“If you really loved me you would buy me this record….”

February 6th, 2009


Is what I have said to him.
Yes it’s Valentine’s Day a week tomorrow and yes I am a sucker for novelty shaped items especially when they are made out of wax, but hot darn it this record is BAAAD!
Golden boy, Mark Ronson has been quoted in saying this record is “…f$&king good” and I would agree with him. Mayer Hawthorne is Stones Throw’s newest artist; he is young, white and equipped with a beautifully emotive and tender voice.
When I first heard this record I thought it was either a next level remix of an old soul record or perhaps a Mayfield, Hutson or Hancock production that I had never heard of. Turns out it was this jack of all trades twenty something geezer from Detroit who has written, played, recorded and sang on these tracks.
If I got one of these bad boys for Valentine ’s Day I would be one subservient, submissive and obedient wifey just give me a ickle record player and some headphones and you wouldn’t hear a peep.

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God Save the 45…

February 2nd, 2009

On the 31st march 2009 the 7-inch 45 rpm microgroove vinyl single will reach the grand old age of 60! We are continuing our homage to the 7” single by flagging up this neat lil online game from God Save the 45 all you need is your space bar and your arrows…

The 45 is in danger your job is to collect all the 45s in just 200 seconds whilst avoiding the patrolling record company executives. There are 24 records to collect over 4 levels.

To play go to the media section of the GOD SAVE THE 45 website.

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Happy Birthday to the beloved 7″

February 1st, 2009


On the 31st March 2009 the humble 45 RPM single vinyl disk celebrates its 60th birthday. First issued by RCA records in 1959 it initially came in different colours representing the various musical genres.

Seven-inch sales peaked in the UK in 1979, when a staggering 89 million of them were sold. Reissues of rare and classic Funk and Soul 45s account for a large proportion of the records being pressed today, as well as Rock and Indie bands still finding relevance in the beloved format.

To celebrate this momentous occasion we will be featuring a series of discussions, stories and personal accounts from record collectors and 45 enthusiasts.

To get us started Dave Moore from Hits Ville Soul Club, has kindly written the following personal account of his love affair with the glorious 45 and the music that he so passionately keeps alive especially for us here at mama HQ. Hits Ville is primarily a worldwide group of fans of Rare Northern Soul, whose aim is to celebrate the “lost” Soul music of 60s & 70s Black America and the people who created it.

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The vinyl 45. A lifelong love affair!

February 1st, 2009

As a young teenager in the 70s buying 45s was about the music only. You bought the latest rekkid and dashed home to play it. Of course nowadays when the latest purchase is in your hands it’s different scenario. Gently releasing it from it’s sleeve you inspect the latest treasure. And when I say inspect I mean INSPECT! The run in groove…free of any marks or defects. The grooves themselves, clean, no light scuffs or dust residue to remove? Then the label..no sticker marks, DJ writing or small tears? All good so far. Then the run out groove…clean and regular, deadwax markings all in order? Stamped or scratched? Pressing plant details? If all the boxes have been ticked then it’s time to drop the needle on it. And now it comes into it’s own.

The Technic 1200 is switched on, the lights light up and and the start button is pressed as the platter starts it’s silent revolution. You carefully place the needle on the edge groove of the disc refusing point blank to back cue the start and let the needle pick up it’s first rotation. The warm analogue sound resonates through the cartridge and tone-arm, making it’s way through the mixer and eventually explodes out of the peavy speakers. The creation started with a couple of guys banging out a basic melody on a run down old piano. Eventually they wrote the song up in charts, got their mate to put an arrangement together and eventually had what they thought was a hit! Into a studio after coercing a few other friends to play their instruments for a share of any profit and their 50 bucks fee and they’re actually doing it. They’re making music!

The studio engineer controls the knobs and sliders of the desk and after two or three takes he presents them with a tape of their efforts. Next stage is down to a mastering company where another engineer creates an acetate for them that they hawk round the local record companies enthusiastically telling everyone that will listen that it’s a hit! “Its a Hit!”

After going though this process half a dozen times they find a song, a group, a studio, an engineer, a label that gives them their long awaited shot at the big time and their names appear on that holy grail - the vinyl 45! They hawk it around the Radio stations because they know they need it on the airwaves! They send it to eveyone they think can promote it. Then…magically, they hear it on the radio! They excitedly tell all their friends to tune in! “We’re on the radio!”

