We Have the Right to Repair Everything We Own

You bought it, you should own it. Period. You should have the right to use it, modify it, and repair it wherever, whenever, and however you want.

We fight for your right to fix.


Repair and reuse enthusiasts represented


Member companies and counting


US States considering Right to Repair Legislation


Repair brings people together.

Repair isn’t just good for consumers—it offers great benefits to businesses, too. Whether you fix tractors, cars, or electronics we believe you provide an essential service to the global economy. Join the Repair Association and over 400 businesses, and together we’ll battle the manufacturers intent on shutting down small repair businesses.

Fighting For You

Through our work in the legislature, we protect your business from monopolies and anti-competitive practices that stifle innovation, restrict small businesses, and disadvantage consumers.

Repair is the lifeblood of local economies. Our members make products last longer, save owners money, and create local jobs.


Repair Jobs are Local Jobs

Fostering repair will give people access to affordable products, make a huge dent in the e-waste problem, and create jobs.

Join us in the fight for high-paying, working class jobs and a robust local economy.

A Competitive Repair Market is Vital to The Economy

When manufacturers own the only repair shop around, prices go up and quality goes down. Competition is better for customers, but mom and pop repair shops are struggling with unfair practices by multinational corporations. Consumers and repair pros are starting to fight back.


Local Jobs

Repair jobs can’t be outsourced—who would ship a washing machine from Chicago to Shanghai for repairs?


Digital Bridge

Fixing our out-of-use stuff will employ people and bridge the digital divide.


HArd Working

Many farmers all across the country rely on local repair when tractors break so they can get back on the job more quickly.

“We are lending money we don’t have to kids who can’t pay it back to train them for jobs that no longer exist. That’s nuts.”
— Mike Rowe