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Mental Illness Mouse

MentalIllnessMouse is a blog run by mentally ill people for mentally ill people. We provide peer support and resources through responses, posts, and reblogs. We are not professionals and as such cannot diagnose. Learn more via our FAQs.

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Anonymous asked: Do you have anything for independent eating disorder recovery (ednos) ? My family discontinued my therapy, unfortunately


Hey Anon,

I am so sorry that your family discontinued therapy. I’m sure that was a beneficial part of your recovery to your ED.

We have a lot of resources on our helpful resources page you can take a look at. Of course, looking at resources alone is probably not enough. Hence, more suggestions.

Another resource you could use is support groups/12 step groups. Overeaters Anonymous(OA) is not just for over eaters or people with a binge eating disorder; one of my clients goes to these meetings and find them very helpful in her ED recovery. There’s also Eating Disorders Anonymous(EDA). There are not as many of these types of meetings(in my state, at least), but they are also based off the 12 steps, and are specific to those who want to recovery from an eating disorder.

For more information about these groups, check out oa.org(for overeaters anonymous) and/or eatingdisordersanonymous.org(for EDA). I actually might check out an EDA meeting that is in my area; while I have almost 7 months of ED recovery, I always seem to not actively work on this aspect of my recovery.

I hope you find what you’re looking for, and I will have you in my thoughts as you continue your eating disorder recovery journey.

Keep Strong and Keep Moving,

Turtle Girl

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