Hi, I'm Kyrsten Sinema And I've Left The Democrats! Aren't All My Wigs Pretty?

You guys! You guys! You guys!

Hi. Don’t pretend you don’t recognize me, even if you’ve never seen this wig before. It’s magenta, isn’t it pretty?

But it’s still me, Kyrsten Sinema, under this mop of pinkish-purplish-whatever! Yes hi, me! Kyrsten! You know me! Presided over the Senate in a jeans jacket to denote my maverickness? Did that cutesy little curtsy while voting no on a bill to raise the minimum wage to a level that could allow some people to maybe quit their third job?

Kyrsten! Old “wine-drunk by noon” Kyrsten! Kyrsten Sinema! And you’d be wine-drunk by noon every day if you had unique wine-making skills and had taken all the furniture out of your conference room and replaced it with a grape press and a giant fermenter!

Well look, I spent an entire congressional recess interning at a winery, of course I can make my own wine. It was either that or driving out to, like, Lake Havasu or somewhere else gross to meet with my constituents and listen to their concerns. I mean, I would love to be meeting my constituents, but they all live in Arizona. You ever spend an extended amount of time in Arizona in August? Or any other month?

And it’s not as if the conference room was getting much use anyway. I prefer to meet with lobbyists in my office, because why not. Plus that’s where I keep a lot of my wigs!

What? No, I’ve been wearing this teal green wig all morning, silly! Magenta? I dunno, maybe you’re seeing and/or hearing things? I’m not much of a magenta person.

Anyway, I’m sure you’re all wondering why I’ve invited you to this Lake Havasu roadhouse for what I’ve billed as a big announcement, despite my pronounced aversion to Lake Havasu! I’d like to tell you it’s because this place has the best darn pickled eggs of any dive bar in Arizona. Or so I’m told! I don’t eat pickled eggs or spend much time in Arizona, what am I, poor? You think fancy DC restaurants serve pickled eggs? Ugh.

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How Do You Solve A Problem Like Sinema Without Her Wishing You Into The Cornfield?

Now that Kyrsten Sinema has up and left the Democratic Party to be an independent and not worry about "partisanship" anymore while she continues to protect tax cuts for the wealthy and financial advantages for corporations, it's time for some serious soul-searching: Did we drive Sinema away by saying all those mean things about her?

Nah, probably not, she was going to do whatever she wanted anyway, good discussion, the end, and here is your Alexandra Petri tweet on the matter:

actually the I in Sinema (I-AZ) is just the pronoun I

Oh, you wanted me to think this through a bit less superficially? Fine, and I won't even snottily add "that's more than she has," because I know better — however flaky Sinema may seem, she's no dummy. (Oh, hey, Sinema does have the Senate seat previously held by Jeff Flake, so I just did a pune, or play on words, how clever.) She has a plan, even if, like those of the Cylons, it's something only she understands.

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I'm Dreaming Of A Wonkristmas (Sun., Dec. 18!)

Hey you big jerks, do you live within driving distance of Detroit? TRICK QUESTION, all of North America can be "driving distance" of Detroit!

Well come on a my house Sunday., Dec. 18, say 3-7 p.m. (which somehow keeps ending up being 3 to 12:30 a.m.), and we will have a CLASSY FETE of ELEGANCE and CLASS! I already bought a Honeybaked ham, and your friend Lisa is making a smoked whitefish, and I am guessing I will make other stuff too, and alkyhol.

You email me at rebecca at wonkette dot com for my address, to be used ONLY FOR GOOD and NEVER FOR EVIL, and I will see you there unless I see you first, after I forget to bake this cake.



Do your Amazon shopping through this link, because reasons.

Please keep Wonkette going forever, oh man you are going to WEEP when I write this month's moneybeg, I am putting it off because I can't even. (Oh right sorry, NOBODY'S FIRED.)

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Tucker Carlson Triggered In Every Way By Black Lesbian Brittney Griner Being Freed From Russia, Jeeeeeeesus

Let's get a couple few things clear:

If you are anything but happy about Brittney Griner being released from Russian custody, you are a sicko, a psychopath, and/or just a racist bigot who's offended a Black lesbian sportsballer is getting "special treatment" by not being forced to live out the next decade in a Russian labor camp. (Not saying you can't have other thoughts on the subject. But one of them should be, "Regardless, hooray!")

