Agnar #psycho #wingnut #racist #enbyphobia #transphobia #sexist

SinistralRifleman: The 2nd Amendment is for everyone.

This is something I’ve believed for years, and something many people I know have also believed. But it’s apparently a controversial statement now.

Agnar: I don’t want communists, Chinese people, antifa, gender psychos, or people who voted for Joe Biden in the 2020 election to have 2nd amendment rights.

Not sorry, just want to have a country in 20 years, thanks.

@Only2Genders & @spunkybunk #homophobia

( @Only2Genders )
No, no, please continue to sodomise one another. You’re doing is all a huge favour. 🪦😂💉

spoilerWorld Health Organization Says It's 'Important' That Pride Celebrations Do Not Change Over Monkeypox Concerns

( @spunkybunk )
I must admit I never had a problem with gay folks up to a few years ago, but now they're always in our faces with that moronic flag and their constant bullcrap.

( @Only2Genders )
And their grooming.

@sbdc_7 & @spunkybunk #racist

( @sbdc_7 )
African eating another Human being who has been roasted over an open fire.
Landing on a beach near you soon.
Or is he already at Linton-on-Ouse ?

( @spunkybunk )
Chips with that you cannible godless runt. Between these disgusting shits and Bill The Bug Gates, we normal white people have got a uphill battle in our midst.

Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut #racist

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
Americans are forced to choose between paying for rent, food, or gas while Congress is focused on giving infinite blank checks to Ukraine whenever Zelensky asks.

This madness must end.

Who's really in charge of our country?

@DrPaulGosar jews, both Ukranian jews and US jews.

@Commiesaresatan @DrPaulGosar so basically jews

@DrPaulGosar Hey Paul. What's Zelensky's ethnicity?

@DrPaulGosar >Who's really in charge of our country?
The same shylocks that are in charge of the countries that use to be England and France. Hope this helps.

P.S. Try to poke the king of what use to be England on the chest and see what happens to you.

@DrPaulGosar Obama tells Biden what to do. Soros tells Obama what to do. The Rothschild family and the WEF tell Soros what to do.

@DrPaulGosar Your masters, the filthy jews.

@DrPaulGosar A) Khazarian Jews

@DrPaulGosar ....Who's really in charge?? You mean you really don't know???.....👇

Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut #transphobia

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
The January 6th Committee voting to subpoena President Trump was an unacceptable redline until now.

When we take back the House, expect us to follow the new rules.

@DrPaulGosar Dear Dr. Gosar,
They will steal this election too. There was no prosecution or overturned result of the last election. Their fraud machine is even better organized now. They will steal it in plain daylight knowing full well that ALL the GOP can do is write 'strongly worded letters' with which the Democrats can wipe their backsides. I hope you guys have a plan... If they steal it, and they will, I don't want to hear more baloney moving of goalposts to vote in the 2024 corrupt election.

@thedarthvader @DrPaulGosar If it's blatantly stolen again, there will be an actual insurrection; the ones that have guns.

@PassDaSoup @DrPaulGosar
We will see. TBH I thought the red line was when they molested our kids with their transsexuals... but we did nothing... so I'm not holding my breath.

@DrPaulGosar Politicians are even quieter...🤔

spoilerHear that??
That's the defending sound
of silence from the MSM
as they completely ignore
the confession from Pfizer
that they NEVER TESTED
the VAXXX for Transmissability

@DrPaulGosar Abolish the FBI

@DrPaulGosar J6th committee? That's still a thing? Thought those losers folded when it was shown they were full of shit

@DrPaulGosar you won’t take back shit. And if you do, all the Globalist JEW hack RINO’s will do absolutely NOTHING.

@DrPaulGosar there are no rules for the democrats stop following them when you go after them. go harder they are trying to destroy us don’t play paddy cakes when its your turn at bat.

Matt Walsh #transphobia #quack

First of all, if you're wondering why we still don't have a cure for cancer it could be partly because this is the sort of thing the medical field is focusing its energies on now. Rather than figuring out better ways to treat and heal people who are physically sick, hundreds of millions of dollars are being invested into turning men into women and women into men.

Now you might point out that, well, the medical field can do both. Right? It can make Frankenstein monsters and it can try to cure cancer. Well, yeah. Theoretically it can work on curing and treating diseases while also devoting time to putting vaginas on men. That's true. The problem is that these two projects are fundamentally at odds. On the one hand, they're trying to make sick people better while on the other hand they're exploiting sick people, mentally sick people in this case, and mangling their bodies horrifically for profit.

Brandon Russell and Sarah Clendaniel #psycho #racist #wingnut

A neo-Nazi couple recently out of prison may soon be back behind bars after they allegedly blabbed to an undercover informant last month that they planned to sabotage power stations in Maryland.

Brandon Russell, 27, and his girlfriend Sarah Clendaniel, 34, are accused of plotting to shoot up five substations that serve the Baltimore area—an attack Clendaniel told a federal informant would “completely destroy Baltimore,” said Erek L. Barron, U.S. Attorney for the District of Maryland.

Russell and Clendaniel are facing up to 20 years in prison for the foiled attack plan. Their first court appearance will be on Monday in Baltimore federal court.