A week later, it’s over. Their 15 minutes of fame was fleeting and snatched from them at the precipice. The record sells 30 copies in their little Mid Western town and the group themselves are the only people who remember it a month later.

But thousands of miles away a small group of music fans have heard this song and hunted it down. They’ve scoured the old distributor companies, they’ve called the old record company’s telephone number but to no avail. They’ve jumped on aeroplanes and scoured the local record Mom and Pop record shops and found a number of the copies. On returning home they hire halls to gather together to play these long forgotten masterpieces to each other. They eventually 40 years later track down the group and arrange for them to recreate the song live - ON STAGE! The group once again are in the spotlight. They arrive at the venue, rehearse and prepare for the performance of their lives. The ONLY performance that they’ve ever done! As they bounce on stage in front of a packed house they initially don’t understand the euphoria of the crowd. Then the music starts, the crowd sing along with the group, they know every single word of that little song from 40 years ago. They dance, they sing and they clap the group like welcoming home heroes. And that’s exactly what they’ve become. Just for the night. Just for that once in a lifetime performance that they thought would never happen. As they leave the stage, dreams are fulfilled. Not just the dreams of the group but the dream of the fans to see their heroes up there, recreating the soulful sounding backdrop to their lives.

And the vinyl 45? Well that is the conduit that makes it all possible. All the years of history contained in each one. Each one having completed its journey en route to you. Sure, it’s carries some battle scars. The odd pop, crackle and maybe even a skip every now and then. But it’s the real thing. The way the group intended it at the time. As you slip it back in it’s sleeve and carefully place it back on the shelf you step back and peruse the shelves themselves. Full of the same, all with similar tales, groaning under the weight of group’s histories. And you remember why you make the effort to keep them, all lined up ,like little soldiers, safe in their inner sleeves, all the multicolored labels turned upright, in label order.

And you wanna know why I collect vinyl records?

If I have to explain further you ain’t never gonna understand.



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The right idea…

January 31st, 2009


On Wednesday night this week I went to the Women In Music Tuned On Music Industry Seminar – hosted by Punch Records.
My neurons had been ignited that afternoon, as Cynthia the General Manager at Punch had phoned to say that Bobbie and I had been successful in getting some funding from the BASS 09 commission to put on an event in June. I will post more about this soon but in short the event we are planning will celebrate Women in Music and music rooted in Africa, using the opportunity to raise awareness and funds for three African women’s charities…

So I was fired up on the Women in Music issue that continues to be well verbalised on here!
The panellists speaking at the seminar were Galaxy DJ Sacha Brooks, top female Hip Hop DJ Sarah Love, Justice Williams Editor of Tru Life magazine and media mogul Reena Combo.
The seminar/discussion started bluntly with Justice Williams proclaiming sex sells! And the discussion getting wedged on the bleak realisation that the corporate music industry is dominated by male decision makers and women who choose the questionable root to quick success by getting their asses out. Promoting their looks sometimes more, and certainly as much as their voices. This made me think of how visual music is these days.

I play Soul, Funk, Latin and Afrobeat and for the most part I have no idea what the artists singing my records look like and I don’t care, but that is not to say that the identity of the artists is unimportant, it is greatly important, just as their values, the message of their music and their remarkable talent. The discussion seemed to conclude that if you are in it to make money then you should be prepared to sell yourself.

Women in the music industry have the power to promote themselves as influential, compelling and resilient. We also have the power of choice; we can stop choosing to support music that promotes women as accessories, just like the chain, the watch and the car.
In short music is a blessing and we should all lead by example.

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Crate Diggers Essentials…

January 18th, 2009

I am going to Amsterdam shortly with my Boy-fly and am planning a light dig in some local wax retailers; Distortion, Concerto and Outland Records. To be honest I am of the age where “crate digging” using the correct definition - actually traveling  to record stores and spending hours sifting through piles of (apparently dusty) crates to find rare and intersting 45s, is someting I have had limited experience of. I mostly tend to buy my records online -Intercrate digging as I would call it, where you go to your normal sights your EBay, your CD & LP, your GEMM, your Jazzman, for a convenient, swift and hopefully cheap way to get your wants list.

The problems that you find with buying your vinyl from the WWW can be a lack of audio clips, or audio clips that miss out the middle 8. I have bought many a disco record that has contained dubious middle 8s with far too many synthesizers, strings or plinkey keyboard solos. Ropey grading can also be a problem you buy a NM and get a VG-.

