
This guy just said Doge is nothing and will be zero in a month! by Unique-Umpire-6023 in dogecoin

[–]moldyjellybean 15 points16 points  (0 children)

lol survived 10 years and possibly has a following as big as BTC. All the haters will be surprised when Doge becomes the #2 crypto

Kevin O'Leary might be the stupidest person in crypto. Listen to this interview about SBF and FTX by moldyjellybean in CryptoCurrency

[–]moldyjellybean[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

He's got such a large audience from Shark Tank he's worse than the youtube influencers. So many people got fucked by this guy but even worse he's about to fuck a whole new freshmen crypto in 2024

Kevin O'Leary might be the stupidest person in crypto. Listen to this interview about SBF and FTX by moldyjellybean in CryptoCurrency

[–]moldyjellybean[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Yeah for sure, and maybe it's too late this time. I didn't listen to him this run but I didn't exactly dismiss his opinions as fucking criminally dumb.

This is just a reminder and seed in your brain for 2024-2025 because this fucker and many like him like Raul Pau (telling people to ape into Luna and Sol) are going to pull the same playbook in a few years.

Going to Vietnam, need to learn the language fast by moldyjellybean in VietNam

[–]moldyjellybean[S] -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Possibly but in my travel, learning a few key words gets you by, spanish was easy to learn just watching tv shows.

Kevin O'Leary might be the stupidest person in crypto. Listen to this interview about SBF and FTX by moldyjellybean in CryptoCurrency

[–]moldyjellybean[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

You're the dumbass that said someone who has billion is smarter and I proved you wrong but it turns out you're dumber than Kanye and Kyrie.

Man holds back from shooting mama bear that charges him 3 times by freestudent88 in nextfuckinglevel

[–]moldyjellybean -1 points0 points  (0 children)

why not shoot in the air when the bear is far away near the fence to scare it away

Kevin O'Leary might be the stupidest person in crypto. Listen to this interview about SBF and FTX by moldyjellybean in CryptoCurrency

[–]moldyjellybean[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Just because George Bush Jr has made billions selling out America and killed millions doesn't make him smarter than me or anyone here.

Kim and her sisters are billionaires and Kanye, Kyrie Irving have billions in investments and are 100% more stupid than the 99% of the public.

It doesn't mean shit, I'm saying Kevin's, Kanye . Kyrie logic is what makes them stupid the bank account is irrelevant. To me Kevin is just like the guy on facebook Marketplace lowballing people but just on a bigger scale. Lowball lowball and sometimes he hits.

Kevin O'Leary might be the stupidest person in crypto. Listen to this interview about SBF and FTX by moldyjellybean in CryptoCurrency

[–]moldyjellybean[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I’m sure the hey said that when people went from trading rocks, food , animals, silver, gold, paper, paypal, and now crypto.

It takes time and air printed scams aren’t but Bitcoin is .

Bitcoin is physics, energy, math, hardware converted to a decentralized, immutable real currency.

Should I update to this BIOS ? (Legion 5 2021) by RecommendationOwn878 in LenovoLegion

[–]moldyjellybean -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

Just a warning to anyone to avoid Lenovo laptops at all costs. They won't fix your laptop even if it's unrelated to any issue unless you update to the newest bios and completely wipe your laptop.

I bought the ultimate warranty and they won't fix the touchpad.

Pages and pages full of this issue. Not only that they want to remote into your laptop, control it and the webcam to take pictures of your laptop. WTF


Crippling current job by leaving by infinite_zero in sysadmin

[–]moldyjellybean 11 points12 points  (0 children)

Haha feel guilty for what? You should be beaming with an I told you smile inside, outside, wear a shirt on your last day that says I told you so.

If you don't need the money don't consult but if you do start really high at 500. You literally hold all the bargaining power, maybe they negotiate down to 350/400.

Reason I wouldn't even for 250 an hour is you know what a cluster f this is and every future unrelated issue they are going to blame on you.

It’s time for crypto fans to stop supporting cults of personality by unitys2011 in CryptoCurrency

[–]moldyjellybean 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I don't know what the Doge price will be but to me BTC and Doge are so similar they might be the only 2 true crypto currencies.

