Category Archives: Uncategorized

With Alfredo Cospito

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The solutions are already here with Peter Gelderloos: A podcast

Follow the link below to an excellent discussion around Peter Gelderloos’ essay, The Solutions are Already Here. Peter Gelderloos joins us again to discuss his recent book “The Solutions are Already Here: Strategies for Ecological Revolution from Below”. The conversation … Continue reading

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No one will be left alone

From the Anarchist Black Cross Belarus (28/05/2022) … It’s been almost two years since the 2020 protests in Belarus. The anarchist movement, just like the rest of activists and jounalists, has faced the biggest crackdown ever. Many activists had to … Continue reading

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Simone Weil: the Iliad is the purest and the loveliest of mirrors

Perhaps all men, by the very act of being born, are destined to suffer violence; yet this is a truth to which circumstance shuts men’s eyes. The strong are, as a matter of fact, never absolutely strong, nor are the … Continue reading

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War in Ukraine: Ten Lessons from Syria

From the CrimethInc. collective (07/03/2022) … Syrian Exiles on How Their Experience Can Inform Resistance to the Invasion In March 2011, protests broke out in Syria against the dictator Bashar al-Assad. Assad turned the full power of the military against … Continue reading

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Who are “we”, who rebel?

What follows is a translation of an essay on subjectivity and rebellion in the context of capitalism by Martín Colonel, inspired by the work of León Rozitchner and published on the site Lobo Suelto, preceded by a brief introduction. …

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For Horacio González (1944-2021)

Political affinities very often transgress ideological borders; indeed, if they did not, politics would be far poorer, if not dead. Politics is the gathering together of singularities for collective life, in dissension. This post is in memory of the intellectual … Continue reading

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The Paris Commune: Walt Whitman

To a Foil’d European Revolutionaire Courage yet, my brother or my sister!Keep on—Liberty is to be subserv’d whatever occurs;That is nothing that is quell’d by one or two failures, or any number of failures,Or by the indifference or ingratitude of … Continue reading

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The Paris Commune

To arrive at the unknown through the disordering of all the senses, that’s the point. Arthur Rimbaud We share the words and sentiment of Mitchel Abidor, when he writes that the “Paris Commune of 1871 has been a blank screen … Continue reading

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Remembering-living the Paris Commune

The 150th Anniversary of the Paris Commune: A Call from the Gilets Jaunes of Montreuil (From 24/02/2020; lundi matin #277, 01/03/2021) The 18th of March, 2021, long live the Commune, and long live the Gilets Jaunes/Yellow Vests!! On November 17, … Continue reading

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