Russell, a neo-Nazi leader who founded the far-right group Atomwaffen, had been jailed in 2018 for keeping lethal bomb-making materials in his apartment. Atomwaffen has been known to threaten journalists, African American churches and Jewish organizations. Clendaniel was locked up in a different prison for a spate of convenience store robberies where she wielded a machete and demanded cash and cigarettes.

Despite being in separate facilities, court filings summarized by Barron in a press conference Monday revealed that Russell and Clendaniel hit it off while incarcerated and allegedly teamed up to attack power stations once out.

Thomas Sobocinski, the lead agent at the FBI’s Baltimore field office, called the couple “racially or ethnically motivated extremists.”

Part of the couple’s devious plan was to hit the power stations after a winter storm “when most people are using max electricity,” prosecutors said in a criminal complaint, the Washington Post reported. Sobocinski said that Clendaniel told an informant their goals were to “lay this city to waste,” referencing Baltimore.

“The accused were not just talking, but taking steps to fulfill their threats and further their extremist goals,” Sobocinski said.

Lothlorian Magick #magick #conspiracy #mammon

**MIDAS TOUCH** Golden God Secret Society Haunted Dragon Djinn Skull & Bones Illuminati Warlock Templar Artifact! One of a Kind ~ Wealth + Luck x10! ** Occult WARLOCK Ring! $$$ Lost Treasure of Khastazia!
Centuries ago, the Skull & Bones Society discovered an Ancient Ritual that Conjures the Sacred Power of King Midas to bring Limitless Wealth and Abundance to all those Possess It's Great Vessel. This Item has bestowed unto me Riches Beyond Imagination and has ensured Complete Success in all of my endeavors! You will feel its Amazing Energy the moment you hold it in your hand!

This Spirit-Bound Vessel contains the Immortal Power of the High-Ranking 'Xerces Order' Paradigm of 6th Dimension of Valcaerus in Galaxy No. 4. Imbued within this Sacred piece is the 3rd Command Golden God Dragon Djinn of King Midas; Protector of Ancient Secrets, Vast Treasures and Occult Magic of the Universal Code.

This Item is Cast and Conjured of Pure White-Light Energies bestowed upon us by the Creator.

The Sacred Midas Touch Rituals are Extremely Powerful and can only be completed by a Warlock of the Highest Powers! Golden Wealth Opportunities shall present themselves exponentially! This Magic Artifact Ring guarantees Supreme Success in All Areas of Your Life!

Qthestormrider77 #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy #racist

The WAR to control Middle Eastern Oil is happening. They are using a high grade Tectonic Weapon for several reasons.

The STAGING/ FALSE FLAG CATACLYSMIC EARTHQUAKE by use of High Grade military Tectonic Weapons for [DS] U.S. interest in oil from the Middle East to Eastern Europe and Northern Europe begins with a catastrophe in Turkey and Syria.

This is only the beginning as the DEEP STATE wants pipe lines through SYRIA and plan to create a huge WAR in the region.
ROTHSCHILDs controlling the [DS] Military OPERATIONS that created the EARTHQUAKE in TURKEY was a HUGE WARNING for TURKEY who is planning to leave NATO and join BRICS.

ROTHSCHILDs just sent a huge message to TURKEY! Rothschilds also created the same event in Fukushima Japan for control of their GDP and had other plans for Mass migration PROJECTS in Japan. Due to the help of SEVERAL White Hats including Dragon Families China, Italian ELITES and Bin Salman family stepping in with military backing, the ROTHSCHILDs withheld their plan to destroy Japan.
Massive Earthquake Wars was what the Cabal wanted in order to use Alien technology.

This False Flag Event has been in the works for a long time, just like the Plandemic and major wars the Rothschilds, Vatican Jesuits created.

They wanted a new religion to be born after a new TECHNOLOGY was found after Earthquakes. The NEWS would be worldwide and later connected to new LAWS and suppression of information shared at the highest levels for security clearance.

There were many reasons the DEEP STATE wanted to use the alien agenda to bring the world under their control – create deaths, scare humans.

That’s why the VATICAN has been pushing the Alien Agenda with Israel, the CIA and Pentagon.
The real truth is that there was Extraterrestrial Life – but the first disclosure of that by the Rockefellers, CIA, Pentagon Regime was a false one.

It’s not Climate Change, it’s DARPA.

Ken Ham #fundie

If scientists found a carved stone arrowhead in a cave they would claim this was evidence of an intelligence and human occupation. But when secular scientists look at DNA, the most complex information & code system in the universe, they claim it's a result of chance random...

Steven Yates #wingnut #conspiracy #racist

. But what does it mean to be “woke”? The governor’s <DeSantis> office was recently asked. It’s a fair question. His general counsel, Ryan Newman, responded. “Woke” is: The belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them…. To me, it means someone who believes that there are systemic injustices in the criminal-justice system, and on that basis, they can decline to fully enforce and uphold the law. Awkwardly expressed, but essentially the right idea. Differential treatment under the law can be justified so that (for example) the book can be thrown at white Jan-6rs while the blacks who rioted following George Floyd’s death can be handled with kid gloves even though the latter were far more violent and did far more actual damage. Black Lives Matter was joined by more than a few white Antifa members. <...> What you’ll hear if you are able to buttonhole a modestly articulate “woke” activist about what he or she believes, you’ll get something like the first statement above, invoking a difference between systemic as opposed to systematic racism and discrimination. This distinction long predates Michael Brown (shot to death by a police officer back in 2014) or George Floyd (allegedly murdered in 2020). Systematic implies action, e.g., individual acts of discrimination, a refusal, say, by white men to hire or serve blacks, or hire women, out of racism and sexism respectively. Actions against which laws were passed back in the 1960s. Systemic implies structural: large-scale ways society and its institutions have been arranged, perhaps from the beginning, so that the results are unjust differential treatment regardless of any living white person’s actions or intentions. “Woke” appeals to the latter. Were it true, laws would be all but useless against it.

