Friday, January 20, 2023

Purepop Set Sale and 48hr Mini Auction -Sunday 22nd January 2023


Hi all

The new Purepop set sale and mini auction goes live at 10pm GMT on Sunday 22nd January.

The list with pics and sound clips will be launched here PUREPOP set sale and mini auction

The list also goes out by email to those on my list

Thanks and good luck


Sunday, November 13, 2022

Den Bosch Record Fair November 2022 - Day 4: Sunday

 I was glad to have stuck around on Sunday as I made some great deals, often knocking off 50% on many items I was looking at over previous days

Perhaps the icing on the cake is The Emeralds - UK copies were housed in Dutch printed sleeve, such a cracker I only discovered a few months ago

Some other nice titles at reasonable prices

And yet more spares for my next list

So all in all, I think Den Bosch is making good sense. Things are different, so many of the old dealers and no longer present. 2 years of COVID and the change of location has meant that many old favourites have jumped ship. However there is some promising flesh blood, so it's all looking good for the future

Bring on April then!

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Den Bosch Record Fair November 2022: Day 3 Saturday


Today, picked up a few singles, then got a lift for a furtive glance to check what was going on at The Collector/Antique fair at the old Jaarbeurs location.

Although there is a dedicated area for records/CDs, there were no more than 5-6 dealers, I still managed to pick up that elusive 2nd Belfast Gypsies EP at a bargain price

A good score at Den Bosch were these really clean Tages singles. The sleeves are usually in rough condition as the paper is very fragile.

along with some US titles.

Tomorrow I will be back at the Den Bosch fair, to make a few offers on some singles I had my eye on, then train-plane-home with my aged cheese and records

Friday, November 11, 2022

Den Bosch Record Fair November 2022 Day 2: Friday

Looks just like Jaarbeurs at 7am!

A pretty good day, no mind-blowing finds, but a fine and varied collection.

It started with a bit of Bootboy merriment

Then picked up some nice 60s stuff...Didn't know The Buffaloes

Perhaps the best find was this Tony Brook and The Breakers single, pretty wild stuff for 64


Some more 60s singles. Love that Kink's  Party Line and the Johnny Kid (without patch) is also from Norway. The Portuguese Renegades features Thirteen Women.  Got a nice upgrade on the Randy Fuller

....and finished off with a bit of Glam, mostly spares for my next list

The Den Bosch fair is just under a 30 minute walk from the City centre, so did 20.000 steps today and I now feel at least 14,000 of them. Had my eye on a few more singles, and still  more to wade through tomorrow

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Den Bosch Record Fair November 2022 - Day 1: Arrival and Outdoor Utrecht Fair

 So here we go again, now for the 2nd time of the "Utrecht" fair is at its new location in Den Bosch.

Stopped off at Utrecht for the outdoor fair. There seems to have been a change, several of the regular dealers (those with the more interesting singles) seem to have given up. Some hearsay of disagreements with the organisers...

So it was mainly cheap/overstock LPs and 1 euro singles which seemed to be on display here on the way to landfill

However I found the Sheephouse single with the rare Danish sleeve. Basically a few UK copies found their way to Denmark and a sleeve was produced locally. I had been after the sleeve for 15 years, so a nice surprise. Such a cracker with/without the sleeve

Last April, following the first visit to Den Bosch, I felt the jury was still out about the new location. Since the cancellations due to COVID and the full implementation of Brexit (hardly any UK dealers anymore) things are certainly different. Will report back each day

Friday, October 28, 2022

Purepop Set Sale and Mini Auction goes live on Sunday 30th October 2022 at 10am GMT


Hi all

The list go out by email on Sunday October 30th at 10pm GMT, but it will also go live here on my Purepop Sale Blog at the same time

Monday, October 24, 2022

Kevin Buckingham – Take Me Back - Obscure Aussie Chugger (70s)

Kevin Buckingham – Paradise/Take Me Back – MA 7218- Self Release (AUS  70s)

Here’s a totally obscure Aussie release that was worth uncovering. First thoughts it sounds Welsh, well it’s got that Dave Edmunds chug doing on as well as a melodic Glam overlay reminding of another Welsh combo, The James Hogg Band (Everybody Smile).  Albatross’s Rock and Roll Boogie Man also come to mind. 

