Currently working on a game, I'm in need of the NBA community's expertise to give each player their correct stats and skill with objectivity.
Here's the link to the Google Form :
83 players have been carefully selected (no pre-90s legends for now) and will appear in alphabetical order.
Feel free to skip some of them if you want to focus on your favorite ones, but it's actually super fun to remember all those players and rate their skill !
Thanks to everyone who will participate and help me. And feel free to share it with all the NBA fans and experts around you !
This sub provided a valuable service during a time of crisis at r/nbadiscussion, and for that I shall be forever grateful. But that crisis has long since passed, so in the present day is there any point in retaining that separation?
I would argue no. The rules for the subs are very similar, if not verbatim then at very least in spirit, and I haven't noticed any practical difference in their application. The hardworking mod teams have substantial overlap. Nor has there been, in my view, a point of difference in the types and topics of submissions.
All that remains is volume. Talk is a tenth of the size of Discussion, and no-one has posted here for a month in the middle of the season. Before that we were getting one post a week, maximum.
So I throw it open to the mods and few remainiing active users: is it time to rejoin the fold? Or if not, how can we revive/improve into something new and distinct?