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Mental Illness Mouse

MentalIllnessMouse is a blog run by mentally ill people for mentally ill people. We provide peer support and resources through responses, posts, and reblogs. We are not professionals and as such cannot diagnose. Learn more via our FAQs.

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Anonymous asked: I am recovering from an eating disorder and recently I started to relapse. I know I should seek help but I just can't. Part of me likes the fact that I am relapsing and losing weight. My friends don't understand and are more into partying so I can't talk to them anyway. I'm don't want to see anyone at the college counseling center

TW: Eating disorder

Hi anon, 

Relapse is a part of recovery and it’s actually normal to sometimes want to relapse or feel OK with it, but that’s your ED talking. If you continue to act on your ED and engage in those behaviors, you are going to lose so much more than weight. You will lose your life. I know it feels like you want this, but you really dont. I’m sorry that you are hurting so much right now, but  you can’t listen to those thoughts. They are lying to and trying to convince you to do something that will ruin your life.

I’m sorry that your friends aren’t listening to you or aren’t understanding of what you are going through. maybe you could talk to a family member about it instead? I would also encourage you to try to find a good time to talk to your friends about it.I’m sure that they really care about you and would want to help you the best they can. If you can sit them down and be honest with them about what you are going through and what you would want them to do for you, then maybe they’ll be more receptive than what you are expecting.

These resources may help you with that:

How to tell someone about your mental health & interactions with others

I would also encourage you to get into therapy for your ED. Maybe you can do it outside the college counseling center if you dont think that will be helpful.  Maybe the counseling center can help set you up with someone outside of the college? We have some great tips on getting a therapist that may help you. There are lots of options out there for you, and I know it’s scary to take that step, but it will pay off in the end.

Getting & talking to a therapist

Lastly, here are our resources on EDs, and some about body positivity and self esteem as well. 

Eating Disorders

  • Help Guide A site containing articles to help understand, help numbers,  “tool kits”, and self help. 
  • Mental Support Community A forum to talk about eating disorders and how it affects your life. 
  • Mental Help A site that has basic information, resources, articles, and a list of books that might be helpful. 
  • The addiction help center has lots of resources that explains eating disorders, their treatment and much more.
  • Kati Morton, a therapist, makes weekly videos about various aspects of living with an eating disorder and coping strategies you can use.
  • Something Fishy is a website that provides information on eating disorders and places to find treatment, as well as forums for people with eating disorders and friends/family members.
  • Ways of coping with eating disordered behaviors
  • HelpGuide on eating disorder treatment and recovery
  • NEDA has a wonderful guide on body image, as well as many amazing links
Body Positivity & self esteem

Good luck anon, and I hope you get the help you need to improve your life. You deserve a life, one without an ED.


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