Building a Global WooCommerce Community

Connecting the global community of WooCommerce product and site builders, developers, freelancers and agencies, to share their story and learn from each other.

Latest Episode

Do the Woo Podcast Episode 314

Supporting WooCommerce Communities in Bangladesh – Part 1

Abha Thakor is joined by two guests from the WooCommerce community to share their stories of learning and working in the global ecosystem.

Thanks to our Pod Friends for their support

Weekly Bits of WooCommerce

AI Text, Art, and Code with Guest Co-Host Mark Westguard

I chat with Mark Westguard from WS Form about how we have both used AI with content, art and even WordPress. With some added thoughts of AI and WooCommerce.
Do the Woo Podcast Guest Host Mark Westguard Episode 312

Woo_Builder Blog

Looking at Code as Words

Looking at Code as Words

The hurdle is getting past looking at code and saying, "Oh, this is code. I can't understand it." You're not looking at zeros and ones, you're looking at words you can understand.
Finding Team Members to Fit Your Companies Culture

Finding Team Members to Fit Your Companies Culture

Marius Vetrici has built a process to bring in new employees that are drawn to fit his companies values, and to grow with them as a team member.
95% of websites have an issue with color contrast

95% of Websites Have an Issue with Color Contrast

Even just by getting your color contrast right, which is very easy, anyone can do it. You just use a contrast checker.

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