Green Comet via Galaxygirl #magick #ufo

Greetings, lighted beings. I too am a being of light. I am many colors within as I embody rainbow light. I bring the harmony of green to this war-torn area of the solar system. I am the green comet.

I approach with great abandon and speed and yet on a certain trajectory for my path is carved straight and true.

I fly though the breath of Creator. As do you. You too upon your earth are flying through space at an incredible speed. As your bodies morph and change inter-dimensionally. I would argue that you are traveling as fast as I, and yet, you see stagnation for you are within body and within time constraints.

I have no constraints. Your scientists say that I will approach again in another 50,000 years. That concept of time means nothing to me. I am light itself traveling within a body of solid and gas, I am light in form.

You are light in human body form. We are the same. I am having fun harmonizing your energetics. I show myself as green, the color of love, of life, of new beginnings.

The dragons are with me. They fly along side me and try to beat my time. I let them!

(I sense teasing friendly banter between her and the dragons. The dragons are laughing which create little smoke rings, and the comet’s laugh rings like a bell.)

Such camaraderie as we swish through space!

I am the Green Comet. I am feminine in nature, filled with precious things, precious energies of love, balance and harmony.
I am the Green Comet. Do not be sad that you did not see me. If you did not, I saw you.

I see humanity, I see those of you who work with light like I do and I see you as my comrades.

You too blaze a bright trail. Your impact is vast and wide. Your reach is astounding. Your light reaches all things just by your beingness of it.

I am the Green Comet. I send my green love light to you.

Peace, friends, peace.

Masayoshi Arai and Mio Sugita #homophobia

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said Saturday he has sacked a close aide after discriminatory remarks he recently made against sexual minorities came to light

Masayoshi Arai, an elite bureaucrat who served as executive secretary to Kishida, said on Friday that he would "not want to live next door" to an LGBT couple and that he does "not even want to look at them"

Arai retracted the comments, made off-the-record to reporters, later in the day after they were made public by the media

Kishida, who has recently struck a cautious note about legally recognizing same-sex marriage, told reporters earlier Saturday that the comments made by Arai "cannot but force" the Cabinet to consider his future[…]
Arai also said that if same-sex marriage is introduced in Japan, it would "change the way society is" and that "there are quite a few people who would abandon this country"[…]
Late last year, the LGBT issue drew fresh attention when LDP lawmaker Mio Sugita, the then parliamentary vice minister for internal affairs and communications, was compelled to retract past remarks against sexual minority couples

Sugita, who was effectively sacked by Kishida in December, had come under fire in 2018 for saying in a magazine article that the government should not support sexual minority couples because they cannot bear offspring and thus are "not productive"

Matt Walsh #fundie #wingnut

It's not surprising to see a satanic ritual at the Grammy's. Satanism is the worship of the self. Much of modern pop music is satanic in this sense. Leftism is satanism. The only change is that now they're being more explicit about it.

Brendan O’Neill #transphobia

The gender jihadists are out of control
(submitters note: continued from here )
Any movement that attracts so many bigots really should have a word with itself. Any activist set that helps to make it fashionable again to call women witches really should engage in some self-reflection. For here’s the thing: while it might be the outliers of the trans cult who scream witch and issue death threats and say ‘suck my girldick’, their tirades only express with greater ferocity and spite the misogyny that is inherent to modern trans activism. The root idea of the contemporary trans movement – that ‘transwomen are women’ – is itself misogynistic. Its reduction of womanhood from a biological, social, relational phenomenon to a costume that anyone can pull on, even people with dicks, is profoundly sexist. It dehumanises women. It denies the specificity of their experiences. It turns womanhood into a feeling, something flimsy. So, yes, in saying that all it takes to become a woman is three months of wearing a dress, Sturgeon is contributing to the misogyny that motors 21st-century gender ideology.

The mantra ‘transwomen are women’ underpins the resurgence of misogynistic thinking. There is a traceable line from this mainstream chant to the fringe cries of ‘cunt’ aimed at any woman who says transwomen are not women; that there’s more to being a woman than feeling and image. The violent hatred for ‘TERFs’ might mostly come from unstable individuals online, but it expresses the sexism and intolerance that are absolutely key to trans activism more broadly, and in particular to its belief that a man can be a woman. We need a firmer fightback against the hatred for ‘TERFs’ and in defence of the things that are threatened by this new witch-hunt – women’s rights, freedom of speech and scientific truth.

