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Make greater efforts in 2023 to build the revolutionary movement


We greet 2023 with mixed expectations.
On the one hand, our Party has grown, has developed in struggle, and has a higher profile and a greater influence in significant areas of the mass movement for anti-imperialist independence and socialism.

more...- Posted on 2022 Dec 31


Interview with Maryam Rawi, Spokesperson for RAWA


We dedicate the final day of the year to the women on the frontlines of struggle for peace and liberty.  They include the women of Ukraine, suffering for ten months following Russian imperialism’s invasion and continuing war of aggression. They include the heroic women of Afghanistan and Iran, fighting new repressions inflicted by misogynistic religious and political fundamentalists. In tribute to all these women, we publish below an interview with ...

more...- Posted on 2022 Dec 30


New Ambassador To The USA Kevin Rudd Supports Taiwan Military Build-Up


Kevin Rudd has recently been appointed Australian Ambassador to the USA. He is already based in the USA in his role as President of the Asia Society Policy Institute in New York. Prime Minister Albanese was a Rudd supporter during the Rudd/Gillard battle for the position of Prime Minister in Labor's previous period as federal government.

more...- Posted on 2022 Dec 29


Bound For South Australia In 1836 - Colonial Invasion With A Difference?


Wednesday 28 December 2022 was the 186th anniversary of the proclamation of the British colony of South Australia at Pattawilya (Glenelg) in 1836. 

The then King William of England and the first Governor of the new colony, Governor Hindmarsh both made statements to the effect that the colony of South Australia was to be different from the other colonies of the British empire in that the Indigenous people were to ...

more...- Posted on 2022 Dec 27


Vale Bruce MacFarlane


Australian Marxist economist Bruce Macfarlane (born 1936) passed away on Sunday December 11 in Christchurch, NZ, aged 86. 

Bruce was an outstanding example of an academic who used Marxist political economy to critique contemporary capitalist society.  

more...- Posted on 2022 Dec 23


US Imperialism Still Calls The Shots Despite Australia - China Dialogue


The recent short meeting in Beijing between Foreign Affairs Ministers of Australia and China was the first for over three years. Just before she jetted off to Beijing, the Murdoch-owned Adelaide Advertiser named the Foreign Minister the most powerful person in SA!


more...- Posted on 2022 Dec 23


PNG wants to assert greater independence


High-level diplomatic talks in December between Australia and Papua New Guinea have revealed the transient nature of the important relationship. PNG has moved from being a 'client-state' of Canberra in recent decades to having a more assertive role when governing its own affairs.

more...- Posted on 2022 Dec 18


Respected Proletarian Revolutionary Comrade Jose Maria Sison Dies.


The Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist) joins with the entire international proletarian revolutionary movement in expressing our sadness at the passing of Comrade Jose Maria Sison, founding Chairperson of the Communist Party of the Philippines.

more...- Posted on 2022 Dec 17


Frackers walk from ruined environment.


For years the anti-fracking group Lock the Gate Alliance has warned the WA government that fracking companies could go bust and force the public to pay for the environmental damage in their wake.
Unfortunately, their warnings have come true, with an Australian-registered but Chinese majority-owned company, New Standard Energy declaring bankruptcy and inability to repatriate drilling holes in the Kimberley.

more...- Posted on 2022 Dec 10


Human Rights and the fight for Peace


The right to live in peace is a fundamental human right. It is not merely the absence of war, but the opportunity for all people to live a full and fruitful life.

more...- Posted on 2022 Dec 09


AUSMIN 2022: Putting us further under the US thumb.


The annual meeting of US and Australian Ministers of Defence and Foreign Policy (AUSMIN) concluded with a Joint Statement on Australian-US Ministerial Consultations.
The document emphasises the continuing subordination of Australian sovereignty to US imperialism.
It also exposes Labor Ministers Penny Wong and Richard Marles as agents of influence of a foreign power, the US. It is not going too far to label them as traitors to the cause of ...

more...- Posted on 2022 Dec 07


Free Violet Coco!


Extinction Rebellion activist Violet Coco has been jailed for 15 months, with a non-parole period of eight months, for stopping traffic in Sydney to protest against climate change.
Her sentence is so draconian that UN Human Rights Watch has found that authorities in the Australian state of New South Wales (NSW) are disproportionately punishing climate protesters in violation of their basic rights to peaceful protest. Their research has shown that ...

more...- Posted on 2022 Dec 06


CPA (M-L) responds to misrepresentation by the CPA


We are making public here several pieces of correspondence sent by us to the General Secretary of the CPA, to its President, and to its general office.
The correspondence relates to misrepresentations of policies and practices adopted by our Party in a previous era. By implication, they are also directed at our current policies and practices.

more...- Posted on 2022 Dec 05


New booklet: Russia's New African Adventure


We have a new booklet posted on our website.  

It is a country-by-country survey of Russia's growing presence in Africa.

more...- Posted on 2022 Dec 04


China update: The working class must lead the movement!


December 1. The movement continues to take a turn for the worse and the solidarity movement in Urumqi is now, so to speak, completely cut off from the reality of the rest of the Chinese people. It has become a movement of the liberals. We have to break with them and demand that the original aims of the movement and the needs of the socialist revolutionary line come to the ...

more...- Posted on 2022 Dec 04


US strips Australian citizen of rights


An extradition case being played out with a Cold War spy drama has raised serious civil liberties issues for all Australian citizens. The case also has serious implications for the sovereignty of Australia and the nature of its 'alliance' with the US, particularly with the South Pacific and what actually constitutes espionage.

All governments remain apprehensive about 'spy cases', which invariably reveal unintended and confidential information from within the corridors ...

more...- Posted on 2022 Dec 04


"Sign up for the future of Oz"


South Australia’s Murdoch empire-owned Sunday Mail newspaper for Sunday 4 December 2022 had a two-page lead article spread headed "Sign Up For The Future Of Oz".

The article detailed the skills shortages for jobs in Australia's growing naval, air-force, army and missile manufacturing industry. 

more...- Posted on 2022 Dec 03


Update from China: Raise the red flag!


(On December 1, we posted our translation of a contribution sent to us by Chinese comrades. We  are now posting an update, dated November 30, which particularly identifies the role of opportunism within the current mass movements, and the reliance of such opportunism on US-led imperialism. This is our translation, and we have not been able to check with our Chinese friends on its accuracy. However, we are confident that ...

more...- Posted on 2022 Dec 03


Significance For Workers of Eureka Stockade 3 December 1854


3 December is celebrated as the anniversary day of the Eureka Stockade of 1854.

The miners involved in that struggle in 1854 were mainly independent miners but their struggle against an oppressive British colonial power in Victoria at the time had support of working people throughout the colony. 

more...- Posted on 2022 Dec 03


The Law fails again.


The shock decision to drop charges against the alleged rapist of Brittany Higgins is a damning indictment of the legal system.

The first trial against the alleged rapist had to be abandoned just before sentencing following the discovery of actions of a juror that compromised the process. A date for a new trial in 2023 was set.

more...- Posted on 2022 Dec 02


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Vanguard expresses the viewpoint of the Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist)