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Likes and follows from here, though I'm most active on my sideblog(s). Otherwise, random stuff for the most part. Typically lots of inactivity followed by reblogging sprees because I save everything to drafts and forget about it for a while. So if you get a lot of activity on old posts, uh... that's why. (apologies to your notification feed)
Lately I've just been adding to my queue with little to no tags - it's easier and actually means stuff gets reblogged! However, if you need a trigger tag on something let me know and I'll do what I can. :)
© theme by glenthemes
Likes and follows from here, though I'm most active on my sideblog(s). Otherwise, random stuff for the most part. Typically lots of inactivity followed by reblogging sprees because I save everything to drafts and forget about it for a while. So if you get a lot of activity on old posts, uh... that's why. (apologies to your notification feed)
Lately I've just been adding to my queue with little to no tags - it's easier and actually means stuff gets reblogged! However, if you need a trigger tag on something let me know and I'll do what I can. :)
posted on Dec 25th '22 with 37,833 notes  •  via  •  source
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    good morning ace attorney community