@JacquiDeevoy & @dazzabgood #conspiracy

( @JacquiDeevoy )
In plain sight. The aim is to get rid of 4 billion people by next year! They’re doing a great job but running behind schedule. They’re going to have to ramp it up a bit!

( @dazzabgood )
To be fair this clip is actually edited and here is the original video, go to 2:39 to hear the original dialogue!

You really won't hear them say any of the sort with microphones about I'm afraid.

various commenters #wingnut #racist #sexist

China currently has in excess of 1.4 BILLION people.

They could sacrifice 200 million of their best looking women, sending them to the US to steal White men from White women, and they'd still have over 1.2 BILLION Chinese citizens left in the homeland.

There are only about 750 MILLION White people worldwide, and China is currently wiping out White people in every White country in the world through this very process.

@Nature_and_Race Look at the smile at the end. This is an ugly whore who spends two hours daily to look like a 5.

My wife wakes up after a restless sleep looking like an 8.

Good luck, rice taco.

@Nature_and_Race Whites are dying. Don't race mix.

“I will pass on this hair, this eyes….”

Yeah Bitch just wait until they mass import niggers into China & other Asian countries ❤️

@MageofSolitude @Nature_and_Race
Totally same here! I love Japanese but I think the rest Asians are basically worthless.

@LupinIV @Nature_and_Race agreed. the only thing I like the Chinese for is the north east Americanized Chinese food, however, we can get the recipes and keep them open after deportations. the japanese have such a beautiful culture and country (they seem the closest to us but we should still be allies in seperate countries). They also sided with hitler so...

@Nature_and_Race well, looks like it's butthole only for Asian women. glad to know this, thanks for sharing.

@Scott786 Sodomites like you are never welcome among Whites.

@Nature_and_Race only low value men find Asian women attractive.

various commenters #wingnut #racist

Most Whites are perfectly willing to use violence to protect themselves, their families, and their communities.

The problem, however, is that the anti-White system won't let them.

The anti-White system has made it illegal for White people to do what is necessary to make society safe and peaceful. And that is the real problem - the powers-that-be, not White people.

Yes. Many Arab countries, alongside China have blacks living in them. But blacks never behave as violently there as they do in White countries. That's because the Arabs and Chinese are very harsh in their punishment towards blacks. Obviously though, deporting all Blacks back to Africa would be the best solution.

@Nature_and_Race -- I agree. White people who lived in the past prove this to be correct. White societies will never be free again until The Judeo, anti-White system is completely destroyed by White people.

@Nature_and_Race Until we make the police afraid to stop us. The persecution will continue.

@Ovenkeeper2025 @Nature_and_Race jury nullification, whites need to understand it and use it

@Nature_and_Race That's the only way it can even appear to function. Separate and unequal. We're in charge, you're along for the ride to enjoy the fruits of what we do. You're welcome. Mind your p's and q's, or you will feel the pain.

Then at some point the question is, why are they here in the first place? They bring nothing to the table and just amount to a population you have to constantly keep your eye on. We're better off by ourselves, not babysitting every other humanoid just so they can suckle the teat.

@Nature_and_Race they threw the White guy in jail for burning a cross in his own fucking yard to deal w nigger neighbors. much less, violence. fucking anti White system.

@Nature_and_Race The problem is the Matrix is still intact.

Intact but cracks are starting to appear.

If this winter is as bad as its currently being predicted, and people can't afford food or fuel.

Watch how quick that domestic White man turns into a beast.

@Nature_and_Race Niggers are well behaved when they have something to fear. They only understand violence.

Brian Niemeier #fundie #wingnut

Even ten years ago, you could maybe give infanticide shills some benefit of the doubt about really thinking they were helping women or the planet or something. But now their leaders have spent years saying, “Yeah, we know these are human lives. We want to slaughter them by the millions because we get off on it.”

Anybody who doesn’t demand the total outlawing of all abortion at all times is a barbarian inside our gates. These people can’t claim ignorance or good intentions anymore. They just want to kill babies.

You can’t live in the same society with people that morally retarded. Imagine trying to hold honest elections and maintain 21st century infrastructure working alongside the villains from Apocalypto. And now you see the real crisis Western society invited when we turned our backs on Christ.

Various Commenters #racist #wingnut

RE: High School ‘White Power’ Graffiti in Idaho Revealed to Be Hate Crime Hoax

Fake racist comments at college girls’ volleyball games, fake racist graffiti - are there any “racist” incidents that have actually proven to be legitimate lately?

(Yours Truly)
Frankly, I wish there were. That would give me some hope...

Our kids are way too indoctrinated, guilt-shamed, or just flat out intimidated to ever even think of posting any “racist” graffiti.

Heck, probably more than half our kids can only wish that an “evil” “racist” would actually do something like this — but just so they could join with the non-White mob in hysterically denouncing him.

(Darien X)
The "incident to be motivated by hate but rather an act of intimidation between two rival Hispanic criminal street gangs from Caldwell,” the Caldwell Police Department said"

Oh, OK, huuuuuge difference then. No problem, we understand.

(Yours Truly)
It’s really eerie, isn’t it? This one little statement by the CPD illustrates how pervasive the mindset of our overlords actually is; so much so that even law enforcement in Idaho — Idaho! — has swallowed it whole.

