Random Headlines — 8/27/15

Tasha Devoe

Salon – Dinesh D’Souza jokes about the deaths of Alison Parker and Adam Ward on Twitter.
Raw Story – George Zimmerman goes on racist and homophobic Twitter tirade following Virginia shootings.
Media Matters – Breitbart News slammed for race-baiting article on shooting of two VA journalists.
Mother Jones – The United States has had more mass shootings than any other country.
Talking Points Memo – Fox host says Jorge Ramos ‘acted like an illegal alien and got treated like one.’
Portland Press Herald – Ending long legal fight, the National Organization for Marriage names donors who helped overturn Maine’s same-sex marriage law in 2009.
CBS News – Kentucky clerk’s office continues to defy same-sex marriage order.
The Kansas City Star – Prosecutors are close to finishing case against F. Glenn Miller Jr. in anti-Jewish shootings.

Random Headlines — 8/24/15

Trump Political Cartoon
Credit: bendib.com

The New Yorker – Donald Trump and the white nationalists.
Raw Story – 60 years ago today, Emmett Till whistled at a white woman — and he was executed for it four days later.
The New Civil Rights Movement – Gay man writes his family to say he’s engaged, receives hate-filled reply.
Talking Points Memo – Political flyer circulated in Detroit suburb: ‘Let’s Get the Blacks Out’
Feministing – Four things the media gets wrong about the campus gender violence movement.
New York Daily News – Va. frat suspended over ‘freshman daughter drop off’ banners slammed as ‘offensive’ by own execs.
KETV Omaha – Omaha’s Islamic Center vandalized; national group calls for hate crime investigation.

Random Headlines — 8/22/15


Salon – White people were America’s real ‘anchor babies’ — a history lesson for the Republican Party.
VICE – A myth-busting guide to all the shit Republicans say about immigration.
Think Progress – Michigan State Bar humiliated after giving award to white supremacist for racist revenge fantasy.
Bitch Media – A look at feminist forms of justice that don’t involve the police.
Raw Story – Ted Cruz viciously attacks Jimmy Carter a day after his cancer announcement.
Talking Points Memo – AZ school district putting anti-abortion stickers in science textbooks.
The New York Times – Black man shot by police in St. Louis died from bullet to the back.
Orlando Sentinel – Panel finds frat cited for UCF rape-chant video broke no rules.

Does AmRen’s Jared Taylor Have Blood on His Hands?

Samuel Jared Taylor Credit: YouTube
Samuel Jared Taylor
Credit: YouTube

Two months ago, a 21-year-old white male named Dylann Storm Roof walked into the historically black Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina. Continue reading “Does AmRen’s Jared Taylor Have Blood on His Hands?”