Although it has low production values, the performance really cooks and features not 1, nor 2, but 3 lead breaks!

Update: Kevin Buckingham was the guitarist for Melbourne-based band Dave and the Derros.

The A side is pleasant 70s Pop, a bit like a rural Pilot.

Kevin – where are you and do you have a better condition copy?

Hear a full version of Take Me Back

Friday, August 26, 2022

Han Shake – It’s Revolting - Unreleased Glam Era Acetate

 Han Shake – It’s Revolting – Pye Acetate  (UK 1971/72?)

With a title like It’s Revolting, you probably expect a no holds barred Proto Punk venom spewing Trasher, but  in fact you get something quite different. Han Shake (who him/they?) serve(s) up a breezy, catchy but driving ditty. Kind of like McGuiness Flint meets Badfinger with a touch burgeoning Glam. You can easily imagine the same tune in full raucous Junkshop trappings, instead of its stripped back low-key delivery. No idea at all who this could be, but it sounds like it belongs in 1971/72. The answers might be out there…

Hear a Full version of It’s Revolting

Sunday, April 10, 2022

A return to Utrecht April 2022...

So today I returned to the Jaarbeurs in Utrecht instead of a 3rd day at the Den Bosch fair. Utrecht is half way between Den Bosch and the airport, so made a stop over for old time sake

In truth I had rumours that there would be some records as part of the general collector fair. I was even told that one dealer had 100.000 record on show

Well that was true on both counts. One area of the fair was taken over by a gated area where there were at least 100K records. However the whole approach was more like a supermarket/ prison, the staff all wore the same branded tops and what about the records?  Well...

I spent about 20 minutes going through the alphabetised singles, went from W to S and found ZILCH

It was mainly 80s stuff, totally over-priced and crap that should be destined to landfill

Leaving the area in disgust, I then stumbled upon 3-4 dealers scattered around the main hall and found some nice stuff

Of particular note is The Riats. How did a Dutch band n 1967 end up recording 2 Velvet Underground tunes from the first album.


 Although I missed the emotional and social buzz of Utrecht fair when  I was at Den Bosch, I will reserve judgement in term of its merit and how special it might become. Change is never easy, so let's see what happens in November

Saturday, April 09, 2022

Den Bosch Record fair April 2022 - Day 2 (Saturday)


The fair got pretty busy on the first day open to the public, but I had 3 hours before the masses descended on proceedings. As mentioned the new location makes the fair feel roomier, but it feels a bit weird. At Utrecht you knew instinctively where every regular dealer stalled out, now we start again from scratch.

Some nice finds today all nicely priced. Top of the bunch might be The Danish Koobas with the exclusive B side. The Searchers EP is a UK issue and a real tough one to find.

Again some nice US 60s stuff and The Bootles in its Swedish pic sleeve on blue vinyl is a real charmer


 Tomorrow it looks like I am going for a different yet potentially familiar experience…

Friday, April 08, 2022

Den Bosch Record fair April 2022 - Day 1


Due to the COVID organisational mayhem that took place last November, the Utrecht record fair is no more, but has been reborn in 's-Hertogenbosch (Den Bosch)

If anything, It could even be bigger now with 500+ dealers on show with the fair taking places across 3 halls, it definitely feels roomier. However due to Brexit and new EU VAT requirements most UK, Japanese and some US dealers are no longer present. 


Utrecht was a special experience that went beyond just buying records, it had become one constant source of joy these last 20 years (for me). It is too early to say if the move has been truly successful, there is a long heritage and so many memories which were synonymous with Utrecht…well, change is always good they say…

Back to the records. 