Crate Digging is obviously what folks did pre-Internet, this sport takes much more of a dogged persistence and some serious dealer knowledge. I think you’re much more likely to buy by labels, going on instinct and buying records that are out of your comfort zone.

Obviously both ways of buying your records could end you up with Turkeys, but it’s the thrill of the chase that always brings you back and those occasions where you find an absolute blinder for absolute chips.

My diggers essentials are;

A sound burger, a cool little record sack a good set of headphones and of course shed loads of cash.

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Novelty record boxes for your 45s

January 13th, 2009


Thought that I would share this with you, it is a record box that I bought from Ebay a few months ago for about 15 slippers. It isn’t the most practical of boxes because it is made out of shiny cardboard with a plastic lid and handle, but it features my homeboy & girl - Mickey and Minnie Mouse. I have a penchant for this kind of novelty tat but I am not alone, I am in the good company of Mr. Jazzman who collects 60’s 45 boxes and 45 adapters. It seems that collecting records is not enough for some of us… If record boxes are your thang then you might want to check out King G Box Company from NYC, King G specialises in bespoke wooden record boxes for your 7″s, you just need to have a couple of your fav 45s beat up enough to go on the side of the box for that completely original style.

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Tune on to FREE seminars from Punch and free musings from me…

January 9th, 2009

Here is some information that Ammo from Punch records sent through to MAMA HQ this morning. Punch have curated a series of FREE seminars discussing various facets of the music industry. These seminars should be mightly helpful for performers, DJs, promoters, artists, musicians and programmers and run throughout January to April 09 at The Symphony Hall on Broad Street in Birmingham. The first seminar is a subject close to the hearts of the MAMA FEEL GOOD! she-jays, it is in-titled Women in the Arts…

Seminar 1 Wednesday 28 January 2009 6pm – 8.30pm Our panel of some of the key female players in the industry discuss if female musicians can ‘make it’ without make up and revealing clothes, why women are still under-represented in some areas in the arts sector, what these roles are and how can women become better represented. Confirmed speakers include Sarah Love, Sasha Brooks, Reena Combo & Justice Williams

MFG! pride themselves on promoting women in music and have worked with some of the best female Soul and Funk DJanes from the UK DJ Amma came and played with us at The Yardbird and we played with Nia Saw at The Powder Room in Barcelona. At Drop Beats Not Bombs we hosted on an all female line up with no less than 6 ladies on the decks, with the night featuring Birmingham’s best export Isis aka DJ Nubian Soul playing a contagious mix of Afrobeat, Neo Soul, Nu Jazz, Broken Beats, Rare Groove and  Soulful House.

Bobbie has spoken about this topic on here before specifically the highs and lows on being such a rare species and the lack of equality in the industry. The female DJ can take on many forms from Northern Soul she-jays that can sometimes be mistaken for friendly moms (just as their male counterparts can be mistaken for grumpy dads) to the extremes of German House DJanes who obviously don’t get paid very well because they seem to play records without covering up their mammary feel goods.


The other seminars will look at Live Performance, Digital Dialogues and Music Moguls. If you would like to attend any of the seminars make sure you register your free place by emailing
E: sophie@punch-records.co.uk clearly stating your name, address, telephone number and the title of the seminar you wish to attend. For more information please call Punch on 0121 224 774 or visit the website

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Happy Birthday Blue Note Records!

January 7th, 2009


Blue Note Records celebrates its 70th birthday this week. The label was born on January 6, 1939 when a young jazz fan named Alfred Lion recorded two of his favorite boogie-woogie pianists at a New York studio. That first session (Albert Ammons and Meade Lux Lewis - The First Day) proved to be the start of an illustrious history that continues to this day.
Over the course of its seven decades in business, Blue Note has recorded virtually every major figure in modern jazz, from pioneers like Thelonious Monk and John Coltrane to contemporary masters like Wynton Marsalis and Joe Lovano.
On January 13, Blue Note Records will commemorate the label’s 70th anniversary with the release of Mosaic: A Celebration of Blue Note Records, an eight-song collection of classic Blue Note repertoire re-envisioned by The Blue Note 7, an all-star septet comprising pianist, musical director, and current Blue Note recording artist Bill Charlap with trumpeter Nicholas Payton, tenor saxophonist Ravi Coltrane, alto saxophonist/flutist Steve Wilson, guitarist Peter Bernstein, bassist Peter Washington and drummer Lewis Nash.

