<Search & Discovery Platform/>

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Search experiences powered daily

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Search As You Think

Build on the world's only API-first Hybrid Search Engine.

Speed at scale



Platform overview

17K queries per second

during Black Friday


>1.3 million records

processed for customers every week


<10 millisecond API response time

across 90+ million SKUs


Powerful, flexible, scalable digital
experiences for your business

SaaS Application Search

Site Search

Digital Content Discovery

Enterprise & Workplace Search

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Site Search image
Digital Content Discovery image
Enterprise image

SaaS Application Search

Site Search

Digital Content Discovery

Enterprise & Workplace Search

See all industries & use cases

17,000+ global customers use Algolia

decathlon quote image
decathlon logo

After implementing search personalization, Decathlon’s team saw a 36% increase in click-through rate and 50% increase in conversion rate.

Richard Migette

E-commerce Project Leader @Decathlon Singapore

Case study
nbcu quote image
nbcu logo

Algolia offered everything we needed, right out of the box. As NBC continues to shape the AVOD market, Algolia has helped us continue to provide the premium, high quality entertainment that viewers expect, with zero interruption.

Chris Elm

VP of Technology @NBC Universal

Case study
gymshark quote image
gymshark logo

Algolia’s AI-based merchandising capabilities were used to promote best-selling products based on each individual search query, which has resulted in an estimated extra £2 million per year in sales.

Ben Pusey

Former Software Product Owner @Gymshark

Case study
coop quote image
coop logo

With a simple implementation we’ve been able to get very good results. Dynamic Re-Ranking has been a big part of our growth. That has been a massive benefit for us time as we don’t have to manually add rules while providing a positive customer experience.

Gareth Cotiss

E-commerce Development Manager @Co-Op

Case study
harry-rosen quote image
harry-rosen logo

After deploying Algolia, there’s less reliance on developer intervention to do everything that the business wants to do, and what the business is actually capable of doing is way beyond what they thought was possible in the old world.

Tovi Heilbronn

Director of Digital Product & Experience @Harry Rosen

Case study

An Enterprise-grade platform you can trust

Algolia is the leader in globally scalable, secure, digital search and discovery experiences that are ultrafast and reliable.

Fast & flexible

10,000+ servers globally

Future proof

99.999% SLA for enterprise customers


API uptime

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99.99% SLA

for Enterprise SLA

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382% ROI

Forrester TEI report

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5M+ developers on the platform

The Composable Platform, Created for Builders

The most powerful and easy to use APIs to build leading digital experiences.


Code Exchange
