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Thu Nov 24 2022 (Updated 11/25/22)
UC Workers Strike in Protest of Unfair Labor Practices
On November 14, 48,000 University of California workers walked off the job. They continue to hold the line as they work toward a fair contract. The teaching assistants, researchers, and post doctoral researchers are represented by United Auto Workers. Union organizers said that the strike will continue until UC ends its unfair labor practices and starts bargaining in good faith. Many faculty members are striking in solidarity.
Sun Nov 13 2022 (Updated 11/14/22)
Fears of Nuclear War Give Rise to Nationwide Protests
It has been 60 years since the the Cuban Missile Crisis, and now may be the closest the world has been to a nuclear war since then. In October, anti-war activists in the San Francisco Bay Area and the Central Valley joined others across the nation to demand that elected leaders work to reduce the risk of nuclear war. On November 10, Youth vs Apocalypse, CodePink, Veterans for Peace and others rallied at Lockheed Martin's San Francisco office.
Sun Nov 6 2022 (Updated 11/09/22)
Demonstration Calls for Nancy Pelosi to Let Cuba Live
On November 3, close to a hundred demonstrators protested the US blockade of Cuba at San Francisco's Federal building. The action was timed to coordinate with the UN's 185 to 2 vote to condemn the US economic war against Cuba. After music and speeches, the demonstrators marched to, appropriately, United Nations Plaza and held another rally in front of the statue of Simon Bolivar, a hero of South America's liberation struggles.
Mon Oct 10 2022 (Updated 10/11/22)
Remembering "Real One" Tony Coleman
Born and raised in San Francisco, Tony Coleman led campaigns to get a killer SFPD cop fired and to resist Prop 21. Tony later made his mark in West Oakland supporting arts and community. Tony was a key organizer in the Justice for Oscar Grant Movement and founded One Fam and Bikes 4 Life. Tony passed away on September 23 after battling cancer. Hear him in his own words in video and audio in a collection of posts on Indybay.
Wed Sep 28 2022 (Updated 09/29/22)
Oakland Youths Join Global Climate Strike Protests
On September 23, over a thousand young people and their teachers left their classrooms to join the environmental justice protest in Oakland's Frank Ogawa Plaza, part of the worldwide "Fridays for Future" movement. As part of an uptick in Bay Area climate actions, JP Morgan Chase's "Corporate Challenge" foot race in San Francisco was disrupted by Extinction Rebellion street theater to highlight the bank's role as the world largest fossil fuel funder.
On September 10, more than 400 people gathered in front of the Santa Clara County Government Building in San Jose to stand with members of the Amah Mutsun Tribal Band. They called on the County to deny permits for a proposed mining project that threatens the tribe’s most sacred site. The proposed sand and gravel mine in the county would significantly damage the sacred Native American site and historic artifacts.
On August 27, anti-LGBTQ+ bigots, Proud Boys, and other white nationalists held a Straight Pride rally in the Central Valley town of Modesto, California. After announcing their rally location weeks ahead of time, only thirty alt-righters showed up at the Planned Parenthood location. There they faced about two hundred reproductive justice and LGBTQ-rights supporters who shouted down the small group of right-wing extremists.
In February, the OUSD board voted to close ten schools. On May 25, families decided to do something about it. After graduation ceremonies, they occupied Parker Elementary. They created the Parker Community School on the premises, offering a variety of classes for local students throughout the summer. On August 4, OUSD sent a team of private security guards into the school. Several community members were assaulted. Despite the attack, the occupation has continued.
An abortion rights protester was removed from a Golden State Warriors championship game for attempting to display a banner that read, "Overturn Roe? Hell No." Kareim McKnight was strapped to a gurney and handcuffed, then injected with a drug called Versed by an EMT with the SFFD. In response, she has filed a civil rights lawsuit against the city and county of San Francisco for violating her Fourth Amendment right to control her own body.
On July 29, UC Berkeley's plan to tear down People's Park and construct a 12-story building in its place was approved by the courts. After midnight on August 3, police moved in to push folks out of the park, making way for bulldozers and other equipment. As a growing crowd of protesters fought to save the park, police withdrew and new fencing was torn down. Protesters then began to rebuild, using logs and barriers left behind as baracades to prevent further construction.
Sun Jul 3 2022 (Updated 07/12/22)
City of Santa Cruz Vehicles Torched
Multiple city vehicles were set on fire and destroyed at a maintenance yard at Harvey West Park in Santa Cruz on June 2. Graffiti left at the scene read, "Leave Homeless Alone!!" and "Stop Sweeping!" City officials have estimated the damage to be approximately $300,000. The vehicles were destroyed in advance of the impending mass eviction at the San Lorenzo Park Benchlands homeless encampment, which the City of Santa Cruz had announced would begin in July.
Sun Jun 5 2022 (Updated 07/02/22)
Supreme Court Overturns Roe v. Wade!
Protesters spilled into the streets on June 24 soon after the much anticipated Supreme Court decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization was announced. In San Francisco, protesters gathered en masse in front of the Phillip Burton Federal Building for a rally that morphed into a march with a sit in at Market and 8th streets. An estimated 3,000 people converged on the intersection while thousands others protested in other parts of the city.
Tue May 31 2022 (Updated 06/02/22)
America: Civilian Gun Massacre Capital of the World
Outrage swelled after two of the latest mass casualty shootings, one at a grocery store in Buffalo, NY, and another at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas. Ten were killed in Buffalo, mostly African American elders, and twenty-one in Uvalde, nineteen small children and two teachers. Both shooters were only 18 years old when they bought the assault-style weapons used in the attacks. On June 11, Bay Area cities will protest on a national day of action against gun violence.
