kapitalisten, kerkleiders en andere dieven. Onteigening was een integraal onderdeel van hun strijd voor sociale revolutie. Na een mislukte inbraak werden hij en een groot deel van de bende, waarin hij actief was, in 1903 opgepakt. In ‘De Nachtwerkers’ beschrijft hij met vlammende pen de laatste uren van zijn vrije bestaan. Dit relaas volgt op Jacob’s afsluitende proces verklaring. Het geheel wordt voorafgegaan door een politiek-historische inleiding.

Uitgeverij Iris is ooit opgezet door Dick Gevers, na zijn overlijden in 2019 hebben kameraden en familie van Dick de uitgeverij voortgezet. Deze publicatie is de eerste van hopelijk een lange reeks nieuwe anarchistische uitgaven.

om 16:00 presentatie en toelichting

Door de mensen van Iris uitgeverij

17:30 soep met brood

18:30 Lucio (2007)

Mooie docu over de anarchist, vervalser, bankovervaller maar bovenal metselaar Lucio Urtubia.

Spaans/Frans gesproken met Engelse ondertiteling.


De bar is gedurende de hele dag open en er word geld ingezameld voor de anarchistische gevangene Gabriel Pomba Da Silva. Onze kameraad zit af en aan al ongeveer 40 jaar vast in Spanje en Duitsland en wordt door de staat levend begraven in de gevangenis.

meer info (aleen in het Spaans) op:

Voertaal van deze bijeenkomst zal in het Nederlands zijn.

Deze bijeenkomst word georganiseerd door,

Anarchisitshce Groep Amsterdam


Iris Uitgeverij

Oproep voor geld voor Operation Solidarity, Oekraïne!

Wij de Anarchistische Groep Amsterdam (AGA), zijn bijna zo lang als we bestaan in contact geweest met Russische anarchisten, O.a. door de horror verhalen die wij hoorden over de praktijk van de Russische staat hebben wij altijd ons solidair getoond met vervolgde anarchisten in Rusland en proberende te helpen wanneer we konden. En zijn altijd solidair geweest tegen hen die strijden tegen de Poetin dictatuur.
Ook in Wit Rusland hebben wij altijd contacten gehad en solidariteit getoond met hen die zich verzetten tegen de dictatuur van Loekasjenko . Velen zijn gevlucht uit Rusland en Wit Rusland en zijn in Oekraïne tot de dag van vandaag.

Nu met de oorlog in Oekraïne is de dagelijkse realiteit anders en zullen keuzes van nu misschien grote gevolgen hebben in het nabije toekomst. Wij willen niet “neutraal” zijn in dit conflict.

Onze Russische, Wit Russische en Oekraïense kameraden hebben direct na de inval van Rusland een solidariteit structuur uit de grond gestampt met de naam, “Operation Solidarity”

Zij helpen menen te vluchten door ze over grenzen te brengen, medicijnen te verspreiden voor zieke en gewonden, en verzamelen materiaal voor de vrijwilligers die bereid zijn om te vechten tegen het Russische leger.

Voor meer informatie (Engelstalig) over Operation Solidarity is hier hun website:

Met deze oproep proberen wij geld in te zamelen voor Operation Solidarity, en vragen aan jullie of jullie een donatie willen doen, groot of klein maakt niet uit, iedere euro is welkom !

Wij laten aan jullie het besluit hoeveel geld jullie willen overmaken.
Als jullie geld over maken dan kan dat naar:


Anarchistische Groep Amsterdam

NL28 INGB 0006 436436

o.v.v. Oekraïne

Mocht men liever in contant geld geven is dat ook mogelijk door een email te sturen naar

Zodat we kunnen afspreken voor de donatie.

Mochten er nog vragen zijn of opmerkingen ook dan kunnen jullie gerust contact opnemen.

Strijdbare groet

Anarchistische Groep Amsterdam

Voor de bevrijding van de mens! tegen iedere dictatuur !

CANCELLED!! 18th of March | “The volunteers” screening at Vondelbunker for the arrested people at the Woonprotest in Amsterdam!

The event has been cancelled. Sorry for the inconvenience.

AGA is organizing a round of movies and documentaries screening during autumn in order to fund raise money for those repressed by the police during the Woonprotest demo on the 12th of September. 
On the 18th of March at 20:00, “The volunteers” documentary will be screened at Vondelbunker (Vondelpark 8A, Amsterdam). The documentary is in Kurdish/English with English subtitles. Our time slot is limited so please be on time. Doors open at 20.00, screening begins at 20.15.Suggested donation is 3€, after the screening the soli bar will be open.

During the screening we will also transmit some words from the director of the documentary.

TRIGGER WARNING, this film contains extremely graphic images of violence and death!
This documentary is a 2 parts series, where it follows River Hagg as he travels to war-torn Syria, in hopes of documenting stories of the worst humanitarian crisis since WWII. He finds a medical unit of foreign volunteers as they provide aid to civilians, YPG fighters and ISIS. Part two: The volunteers continue to push with the YPG to the ISIS defended city of Manbij, Syria. River hears news from home and plans his exit. The team is granted access to the front lines and they find themselves on dangerous ground, surrounded by ISIS.


Subtitling “In een tank kun jij niet wonen”

Poster: In Een Tank Kun Je Niet Wonen You Can't Live in a Tank | DWARSFILM

As some of the people attending the benefit we held back on the 12th of November in Vondelbunker will remember, the quality of the English subtitles of this documentary were really far from acceptable and it was extremely hard for non dutch speakers to follow most parts of the dialogs and voice over speeches.

After some research, visit to deposits and placing many drawers upside-down, we finally found a copy of the documentary that had some English subtitles. This finding made it possible to speed up the process of improving the subtitles, enabling a broader access to anyone interested in this historic documentary about the squatting movement in Amsterdam during the late 70s and early 80s.

The documentary with the new version can be found as well at Kolektiva

This subtitles are far from perfect nor professional. They are for certain a great leap from the automatic ones given by, but still, there’s always room for improving.
So, in case you can to help out, check out the repository where we have enabled a collaborative space for anyone interested in this gig.

Some links:


The event has been cancelled. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Woensdag 23 maart Aanvang: 19 uur
Locatie: Ru Paré, Chris Lebeaustraat 4 Amsterdam

Wat gebeurt er als we praten over klimaatverandering in plaats van een
bredere ecolo- gische crisis? Wanneer we praten over de noodzaak voor
meer duurzame energie of het hebben over het Klimaatakkoord van Parijs?
Of als we de overheid vragen steeds meer in te grijpen?

We maken het probleem alleen maar erger
Op woensdag 23 maart houdt Peter Gelderloos, auteur van ‘How
non-violence protects the state’, een presentatie van zijn nieuwe boek.
Hij zal met ons praten over de ecologische crisis en de rol van
kapitalisme en overheden.

De mainstream media, grote milieu-NGO’s, energiebedrijven en overheden
hebben de milieubeweging gemanipuleerd zodat deze een nieuwe koloniale
dynamiek reproduceert. Zij hebben deze enorme ecologische crisis
omgetoverd tot een nieuwe kans om winst te maken voor de bedrijven en
instituties die verantwoordelijk zijn voor de crisis.

De presentatie en het debat zullen in het Engels gehouden worden



23 March 2022 at 19h
Ru Paré, Chris Lebeaustraat 4 Amsterdam

What happens when we talk about climate change rather than ecological
crisis more broadly? When we talk about the need for renewable energy or
the Paris Agreements? Or ask the government to take more action?

We make the problem worse

On Wednesday 23 March, Peter Gelderloos, author of ‘How non-violence
protects the state’, is presenting his new book. He will talk with us
about the ecological crisis and the role capitalism and governments have
in it.

The mainstream media, large NGO’s, energy companies and states have
manipulated the broader climate movement so that it reproduces a
colonial dynamic. They have made the ecological crisis into an
opportunity for more profit for the companies and institutions that have
caused the crisis.

The presentation and debate will be in English

Announcing “Coronavirus & Anarchism, pandemic’s anthology”

We are proud to announce our up and coming compendium of corona criticism! You can find the forward below in which we summarize and prepare you for a plethora of anarchist analysis.

The following collection attempts to gather as many pieces regarding Anarchist takes on Corona as possible. It is a collaboration that was not intended as such. Each piece presented was independently published and only now are they meant to be read as a whole. For this reason there will be many, many topics and opinions presented throughout and it is important that you keep an open and critical mind.
Within you will find testimonies of people suffering and actively working to support others during Covid, a plethora of criticism against Capitalism, geopolitical overviews of a multitude of continents and countries both in how they are impacted as well as how they failed to prepare themselves against a worldwide pandemic.
An emphasis in some texts will be on the need to prevent future pandemics as well as the lack of preparation to the one we are all living through, or on how our rights are being reserved as future privileges that many had never had access to in the first place, or how even when this is ‘over’ we should still ask the question ‘are we going back to normal?’ to which our definition of what should BE normal needs to be thought through thoroughly and radically.
With so many lives jeopardized by the current state of the world, the most important, overarching message in these texts, is to maintain solidarity.
So as these eclectic texts join together in a unified voice to renounce Capitalism and State Control we too should read and share, spread the word and seek out our own forms of solidarity! We hope you enjoy these texts, it may often make you feel sick to your stomach but within these texts and your own critical mind lies the remedy, so please come join us in creating the cure!

You can get your physical copy at Het fort van Sjakoo.
If you prefer it, the digital version can be downloaded here.

28th of November | Benefit documentary screening at Dokhuis for the arrested people at the Woonprotest in Amsterdam!

AGA is organizing a round of movies and documentaries screening during autumn in order to fund raise money for those repressed by the police during the Woonprotest demo on the 12th of September. 

On the 28th of November at 16:00, “The monopoly on violence” movie will be screened at the anarchist book fair. The documentary is in French with English subtitles. 
Our time slot is limited so please be on time. 
Suggested donation is 3€.

The monopoly on violence
An absolutely shocking movie about police tyranny in France and the legitimacy of the use of violence by the state. This film consists of harrowing footage of police violence and a set of dialogues between state officials, sympathisers, police officers, activists and victims of police tyrnarry. The individuals participating in the dialogues discuss various instances of police violence, the legitimacy of the use violence by state and the politicisation of police violence. In the end the various topics and footage discussed truly result in an eye opening experience that gives incredible insight on the deranged mindset of state officials, sympathisers and henchmen.

TRIGGER WARNING, this film contains extremely graphic images of police violence!

We will also have a stand in both days of the anarchist book fair.
Where: Plantage Doklaan 8, Amsterdam
When: 16h