Quite a good day 1. No top monsters, but a fine array of 60s stuff with a high percentage of US

One new discovery was this single by The Weeds (not the same band as the pre -Lollipop Shoppe ones). A  great moody single that sounds rather relevant today…


 Tomorrow is the first open to the  public day – stay tuned for more then

Saturday, April 02, 2022

The Dream – Still Alive – Dutch Proto Punk (1971)


The Dream – Can You Hear Me Howlin’/ Still Alive – Pink Elephant PE 22.550 H (NL 1971)

The Dream from Tiel (NL) were an outgrowth of Psych band Mother’s Love – who released an album and 2 singles on Havoc (1967). As The Dream they recorded 3 singles, with Can You Hear Me Howlin’ being their last effort. Although their other singles were at least commendable, this B side is really something else. The performance cuts and spews over it’s sublime 1:07 length. While others are getting high and eating chocolate bars, they proclaim living on speed and energy which partly explains all the spouting Jagger snottiness and power feedbacked guitars. It’s an amazing tour de force that stands out from the patchouli scented Dutch underground and meandering flutes

Note: This is the single version, other clips on Youtube seem to be from later compilations which include a longer drum intro which detracts from this succinct and more focused effort

Hear a full version of Still Alive

Friday, January 07, 2022

Advance Warning of Purepop Set Sale and Auction - Sunday 9th January


Hi all

Here is the advance warning for the Purepop set sale list being sent out by email Sunday Jan 9th at 10pm GMT (UK time). I have also created a dedicated blog for this here: Purepop Set Sale and mini auction

The warning email has already been sent to previous recipients. If you haven’t received the warning email or which to be included please let me know

This is how the list is made up:

Part 1: Mini 48hr auction of 6 records

Part 2: 60s Freakbeat, Garage, Beat and Psych

Part 3: Junkshop Glam, 70s obscurities, Punk

Part 4: Heavy Psych, Bonehead, Hard Rock and Proto Metal

Again, it's first come, first served with the lists emailed Sunday 9th January at 10pm (GMT), 11pm (CET), 5pm (EST), 2pm (PST), and 9am (Monday) Sydney NSW

I am also listing 6 records as a mini 48 hour auction. For these 6 records please send an email with your maximum bid and I will let the winners know after 48 hours

The list goes out as an email  PDF attachment, please check you are able to open PDF documents.

NEW: This year at 10pm GMT I will publish the full list with pics sound clips and prices here  Purepop Set Sale and mini auction

Publishing the full list with sound clips, prices and details on this blog will ensure that everyone has access at the same time as there can be delays in emails being received

Important: Only communicate/claim via email.  I will not accept requests via Facebook messenger, What's app etc…This is to make it a level playing field as much as possible

Until Sunday then...

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Utrecht Record Fair November 2021 - The furtive fair

 What a few days this has been....

Finally home on Saturday night with my records and a nice cup of tea

As mentioned yesterday, the Utrecht record fair was cancelled before it could open to the general public on Saturday. Well many collectors had the 3 day pass meaning that most of the serious buying was done on Friday as per usual

But this November's fair was very different to the usual experience. I guess around 40% of the usual dealers weren't present this time. If you add Brexit to Covid it meant that at least 80% of UK dealers didn't come. It was not just dealers from across the divide, many Dutch, German and Belgian dealers didn't gamble and stall out although many were here as buyers...

Today I managed to get in around 9am. Many dealers had already left, but many more were open for business. 

Basically Jaarbeurs cancelled the fair a few hours before the Dutch government announced the lockdown. The fair could still have taken place on Saturday legally and it seems Jaarbeurs took the decision without consulting the organisers. I won't mention more, but  the implications of this could have major repercussions for the future

So today, I spent around 3 hours picking up some nice stuff, see below

I really hope this is not the end of the Utrecht Record Fair as a major international event, here's hoping that the Spring fair will take place...even if it is not in April

Friday, November 12, 2021

Utrecht Record Fair November 2021 - Dealer day - Fair cancelled


Predict the unpredictable...