Nextly, we are pretty sure 99.9 percent of the MAGA trash claiming to have Very Serious Opinions about this did not know who the hell Paul Whelan was before yesterday morning, and they sure as hell didn't know who Viktor Bout was. These idiots whining about an arms dealer being sent back to Polonium Island didn't seem too bothered by Russian criminals when they were rubbing their Russian junk up against Donald Trump's campaign and presidency.

Fuck off so hard your heads spin, losers.

One more thing: It's abundantly clear that — just as President Joe Biden explained yesterday — nobody got "skipped in line" here. Russia is the one that's arresting Americans on bullshit charges and using them as bargaining chips. Russia is accusing Paul Whelan of being a spy, therefore wants a spy for a[n accused] spy.

When Cherelle Griner spoke yesterday, she promised to keep fighting for Paul Whelan's release. David Whelan, Paul Whelan's brother, said in a statement yesterday that while the family is distraught his brother hasn't been released yet, he wanted to make one thing very clear:

"It is so important to me that it is clear that we do not begrudge Ms. Griner her freedom," David Whelan said. "As I have often remarked, Brittney's and Paul's cases were never really intertwined. It has always been a strong possibility that one might be freed without the other."

All of these things should be more than enough reasons for MAGA trash shut its trap about subjects it knows nothing about. Especially the part where David Whelan explains that he knows that "Brittney's and Paul's cases were never intertwined."

Spoiler alert. MAGA trash did not shut its trap.

It was hard to get excited about all the garden variety MAGA trash throughout the day yesterday, though. Donald Trump Jr. desperately seeking his father's approval on Twitter by repeating his talking points? BFD. Matt Walsh being Matt Walsh? Sorry, did he take a break from endangering children's hospitals to comment on this?

Quite frankly, we knew Tucker Carlson, grand wizard of the vile fascist white scumbags, would outdo them all. He did not disappoint.

Tucker is pretty sure Joe Biden wants to force Paul Whelan to stay in Russia because he is white and not a lesbian.

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Wonkette Movie Night: King Kong

Why, the whole world will pay to see this!

Available everywhere for $2.99 or for free on the Internet Archive and Vimeo!


Wonkette: Because We're AGAINST Inciting Bomb Threats At Hospitals For Kids!

Make the pie higher!

Pssst! Hey you! You seem like the kind of person who is against inciting threats aimed at hospitals with kids in them. How do I know that? Because you're reading Wonkette!

There are two pretty clear sides in ol US America right now: a very very good side that does not believe in inciting bomb threats at children's hospitals, and unfortunately a side that rather DOES!

I'd say Wonkette — slogging through this absolute muck 14 hours a day, all the days of the week — is a thankless job, but it's really not. I get love notes of love from hundreds of you every month. You even send wee gifties in the mail. And you tell me that we saved your life during Trump and his pandemic of hatred and mean. Since enough of you have told me that, I believe you.

But for the first time since I bought this bitch 10 years ago, we made less money this year than the year before — to the point that in addition to taking a 25 percent pay cut, and not paying me or Shy for the past three months, we've also poured about $30,000 into paying the staff and expenses out of the money from the people who mightily overpaid for our very pleasant Montana home. You can see where I'm going with this! SEND US MONEY! :D

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Criminal Justice System

Two Wrongly Convicted Georgia Men Freed After 25 Years In Prison For Crime That Never Happened

Thanks to a podcast.

On one night in 1996, in Rome, Georgia, 15-year-old Brian Bowling was talking on the phone to his girlfriend, telling her about how his friend Cain Joshua Storey had brought over his father's gun and he was playing Russian roulette with it. Moments later, while he was still on the phone, the gun went off. Bowling died by the next morning in the hospital.

Police were going to charge Storey with manslaughter — until several months later when they interviewed a woman who had recently hosted a party attended by story and his friend Darrell Lee Clark, who told them that she heard the two of them say they had plotted Bowling's murder in order to cover up a theft they had committed.

Then they interviewed a hearing-and-speech impaired man who had been in the Bowling's home when the shooting had occurred and had reportedly seen a boy running from the yard that night. With the help of an interpreter, he picked Darrell Lee Clark out of a line-up. Clark, although he had a corroborated alibi for that evening, was arrested and charged, as was Storey.

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