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Posted by46 minutes ago

What should an on-chain resume consist of?

In web3, employers want to see proof of your hard skills and passion for web3 to build conviction for you.

This is why you need an on-chain resume: combining on-chain credentials with off-chain achievements to build a comprehensive picture of yourself as a web3 builder. Ideally, you showcase at least the following topics:

  • Most important development projects

  • Open-source contributions

  • Employment history

  • Web3 activity (bounties, DAO contributions, POAPs...)

  • Education

It's also crucial that you show these things actionably – a recruiter will likely spend <1min with your profile, so you must show the best side of yourself immediately.

We at Kleoverse have developed a Proof-of-Talent protocol to help you with that. We help you to store achievements on-chain, verify skills with scores, build a web3 resume, and apply for +600 open jobs.

Today, for the first project ever, we announced an update that helps you bring your Stack Overflow reputation on-chain. You can store these achievements with +40 badges, supporting 8 coding languages with 5 levels for each of them.

Stack Overflow achievements are connected to Proof-of-Talent Skill Scores – the more achievements you claim, the higher score you reach, helping you find jobs easier.

In addition to the badges, we have designed a web3 resume where you can easily showcase Proof-of-Talent alongside with your employment history, on-chain credentials, open-source contributions, and other important achievements. You can apply to +600 open jobs with one click using this resume.

Be among the first ones ever to bring your Stack Overflow reputation on-chain by minting your badges today! 👉

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