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Create smarter and more efficient supply chains, reduce fraud, verify transactions faster and create disruptive new business models with Azure services built on blockchain solutions.

Digitise trust with Azure blockchain solutions

Simplify complex processes for reconciling data disputes and irregularities in auditing and regulatory compliance. Reduce the cost of dispute resolution with blockchain solutions that provide the ability to digitise trust in multiple-party business processes. Azure offers a choice of cutting-edge Microsoft and partner solutions for your digital trust needs using the blockchain technology.

Choose from multiple blockchain solutions to find the one that’s right for your use cases and business needs. Build a fully managed blockchain service, keep data in a tamperproof datastore or add tamper detection to your Azure SQL Database. Azure has multiple solutions for your workload.

Build on blockchain platforms that you can trust. Whether that's on industry-leading Quorum blockchain technology from our partners at ConsenSys, or with a deep, hardware-based root of trust from Azure Confidential Ledger. Microsoft innovations give you the trust that you need.

Take a proof of concept to production seamlessly by integrating your blockchain solution with the Azure services you already use. Add blockchain-based tamper detection with Azure SQL Database ledger. Help secure and control your data through the strength of Azure confidential computing hardware with Azure confidential ledger.

Explore Azure blockchain solution architectures

Discover how blockchain technology – including Ethereum networks – helps secure your data and digitise your workflows in these illustrated architectural scenarios.

Supply Chain Track and Trace

A common blockchain pattern is IoT-enabled monitoring of an asset along a supply chain. For example, transporting perishable goods, such as food or pharmaceuticals, where certain compliance rules must be met throughout the process.

Decentralised trust between banks

Financial institutions use a blockchain to share information without needing a centralised database, boosting security, trust and efficiency.

Frequently asked questions

  • Blockchain technology allows organisations to streamline shared workstreams – such as supply chains – by exchanging and tracking assets and transactions on a shared ledger.

    In enterprise use, blockchain networks are often distributed among a group of partners (called a consortium), giving each partner real-time visibility into every transaction that occurs. Each partner also can reject incorrect transactions before they’re applied to the ledger, which simplifies auditing and greatly reduces the risk of fraud.

  • Blockchain is a transparent and verifiable system. As a shared, secure ledger of transactions distributed among a network of computers, blockchain limits waste, reduces the risk of fraud and enables the creation of new revenue streams.
  • Azure Confidential Ledger is a distributed ledger, meaning the business logic isn’t centrally controlled. Confidential Ledger uses Azure confidential computing capabilities, running exclusively on hardware-backed secure enclaves. Choose Azure Confidential Ledger for tamperproof data storage in scenarios where critical metadata records must not be modified, including in perpetuity for regulatory compliance and archival purposes.
  • Azure SQL Database ledger introduces cryptographic verification to multiple-party business processes within a trusted, centralised system and analyses data within existing blockchain networks. Choose SQL Database ledger as an alternative to blockchain for your existing SQL data and eliminate the cost, complexity and performance overhead of a decentralised network.
  • ConsenSys Quorum Blockchain Service is a managed blockchain service, providing the infrastructure required to build a blockchain consortium. This service utilises the open-source Quorum protocol for a flexible, decentralised and configurable network. Choose Quorum Blockchain Service if you are migrating from Azure Blockchain Service or need to implement a full-featured distributed blockchain network.
  • Azure Blockchain Service was retired on 10 September 2021. It is recommended that customers use ConsenSys Quorum Blockchain Service as a direct replacement, which offers expanded features and more flexible deployment options for managed blockchain networks.

Start using Azure Confidential Ledger Preview

Add a tamperproof, cryptographically backed datastore to your Azure deployment.

Add ledger capabilities to Azure SQL

Learn more about how you can use Azure SQL Database ledger to add tamper evidence capabilities to your database.

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