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Today I Fucked Up


Posted by3 hours ago
Posted by23 hours ago
Posted by18 hours ago
Posted by21 hours ago

Technically my fuckup was on Friday, but I just found out about thus sub. Throwaway for clear reasons.

My boyfriend (32 M) and I (31 F) have been dating for 8 months now, and he's honestly one of the best boyfriends I've had. He is super kind and considerate, and has helped me through some dark moments I was going through when we met. We currently don't live together but things have been going really well. We hardly fight and if one of us has a problem, it's easy for me to feel like I can approach him.

About a month ago though I got a text from a friend of mine with a picture of my boyfriend eating ice cream with a woman I didn't recognize. He was supposed to be at work, and my friend (she works in the same area as the ice cream store) saw him there instead. I'm a little bit of a paranoid person because a previous partner has cheated on me before, so of course the alarm bells start ringing immediately. I talked myself through it and decided it was most likely a friend, and forgot about it.

Fast forward to Friday, I got an early day from work (remote) and wanted to surprise my boyfriend at work and take him out during his lunch break. When I got to his office though, the receptionist said he was out of office for a few days and wouldn't be back until Monday.

I tried not to freak out but I did a bit, and drove to his place. He was there and let me in, and it was just him. He told me he wasn't feeling too well and called out for a couple days, and he was sorry he forgot to tell me. I stayed over and we got takeout, and eventually we both fell asleep on the couch.

I woke up around 3 AM needing to use the washroom and saw his phone, and unfortunately curiosity got the better of me. I knew his password by catching it a few times when he entered it, not on purpose. His text messages seemed normal besides 2 conversations, one to a group chat with a bunch of people I didn't know, and one to a man named Jay (fake name). The group chat stood out because the people in it talked to my boyfriend as if they were family, inviting him to vacations and outings, etc. but I knew they weren't his family because I had met them before.

One person in the chat named Kristin also talked about how much their ice cream date meant to her, so I assumed she was probably the woman from last month. The texts to Jay were sparce and one sided, with my boyfriend sending random "I love you" and "I miss you" messages every now and then. I probably should've realized then what was happening but being the dumbass I am, took it as him having a partner and me being the side piece.

I woke him up immediately and showed him the phone, asking who the fuck Jay and these other people were. He looked so furious, I knew then and there I fucked up real bad. He's usually very stoic and collected, but the moment he saw the unlocked phone he got up and snatched it. He opened the photos app and pulled up a picture of him and a man together. "This is Jay, my husband. He killed himself 5 years ago."

He then explained to me that every year on Jay's bday, their wedding anniversary, and Jay's death anniversary, he and sometimes Jay's family members would do things Jay liked to do. On his birthday, which was last month, my boyfriend and Jay's older sister Kristin got ice cream at his favorite ice cream place. He had taken a few days off this week because this week was when he committed suicide, and they all planned on visiting his grave.

I had known my boyfriend was bi, but I had zero idea about Jay or his family. After he was done explaining everything, he calmly asked me to leave and not to contact him until he contacted me first.

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Posted by16 hours ago

TIFU: So I (28m) tifu by popping my back as the story suggests. This isn't something that happened super recently but a few months ago. I was at work, like any typical Thursday afternoon and I lifted my arms up and pulled them back, popping my back between my shoulder blades(the same motion as a rowing machine at the gym). It sounded absolutely gruesome, almost like meat tearing. I immediately felt pain shooting through my chest and neck. I tried to play it off and walk around and heading to the bathroom. I proceeded to puke up my lunch and it hit me, "I'm probably having a heart attack." I walked back out into the reception area and tried to sit down and relax but to no avail I could not manage to calm down. It felt as though someone was driving something through my back and into my chest. I tried laying down and it only was that more intense. It had been around 45 minutes before I finally walked to Occupational Health. They took my blood pressure and I explained the situation. I agreed on calling 911 and was taken to the hospital. When I arrived at the hospital it was 4:15pm. They took my back for a brief examination so I could clarify the issues. I explained the pain and they did an EKG and sent me back into the waiting room. I was walking the entire time, had no issues. After sitting out in the waiting room for almost 3 hours I noticed my left leg wasn't feeling right and that's when they called me back. I couldn't stand. They wheeled me in the back and started trying to figure out what happened. While laying in the bed and having taken plenty of pain medication, I noticed I couldn't sit up like normal or move either leg. The right had more feeling than the left however it grew to be none very quickly. They tested me repeatedly, I had x-rays, Mris and Catscans and extensive poking and prodding done to me within the month I was in the hospital. However, they did a spinal surgery on my lower back because there was signs of spinal compression as well as deterioration of the discs, bone spurs and significant scar tissue issues. The actual injury causing the issue with my legs and torso was at my shoulders which they discovered after the surgery was due to loss of blood flow or as they called it, a spinal cord aneurysm. They called it an anomaly as they hadn't seen this particular injury. Popping my back left me paralyzed from the chest down. Turned my life upside down.

I figured I should add this also, I've been trying to get my life back together but when you go from a fully functioning adult with people in your corner to a barely able body with no one by your side day to day is tough. I've been going through extensive physical therapy but so far there hasn't been any improvement. I'm taking it day by day and picking up the pieces. More so than sharing my story I want to raise awareness for this type of thing. Be careful with your back people, you never know if that fall, back pop or anything of that nature could possibly be traumatic.

TL ; DR: I popped my back, it caused me to be a paraplegic.

Posted by5 hours ago

The title pretty much sums up this fuck up. But let me tell you how I did it. So I have one of the keurig coffee makers. I use it everyday to make hot chocolate. Well, it was cold last week as we just had a snow storm so instead of having one cup of hot chocolate like I normally do, I had three. So this required more water to be added to the reservoir. So I added the water and I noticed something black on the lid. It was mold. I looked inside and saw a lot more mold. Last year, I bought one of those fancy water filter kits for it and installed it. You’re supposed to replace them and I even put an alert for it in my phone. But I set the alert to none so I never got it. So for the last year that water filter cartridge has been sitting in water getting moldy.

Now, you’re probably wondering how I never noticed the mold in the reservoir. Well, I’m short and have it at an angle in the kitchen so I always just use the hose from the sink to fill it up. My memory isn’t great so I forgot I even had the water filter in there. I assumed by using the machine everyday it would stay somewhat clean inside it.

Sometime, last year my husband told me he didn’t want coffee from the keurig anymore and he started using a regular coffee maker. I continued using the keurig. He told me it tasted weird but it never bothered me. Around November, I developed a bad cough and that eventually turned into a sore throat, nasal congestion and pain, as well as daily headaches. Oh, and my vision became blurry. These symptoms just never seemed to go away, and I know now they’re from mold exposure. I’ve since cleaned the keurig, but I’m pretty sure I have an aversion to using it so I’ll probably just get rid of it. It’s been a week since I’ve had anything from the keurig and all of these symptoms have disappeared.

TLDR: I never changed my water filter for the coffee maker and it turned moldy. I drank hot chocolate made with mold for a year.


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