Seriously, these people are idiots! Even if we are super-charitable to liberals about the definitions, there’s no way that the total number of alleged “hate killings” by Whites isn’t utterly dwarfed by the number of (non-White) gang-related killings.

And yet our overlords think that White “hate” is the real danger…

What are these losers doing in Idaho???

Losers have an irresistible affinity to winners.

I clearly remember, back in the day, a few decades ago, when Idaho had a reputation as being a hotspot for White Supremacist, notably the northern part, which served as the capital of the Aryan Nations.

Well, either that turned out to be mostly media hype, its members are now too old to scare off unwanted intruders . . . or nothing can dissuade Latinos and other PoCs from venturing into "Virgin Territory".

It was the Aryan Nations compound. There was an incident with some passers-by and A.N. was sued out of existence. I think it was a set- up, cuz ya know, can't have Whites peacefully congregating even in remote corners of the world.

James Rink/Rainetta Jones #magick #ufo #conspiracy

In our session, both James and Rainetta visited Trinidad in astral and were transported to a location in the North Western corner of the country. Once the atmosphere shifted we were greeted by an El Doradoan diplomat awaiting our arrival. His appearance was male, 9 foot tall, slender, black colored skin, and wearing a light brown loincloth. We observed that our guide as well as all the other citizens we encountered levitated as opposed to walking.
.We go through a black hole; it appears to be a tear in space and time. This dimension is very dense and dark which eventually opened up to golden light. Our perception shifted and we see ourselves in a massive cavern system. We are now in El Dorado which is a subterranean kingdom that seems to have been a breakaway from ancient Kemet Egypt.
We were informed that their civilization is 1.2 million years old and their people can live equally as long or even longer due to the life extension properties of Living Gold. Living Gold is the Mother Gold that creates all Gold. It is sentient and can communicate, it is fertile and can reproduce, it is emotional and can express itself. It has both IQ and EQ and distributes these properties freely to all who possess “Purity of Spirit” or seek to become “Pure in Spirit.”
This secret faction in the US has destabilized Venezuela in search of this Living Gold. The Kingdom in El dorado are concerned they may target and destabilize Trinidad in their pursuits. Their King has made the decision to come forward and share the knowledge of their kingdom in order to alter the mission of the secret cabal. He stated that as a last resort and in order to protect their kingdom they were willing to create an Earthquake which would submerge the area, or cause lava to flow into the Vatican City.

US Anon #conspiracy #pratt #racist

Has the thought ever occurred to you that zelenski and putin are both golems of the same puppeteer who started a civil war that is exterminating all these whites

The US deepstate and the freemasons are in on it as well

This. Israel wanted the slavs genocided. Ukraine was designing bioweapons using slav synovial fluid samples and using migratory birds to carry them into Russia. Ukraine got caught. Russia bombs dozens of labs in the first month. The blues, golds, and kikes of the king David lodge tells you exactly which Freemasons were in on it.

Edward Menez #racist #wingnut #conspiracy

There have been many accusations against the Jews throughout history.

Over time, a pattern has developed: the Talmud's citation that "Even the best of the Gentiles should be killed" (Abodah Zara 26b) seems to be the playbook.

Accusations against the Jews throughout history include sacrificing Gentile children and drinking their blood, poisoning Christian wells, and preying on Gentiles through human weakness by running the pornography, prostitution, and gambling empires.

Jews have been kicked out of Christian countries over 100 times. Is there something going on here?

Could this just be coincidental? Or are the Jews following their playbook The Talmud?

If we look at three instances where mass death of millions of Christians occurred, and blamed on the Jews, we might be able to see a larger pattern develop. Of course, it would be more correct to classify the perpetrators as "Satanic Jews" or "Elite Jews", as not all Jews were in on this, but for simplicity's sake I will just refer to them as "Jews".
The facts are, however, that about 40% of the European population was wiped out by the Black Plague (poisoned wells) in these few short years from 1347-1350 and Jews suffered minimal damage to their own walled-off communities.
Finally, in a redux of the 1918 "Spanish Flu" playbook, the mass vaccination of billions of people against the so-called "Covid-19" virus occurred in 2021. Where are the death tolls highest? In white Christian countries once again. There is a pattern developing here, and it is consistent with what the Jews have traditionally done: target white Christian countries to kill off the people through deception.
It seems to me there is a reason why the descendants of European Christians are targeted. And that reason is that The Bible is true. Jesus said that the Jews are of their father, Satan. And Satan's henchmen are following their script, the Talmud.

John Rolls #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy

This balloon incident was nothing but a distraction. With the Judiciary Committee about to start their investigations, things should start pointing towards Hunter’s laptop and those documents found in Biden’s possession. It is definitely a drip drip drip process but once that stuff starts hitting the fan, I believe this is when we might start seeing some justice. All while our beloved President Trump will continue his journey back to the forefront and finally leading this country back to it’s glory and beyond. It is happening just as it should. God is good. Pray!

They have us talking about balloons in the news cycle now. Wonder what they are hiding? Tanks rolling into Ukraine that Biden said will escalate the War in Ukraine to WWIII. Joe forgot to take his own advice but in his defense. Dementia is a cruel mistress. This criminal and his criminal organization are going to get us all killed if they cannot stop escalating this war. What is going on is not funny or a laughing matter anymore. Satan is having his way these days.

