

Do you like food? I do. Cooking, restaurants, recipes, food network, foodies, talk about it here!

If you're posting a picture of something you've made, please be kind and give us a recipe so that we might recreate it!


70% of the title has to specifically describe what the food is.

Backstory to the food / where the ingredients come from (leftover, last nights, home grown) do not fall within the 70% and must only take up 30% of the title. Titles worded to solicit votes directly or indirectly will be removed. The titles must have one (1) tag. No emojis or all caps, please.

Here are a few examples of good titles:

  • [Homemade] Chicken Sandwich - 2/2 or 100% Specific description of the food
  • [I ate] Coo-coo clock shaped blueberry pie - 6/6 or 100% Specific description of the food
  • [Pro/Chef] Turkey, Gravy, and Mashed Potatoes - 5/5 or 100% Specific description of the food
  • [I ate] A fruit platter with strawberries, blueberries, and chocolate-covered banana slices - 11/11 or 100% Specific description of the food
  • [Homemade] Cake - 1/1 or 100% Specific description of the food
  • [I ate] a lobster roll with fries and a craft beer on the beach - 9/12 or 75% Specific description of the food
  • [Pro/Chef] Meat pizza with pepperoni, pork, and chicken for dinner - 7/9 or 88% Specific description of the food
  • [I ate] Salmon Nigiri - 2/2 or 100% Specific description of the food

Here are a few example of bad titles:

  • [Homemade] For Christmas, my adorable son and I made the most delicious chicken sandwich of all time! - 2/16 or 12% Specific description of the food
  • [I ate] SUPER YUMMY CHEESECAKE!!!! - 1/3 or 33% Specific description of the food
  • [Pro/Chef] Holiday-Themed 🥘 - 0/2 or 0% Specific description of the food
  • [I ate] Breakfast - 0/1 or 0% Specific description of the food
  • [I ate] Sushi for the first time - 1/5 or 25% Specific description of the food
  • [Homemade] I tried making bread - 1/4 or 25% Specific description of the food
  • [Homemade] Pizza my mother made! - 1/4 or 25% Specific description of the food

Add a Tag at the Front of Your Title

The available tags are:

  • [I ate] - food you ate at a restaurant

  • [Homemade] - food you made at home

  • [Pro/Chef] - food you made as a chef

No Low-Quality Posts or Comments

We don't allow any:

  • Non-Original Content Posts - If you didn't take the photo, don't post it

  • Self-promotion

  • Blog links

  • Video Posts

  • Watermarks/Superimposed Text

  • Dietary activism

  • Politics

  • Chain/Pre-Packaged Food

  • Low-Resolution/Poorly Composed Images

Be Nice

Please be respectful and don't call other users (and their food) derogatory words. We enforce Redditquette.

Linking to YouTube in Comments.

  • Linking YouTube videos is allowed, as long as the video complies with the following:

    The channel must have at least 100,000 subscribers.

    The video must be directly related to food.

If you see a violation of these rules, report it. We will act swiftly.

  • Mods may remove any post, comment or user, if the post, comment or user is deemed detrimental to the community. Do not send mods messages, to their personal inboxes. Please use our modmail function.

  • New users accounts are filtered. There is a small threshold of karma (100, combined) and age requirement ( 1 month) before being allowed to post freely. Send us a link to your post for approval. This is usually done once per account. Beyond that, we request that you engage more and build up your karma before posting again.

revision by Sun_Beams— view source