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Posted by11 hours ago
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Scheduled AMA
1 day ago
WholesomeAll-Seeing Upvote

In 1969, CREEM was launched in Detroit as a raw, unfiltered, unapologetic rock ‘n’ roll magazine, and ushered in a new era of raucous, participatory journalism. For two decades, the magazine broke barriers, rattled cages, and connected people to music in a way that has never been replicated. It launched writers like Lester Bangs, Patti Smith, Cameron Crowe, Jaan Uhelzski, Greil Marcus, David Marsh, and more.

After a cool 33-year hiatus, CREEM has once again risen from the ashes to move the focus of music journalism back where it belongs — on the fans. As much as we love musicians, we don’t care for the corporate music machine. We don’t work for the industry, we work for you. And when was the last time you had any fun reading about music? Subscribe to CREEM today


Posted by2 days ago

EDIT: All right guys, we're closing up shop. Thanks for all your questions today, and be sure to enjoy Starforge when it drops tomorrow! The trilogy is complete at last!

Who am I? Hello again Reddit! As you may have gathered from the title, I am Max Florschutz, author of Science-Fiction and Fantasy novels, here to celebrate tomorrow's launch of the ninth book to bear my name and the conclusion to an epic Sci-Fi trilogy: Starforge! I'll be answering questions until about 5 PM MST!

That's the short of it. The long of it? Well, I'm still an author of Science-Fiction and Fantasy, so that doesn't change. But I'll give you a bit more backstory. My first book, One Drink, was published in 2013, making next year the ten-year anniversary of my career as an author. It was followed a short time later by a sequel, Dead Silver, and from there by numerous other books, including Colony, the first book in the UNSEC Space Trilogy that will reach its titanic conclusion when Starforge releases tomorrow!

I'm also known for running Being a Better Writer, a weekly writing guide answering all sorts of common questions about writing (and if you ask a common writing how-to question, I may just drop you a link) each Monday on my website. You can also check out that site (Unusual Things) for writing samples, free stuff, and preview chapters of each of my books.

My Proof: Obligatory website link!

Full list of books so far, in publication order:

  • One Drink

  • Dead Silver

  • Unusual Events: A "Short" Story Collection

  • Colony (UNSEC Space 1)

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Scheduled AMA
2 days ago
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“A bit about us: Kiiroo specializes in producing high-end interactive pleasure products (AKA teledildonics) that mimic intimacy through the internet, from anywhere in the world using our esteemed interactive technology. You can check out our products & technology on

We had an awesome time answering your questions on Friday on our AMA. Thank you for everyone that participated, left questions, signed up for our tester program and dm’d us! Kiiroo is a community oriented brand, and you’re always welcome to join our subreddits r/Kiiroo and r/Feelstars, as well as our Discord server.

To say thank to all of you, we have our CEO Toon Timmermans today with us to answer all your remaining questions.

Here is our proof

We’re still running our Black Friday sales with up to 70% off on our website and we’re offering an extra 15% using the code: CEO15. Don’t forget to choose your free gift at checkout!”

Click here to view the AMA and join in the conversation.

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Scheduled AMA
7 days ago

FINAL UPDATE: Stormed through a few more questions! I'm signing off now. I've lurked and submitted stories to Reddit for around a decade and the questions didn't disappoint. Hope you enjoy the book should you decide to get hold of a copy! Thank you all and enjoy the rest of your holiday!

UPDATE: Thanks Reddit! I'm going to turn in now. Happy Thanksgiving for tomorrow if you're in the US. I'll try to answer any remaining questions tomorrow while you're tucking into roast turkey or whatever you're doing! You can find me on Twitter ( (for now at least).

Hi Reddit! I’ve been a science journalist for almost two decades but 'The Man from the Future’' is my first book—and it’s now an Amazon science book of the year! I first came across JVN during a high school computer science class. We were learning about the von Neumann architecture, the standard design for almost all computers today. But his name’s come up repeatedly since then—even more so recently and in wildly different contexts. I knew right from the get-go I didn’t want to write a standard biography. Instead, I focus on his ideas, which helped seed the modern world. So please do ask me about Johnny, math, science journalism, writing books or pretty much anything. Cheers! Twitter: PROOF:

Proof: Here's my proof!

Posted by7 days ago


I´m Etienne, writer creative writing teacher and CEO of the SadWolf Verlag @ a German book publishing company.

Since we celebrated our eights birthday the 14th of November I wanted to do an AmA. Feel free to ask anything


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