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #ufo

Another one of the main reasons that I urge everyone who possesses the “Escape the Matrix/Soul Trap” mindset to proceed with an abundance of caution relates to a theory I once heard from some author about how these interdimensional Archonic parasites who’ve created this place and who feed off the loosh our souls create have also gone out of the way to create bootleg copies of ALL the other higher dimensional realms. The very dimensions that many of us yearn to escape to and wriggle into upon the moment we are released from the freedom-inhibiting holographic meat suits we were assigned Another one of the main reasons that I urge everyone who possesses the “Escape the Matrix/Soul Trap” mindset to proceed with an abundance of caution relates to a theory I once heard from some author about how these interdimensional Archonic parasites who’ve created this place and who feed off the loosh our souls create have also gone out of the way to create bootleg copies of ALL the other higher dimensional realms. The very dimensions that many of us yearn to escape to and wriggle into upon the moment we are released from the freedom-inhibiting holographic meat suits we were assigned when first birthed into the matrix.
What do you think the the Moon Key 🌙 🔑 is made to represent beyond its function as a dimensional portal and reincarnation soul processing and imprisoning machine known more commonly as the Saturn Cube 🕋? The Moonkey is clearly a wildly important symbol for the parasite and in my humble opinion a concept that’s worth thoroughly investigating, as the abidment to Natural Law still appears to be mandatory, meaning that our extra dimensional captors HAVE TO tell us the truth in one way or another. The more knowledge we can equip ourselves with before attempting to leave this dimensional prison, the better chance we stand at escaping from the clutches of this Clownworld once and for all.

various commenters #wingnut #racist

It's a turning point when you realize that most of your favorite, childhood music artists & actors were leftists & fags.


Or just straight up jews.

@FreakSpeely @ElfReich most hollywood actors are crypto Jews.

@ElfReich the jews have ruined Nashville too.

@RememberSamDavis @ElfReich no mass media is immune, Dolly Parton was denigrating White people on her social media account during the height of the BLM riots, Charlie Daniels went to Israel and did the herky-jerky in front of the wailing wall, etc, they are all sell outs.

@ElfReich Indeed. Or worse than that. Jews! Oh my!
Ha Ha, makes me feel bad for KISS fans. A little.

Or that the good time rock-n-roll music that you thought was rather simple is actually all a tool of Satan. Watch the 2004 version of "They Sold Their Souls For Rock-N-Roll".

@ElfReich All of it is degenerate, corrupt and rooted and a product of sodom and gommorah. We can simply erase all western culture since 1945 for sure, probably even all the way back to 1910.

various commenters #wingnut #fundie #racist

We defeated them once, we will do it again.

@CNofUSA Throughout my schooling, my history teachers never taught the true story about pre-colonial America... romanticizing the Natives. But the truth is, the natives were brutal; and the Christian Spaniards were simply doing what our patriarchs in the Old Testament have historically done to protect the faith.

@mrsnyamajor @CNofUSA whatever, sheboon

@Wendigo2007 @mrsnyamajor @CNofUSA You can be racist and also agree when a black says something correct lol

@mrsnyamajor @CNofUSA You are correct. The Natives weren't Dances with Wolves. People have enjoyed pretending they were completely abused. Columbus ordered the Natives to stop cannibalizing their enemies. They captured some of his men and roasted them alive. The whole night the party was forced to listen to the taunting of the Natives and the toucher of their companions. It didn't end well for the Natives.

@CNofUSA dont foeget the hundreds of millions of human sacrifices in wars for the jews


@CNofUSA Better not stop the blacks from doing it, or we'll be overrun with them. And sleep easy, they're not human anyways

@becky21k @CNofUSA your not human.

@Dawnfreedom @CNofUSA *you're

Niggers will kill you for saying "nigger" and think it justified. That's not human.


various commenters #wingnut #conspiracy

I never thought Sandy Hook was a hoax until they started fining people a billion dollars for saying Sandy Hook was a hoax. So now I feel comfortable saying, without any lingering doubts, that the Sandy Hook school shootings was a government created, funded, and directed hoax designed to scare and shame Americans into handing their guns over


This is why they're going hard on Jones. Not because he's wrong about Sandy Hook, but because he's right.

@MrJoePrich For starters, the SandyHook school had already been closed for 4 years because of asbestos and the children attended a different elementary school in the area. Aerial shots of the day showed them shuffling lines of kids in one door and immediately out another door. It was a planned crisis event, photo evidence of the sign-up area for ‘actors’ as well as several crisis actors documented from other planned crisis events. Yes, laughing and joking around, not just by ‘parents’ but by participants in the crowd. I say this because SandyHook was my wake-up call. And I scoured the internet for all info on it... at the time, quite a bit available. Most notably in my mind are the photographs of the abandoned school site and news article published about the asbestos, years before the crisis event occurred. So so so all dem peeple lied? The ones interviewed were paid. The rest had to have signed non-disclosure agreements for some form of compensation, yes I believe that could easily happen, maybe throw a threat behind it. And of course our very favortie: cgi. I went into my personal investgation of that event, expecting to uncover a bunch of whack-a-do conspiracy theorists and came out of it thinking holy crap, please don’t tell me there is more of this going on in our country.
Surprise. Suprise.