I've said this for years and keep getting laughed but Doge since 2013 and 2018 might be the best crypto to buy and in the future I think you'll say the same about 2022.

1) Creators did not make it to profit

2) No premine

3) No VC

4) Huge community that has grown even during the down times.

5) not printed out of thin air, created by the laws of physics, energy, math

6) survived 3+ bear markets and still is way above what they started out as

7) actually accepted as crypto payments at many places

8) about the same % added to the supply each year. Under 4%

Doge might actually be a better crypto than BTC, enough for he common man. Easier to transact in whole Doge, vs .0005 BTC

And Doge is the probably the only coin that is up 400% from the 2018 ath. If you bought BTC ETH in 2017/18 highs you’d be down but Doge has beat both

Digital Currency Group (DCG) Clarifies Financial Position, Reveals $2B Loan by Imaginary-Praline314 in CryptoCurrency

[–]moldyjellybean 0 points1 point  (0 children)

You should not trust them. The only data that matters is on chain data. What companies say is bull shit.

Literally every company said things were great and they had all user finds and every time it was a lie.

Digital Currency Group (DCG) Clarifies Financial Position, Reveals $2B Loan by Imaginary-Praline314 in CryptoCurrency

[–]moldyjellybean 0 points1 point  (0 children)

A lot of things don't add up

If coinbase is a custodian and one of those companies is a client and says we don't want to disclose our holdings, what right does Coinbase have telling everyone how much btc they have.

A lot of crypto companies aren't supposed to spend or use customer funds and they all say we don't but as we know everything they say is a farce.

The only thing we can trust is on chain data. Not even what coinbase says or files with the SEC,

Enron Worldcom etc moved funds between their sister company, filed made up numbers too so at this point the only thing we can trust is on chain data

What was your biggest loss in crypto? by DeeperBags in CryptoCurrency

[–]moldyjellybean 0 points1 point  (0 children)

That's not bad if you only bought fractions of it, I remember reading some guy buying 6 figures of UST when it was. 65 trading the volatility and held too long

FTX's Terms of Service forbade them from trading with customer funds, but SBF found a loophole to do so anyway by OneThatNoseOne in CryptoCurrency

[–]moldyjellybean 14 points15 points  (0 children)

Look at SBF parents, they were in on the scam, were lawyers and bought hundreds of millions in property in the Bahamas.

You don't buy that kind of property on a law professor salary

It’s time for crypto fans to stop supporting cults of personality by unitys2011 in CryptoCurrency

[–]moldyjellybean 12 points13 points  (0 children)

Since 2018 ath if you bought btc and eth you are negative if you bought Dogecoin at 2018 highs you are still up 450%

Since 2013 Doge is up about 90000%

Basically every alt is down 90% + from the 2021 ath.

Doge is probably the only meme coin that has survived multiple winters and comeback higher each time

People call Dogecoin a shitcoin but not their printed out of thin air POS

Helping the homeless by druule10 in HumansBeingBros

[–]moldyjellybean 0 points1 point  (0 children)

What city is this? I love that 1st guy, it's, getting so damn cold out there. I hope they find the help and comfort they need.

FTX US Donated $1 Million to Republican Senate Leader Mitch McConnell Super-PAC in October -Bloomberg- by simplelifestyle in CryptoCurrency

[–]moldyjellybean 0 points1 point  (0 children)

like ultimate bet and poker sites in the early 2000 using customer funds for deposit bonus, advertising, bribes, infrastructure, payroll , parties. Even the same fucker at ultimate bet is at FTX

Driven by SBF’s Megalomania to Take More and More Risks, This Is How the 30 Traders of Alameda Research Caused the FTX Collapse. by sylsau in CryptoCurrency

[–]moldyjellybean 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Exactly, it’s like playing poker as the the house except you’ve marked the cards and know what everyone has, their liquidation, their balance, you rigged the dealer in your favor, you get a % of the pot in rake/trades.

How do you have all this insider info , rig the deck and collect rake and still lose.