Hosting the fair this November always carried a certain risk I was originally going to skip this fair and wait until next April, but in this day and age you have to grab any opportunity when it exists

So it is very sad to report that the fair is cancelled. All the dealers and organisers who have invested so much will all lose out in the end, but this is our reality as it is today

I am glad I came as I feel part of Utrecht experience for the good times and the bad.

So tomorrow (Saturday) dealers have to pack up and empty the halls without being able to sell to the general public

Anyhow I found some gems today, no real bargains, but top stuff at fair prices. Nice to get a perfect UK Don Crane's Downliners Sect and that Small Faces UK demo nearly made the trip worthwhile in itself oh and the Tony Jackson Group EP ain't too shabby either

I will report on what happens on a strange and sad Saturday

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Utrecht Record Fair November 2021 - the day before


Well it's been a long 2 years since the last Utrecht...That Bloody Elephant in the room got out and stamped all over the world causing havoc with every thud...

Anyway it's back...and from what I hear the Dutch Government might announce on Friday another lockdown, but I expect the fair will still be able to open its doors on Saturday

The outdoor Thursday market was back in its previous location by the station and I was surprised to find the Australian test/pre-release pressing of Peculiar Hole in the Sky along with other OZ stuff (and a DK issue of the Ravin' Blue)

Then I bumped into a connection at the hotel and got this nice bunch of US singles, with more to come from that source

Tomorrow it's dealer/set up day and I will be there nice and early

More news on that tomorrow!

Sunday, July 04, 2021

The Grapplers – Tonites The Nite/ Who Are They To You - Killer US POWERPOP/PUNK/GLAM

The Grapplers – Tonites The Nite/ Who Are They To You – Sonic Records (US 1980)

A while back I posted a review of the Starlust single that I had been after for years , now I can add an important appendix to the tale

Starlust were formed in 1974 and we part of the burgeoning New York scene that brought us the New York Dolls , Harlots of 42nd Street, Teenage Lust and The Ramones. Starlust were then replaced by  the Steve Starlust Band in 1977.  By 1980 it was the turn of The Grapplers comprised of Steve Starlust and original Starlust bassist Paul Lowrey. They were joined by Brian Unger (from New Wave/Synth Pop band Enterprise) on guitar and Ed “Shark” Bettinelli on drums. There was a tie in with wrestling events and The Grapplers even appeared on the Showtime cable service.

Both tracks on the single were recorded live directly to a Tascam set up, beefed up by a wrestling type announcement and added crowd noise. Both tracks are real scorchers, luckily eschewing any dodgy 1980 production trappings, but instead feature a fine raucous and raunchy sound. 

It captures a performance reminding of the Proto Punk of Streak with some Wowii moves thrown in. Perhaps Who Are They To You is my favourite here, which has a nice turn in New York Lou Reed/Velvets sleaze…

The single is a great package in itself. Housed in an oversized sleeve it also came with a lyric sheet insert, a GREAT GREAT find

More news soon…

Hear full versions of the A and B sides

Saturday, February 27, 2021

Tommy – A Matter of Fact – US Fuzzed-up Oddity (1971)

Tommy – A Matter of Fact/Here Comes The Dawn - Phonograph Records SPJ 171-1 (US 1971)

Note: Before reading this review I suggest going straight to the sound clip below…

The first thing that will hit you when you play A Matter of Fact is the compressed Overdriven/fuzz guitar sound that accompanies this bouncy tune, you go along with the groove, but then when you reach the 1: 15 mark – something happens and I mean happens…oddball, nuts lunacy…fill in your own words, the tune then returns and we’re done. Here Comes The Dawn features the same overdriven guitar with a more dry guitar part. It could well be that the guitar(s) were DI/plugged in directly to the board as Dave Edmunds was doing at the time. Lyrically both tunes have a positive message, so yes it’s XIAN, but there are no “J” or “G” words, so it doesn’t grate too much or spoil the enjoyment, so don’t worry about the “man in the sky...”

