


tt: carlydiasurvivs

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Random Twitter bios

{name of idol} is my aesthetic

I’m the drug in your veins, just fight through the pain

You’re ripped at every edge but you’re a masterpiece

Lol no I don’t do “love”

No one dies a virgin, {name of idol} fucks us all

But I’m lost in you

Everything is grey

Not all beautiful things are real

S/he wanted tea, I was coffee

Love doesn’t hurt, expectations do

Bring your love baby, I can bring my shame

Sometimes quiet is violent

Peace will and win fear will lose

Crying out to ears that never listen

A black glass heart filled with sorrow

A black year and a black heart

It fills with hatred and leaks with blood

Inhale the love exhale the fire

Those who are heartless, once cared too much.

I’m lost. Show me to your heart

I’m lost

Silence is better than bullshit

Are we awake

What if

Bring the drugs, I’ll bring my pain

No miracles here

More lost than the lost boy from never land

take my hand and I’ll throw you back into hell

You are my sunshine

Sing me to sleep

I cried tears you’ll never see

Love is perfectly destructive

It’s too mainstream to have a life

I could look into your eyes until the sun comes up

my mind chooses the worst moment to reminisce

and I am just a fallen star trying to put myself back in the sky

and if you fall, I’ll make sure that you fall hard

lol no

and your blood stains my heart

love is bs. Stick to food

like/reblog if use or credits to @httpmisfitx


𝑓𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑐𝘩 𝑞𝑢𝑜𝑡𝑒𝑠

  1. l’enfer, c’est les autres (hell is other people
  2. il vaut mieux faire que dire (doing is better than saying)
  3. qui n’avance pas, recule (who does not move forward, recedes)
  4. le temps est un grand maître, dit-on. le malheur est qui’il tue ses élèves (we say that time is a great teacher. it’s too bad that it kills all its students)
  5. quand on a pas ce que l’on aime, il faut aimer ce que l’on a (when one doesn’t have the things that one loves, one must love what one has)
  6. il n’y a pas de verités moyennes (there are no half truths)
  7. autres temps, autres mœurs (other times, other customs)
  8. à vaillant coeur rien d’impossible (for a valiant heart nothing is impossible)
  9. dans une grande âme tout est grand (in a great mind everything is great)
  10. je pense, donc je suis (i think, therefore, i am)
  11. être adulte, c’est être seul (to be an adult is to be alone)
  12. ècrire, c’est une façon de parler sans être interrompu (writing is a way to talk without being interrupted)

twitter bios

need new clothes, a new city, a new life 


constantly torn between “treat others how u wanna be treated” and “treat others how they treat u”

worst feeling in the world is knowing you did the best you could, and it still wasn’t good enough 

all black everything to match my soul 

just wanna do bad things with the right person 

it sucks being the person that cares the most in a relationship 

blood type: gold 

confidence is attractive 

i like being alone i just hate feeling alone 

a heart full of pain and a head full of stress

plot twist: you miss me

not exactly emotionless, but close

no matter what I’ll love the shit outta you

roses are red violets are blue nobody loves you baby the way i do 

so honey now take me into your lovin’ arms 

which is messier my life or my hair 

as I was writing this, I was thinking of nutella and you because that combination is just so perfect

life is too short to worry about what others say or think about you

it’s insane how easily someone can lie to your face

be serious with me, don’t waste my time

honestly if my ex is happy im good

we can watch netflix or we can just have sex

a girl who wants best for you, is best for you

trying not to care is so damn hard

“being yourself is all it takes. If you want to impress someone, don’t be someone else just be yourself”

remember to take care of urself. sometimes u forget, because u are too busy taking care of other people. u are important too

where are ü now that i need ya

he chamber of secrets has been opened. enemies of the heir, beware.

there’s only one queen in this town and that’s me

u r the collest kid in the town im ur little lady

the worst feeling is when someone makes u feel special, then suddenly leaves u hanging & u have to act like u don’t care at all

if a girl tells you about her problems, it doesn’t mean she’s complaining. it means she trusts you.

appreciate what you have before it turns into what you had

maybe one day youll realize how much you neglected me

you lie about the dumbest fucking shit and you expect me to trust you? you got me fucked up

just because someone treats someone one way, doesnt mean theyll treat everyone the same way

i miss “i love you” coming out of your mouth

maybe youd understand if you knew how i felt

do you ever sit down and think “what if my whole life is a lie?”

i just want someone that cant get enough of me and wants to talk to me all the time

you make me feel so unwanted

youre full of shit

dont “okay goodnight” me, were gonna fucking talk about it

we met for a reason, either you’re a blessing or a lesson

i may be an asshole but i got feelings too

dont really give a shit about anything but i give a fuck about you

if overthinking was a drug, i’d be high af

sometimes I care too much // sometimes I don’t care at all 

I like art, and by art I mean music, poetry, sex, paintings, the human body, literature. all of it’s art.

i don’t remember the last time i wasn’t tired

black clothes are an obsession

tired of school, but i’ve got goals