@MrJoePrich my Father told me he saw the parents laughing and talking with the news crew, right before they went on camera to weep about their loss. Fishy.

@MrJoePrich I suspect that this is all a charade and that Alex Jones will not pay a penny. He's very likely in on the hoax. But I'm a cynic at heart when it comes to politics. I'm always suspicious of the kike mainstream narrative.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy

If you were looking for a theme song wrapped in an iconic moment to truly symbolize what it means to be here on Day 1,057 of 15 Days To Flatten The Curve, the 2023 Grammys last night was just the ticket. You had LGBTQ+ transgenders, Satan, women in cages being beaten with whips, all while singing a song called ‘Unholy’. And if that wasn’t enough, the moment this demonic mess was done, they cut to a ‘brought to you by Pfizer’ promo, tying the two in nice and neatly together. There is nothing more you need to know about the Great Reset, the pandemic, gain of function and all the rest of that junk than that. But don’t take my word for it, watch the video below and see for yourself.

“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32 (KJB)

In 5 minutes last night, the Grammys showed you a visual production of just about everything we’ve been warning you about since it all began. How many times have you heard me tell you on the Podcast about the ‘rising spirit of Antichrist’? It rose over the Grammys last night, and broadcast to a hundred million people. How many times have you heard me expose the evils of Pfizer and Big Pharma? Pfizer sponsored that satanic moment. People, if you can’t see where we are on the end times timeline by now, if you can’t see that everything we’ve been warning you about is happening right in front of your face, then I don’t know what to tell you. Obviously we will be discussing this in detail on the Podcast today so please join us. Like we’ve always said NTEB’ers are some of the most well-informed people on the face of the earth regarding the end times, and last night the 2023 Grammys proved that…TO THE FIGHT!!!

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist

[From "@livv_idd - Some of these "ancient sovereign entities" are newer than Rhode Island"]



First Nations are supposed to have first right of refusal when it comes to the sales of crown land, and the Sask Party refuses to abide by that

So frustrating when ancient sovereign entities with clearly defined cultural uniqueness and historic rights are bullied by intrusive prov govt rules that destroy their autonomy. These people need a Paper that’s not White
10:58 PM · Oct 12, 2022

As you should know by now, Red Indians don't have "historic rights" other than a bunch of rules which require them to stay on their specially set aside tracts of land. Archie's claim that Crown land has to be sold to Injuns first is complete bullshit and nowhere mentioned in the treaties

Fortunately, superior white cultural learned how to make white paper and use it to discuss public policies and the pros and cons. Scott Moe is sufficiently non-squishy to utilize this wonder ability which white societies developed (and, relatedly, found this almost-empty continent and built civilizations on it)

In 1905, Saskatchewan was created out of a section of land owned by lazy Red Indians The Hudson's Bay Company. Woke losers might wish it wasn't, but it was

Meanwhile as we've noted before these "ancient sovereign entities" is complete and utter bullshit. Nobody who was in Saskatchewan in 1491 was "indigenous" to it. Indeed one of Keen's "ancient entities" would presumably be the Métis who Red Indian activists insist need to be granted special rights even though literally by definition white people were here first

S Michael Houdmann #fundie #psycho

The sin of fornication violates the seventh commandment (Exodus 20:14), which was intended to safeguard the integrity of the family and the marriage union. God designed sex for marriage, and marriage to be a holy, prized, and honored institution. The Bible calls husbands and wives to keep themselves exclusively for one another or face God’s judgment: “Marriage is to be honored by all and the marriage bed kept undefiled, because God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterers” (Hebrews 13:4, CSB). Condemnation of sexual immorality is unanimous in Scripture. Those who persistently indulge in fornication will not inherit the kingdom of heaven (1 Corinthians 6:9).

S Michael Houdmann #fundie #psycho

We live in a world of pain and suffering. There is no one who is not affected by the harsh realities of life, and the question “why do bad things happen to good people?” is one of the most difficult questions in all of theology. God is sovereign, so all that happens must have at least been allowed by Him, if not directly caused by Him. At the outset, we must acknowledge that human beings, who are not eternal, infinite, or omniscient, cannot expect to fully understand God’s purposes and ways.

Why do bad things happen to good people? As hard as it is to acknowledge, we must remember that there are no “good” people, in the absolute sense of the word. All of us are tainted by and infected with sin (Ecclesiastes 7:20; Romans 3:23; 1 John 1:8). As Jesus said, “No one is good—except God alone” (Luke 18:19). All of us feel the effects of sin in one way or another. Sometimes it’s our own personal sin; other times, it’s the sins of others. We live in a fallen world, and we experience the effects of the fall. One of those effects is injustice and seemingly senseless suffering.

Apolitical #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #pratt #racist #wingnut

Why you have to believe in the holocaust:

If you don’t believe in the holocaust, you can’t argue Hitler was the most evil human to ever exist.

If Hitler isn’t the most evil human ever, there is no reason not to look into fascism and National Socialism as plausible ideologies.

If you look into fascism and National Socialism as plausible ideologies, you might find they had similar complaints to yours today.

If you find similarities between their complaints and yours, you might find similarities in who is causing the problems.

