
This came in the mail today! Thanks to MrGrumble84. Red Bat was one of my first avatars. I’m a huge fan of Creatures of the Nighties and can’t wait to see what he does next! by BrokenParachutes in avatartrading

[–]laulau9025 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Nice touch on the "what up batches!" 😅

For me nothing will replace some ink and marker

Yep I totally get that, gives off a more authentic vibe, a very different feeling

LOL I just saw your post with a drawing from spirited away. Very nice! One of my fav movies, I've already watched it several times with our toddler (4y).

Have you lost friends because of crypto? by delplaya8000 in CryptoCurrency

[–]laulau9025 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I actually made a lot of friends, my DMS are full of messages from them. They're so nice, even offer to double my crypto..

Promoting Crypto on Instagram? Disclosures Need More Than a Hashtag, Says Gensler - Decrypt by cannainform2 in CryptoCurrency

[–]laulau9025 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Need More Than a Hashtag

Of course the rocket emojis and the police car light must not be forgotten!

happy 4200 members r/stelllarcannacoin .. nice puffin everybody :) .. my daughter made this cake - i'm so proud of her and her talents! .. puff puff pass :) by kbad01 in StellarCannaCoin

[–]laulau9025 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Damn nice cake, so much attention to detail. I love how the leaves on the side are not flat, but have some of their tips sticking out (3D effect!) 🥰

Solana Outages. Round euhhh... by callmemrsunshine in CryptoCurrency

[–]laulau9025 7 points8 points  (0 children)

I was typing acomment, then I saw the username lol

In most cases, news "NFT wAs JusT sOld For A WhOpiNg ..." is just a wash trade by inevitable_username in CryptoCurrency

[–]laulau9025 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Yeah I had a low number singularity #804 and my friend had a really cool dripsquad, high number but really cool design