Anarchism is for the contemporary working classes

Anarchism is for the contemporary working classes

From Freedom News UK

Unlike Marxism, Anarchism doesn’t demand the investment into these key theorists. It encourages education through theory, and people driving the movement do a great job distributing (almost) free leaflets, newsletters and zines promoting anarchist values, but it equally recognises and legitimises living anarchically. Anarchism is action as much as it is education.

Attack in Memory of the Base in Brooklyn

Via Abolition Media

The storefront of Altitude Cannabis Club in Brooklyn, NY was attacked with three of its windows shattered and a message scrawled on its door. The building that Altitude is located at is the former address of the Base, an anarchist political space that many of us revolutionaries held near and dear to our hearts and gave us a space to build community, make friends and comrades, sharpen our political knowledge, debate with others, and grow into the thorns in the side of the state and capitalism that we are today.

From a cell in 41 bis, an anarchist is making a State tremble

From Inferno Urbano, English version via Act for Freedom Now!

We receive and publish the leaflet distributed on Friday 3 February during the gathering, then demonstration, that moved from the Regional Penitentiary Administration Department to the juvenile prison.

Anarcho-pacifism and Nonviolence with Alex Christoyannopoulos

Anarcho-pacifism and Nonviolence with Alex Christoyannopoulos

From Little | Bigger | Anarchism, January 2023

This month, on top of dissecting British politics, we discuss anarcho-pacifism and nonviolence with fellow Anarchism Research Group member Alex Christoyannopoulos. You can find an article on this subject by Alex here.

Anarchists from Chita were arrested

Anarchists from Chita were arrested

From avtonom, 1 February, 2023

On October 31, in the city Chita (Siberia, Russia) FSB officers  Alexandr Snezhkov (19 years old) and Lyubov Lizunova (16 years old) because of graffiti “Death to the regime”. FSB was interested in their activities on the Internet as admins Telegram-channels «Shugan-25» and «75zlo». Security forces discovered the post about results of partisan activities from the beginning of the war, where they positively said about the arson of military registration and enlistment offices, sabotage on the railway and the actions of the Militant Organization of Anarcho-Communists.

Italian anarchist’s hunger strike rekindles debate over harsh prison regime

The scene of an anarchist attack in Rome linked to Cospito’s case

From The Guardian by Angela Giuffrida, Feb 3

Alfredo Cospito has lost 45kg during protest over solitary confinement and says he ‘just wants to live’

An Italian anarchist on hunger strike over a harsh prison regime usually reserved for mafia bosses has said he “just wants to live”, as his supporters reportedly threatened a serious attack in connection to his case.

Ideas in Revolt! Grants for Radical Writers, Artists, and Creators

Ideas in Revolt! Grants for Radical Writers, Artists, and Creators

From The Institute for Anarchist Studies

The Institute for Anarchist Studies is grateful to be partnering with Anarchist Agency – An Anarchist PR Project (Agency) for our current 2022-23 grants program!

Statement: Not One More Tyre Nichols

Statement: Not One More Tyre Nichols

From Black Rose Anarchist Federation

The following statement is endorsed by the membership of Black Rose Anarchist Federation / Federación Anarquista Rosa Negra.

On January 10, 2023, Tyre Nichols died from severe physical injuries, including a broken neck, sustained three days earlier at the hands, batons, pepper spray, and tasers of five Memphis, Tennessee police officers. As one of the lawyers for Tyre’s family described it, Officers Tadarrius Bean, Demetrius Haley, Emmitt Martin III, Desmond Mills Jr, and Justin Smith treated him like “a human piñata” during a January 7 confrontation.

ASR 86 (Spring 2023)

ASR 86 (Spring 2023)

From Anarcho-Syndicalist Review

ASR 86 is, at long last, at the printer. Copies should begin arriving next week. This issue explores the opportunities facing the labor movement and the dangers of squandering them if U.S. unions continue down the same path that has led to 19th century unionization rates, examines the role of general strikes, looks at the dangers both to the earth and to workers in Tar Sand exploitation, and reviews recent books on American autocracy, women in the Mexican revolution, Stalinism in the United States, and the demand that we become passionate about our work.

Who is Alfredo Cospito, and what is 41bis?

From It's Going Down

The following is a primer on the Italian state’s repression of anarchist fighter Alfredo Cospito, who is currently engaging in a hunger strike in prison that has exceeded 100 days. Solidarity actions have taken place across the world, leading to the Italian state recently putting their embassies on alert. Alfredo’s courage and commitment to his struggle is an inspiration, however, his health is in rapid decline, and support is urgently needed as he faces a fascist state regime which seeks to make an example of him.

For the 100th Hunger Strike Day, an Italian diplomatic vehicle burns


From Kontrapolis, English Version Via Dark Nights

We support the idea of decentralized actions and therefore follow the call for action week from the American South, which supports the hunger strike of Alfredo Cospito. Communication through actions and texts is an important approach to build an informal network. With the attack on the Italian diplomatic corps in the German capital, with the targeted fire against the car number 3 of the embassy, we participate in the week of action. It was parked in Schöneberg at Barbarossa-Platz and belonged to Luigi Estero, the first Consigliere.

Call to Action at Italian Embassies in solidarity w/ Alfredo Cospito

International call for mobilisation at Italian embassies in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito. End of 41 bis regime. "If Alfredo Cospito dies all judges are a target."

Via Dark Nights


More than 100 days after the start of Alfredo Cospito’s hunger strike we extend the call to all like-minded individuals, groups, organizations and collectives to convene within their territories a mobilization outside the Italian embassies to put pressure on the Italian state and Alfredo’s executioners.


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