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Ohio Players founder Robert Ward RIP

January 7th, 2009


The Ohio Players founder Robert Ward passed away on Christmas Day at his home in Georgia. He was 70. Ward, a noteworthy blues guitarist, is credited with forming the Ohio Untouchables, who later changed their name to the Ohio Players after Ward left the band in 1965. Without Ward, the group went on to become one of the biggest funk-soul bands of the ’70s, penning hits like “Love Rollercoaster” and “Fire.” Ward, who had some hits of his own like “I Found A Love” with the Untouchables roster, pursued a solo career that spawned four solo albums and a stint as a Motown Records session musician.

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Domestic Santa 45

December 27th, 2008

Ms. Santa 45 displayed domestic prowress with her carrot cake baking skills a few weeks back. The mfg! team decided on a bake off, and what did Bobbalin’ Elfski bring to the table? Nuttin but a hangover and self-pitying tales.

Here are some pics of Santa 45 adoning what looks like a Mighty Boosh pinny, but maybe it isn’t. I’d like to think it is though.

So a new year is approaching and with that new adventures I hope. mfg! is without a home at the moment - for reasons I shall not disclose but I am sure we shall find a new one. I am definitely up for more gigs abroad credit crunch prevailing… Gulp!

Have yourself a wicked NYE wherever you may be! Peace, love, forgiveness and naughtiness ;-)

Bobbalin’ Hotski

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A soulful Christmas soundtrack from Santa 45

December 19th, 2008

It was the mama feel good! Christmas party last night at rhubarb radio, unfortunately little Bobbalin’ Elf was too busy wrapping my Christmas gifts to attend so I had to do it by myself. I had been out that day and panic bought some Christmas soul 45s, which turned out to be mighty fine… so here is my suggested sound track to your Christmas chores…Enjoy xxx


Funk, Hearing, Jazz, Latin, Misc, Music, Northern, Soul | No Comments | Trackback

Timber’s You Tube Soul Channel

December 18th, 2008

The Lean Mean Fat Reducing Bboying Machine otherwise known as The Fresh Prince of Belfast has got his own You Tube channel dedicated to…Soul Soul Soul!!!

This is my channel dedicated to soul music, I was born in 1982, grew up in Belfast, moved to Manchester in 2001 and in 2008 I moved to Barcelona.
Music is my main passion in life, I love all types of music (mostly from 60´s-70´s) - Soul, Funk, Salsa, Latin, Reggae…this channel is dedicated to bringing you the finest mellow grooves.

Timber normally finds himself playing heavy Disco, Funk, Soul and Rock breaks and samples at breakin jams all over Europe, so this is a nice little glimpse into his more soulful side, make sure you subscribe to receive regular updates. HIIGGHHHHHHHHH FFIVVVVVVEEEEEEEE!

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Merry Christmas from MFG!

December 17th, 2008


Dearest Aunty and Uncle blog reader, 

I am sorry that we have not written to thank you for the gifts that you got us last year. Bobbie and I have been terribly busy this year playing records for folks in such interesting places as Ireland, Poland, (Poland again), Edinburgh, Birmingham, Northampton, Somerset and Barcelona… Thank you for keeping in touch, we promise to put more free mixes up soon and to write witty and funny posts about shiny and interesting things to keep you amused and reading. We also pledge to find an exciting venue in London to do regular MFGs at and even though we find ourselves in these difficult financial circumstances we will continue to keep the independent record vendor in business by buying lots of wax. In 2009 we will be  playing records on our fortnightly Rhubarb Radio show which incidentally is on this Thursday from 6pm-8pm and we promise to not talk too much or try to write ropey links.

So Merry Christmas,

With lots of love 

Amy &  Bobbie xxx

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MAMA ain’t raising no fool

December 15th, 2008

If I were to get myself impregnated and then cultivate said organism in my womb for the correct gestation period, once the life form was harvested I would want to adorn it in these bad boy garments

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“Soul Santa” by JBX on Daptone Records

December 15th, 2008

Thanks to Bobbalin’ Elf for this heads up…check this enchanting and delectable Christmas mix on Daptone Records by Big City Records co-owner Jared Boxx.

