IAMA Moderators
IAMA Moderators
creating Ask Me Anythings
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Access to our patron-only content
/ month- Vote on what features we should try to add
- If we raise more than we can spend for the benefit of the community, vote on where to donate the money before we turn off the Patreon
-Other cool things when we think of them. Open to suggestions.
Access to our patron-only content
/ month- Vote on what features we should try to add
- If we raise more than we can spend for the benefit of the community, vote on where to donate the money before we turn off the Patreon
-Other cool things when we think of them. Open to suggestions.
per monthAbout IAMA Moderators
$12.75 of $16 per month
Pay for a permanent bot hosting server for our flair bot. $9 a month should be enough to cover it.
This is an existing cost we cover with a home server, but has reliability issues and would be much improved with a stable server.
This is a standard Reddit bot that automatically flairs and unflairs posts with our "Live" flair depending on activity. It can sometimes overload when threads get hit hard, so we'd like it to be a decently stable server.
This is an existing cost we cover with a home server, but has reliability issues and would be much improved with a stable server.
This is a standard Reddit bot that automatically flairs and unflairs posts with our "Live" flair depending on activity. It can sometimes overload when threads get hit hard, so we'd like it to be a decently stable server.
By becoming a patron, you'll instantly unlock access to 1 exclusive post
WritingBy becoming a patron, you'll instantly unlock access to 1 exclusive post