Woo Bits

A weekly update focused on opinions and editorial commentaries around WooCommerce and WordPress from BobWP.

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Do the Woo Podcast WooBits Episode 252

WooBits: WooCommerce Tutorials and an End of an Era

Awhile back I made the decision to not write anymore tutorials. Now I have taken that a step further and deleted all past tutorials.

All WooBits

Pondering a WooCommerce Conference IRL

WooBits: Pondering a WooCommerce Conference IRL

It's been several years since WooCommerce had their last WooConf, aside from the fact of Covid. Is it time again? What would that look like?
A Bit of Commentary
WordCamp Europe Before, During and After

WooBits: WordCamp Europe Before, During and After

I had an amazing time at WordCamp Europe in Porto, Portugal. Here are some highlight around and during the event.
A Bit of Commentary

WooBits: Happy Birthday WordPress_Community

WordPress turns 19 today. And as I did my first draft of this podcast, I found myself redoing it. I have it all wrong.
A Bit of Commentary
Do the Woo Podcast WooBits Episode 235

WooBits: Do the Woo is Heading to WordCamp Europe 2022 as a Media Partner

WCEU is happening in Porto, Portugal. Find Do the Woo there and join us in a podcast or let's just have a conversation.
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Do the Woo Podcast WooBits Episode 232

WooBits: Dropping My .02% About WordPress Marketshare

In light of the recent article and discussion of the drop in the WordPress marketshare, well, I felt it my duty to weigh in, ever so small.
A Bit of Commentary

WooBits: Web3 Integration, Woo in Search and More Random WooCommerce

This week I chat about the flux of crypto plugins for WooCommerce, how Woo is rating in search and third-party risks.
A Bit of Commentary
Do the Woo Podcast WooBits Episode 226

WooBits: Plugin Saturation aka Challenges Equal Opportunity

Whether it's for WordPress or specifically WooCommerce, the question is often asked, is the plugin space saturated.
A Bit of Commentary
Do the Woo Podcast WooBits Episode 223

WooBits: Where Are All the WooCommerce Alternatives?

A single tweet inspired this commentary from me about why we are not seeing many, if any real competitors to WooCommerce.
A Bit of Commentary

WooBits: Pinterest, WooCommerce 6.4, Blocks Roadmap and Downloads

A week of Woo with Pinterest partnership, now and the future with WooCommerce blocks, and a new layer of security for downloads.
A Bit of Commentary