December 2, 2022

Controversial Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, who was taken off of her committees for supporting violence against Democrats, finally disavowed white nationalist Nick Fuentes. However, of course, she didn't disavow the man who hosted a dinner for Fuentes and antisemite Ye, formerly known as Kanye west. That man, Donald Trump, seems to be slipping by a few Republicans' accountability radars.

She spanked him pretty hard:

Fuentes isn't too happy about the breakup. They were getting along so well, after all.

"There's not anything that shows good character in her life," Fuentes said Friday on his show. "She's just weak. She'll go and say something edgy to get attention, and then when the pressure comes, she buckles. You know, she's going to be a MAGA mom and QAnon and all of that, and then the second Kevin McCarthy reprimands her, and she loses her committee, she goes and apologizes, and she's going to say, 'Oh, Covid is like the Holocaust' -- oh, so edgy, wow, drink up all that attention, here's the attention you ordered -- and then the second it gets too hot, 'Oh, I'm sorry, I went to a Holocaust museum and nuh-nuh, nuh-nuh-nuh.'"

"I'm over her," he added. "It's, like, and by the way, you know, she wants to be the face of Christian nationalism -- like, she's a divorced, and she's, like, actively an adulterer. How are you going to be the face of Christian nationalism when you're a divorced woman girl boss? It doesn't even make any sense. I'm so glad I don't have to pretend to support that anymore."

🎵 Breaking up is hard to do. 🎵

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