From Wisconsin, Tommy is in fact Tom Sumner who led Garage band The Jaguars and The Up-Stairs. There is another issue of this single on Kleo as by The Dominos

Hear full version of A Matter of Fact/Here Comes The Dawn


Sunday, January 24, 2021

Purepop Set Sale and Mini Auction - January 2021

PUREPOP Set Sale and Mini Auction is ...NOW CLOSED

I have a set sale  now open for one week only (January 24th to January 31st). There is also a 48hr mini auction with 6 singles that closes Tuesday 26th January at 10pm GMT

If you are not currently on my email list you can either request the list by emailing me: purepop1ukATyahooDOTcoDOTuk,  by messaging me on Facebook or by leaving a comment.

The list has several close up photos and sound clips sometimes directly from the records themselves or from YoutTube for reference

I will be updating the  list here as soon and often as possible, those in red means they are SOLD

Here is the full  list...

48hr Mini Auction

Johnny K. - Big Boat Up The River/ I'm Mad Again -M.B (AUS)   SOLD
Panther (Pantherman) - One Man Band/ Evelyne -Polydor (NL)  SOLD                
Angelo & Eighteen- Midnight Flight/ Flight 2-RAK Demo (UK)  SOLD                                           
Beaut - Goodbye Judy/ Paper Chains - Infinity (AUS) SOLD
Brian Wells - Paper Party/ just a Summer High -Spark (UK)  SOLD
Jetz - Catch Me/ jBreaking it Down -Negram  (NL)  SOLD

Set Sale

Sixties Freakbeat, Garage, Beat and Psych

Blue Beard -Sly Willy/Country Man -Ember UK Pic sleeve 
Boys –Splendor in The Grass/Every Mornin' –Kama Sutra (US)  SOLD
Chris Andrews- Hold On/ Easy-Decca (UK)     SOLD
Creation– Painter Man/ Biff Bang Pow/ - Vogue(NL) SOLD
Downliners Sect- Sing Sick Songs –Columbia EP (UK) SOLD
Eastwood- I Am Free/ Gypsy-CBS Demo (UK)   SOLD     
Equals –Softly Softlyy/Lonely Rita –President (UK)  SOLD
Five's Company -The Big Kill / Sunday for Seven Days  –Pye  (UK)     SOLD      
Gaslight - Move / And so to sleep  –Jay Boy (UK) 
James Taylor Move –Magic Eyes /And I Heard The Fire Sing - Festival (AUS)  SOLD
The Knack The Man From The Marriage Guidance  /Idolly Catcher Man -Pye Demo (UK)  SOLD
Kris Ife - Imagination /I'm Coming 'Round (To her way of thinking)  –
Lancastrians –Was She Tall/ We'll Sing in The Sunshine –Pye (UK)  SOLD   
M.F.Q (Modern Folk Quartet)- Night Time Girl /Lifetime -RCA  (UK)  SOLD
Mickey Finn And The Blue Men - Reelin' & A' Rockin'/  / I Still Want You   - Oriole   (UK) SOLD
Mississippi- Mr. Union Railway  Man/ Main Street-Fox (UK)     SOLD

Morloch, the- Every Night/ I'm Feelin' Sad -RG (Aus)   
Pink Finks –Back Door Man / Something  Else- In (AUS)    SOLD
Power - Children Ask (If He is Dead) /She is The Color of -MGM (US) 
Pretty Things - Defecting Grey/ Mr Evasion  –Columbia  (UK)    SOLD                           
Pure Madness - Freedom Rides /Sing  –Roundtable  (US)  SOLD
Self Kick - Gosh! I'm Your Woman Not Your Wife/ Blues for Strawinsky - Delta (NL)SOLD
Summer Set - It's a Dream /Overnight Changes –Columbia (UK)
The J&B - There She Goes /IWow Wow Wow -Polydor (UK)   SOLD   

