NZ: Government minister Anne Tolley’s office firebombed

The smashed door glass shows where the firebomb entered Tolley's Whakatane office.

5 Feb – Molotov cocktails were thrown into Government minister Anne Tolley’s Whakatane office overnight and anti-TPPA graffiti was scrawled on a wall outside.

Police said Tolley’s office was under police guard following the attack, which comes at a time of high tensions over the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement.

The attempted firebombing comes after vandals broke into Defence Minister Gerry Brownlee’s Christchurch office on Monday morning and poured fuel in a room before leaving.

“When the police tell you that it’s a pretty determined effort, it does shake you up a bit – they went to a lot of trouble to try and burn my office down, so it’s a bit scary, and pretty tough on the staff.”

“I think the police patrol caught it quite early on…if it had been on carpet or something that could have caught alight quickly.”

Tolley said she hadn’t expected any attacks on her office, with anti-TPPA marches in her electorate run in a “well-organised and well-contained” manner.

“Some people get quite aggressive when they’re talking to you, but generally people are quite reasonable – they’re passionate, but violence is an extreme reaction.”

The office would be closed over the weekend while police finished their work and damage was dealt with, Tolley said.

In a statement, Prime Minister John Key said he was disappointed by the attack.

“People always have the right to peaceful protest and are free to do so, as long as they don’t break the law or put anyone in harm’s way.

“Incidents like these are hugely disappointing because our MPs work incredibly hard for their communities as do the staff who work in their offices. They have a right to feel safe in their workplaces and I would urge people to respect that.”

The fire appeared to have happened overnight but had been reported to police soon after 7am, said Senior Sergeant Denton Grimes of the Bay of Plenty District Command Centre.

“From a police point of view it’s now determining what caused it and who is responsible, if it’s suspicious.”

Oberon: Arson attack on slaughterhouse

Via BiteBack: “Public notice: As of 02/12/14 the Oberon NSW slaughterhouse will be out of order.

Maintenance work began around 2:00am on the 2nd of December in the roof over the plants main building. Early work was successful, leaving behind only a shadow of the killing machine that originally stood above us. We moved quickly and work best at night anyway, so by the time those who showed up to appreciate our work arrived, we were already on to our next job. We do this for the love of it, the love of liberation, so no payment or gratitude necessary.

Surely this will cause an inconvenience to profiteers of animal abuse, and for this we generously offer any future services to those affected free of charge. No need to leave your name and address, chances are we already know you.

**All workmanship is guaranteed, if for any reason the owners decide to rebuild, we will return to complete all original work.**

Best wishes and happy holidays from your local handymen.


December 2: Oberon Abattoir gutted by fire

A large fire ripped through the Oberon Abattoir early Tuesday morning causing extensive damage to the business, which had only reopened in February this year. Both the Rural Fire Service (RFS) and Oberon Fire and Rescue were called to the Hazelgrove Road blaze at 2.57am. On arrival they found the main building well alight. Inspector Mick Holland from Chifley RFS said there was extensive damage to one of the major buildings.  Continue reading “Oberon: Arson attack on slaughterhouse”

Darwin: Teenage prison riot injures guard and causes $50,000 damage

5 January: A prison riot by teenagers in Darwin has left a guard injured and caused $50,000 worth of damage to the Don Dale Juvenile Detention Centre. NT Police were called to the prison about 6:00pm on Sunday after the teenagers armed themselves with broken glass and poles.

The teenagers smashed windows and doors in the prison’s G-block before setting it on fire in the 40-minute rampage. The ABC understands a toaster was used to set fire to a mattress.

One of the teenagers managed to get onto the roof of the prison, but all of the group eventually surrendered after a prison unit responded. Continue reading “Darwin: Teenage prison riot injures guard and causes $50,000 damage”

Cunningar: Vehicles torched at duck farm construction site

Bite Back, 22 October: Early morning Monday 13th October, the Animal Liberation Front and Earth Liberation Front decided to pay a visit to Pepe’s Ducks construction site at Linden Rd. Cunningar, NSW.

Targeting Pepe’s business was an easy choice for us, given that they are the biggest Australian supplier of factory duck meat to the masses. But as the human population grows, and Pepe’s $400,000 bill in 2012 for being a fraud has to be paid, it’s no surprise they are seeking to destroy more land and more lives in order to keep themselves on top.

A storm was moving in, and the skies had opened up by the time we reached the site, but without hesitation we decided to act. Incendiary devices were strategically placed and accelerant spread on 3 of their earth destroying machines, and with just a spark, smoke began to fill the sky as we made our departure.

For all those suffering at the hands of their domesticators.

Commodified, but not forgotten.


Australia: some history, 1969-72

Below is a transcription, via slackbastard, of ASIO documents from the National Library. It provides an account of a number of actions classified by the agency as ‘terrorist’. National Archives of Australia: A12389, A30 PART 14

“Title: ASIO Special Projects Branch documents 52-67: Terrorism its nature, objectives and revolutionary role, A note on the past, present and future significance of Communism in Australia, Significant demonstrations, including violent incidents claimed by or attributed to terrorist-type groups like the People’s Liberation Army, Worker-Student Alliance, the Utashi etc, A note on Terrorist activity, Trotskyism in Australia, The National Socialist Party of Australia (NSPA), Communist Party of Australia (CPA), Socialist Party of Australia (SPA), Comment on a Communist Party of Australia Discussion Document for its 23rd Congress (1971), A note on recent “New Left” trends in the USA and their significance for the “Left” in Australia, A note on the “new Left” in Australia, Urban Guerilla Warfare including Anarchist and radical Violence, The Politically Motivated Act of Violence”

Significant demonstrations, including violent incidents claimed by or attributed to terrorist-type groups like the People’s Liberation Army, Worker-Student Alliance, the Utashi etc,


4th July : About 13 youths, in three cars, broke 18 windows in the U.S. Consulate-General, Melbourne. Anonymous callers to radio station claimed responsibility on behalf of the P.L.A. Damage assessed at $500.

