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Mental Illness Mouse

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Mod Life- Turtle Girl

Hello everyone!

So this week, I am celebrating two milestones in my recovery. Today, I am celebrating ONE YEAR of eating disorder recovery(I will be writing something about that in my personal/recovery blog later). Which is huge; considering that I would have 3-4 months of recovery at a time, and then relapse. And on Thursday, I will be celebrating 6 months of sobriety.

While milestones are important to acknowledge, I also know that reaching these milestones does not mean that I have graduated(or as they say in AA, ‘I have arrived). This type of thinking makes me slack off and not work on myself and my recovery. And there are things that I do still need to work on: mostly, it is my PTSD and anxiety.

I won’t go into too much detail, but it has definitely affected me to the point of finding  another job. Coworkers do not acknowledge some of my requests(mainly, not putting things on my desk), and are disrespectful about it. And when I attempted to talk to my supervisor, she didn’t seem to understand either. It can be difficult to help people who don’t have mental illness/PTSD to understand why things may bother or trigger me. Mainly because, they obviously don’t deal with what I’m dealing with! Which is frustrating. And usually, things like that don’t normally bother me, but I had nonstop nightmares the night before and my anxiety was already high. So on that note, I am trying to find another job…I’ve been thinking about leaving and applying to other jobs in the past, but Wednesday was the breaking point for me. I know I deserve more respect and more appreciation; especially since I have my Master’s degree and they can use me on a clinical level. But instead, they have me being a taxi service. I did not get my Master’s to drive clients around all day, I want to be doing counseling, which I absolutely love doing when I have the chance to sit down with a client and talk to them. Unfortunately, that never happens.

That’s my update on my life. Also, for those who knew about the sprained ankle, it is way better and I was walk without assistance and drive. Thank goodness. But I’m also grateful I didn’t break it, haha.

Keep Strong and Keep Moving Everyone!

Turtle Girl

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