Heavy Psych, Bonehead, Hard Rock and Proto Metal

Al Smith Group- Young Girls on Ice/  Modern Ways-Afco  (US)  SOLD
Armageddon- Whitered Old Man/ Dazed and Confused-Osage  (US)  
Aum  Bye Bye Baby/ Resurrection-Fillmore (US) 
Bad Apple -  Raving Beauty/ Campfire Tire -Bad Apple (US)  SOLD
Black Hawk- Little Suzie Looker/  Love Like a Man -Sundi  (US) SOLD
Black Watch  Stumble on/ Hot Summer Days - Cat's Eye (US) SOLD
Bungi- Numbers/  Six Days on The Road -Earthquake (US) 
Cheyenne Autumn- Ask Someone to Try/ Streetheart- Windi (US) SOLD
Fear- Bubblefunk/ Young Boppers -Barry (CAN) SOLD
Glory- High School Letter/ Peaches Speemo (US) SOLD
Hot Ash- Jail Bait/ Yellow Eyes-Moonstone  (US)   SOLD
Kenny Oller- Rock With Your Woman/ Lonely Travellin' Man- S&S (US)   SOLD
Kevin Coughlin- I Gotta Be Me/  The Gay deceivers -Happy Tiger (US) SOLD
Larry Lynn- Diamond Lady/  Back on The Streets Again -Mammoth (US) SOLD
Looking Glass- Take The Time/ It's Gonna Work Out Fine- Stone (US) SOLD
Luke and The Apostles- Not Far Off/ You Make Me High (CAN) SOLD
Nothing- Young Generation/ Sittin' on Top of The World ASG (US) SOLD
One Mile Ahead - There Ain't No Use In Crying /Contribution -Santiago (US)  
Sugar- Hot Damn/  Let It Roll -Lady records (US) SOLD
Things- Pointed Toed Shoes/ Our e Blues-Sabre  (US)   SOLD
Time Peace - Wizkids/Changing Images -TPI (US) SOLD
Tongue- Hotel Arbutus/Harp Thing-Tektra  (US) SOLD
Tribal Sinfonia- Something Has You Turned Around/ Do You Want Me-Tribe (US) SOLD
Truth- Around and Around/  Straight Eight Pontiac -Driving Wheel (US)  SOLD
Underbeat- Darkness/  You're Losing Me-p.i.p  (US)    SOLD
Warpig- Rock Star/ Flaggit -London (CAN) SOLD
Werks- I Got The Feelin/ Stateline Blues-Self released (US) SOLD
Whistler's Mother- Dark Dawn/ Goodbye-Multi (US)  SOLD
Wild Wood- Cold Love/ Follow Me - Wildwood SOLD
Zane- Step Aside/ Damage MM (SWE) SOLD

Junkshop Glam, 70s Proto Punk and Obscurities

Abacus- Indian Dancer / Be That Way- Bellaphon  (Ger ) SOLD
Arlan Green -Promo EP-Moonbrite/I Do/ Rock Hotel/The Next Time White label -Bell (UK) SOLD
Ayshea- Farewell / The Best Years of My Life -Harvest  (UK )   SOLD
Barracuda- Summer Girls / I Feel So Down -EMI  (Portugal ) SOLD
Big Boy Blue- Getting Hungry / Lonely-Penny Farthing  (UK) SOLD
Black Fire- Do It/ Little Bit 'a Music-Lark  (NL)  SOLD
Boston Boppers - Did You Get What You Wanted / Whirlwind Girl -Penny Farthing Demo (Ger ) SOLD
Buzz - The Rock Roller Coaster/Come Back Baby-  Pinball (GER) 
Count Copernicus - Painted Ego/La La La - Festival (AUS) SOLD
DavId Alexander - Love Love Love / Misty -Rare Earth  Demo (UK ) SOLD
Equals- Diversion / Here Today Gone Tomorrow-President (UK)  SOLD
Frankie & The Phantoms- Rock 'N' Roll Band / Jamburger-RCA Demo  SOLD
Frenzy - Poser/ Things You Do -  DJM - Demo (UK)    SOLD        
Gary Steel Sound -  Go Go Girl/I’ve Got A Feeling Coming On -Zel-La  (UK)  SOLD
Hello- You Move Me / Ask Your Mama -Bell Demo (UK)  SOLD
Hobnail- She's Just a Friend of Mine/ Boy Scout Jambourees-Bell (Ger)  SOLD      
Home- Green Eyed Fairy/ Sister Rosalie -CBS Demo  (UK )        
J.C Livingstone - Momma Was a Steamroller Lady Penny Farthing (UK )               
John Bright - I've Tried It / I Gotta Go-Topomic Music  (Arg )  SOLD
John Miles- Fright of My Life / Good Time Woman -Orange (UK )  SOLD   
Ken Khury- Baby Doll  /Super Queen -Jupiter German pic sleeve  SOLD
Larry Lazar- The Night is Young/ Merci Beacoup -Test pressing (US)   SOLD  
Light Fantastic- Take Me Shake Me/ Don't Let Go- Metronome (GER)     SOLD
Matthew Linhart- It's Alright, It's OK / Fool -A&M  (UK ) SOLD
Memories- Lay It on Me/ Did Ya Get It-Rex (UK)     SOLD
Shepperton Flames- Take Me For What I Am/  Goodbye- Deram (UK)  SOLD
Steve Elgin- Don't Leave Your Love Lying Around (Dear)/ Seductress-Dawn (UK)    SOLD 
Streak- Bang Bang Bullet/ Black Jack Man- Deram (Swedish)    SOLD     
Streak- Gonna Have a Good Time/ Be Your Ryder-A&M (FRA)   SOLD      
Troll Brothers- You Turn Me On/ Turn Out The Lights-SRT (UK)   SOLD 
70s/80s Powerpop

Big Star -September Gurls/ Mod Lang -Stax-UK Demo    SOLD
Bings- Please Please Please\ Oh No -  Baby Moon (US)  
Colors- Rave it Up EP  Infinite Records (US)   SOLD
Flamin' Groovies - Feel a Whole Lot Better/Paint it Black/Shake some Action  -Sire  (UK) SOLD
Marbles- Forgive and Forget/ Computer Cards-Jimbocco (US)   SOLD     
Pony- It's Gonna Be So Easy/ ' Til I Met You-Pye Demo (UK) SOLD
Punkz- Anyway You Want It/ I Can't Control Myself -Mushroom (AUS) 
Punkz- Take Me For What I'm Worth/ Good Times -Mushroom (AUS)  
Squid - Kick Up a Storm/ Rain or Shine - Anza (US) SOLD
Rivals - Skateboarding in The UK/ Top Of The Pops -Sound on Sound (UK)  
Speedies - Let Me Take Your Foto/ No Substitute -Golden Disc (US)  
Speedies - Something on My Mind/Time - Speedy Delivery Music (US)  SOLD

Tuesday, September 08, 2020

Matthew Linhart – It’s Alright, It’s OK - Barrelhouse Glam (1972)


Matthew Linhart – It’s Alright, It’s OK/Fool – A&M MAS 7020 (UK 1972)

A few weeks back an unnamed acetate was listed as Glam on ebay, but with a modicum of research it was found to have actually gained an official release

This single was a side project of future Blockhead Chas Jankel when he was a member of Byzantium. Based on Matt’s comments on 45Cat, this is the background

