
Splurge on body or lens? by Wunterslash in Leica

[–]MarranoPoltergeist 4 points5 points  (0 children)

You’ll always want the Leica lens. Leica lenses will usually continue to increase in price.

Voigtlander makes some fantastic specialized lenses - I have a handful of them.

However, as a 15+ year Leica shooter, I can honestly say that I wish I would’ve just bought Leica from the beginning instead of this merry-go-round of overlapping focal lengths from different companies.

That says more about my inability to curb GAS - but it’s something I’ve seen many others fall into as well. Bodies drop in price. Lenses, not so much.

Recommending Great Movies Not Many Have Seen: Day 12 - The Heartbreak Kid (1972) by Elaine May [THIS NEEDS A CRITERION] by just2good in criterion

[–]MarranoPoltergeist 1 point2 points  (0 children)

This is a great movie. I also (gasp!) really like the remake even though they are fundamentally different movies.

Tell all pt 3 by Batty_Betty81 in 90DayFiance

[–]MarranoPoltergeist 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I think people raised by loving parents have a hard time understanding that there are other parents who simply show love as a way of “keeping up appearances.” To those people, they never really see the true person - only how they want to be perceived as.

I’m very sorry for your loss - it’s not something I think anyone can ever quite get over. Colt’s experience, based on his language, and Debbie’s response, appears to be vastly different than most healthy, loving, parent-child relationship.

Tell all pt 3 by Batty_Betty81 in 90DayFiance

[–]MarranoPoltergeist 33 points34 points  (0 children)

I haven’t seen part 3 yet, but Debbie is a classic narcissistic mother. Everything she does is done to paint herself as the victim - and if Colt, who knows her best, seeing as he was essentially a surrogate husband for this codependent woman, says she never cared for his dad, he’s probably right. He’s trying to establish boundaries and is exhausted w her manipulation. I think your Take makes perfect sense - except you’re ignoring the massive sociopath in front of you.

Does anyone else feel it was rather unforgivable for SNL / Lorne to ask Elon & Trump to host the show? by Cozum in LiveFromNewYork

[–]MarranoPoltergeist 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Yes. It’s fucking gross and crass and you’d think Lorne had enough clout and dignity to leave that fascist trash off the air. It was a tremendous disservice to humanity, in all seriousness. Even Jean Doumanian would’ve stood her ground.

Mater Dei Catholic wins back-to-back state football titles by MarranoPoltergeist in sandiego

[–]MarranoPoltergeist[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Mater Dei was moved up to D1 if I'm not mistaken. I think they're both exceptional teams and powerhouses in their own right

Mater Dei Catholic wins back-to-back state football titles by MarranoPoltergeist in sandiego

[–]MarranoPoltergeist[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Mater Dei is the only team to win back-to-back state championships in San Diego history - two of their seniors are joining UCLA’s squad and a third is heading to Kansas where they are counting the days for him to be on campus. What am I missing with Lincoln?

Visibility filtering: Twitter is said to have specifically suppressed content and users by AmerBekic in LeopardsAteMyFace

[–]MarranoPoltergeist 18 points19 points  (0 children)

This is gross. They’re trying to vilify that Twitter had a series of…checks and …balances

Isnahtparncornee by MarranoPoltergeist in 90dayfianceuncensored

[–]MarranoPoltergeist[S] 11 points12 points  (0 children)

EDIT: I feel like I'm tripping balls. I knew the Courtney dude was an actor or model - but I didn't expect to find HIS GODDAMN Instagram and his last name is Millon. Antonio Millon. Tony Million (not Tony Millionaire, the amazing artist).

And to look through his feed is something else. "Time is the currency of Life" reads his bio.

This may be old news completely, but I feel like I inadvertently took a Ketamine from those Instagram ads and now this is what's happening

Donald feels up Rudy. by [deleted] in Damnthatsinteresting

[–]MarranoPoltergeist -6 points-5 points  (0 children)

Neither of these assholes in this burned-out clip is REMOTELY interesting - get this shit OUTTAHERE