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Found the internet!
Posted by1 day ago
SilverTake My Energy

J.P. Morgan analyst: “while the news of the collapse of FTX is empowering crypto skeptics, we would point out that all of the recent collapses in the crypto ecosystem have been from centralized players and not from decentralized protocols."

J.P. Morgan crypto analyst Steven Alexopoulos found silver-linings in the FTX catastrophe, writing in U.S. Mid- and Small-Cap Banks Crypto Banking Weekly:

Collapse of FTX a Painful Step Back but Might Prove to be the Catalyst that Moves Crypto Two Steps Forward

With FTX emerging earlier this year as a white knight, bailing out troubled crypto-related companies, the news of FTX itself collapsing this week sent shockwaves through the crypto markets. While this is certainly a major short-term setback, we see the widely publicized collapse of FTX as potentially dramatically accelerating the timeline to which crypto-related regulation will be ushered in (similar to new banking regulation which followed the GFC).

As a result, we see the news surrounding FTX as one step back, but one that could prove to be the catalyst to move the crypto economy two steps forward (further unlocking the utility value of blockchain). In fact, we see the establishment of a regulatory framework as the needed catalyst to massively ramp the institutional adoption of crypto.

Moreover, while the news of the collapse of FTX is empowering crypto skeptics, we would point out that all of the recent collapses in the crypto ecosystem have been from centralized players and not from decentralized protocols.

95% Upvoted
level 1
ModModerator Achievement · 1 day ago · Stickied comment

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level 1
· 1 day ago
It's all about the flare

JP Morgan is reading my shitposts, holy crap

level 2
· 1 day ago
Platinum | QC: CC 40

And he agrees with you :0

level 2
· 21 hr. ago
Tin | CC critic

Plot Twist: he is a shitposter himself and thinks moons will got to $100.

level 2
· 23 hr. ago
Platinum | QC: CC 530 | r/WSB 16

A lot of people like him probably read here.

Can't wait for the day to have a post from here involved in a congress hearing.

level 2
· 23 hr. ago
Bronze | 4 months old

A lot of people visit this sub

I remember seeing that Vitalik used to comment here randomly

Won’t be surprised if others do as well, hiding behind their anonymity

level 2
· 8 hr. ago
Tin | 5 months old

nope, you are better doing the opposite of what he says

level 2
· 22 hr. ago
Tin | 1 month old

You'd be surprised how many "journalists" vidit this sub and actually quote people from here in their articles

level 2
· 21 hr. ago
Silver | QC: XLM 307, CC 84, BTC 43 | LRC 61 | TraderSubs 19

Based jp morgan shit post...

Wait what.

level 2
· 14 hr. ago
Tin | 3 months old

JP Morgan on drugs,, but sounds good in our ear

level 2

I thought JP Morgan is dead

level 2
· 11 hr. ago

JP Morgan is only posting it for the moons xD

level 2
· 10 hr. ago
Platinum | QC: CC 52, ETH 23 | TraderSubs 10

At least they're not reading WSJ or other shitty publications

level 2
· 10 hr. ago
Tin | r/WSB 12

What unexpected sentiment it must be for them to be both right and miss the fucking point entirely on purpose, lol.

JPM: Please don't have a panic attack immediately, whoresons.


2 more replies

level 1
· 1 day ago
Platinum | QC: CC 3122, CCMeta 197 | r/ButtCoinASA 12

If anything FTX has further proven the need for decentralized crypto and decentralized blockchain more than ever.

It operated like 2008 corrupt traditional finance. It was a scammy centralized operation. Regardless if they were trading stocks, forex, crypto, or whatever.

Just like when a scammy pawn shop that cons people who come sell their gold, it's obviously not gold that's the issue, it's the pawn shop.

level 2
· 1 day ago

The one good thing about something collapsing in every single bear market is that it brings in regulation that we need to be in a better place during the next bull market. Then something is going to collapse again. It's a cat and mouse game that hurts in the mid-term but is beneficial in the long run.

level 2
· 18 hr. ago
Platinum | QC: CC 26 | Buttcoin 16

If anything FTX has further proven the need for decentralized crypto and decentralized blockchain more than ever.

Yeah, bitcoins been around since 2008. When exactly does it gain adoption (not speculation…but actual real life use).