“I met Chaz J. Through his girlfriend and he asked me to record some demos after just hearing me sing in his car one day... had a ball for 18 months, but record companies have short attention span and without early success for ‘It’s Alright’ they dropped me. I moved to Australia and went into advertising where I’ve been happy ever since. Kept singing in various pub bands for the joy. Life is just a bowl of cherries! Matt Linhart”

Both songs are kinda Barrelhouse Glam Boogie numbers. Piano Driven with raspy vocals and a crunchy beat, you can position It’s Alright, It’s OK somewhere between Bronx Cheer and Geordie. In fact, this single ends up neatly sandwiched between the 2 Brother Susan singles


Hear full versions of both songs


Saturday, August 15, 2020

Free Wheels – Baby Roller - Obscure Canadian Glam


Free Wheels – Baby Roller/What a Bad Mistake – Leo Music LA 103 -T (Canada 1975)

Hailing from Vancouver, home of Sweeney Todd, the Free Wheels single seems more than a little inspired by the Todd’s Roxy Roller. 45 CAT place the year as 1974, however it’s difficult to ascertain the exact date from the label’s catalogue numbering, but I find it hard to believe that Baby Roller could have preceded Roxy Roller (1975)

Free Wheels is a moniker used by one J.C. Stone who released several singles and 1 LP between 1974 and 1981 in a more pop/rock AOR genre.

Baby Roller is a fine reminder of simpler times when Roller Discos rolled more than discoed. Glossy yes, but a fine catchy tune with meaty guitar over a thudding beat

Note there is a promo solid centre version with Stereo and Mono versions

Hear a full version of Baby Roller

Friday, May 29, 2020

Moonquake – Bang Bang Baby – Top Canadian Glam Stomper!

Moonquake – Bang Bang Baby/ Main Man – Aquarius AQ -5054  (Canada 1976)

You may already be aware of my affection for Moonquake. Their first album was a huge favourite in my teens and I even covered their iconic Remember single on a Barracudas B side back in 1990.

To say to find out about this single was a seismic surprise would be understatement.

 I thought I owned their entire output from the first issue of Remember (under the name Earthquake) along with the Crescent Street Stompers singles. And there is more good news….
Bang Bang Baby is simply ace and amply lives up to the expectations conveyed by its title. There is even a bit of a Streak similarity going on here. The beat crunches on with ancillary handclaps, the guitars growl and bite, the vocals are spouted by Jack August with snarly street cred. Sublime!

So this single seems to have been the last shot by Moonquake. Guitarist Hovaness Hagopian had sent me another great unreleased song 15 years ago, so perhaps there is more to be uncovered?
The B side is one of the stand out tracks from their second album Starstruck

Update: I have just heard the sad news that bass player/singer Jack August passed away earlier this year

Hear a full version of Bang Bang Baby

Thursday, April 30, 2020

The Train – You Make Me Feel Alright – Obscure US Fuzz Blaster (1969?)

The Train – (I Want) Sunshine/ You Make Me Feel Alright – Full Tone 45-1002 (US 1969?)

You Make Me Feel Alright features one of the meanest, scuzziest fuzz sounds around. The lead vocals appear sung through clenched teeth and buttocks and stink of moonshine and too much interference with the local poultry as a misplaced peck seems to aid in the attempt at a falsetto. The band plough this field of putridness with a wonderful lack of competence. Jesus where the hell has this single been hiding all my life? The closest comparison I can think of is the folly that is Dickens -Don't Talk About My Music.

The A side is a feeble attempt at being more commercial and making it to the big time, but once again they fail in sublime fashion. It’s a sunshine Bubblegum singalong, very similar in construction to its B side, charming but sadly missing the Fuzz.

The band was were from Aberdeen, South Dakota... (Thanks Bob for the info) The only other release on the label I could find was by Blue Prism who covered Sam & Dave’s Hold on (I’m Coming). Any more information out there?

Hear full version of both sides of the single