17th July : A ballot box being used in the University of Melbourne Student Representative Council elections was stolen. Anonymous callers to mass media claimed responsibility on behalf of Melbourne P.L.A. “Second Division”.

14th August : Two plate glass windows were broken at Australia House, Brisbane (housing the Department of External Territories). An anonymous caller to mass media claimed responsibility on behalf of the Brisbane Branch of the P.L.A. Earlier that day there had been a demonstration outside Australia House in protest at the Department’s policy in regard to the Bougainville copper dispute. Damage was assessed at $2,000.

9th September : Four – six persons raided the premises of Department of Labour and National Service, Adelaide, throwing animal blood into filing cabinets and cutting telephone cables. The raid was planned by PROVO. One of the participants was arrested.

23rd/24th September : A group, claimed to number 15, extinguished the eternal flame at the Shrine of Remembrance, Brisbane, and later broke windows at Australia House (housing the Department of Labour and National Service). An anonymous caller to mass media claimed responsibility on behalf of P.L.A. Continue reading “Australia: some history, 1969-72”

Sydney: Woman sets Australian flag alight at War Memorial

1 October: A woman set alight an Australian flag at the ANZAC War Memorial in the centre of Sydney on Wednesday afternoon.

NSW police were called to the historic memorial in Hyde Park at midday after reports that a fire was burning inside the building.

The flag caught on fire after the woman lowered the flag into the memorial’s Flame of Rememberance. She is understood to be of caucasian appearance and aged between 35 and 45 years old. The burning of the flag was captured on CCTV and police remain in the Sydney CBD searching for the suspect.

The Minister for Veterans’ Affairs Victor Dominello condemned the act.  “Not only is this criminal behaviour, it’s deeply disrespectful of the Memorial and all it represents,” Mr Dominello said.  “It is deeply concerning that any person would seek to desecrate the Australian flag. Doing so on this sacred site makes it all the more reprehensible.”

The memorial remained closed throughout Wednesday afternoon as police investigated the incident.

Manado, Indonesia: University Building burnt as Direct Solidarity for Pandang Raya

14 Septmber (via 325) Through fire, we sent our direct solidarity to those fighters and arrested comrades who stood against the eviction of the State in Pandang Raya, Makassar, South Sulawesi. We deeply feel connected with those people, although we haven’t seen each other. But your stories, your spirits and your courage, reached us here who are hiding in the dark and awaiting our momentum to hit back at the enemies.

We were waiting for a while, discussing and questioning ourselves. We want to bring the urban war against the enemies into the next level by training ourselves to be more violent. But we couldn’t hold ourselves down and watch all this violence by the State against our sisters in struggle. We won’t let ourselves only be throwing words of solidarity but doing nothing, when you are facing a war to defend your lives and your homes. NO! We are not civil anarchists. We are the angry ones. Continue reading “Manado, Indonesia: University Building burnt as Direct Solidarity for Pandang Raya”

Indonesia: ICR – FAI/IRF take responsibility for arsons

“Our words, carve today like a blade and our actions burn the bridges with yesterday… With tenacity and will, until we murder authority.”
Conspiracy of Cells of Fire: Prisoners Cell, Andreas Tsavdaridis and Sypros Mandylas, (Letter to Alfredo Cospito and Nicola Gai)

325: The declarations of war against authority won’t stop with one single action nor one single letter of publication. It is a totality of our lives, each one of us, who stands here as egoists under the name of International Conspiracy for Revenge (ICR) as part of the Informal Anarchist Federation/International Revolutionary Front. We won’t step back, even if we are isolated or deserted by the other “revolutionary anarchists” who devoted themselves to the dreams of society, those who let their own values as anarchists be imposed wholly by reformism, negotiation and conformity. We are out of their league and we won’t play their game. We have our own, one of violence and direct action. With nihilist comradeship through fire and fists to our comrades locked behind bars everywhere, in Europe, in South America and Mexico. Our comradeship also goes to those anonymous comrades who went underground to carry on a constant confrontation with Power.

Recent Situation Concerning the General Election in Indonesia

Continue reading “Indonesia: ICR – FAI/IRF take responsibility for arsons”

Sydney: 3 Luxury Cars Torched By FAI/IRF

325: In the early hours of Sunday, May 18 we went for a walk through the streets of the predominantly rich Sydney neighborhood of Woolahra looking for suitable targets for us to express our rage upon.

It didn’t take long for us to find what we were looking for!

We set fire to 3 luxury cars – a BMW and a Nissan X-Trail on Queen St and a Lexus on Moncur St.

We left the scene quickly as the flames of rebellion lit up the early morning sky. Continue reading “Sydney: 3 Luxury Cars Torched By FAI/IRF”

Melbourne: Historic Colonial Buildings Torched

325:  This is to claim responsibility for the complete destruction by fire of three colonial structures at the so-called Royal Botanical Gardens in South Yarra, Melbourne in the small hours of May 16.

We put these filthy monuments of colonial oppression to the torch in the name of indigenous & anti-colonial resistance both here in Australia & in all other parts of the world & to spit in the faces of all those who seek to tame what is wild into sterile botanical prisons.

We also send greetings of fire & smoke to imprisoned resistance fighters everywhere!

Fire Wolves Cell / International Revolutionary Front Continue reading “Melbourne: Historic Colonial Buildings Torched”