


the ‘how big is your english vocabulary’ test dropped new ship dynamics

[ID: A synonym quiz reading “The synonym of companion is:

- fool

- mirror

- entrapment

- partner”

End Id]





Happiness Will Come To You.

when tho

When You Least Expect It. Probably Late March

reblog for happiness to come for you in late march!






“Cut everything that doesn’t advance the plot” no. I’m gonna write more stuff that doesn’t advance the plot

Speedrunning should be for video games, not stories.

Broke: filler scenes don’t advance the plot, cut them out.

Woke: filler scenes flesh out the characters, provide lore and exposition, and help you control the pacing. In this way, they enhance the plot. Don’t cut them out.

A lot of genres, especially romance, NEED filler scenes. “The Plot” can very much be “these two characters are hanging out and deepening their connection.” Imagine a found family story where the characters never sit around and talk.

Look fanfic wouldn’t be so popular if more mass media had filler material completing the emotional picture and wasn’t so NO EMOTIONS ONLY PLOT about everything. 



when do you consider a post to have “breached containment”?

when it gets reblogged by people i don’t know/who don’t follow me

when it leaves the fandom/community/topic it was originally about

when you read something stupid af in the notes


post gets over X number of notes (& your benchmark is less than 1k notes)

number of notes (benchmark in the 1-5k range)

number of notes (benchmark over 5k)

idk. vibes. (or other qualifier)

this is not relevant to my quiet and unassuming tumblr experience

vanilla extract

my benchmark is 2k notes (which is just a measure of post popularity/longevity rather anything specific about the content or tumblr demographics of the reblogs). i’m curious how that interpretation stacks up!

I had to do “or other qualifier” because my real answer is: “I see the screenshot somewhere other than tumblr”





Bro Burger King??


They never have onion rings in stock and chicken fries be burnt




earrings change your gender not like fully but they Change it

They’re a flavour enhancer, like salt or soy sauce.

MSG (more substantial gender)



Fear: Being a burden.   Coping patterns: Isolation, independence.   Root issue: Lack of safe connection during developmental years. Was criticized when asked for help. Learned to detach before further rejection.   Healing: Safe connection. Safe touch. Affirmation of strengths.ALT
Fear: Abandonment  Coping patterns: Overextending yourself, avoiding your needs to care for others.   Root issue: They left. You didn’t have a say or coping patterns on how to process the loss.   Healing: It never was & never will be your responsibility to make someone stay.ALT
Fear: Always being alone.   Coping patterns: Staying busy/distracted. Hides. Fills time with numbing behaviors.   Root issue: Did not receive proper help when needed most. Felt invisible.   Healing: Be the voice that hidden part of you needs. Take up space unapologetically.ALT

Reposting this because I need to materialize it somewhere.

[Updated] : Edited with alt text.

Original link here :

Fear: Being a burden.   Coping patterns: Isolation, independence.   Root issue: Lack of safe connection during developmental years. Was criticized when asked for help. Learned to detach before further rejection.   Healing: Safe connection. Safe touch. Affirmation of strengths.  — Nate Postlethwait (@nate_postlethwt) February 13, 2023ALT
Fear: Being unlovable.   Coping patterns: High performer. People pleasing. Isolate (fear of connection).   Root issue: Left alone when hurting. Rejected when asked for help.  Healing: Safety where these stories are told. Fear is valid. Message from the fear (I’m unlovable) is notALT
Fear: Being unlovable.   Coping patterns: High performer. People pleasing. Isolate (fear of connection).   Root issue: Left alone when hurting. Rejected when asked for help.  Healing: Safety where these stories are told. Fear is valid. Message from the fear (I’m unlovable) is not  — Nate Postlethwait (@nate_postlethwt) March 3, 2023ALT

More to park here as reminder.