Big  City Records is one of NYC’s top used vinyl record stores specializing in Jazz, Soul, Latin, Funk, Hip Hop, 45’s & LP’s, also carrying various new releases. For mo info and a track listing check the site…

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The Supreme Spinners

December 8th, 2008

Exculsive middle adapter range as used by DJs and sound systems for playing 7” vinyl. On sale from www.45central.co.uk  for £8 a pop or from your nearest outlet… www.jibberingrecords.co.uk has em. I had a pair of these sexy domes that I was thinking about getting engraved with “Don’t feel  up MAMA’s goods – get your own” but some twat nicked one and I have a solitary one left and like everything they are better as a pair.



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MAMA FEEL GOOD! All the way live…

December 3rd, 2008

Tune into the MAMA FEEL GOOD! fortnightly radio show on www.rhubarbradio.com on Thursday’s from 6pm-8pm.

A first for Birmingham, Rhubarb Radio is based at Digbeth’s Custard Factory, and is run entirely by Birmingham-based volunteers, all of which have backgrounds in the arts and multimedia.

The MAMA FEEL GOOD! radio show is a celebration of soulful black music a fun, honest, down to earth show that aims to be informative and musically enlightening.

The show is fortnightly streamed live from the website or you can listen to previous shows by clicking on SCHEDULE and again on THURSDAY

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mama feel good this October!

September 19th, 2008

We’re back with the first mfg! party of autumn. Loads of treats, rare funk - (we scavenge and hunt every dusty crate for your listening pleasure!), 5 hours of soulful, driving music! Don’t miss it!

Music Policy: Funk, Soul, Northern Soul, Afrobeat and Latin.

mama feel good!
Saturday 25th October
Bulls Head, Moseley Birmingham
£3 in

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mama feel good on the med….

August 3rd, 2008

barcelona-powder-roomsOn Friday the 1st August the mamas flew to Barcelona for a week of sun, sea and soul records. Roger C from Sunday Joint had hooked us up with three gigs over the week…

THE SATURDAY JOINT BEACH PARTY, LASAL, Arenys de Mar on Saturday 2nd August

This is a gorgeous bar on the beach, with a chilled vibe and a focus on eating. DJs on the menu were Roger C (Sunday Joint), Roger plays a nice mix of dancefloor jazz, boogaloo and new funk releases on Freestyle, MPM, Kay-Dee, Daptone and Unique to name a few. His flavors are a hit with most dance floors and he has been promoting and DJaying for many moons. He has played with the likes of Sharon Jones and The Dapkings, Sweet Vandals and The Bamboos. We have hosted Roger in the UK before and I played with him in Barcelona last year at Diobar and at The New Cheese Records Beach party with DJ Gruyere. Also on the bill was The True Jazz Child he was playing a relaxed mix of Nu and old Jazz, rare groove and Soul which set an ambient and super fly feel to proceedings.

MAMA FEEL GOOD! DJ set @ THE SUNDAY JOINT, LOCAL BAR, Born, Barcelona… Sunday 3rd August

After a lie in and a café con leche Bobbie and I spent the day moving into our new apartment and checking out Raval. Our apartment was pretty and had a roof terrace with views all over the city. We were playing at Roger’s night - The Sunday Joint, in Born in the evening, so got ourselves some food and headed over. Roger was playing a projection of some blaxploitation movies and Bobbie and I were fixated with Pam Grier in Foxy Brown. WOWZA. The mighty Irish breakdancing-DJ - Timber came down and showed off some well crafted footwork and Salsa moves which kept us both amused with his HIGH- high fives and was a helpful distraction to the lack of punters.


Woooooooooo this gig was AMAZING. I was so nervous as I have been going to the Powder Rooms for a few years to see Keb as he holds a residency there and have always held it in high regard as the best venue for funk and soul in Europe. It is an amazing venue; it feels like a proper old school northern soul venue with wooden floors and little booths at the side for you to get your drink on. We were supporting Charles Walker and The Dynamites who are awesome live and Bobbie and I both play their releases on Dunham. Charles Walker’s ballades – Phenomenal – all bodily hair stands on end and you get the shivers! Proper soulful! The gorgeous Nia Saw played after us, she holds a residency with Keb at Madam Jo Jo’s her tunes were right up my street with femme fatal vocals from the likes of Sharon Jones and Ann Sexton.

Everything about this gig was wicked; the punters, Fran (the promoter), the sound system…

Can’t wait to go back Fran has pencilled us in so watch this space!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Big shout out to Timber for his hospitality and to Roger for hosting us at the Sunday & Saturday Joint!

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