Headlines — 11/21/17

The white nationalist group Patriot Front is advertising around Puget Sound, Proud Boy attorney Jason L. Van Dyke threatens critics with frivolous suits, Stefan Molyneux reads a little too much into the show Stranger Things, and more.

The Atlantic – Trump’s supporters supported a time-honored American tradition of disavowing racism while enacting a broad agenda of discrimination.
Bellevue Patch – A white nationalist group is making its presence known around Puget Sound by hanging banners and posters.
Techdirt – Angry lawyer already engaged in a SLAPP suit promises to sue more critics, use machine gun if sanctioned.
Right Wing Watch – Stefan Molyneux believes ‘Stranger Things’ is secretly about mass immigration.
Media Matters – Breitbart’s editor-in-chief is nostalgic for the old definition of rape.
Think Progress – Conservatives fuel unconfirmed rumors surrounding border agent’s tragic death.
NY Mag – BuzzFeed’s Conyers scoop shows that, unfortunately, Mike Cernovich isn’t going away.
BuzzFeed News – A federal judge just called Trump’s transgender military tweets ‘capricious, arbitrary, and unqualified.’
Raw Story – Angela Rye was targeted by racist death threats.
The Huffington Post – Roy Moore and the dangerous rise of Christian nationalism.
The Forward – Was Charles Manson the forefather of the alt-right.
ProPublica – Facebook (still) letting housing advertisers exclude users by race.
The Daily Dot – Trump supporters are confusing LaVar Ball with actor LeVar Burton.