Wonkette Weekend Chat: We Have To Talk About Tyre Nichols

We wish we didn't have to discuss Tyre Nichols. We wish he was still alive, but he's not. It's been almost three years since George Floyd's murder, and the police killings continue while the police budgets grow.

The problem, of course, isn't how much we fund the police but how they're trained, though it is unpleasant to consider how much in overtime cops will earn covering the protests over Nichol's killing.

This week's chat starts at 12 p.m. Pacific/3 p.m. Eastern. Like, share, subscribe, pitch us some dollars for doughnuts on Patreon. Stay safe.


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BREAKING: The Absolutely FILTHY Investigation Into The Trump Russia Investigation Filthier Than We Ever Knew!

BREAKING: John Durham and Bill Barr are some of the corruptest sumbitches ever to wander the streets of DC. Must credit Wonkette!

LOL, and also holy shit! The New York Times has a story (Wonkette gift link) on the brazen corruption baked in to the appointment of Special Counsel John Durham to INVESTIGATE THE INVESTIGATORS and browned to crispy, golden perfection as the two tried every which way to prove that the inquiry into the Trump campaign's ties to Russia was somehow inappropriate and illegal.

"[T]he main thrust of the Durham inquiry was marked by some of the very same flaws — including a strained justification for opening it and its role in fueling partisan conspiracy theories that would never be charged in court — that Trump allies claim characterized the Russia investigation," writes the New York Times, in what has to be the understatement of the year. In fact, the Durham investigation was an uncanny mirror of every corrupt thing Trump and his allies accused the FBI of doing. Because if there's one thing we've learned in the past seven years, it's that every single Trump accusation is a confession — or at least an announcement of crimes they intend to commit real soon.

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Civil Rights Lawyer Ben Crump Might Take Ron DeSantis To AP 'Sue Your Ass' Class Over Black History Course

Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis is getting significant pushback for his administration's rejection last week of an Advanced Placement course in African American studies. Yesterday, African American state lawmakers, educators, and others rallied in the Florida Capitol in Tallahassee to call for the AP course to be offered in Florida high schools. Civil rights attorney Benjamin Crump said at the rally that if DeSantis refuses to make the class available, Crump will sue the state on the behalf of three high school honors students from Leon County who want to take the course.

“If the governor allows the College Board to present AP African American studies in classrooms across the state of Florida, then we will feel no need to file this historic lawsuit,” Crump told reporters at the Capitol. “However, if he rejects the free flow of ideas and suppresses African American studies, then we’re prepared to take this controversy all the way to the United States Supreme Court.”

It's just the latest effort to fight back against DeSantis's ongoing agenda of using culture war issues to build rightwing support nationwide as he plans a likely 2024 presidential run. DeSantis has claimed that the AP course, currently being taught as a pilot before being rolled out nationwide, is tainted by unnecessary political elements like queer theory, because no Black people have ever been LGBTQ as long as you exclude Audre Lorde, James Baldwin, Bayard Rustin, and others who were not Martin Luther King, the only Black leader DeSantis pretends to admire.

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Are You Dying From The COVID-19 Vaccine? Sure, We All Are.

The anti-COVID-19 vaccine "documentary" Died Suddenly features a clip of Austrian Broadcasting Corporation reporter Rosa Lyon collapsing on live TV. She was apparently yet another victim of that deadly vaccine. Dr. Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, and Hitler's cousin's nephew say the vaccine is safe, but what they can’t deny is that everyone who's been vaccinated will eventually die.

An Instagram user shared the clip with the dire warning, "THEY'RE DROPPING LIKE FLIES." Another user claimed that the video proved Lyon had suffered from “VAIDS,” short for “vaccine acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.”That sounds scary, but fortunately, "VAIDS" is not a real condition. It's more like the "Boogie Woogie Flu," but not as catchy.

Lyon is still alive. She just fainted. Also, the video was from 2019, which is two years before they approved the COVID-19 vaccine, a modern miracle this confederacy of dunces has rejected.

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Wonkette Weekend Chat: We Have To Talk About Tyre Nichols

Another victim, another hashtag.

We wish we didn't have to discuss Tyre Nichols. We wish he was still alive, but he's not. It's been almost three years since George Floyd's murder, and the police killings continue while the police budgets grow.

The problem, of course, isn't how much we fund the police but how they're trained, though it is unpleasant to consider how much in overtime cops will earn covering the protests over Nichol's killing.

This week's chat starts at 12 p.m. Pacific/3 p.m. Eastern. Like, share, subscribe, pitch us some dollars for doughnuts on Patreon. Stay safe.


Follow Stephen Robinson on Twitter if it still exists.

Subscribe to the Wonkette YouTube Channel for nifty video content!

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Utah Gov. Bans Life-Saving Care For Trans Youth Upon Advice Of Non-Existent 'Experts'

Because surely it was so pleasant there prior to this.

Utah Governor Spencer Cox signed a couple of terrible bills on Saturday. The first will create a massive school voucher system, and the second is so truly crappy that no one is even talking about that.

Because the second bill Cox signed will outlaw life-saving gender-affirming care for trans youths.

While signing the bill, Governor Cox noted that it was a "terribly divisive issue" while adding that “experts, states and countries around the world are pausing these permanent and life-altering treatments.” The latter, of course, is explicitly untrue on a number of levels. Every possible relevant medical association has issued statements supporting gender-affirming care as the standard of care for trans youths — so no, "experts" are not pausing these treatments.

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Wonkette Movie Night: Bringing Up Baby

I can't give you anything but love, baby ...

Available for free on the Internet Archives. On HBO Max and for $2.99 in the usual places. Enjoy!


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