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  • Stop the inter-imperialist war destroying Ukraine! <strong>For the defeat of US/NATO and Russia/China imperialist blocs!</strong>

      The following is an ILTT leaflet to be distributed at the United Front Committee For A Labor Party rally “STOP US NATO Drive Toward World War – International Day Of Action” on 12/02/2022 in San Francisco: Build the Workers’ Anti-Imperialist United Front and A New Zimmerwald  The International Leninist Trotskyist Tendency (ILTT) and the...
  • Draft Theses on Imperialism and Terminal Crisis*

      (1) World events are being shaped by the rivalry between Western (US, EU, and UK) and Eastern (China and Russia) imperialist powers to redivide the world at the expense of their rivals. Lenin explained imperialism as the highest state of capitalism, that of capital’s decline and decomposition, in which state monopoly capital (SMC) is...
  • International Left Report: A Step Forward Against War and Extinction

      We publish the report from the International Left of the “Socialism or Extinction” conference which they initiated and which was held on October 28-29, 2022. Brief Report of the Anti-extinctionist Revolutionary Marxist World Conference in Mexico, October 28-29, 2022. By San Pearson With more than 90 delegates and participants in person and online from...
  • ILTT Report on the the International Revolutionary Marxist Anti-Extinctionist Conference

      On October 28th  and 29th, 2022 the International Left (IL)  convened an event entitled “Socialism or Extinction” to unite workers organizations  in action around a  manifesto of the same name.   The IL reports that the conference was held at the SITUAM (Workers’ Union of the Autonomous University of Metropolitana) building in Mexico City and...
  • ILTT contribution for a Workers Anti War United Front at the International Left conference

    October 27, 2022.  This contribution is a summarized version of our analysis of the character of the war and how the working class must fight against it as informed by both the International Left’s resolution and blog statements as well as the work of the ILTT published on its organizations blogs. This dual defeatist statement on...


    1. maybe we got off on the wrong foot several times over the past four or five years ay? lighten up with the ad homenem attacks. just cause i criticcize yoru slogans and send you links to Jimmy Dore Show does not make me this idiot you claim i am with ‘bankcrupt poltiics and illiving in some sewer of reaction” etc// its not absurd or right wing or even fascist to see that the canadian truckers events just before the us caused invasion of UKR by Mother Russia MAY have had valid working class claims on the issues and demands they were actually talking about and that trudeau was the one acting fascistically when he froze those accounts of some real working class truckers.. i dont buy the claim that they were all just a bunch of red neck racist yahoos and fascists.. its the kind of dismissive shit one finds from the liberals and democrats and DSA hacks and others… even if i am WRONG.. it still does nto make me a non marxist or any of your slanderous words about me. thanks, comradely max.

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