Which is why you have to believe in the holocaust as the underpinning of morality for our entire society

various commenters #wingnut #racist

The fact that the State did not pursue Federal hate-crimes charges tells you everything you need to know about the "justice system".

White people don't matter to our courts.

If you're White, and a black subhuman savage slaughters you and/or your children, the court will not acknowledge that there was a racial dynamic to the crime.

Waukesha Christmas parade anti-White mass murder trial

LIVE -->

@Nature_and_Race The justice system is Jewish


We absolutely have to form up groups who are willing to mete out real justice to these animals.

FINE gab... in minecraft, ffs.

"Real justice" isn't fed poasty.
"We should form up groups to hang these niggers from trees by the neck until dead" would be fed poasty

See? marked difference in the examples.

@Nature_and_Race The "justice" system is riddled with antiwhitism and only serves the antiwhite agenda. We need a total purge of basically every major institution... it's riddled with vermin.

@Nature_and_Race If Federal hate-crime charges weren't filed in such a clear cut case, no amount of Whites being slaughtered will cause the Feds to care.

@Nature_and_Race Wow, this is insane. If a White person so much as says the "wrong" thing to a non-White, federal charges will be filed at lightning speed.

@StarHorizon In order to find a pretext to try the McMichaels case as a hate crime, they subpoenaed ALL of their communications for all time and fished through it until they found a text from A DECADE AGO in which one of them remarked that blacks bring crime to a neighborhood.

B.D. Hobbs #wingnut

With the crime rate at a record level high here in Houston, most of the egregious violent crimes all have one thing in common. There were committed by a criminal who was out on bail after multiple incidents. A repeat offender of the worst kind.

So why does this keep happening? Why do career felon's with lengthy rap-sheets continue to be set free to commit more crimes?

The short answer, is liberal judges, working in partnership with liberal D.A.'s.

"It is the responsibility of the judges to set a reasonable bail, to make sure that accused individuals come back to court" said former judge Ted Poe, "They're not doing that, and they're letting them out on multiple bonds, and that is why the crime rate in Houston is skyrocketing."

The judge would certainly know. Another issue he says, "Some of these judges have a philosophy that is not the law, that they just want to let people go" he said, "Don't put anybody in jail awaiting trial, give everybody a free ride, let them out of jail free without bail, they don't come back and the public suffers."

Another real problem is the back log of criminal cases. So many people are waiting in jail, so the judges take the easy route by letting them out. "That's ridiculous" judge Poe told KTRH, "The public suffers for that because more crime is committed."

Plus, there is the Democrats version of 'public opinion', which is that jail is somehow racist, while completely overlooking the crimes that are committed, or the history of the criminals.

Sadly, many of these liberal judges go along with this. "They're following their own personal, social opinion" judge Poe said, "They don't care."

Thankfully, Republican lawmakers in Texas do care. Last month Governor Greg Abbott signed bail reform legislation into law that requires defendants accused of violent crimes to pay cash to get out of jail.

The new law was delayed because the Texas Democrats fled to Washington.

@JonPrepchuk #wingnut #conspiracy


spoilerYour Enemy
Your enemy locked you down, masked your kids, destroyed family businesses, closed churches, arrested pastors and gave you a few dollars to shut you up.
Your enemy used a scam virus to steal the election and called you a domestic terrorist for talking about it.
Your enemy is not halfway around the world Your enemy is here!

various commenters #transphobia

RE: If men collectively refute gender ideology, all the madness will stop today

( shewolfoffrance )
I've thought for a long time that gender woo won't be defeated, partially or in full, until men are forced to care. I think the most likely win would come from fathers deciding that they don't want horny men and boys who claim to have ladybrain showering with their daughters.

I think most men are fundamentally incapable of caring about anyone who isn't personally attached to them. When Jordan Peterson spoke out against Bill C-16, his main concern was freedom of speech; not women and children's safety, privacy, and dignity. When Matt Walsh made What Is a Woman, one of his primary motives was "because I care about truth."

Freedom of speech and truth are both extremely important. But Peterson and Walsh, probably two of the most recognizable names in anti-gender ideology discourse, were more motivated by esoteric principles than women's and children's safety and health.

It's a luxury that only men have. Women have been yelling from the rooftops for decades now that letting the penis-havers into female-only spaces will result in rape and abuse. That's apparently not enough to make males, who hold the majority of government and financial power, care.

( drdeeisback )
'that they don't want horny men and boys who claim to have ladybrain showering with their daughters' OTOH they don't want to preclude the chance that they can shower with other men's daughters.

( MiMi2013 )
That's part of the problem : Non trans people STILL are convinced that all trans woMEN are Sad Gay Men, who are ashamed of wanting other men to fuck them, have all had GRS, and pose no threat to women and girls whatsoever. Whether the HSTSs ever were harmless is an entirely different issue, but today's AGP transbians seem to make up the bulk of trans woMEN, and they most definitely are a threat, as they keep proving over and over and over and...Jazz Jennings aside, most trans woMEN do NOT have the slightest interest in those male commenters at all; it's irrelevant to them if MEN say they won't date trnswoMEN.

( WatcherattheGates )
They say no to having sex with them personally. But bros before hos--they will not say no to other men violating women's boundaries. It's patriarchy in a dress, that's all.