Wed May 4 2022 (Updated 06/07/22)
The Supreme Court Intends to Overturn Roe v. Wade
In a rare breach of US Supreme Court secrecy, a draft majority opinion written by justice Samuel Alito has been leaked. The would-be ruling makes a case for completely overturning Roe v. Wade, allowing states to outlaw all abortions without exceptions for rape and incest. Women in half of the states will lose access to safe and legal reproductive services. Protests immediately broke out across the country and are ongoing. Read more for updates.
Fri Mar 4 2022 (Updated 05/13/22)
Russia Moves to Take All of Ukraine by Military Force
On February 24, Russia began a military invasion of Ukraine, claiming its goals were to "demilitarize" and "de-nazify" the country. Bay Area Ukrainians protested in San Francisco on February 26 and 27, many agreeing with calls for maximal NATO involvement. On March 6, Code Pink and other anti-war organizations called for a Global Day of Action to protest the invasion, while also pointing to NATO expansion as having contributed to the crisis.
Protesters disrupted mass at St. Mary's on February 27 in costumes recreating those worn in the dystopian novel The Handmaid's Tale. A tiny group of anti-abortion activists challenged the disrupters, but were overwhelmed by pro-choice demonstrators. The St. Mary's protest was part of a buildup of activity in advance of mass protests to be held on March 8 International Women’s Day nationwide. In the Bay Area, an abortion rights demo will be held at UC Berkeley.
As the Biden administration keeps up a steady stream of predictions of imminent Russian invasion of Ukraine, along with shipping weapons and troops to Eastern Europe, anti-war groups in the Bay Area are responding. On February 5, they heeded the call put out by Code Pink and others to protest. Demonstrations were held in San Francisco (both at the Embarcadero and Speaker Pelosi's house), Oakland, Berkeley and Santa Cruz.
The U.S. Supreme Court is poised to overturn Roe v. Wade, which legalized abortion. Advocates for reproductive justice showed up on the forty-ninth anniversary of the decision to reignite the movement to control their bodies. Activists provided a counter-presence to the annual anti-abortion “Walk for Life” in San Francisco. Reproductive justice supporters rallied at the Federal Building/U.S. Courthouse, then marched to where Walk for Life was holding their opening event.
Sat Jan 8 2022 (Updated 01/14/22)
January 6 Anniversary Marked with Protests and Rallies
On January 6, cities and towns throughout the Bay Area and across the country held remembrance vigils and protest rallies on the one-year anniversary of the attack on the US Capitol building. Demonstrators identified former President Trump and the Republican Party as responsible for assaulting democracy in an attempt to reverse the outcome of a free and fair election. Many observers view the country as never having been so divided since the civil war and fear a recurrence.
International Human Rights Day was marked on December 10 by a diverse protest at San Francisco's Federal Building, calling out worldwide crimes against humanity. Countries and policies targeted were the US-supported Saudi war in Yemen, fascists in Myanmar, Israeli colonization of Palestine, attacks against the free press, police brutality, and the US Supreme Court's attack on women. Protesters later marched to a second rally at Powell and Market Streets.
As the US Supreme Court stood poised on December 1 to uphold a Mississippi law that bans abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy, demonstrators across the US took to the streets. A new organization on the reproductive justice movement scene, Strike for Choice, said the date, which coincided with World AIDS Day, "is fitting because we owe so much to the Act Up movement that moved the needle on the government’s attitude towards powerless AIDS patients."
Wed Nov 3 2021 (Updated 11/05/21)
Day of the Dead Protest at Nancy Pelosi's House
On October 30, a Day of the Dead rally was held in front of Speaker Nancy Pelosi's house in San Francisco. It was at the end of a funeral procession from Alta Plaza Park. A mock coffin with "68000" painted on it was carried to remember the number of people who died this year because of a lack of medical care. The Speaker's house has been a frequent target of demonstration. She has been viewed as a captive of corporate lobbying, unwilling to enact real healthcare reform.
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11/24/22 Largest Walkout in the History of US Higher Education Demands Fair Contract frontpage | labor | education | central-valley | east-bay | california11/13/22 Elected Leaders and Weapons Makers Urged to Deescalate Risk of Apocalypse frontpage | antiwar | central-valley | sf | east-bay | peninsula11/06/22 UN Condemns US Economic Embargo on Cuba, Ongoing Since 1959 frontpage | antiwar | sf | international | americas10/10/22 Beloved Community Activist Tony Coleman Passes Away frontpage | police | race | health-housing | education | sf | east-bay09/28/22 As Extreme Climate Events Increase, Demand for Change Intensifies frontpage | environment | sf | east-bay | us09/24/22 Hundreds Rally for Protection of Sacred Tribal Land from Mining Project frontpage | environment | race | south-bay | government | santa-cruz09/04/22 Alt-Right Far Outnumbered by Counter-Protesters at Central Valley Anti-Gay Demo frontpage | police | global-justice | lgbtqi | womyn | central-valley08/17/22 Security Guards Sent by OUSD to End Occupation Assault Community Members frontpage | police | race | education | east-bay08/14/22 Federal Civil Rights Lawsuit Filed Over Brutalization by SF City Employees frontpage | police | health-housing | womyn | sf08/08/22 After Court Ruling, Police Move in to Make Way for Construction in People's Park frontpage | police | environment | education | east-bay07/03/22 City Hall's Hostility Toward Homeless Residents of Santa Cruz Spurs Vehicle Arson frontpage | police | health-housing | government | santa-cruz