Pleiadian Collective/Family Of Taygeta via Neioh #ufo #magick #conspiracy

Beloved Friends Of Earth!

You Are Part Of All That Is!

Many Of You Have Religious Beliefs, Doctrine Or No Belief Or Assurance At All.

Many Have Left Doctrine As It Is Simple To Research The Ever Changing Words Of Mankind!

As Rulers Collected Scriptures And Decided What People Would Be Taught, Please Understand That Fear Was At The Forefront Of All. Fear Drew People In Dread And Not Love For A Creator Described As Angry, Jealous, Vindictive And A Murderer Who Took Sides.
Know Fully That God Is Spirit And Reacts To Each Form Of Life Energetically In A Matching Vibrational Frequency.

Some Illnesses Were Planned By The Soul As A Catalyst For Growth And Expansion.

Nothing Is Wasted And Everything Is Working For Your Good With A Change In Perspective.

You Were Never Meant To Remain Here!

With The Light Of God-ELAKO, Or Any Name Of Your Understanding, ELOHIM As Many, Knew Love As One!

There Is No Understanding Of Infinity To The Human Mind.

There Is Understanding Of Beginnings And Endings.

For A Moment We Return To ELOHIM And The Understanding Of Expressions Of The Divine With Intention, Becoming Many.

These Are Called By Many Names Now.

Know That These Names Are For Your Understanding Only.

In A Vibrational Frequency (Density) Of 12-D (Dimension-Location), Many Knew Themselves As This Love.

They Communicated Without Language In Tones And Light.

They Created Forms For Themselves And Chose Others To Be With.

There Were Fairies, Angels, Pleiadians, Arcturians, Andromedans, Sirians, Orions And More.
Fairies And Angels Traveled The Multiverses And Loved All.

Archangels Rose To Serve And Travel Without A Stationary Home.

All Learned To Communicate And Visit Other Stars.

Telepathy Was Created And Technology Grew. FAE Assisted With Crafts And Discovered Their Power And Magic To Assist The Forming Of The Galactic Federation.
We Leave Together To The Beloved Light Of SHEEN!

Together We Are ONE!

I Love You So!

qthestormrider777/KatAnon #wingnut #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot


5-22 @qthestormrider777

MUSK was placed by WHITE HAT MIL

(this would bring chaos/ infighting
inside the MIL & go against DoD Laws

(too much chaos in political arenas..
& go against DoD Laws connected to high level clearance)

Both White HATS & Mil & 45


What ELON MUSK is working on behind the scenes
is connected to high Level MIL Tech
[5G, Med Beds]
that can Never Again be Corrupted


There’s a reason TRUMP said → “We must protect MUSK.”



The Nazi order.
NWO [N does not refer to “New”]

Vic Biorseth #fundie #homophobia #wingnut #conspiracy

The Homo Nazi movement already owns the SLIMC <Secularist Liberal Intellectual Media Complex>, but most people are probably not yet aware of the inroads it has made into government. hen high-level politicians use mealy-mouthed weasel-words to explain their position, how they're really for something that they are voting against, you should see their winning, warm political smiles as sinister. It is about as benign as the smile of the crocodile. I've said it before, many times, and it always bears repeating: you show me a Marxist and I'll show you an ends-justify-the-means liar. These predominantly Homo Nazi Senators do not love America so much as they love the notion of Utopia, or Communism.
A homosexual is what a homosexual does. If you have homosexual tendencies or temptations, and you take charge of yourself and resist them, then you are not a homosexual, and you are not any different from me or from anyone else. We all have temptations, we are all called to self-control. A homosexual cross may have a different shape or size or weight than other ones, but we each have our own unique crosses, and we are all called to pick them up, every day, and follow Him. He didn't say it would be easy; He just said to do it.

So, simple common sense, the Natural Order and the Ecclesial Order all seem to agree, and all oppose the Homo Nazi notion of the goodness, normalcy and acceptability of active homosexuality. Yet that is the clear and obvious position of our courts, most of our government, educational institutions, the SLIMC, the UN, the Left Coast and much of the East Coast.

However, for me, the gloves come off when addressing active homosexuals who have adopted the open homosexual lifestyle. I don't use tippy-toe language when talking to or about committed, obstinate unrepentant sinners, particularly when they publicly promote or "roll model" homosexuality in a positive way to others. I am a Roman Catholic; therefore, I am the open, avowed enemy of the Homo Nazi.

Nick Beckstead #elitist #mammon #psycho #racist

Beckstead is credited as one of the founders of longtermism because of his 2013 PhD dissertation titled "On the Overwhelming Importance of Shaping the Far Future," which longtermist Toby Ord describes as "one of the best texts on existential risk." Beckstead made the case therein that what matters more than anything else in the present is how our actions will influence the future in the coming "millions, billions, and trillions of years." How do we manage this? One way is to make sure that no existential risks occur that could foreclose our "vast and glorious" future among the heavens, with trillions of simulated people living in virtual realities. Another is to figure out ways of altering the trajectory of civilization's development: Even small changes could have ripple effects that, over millions, billions and trillions of years, add up to something significant.

One implication of Beckstead's view is that, to quote him, since "saving lives in poor countries may have significantly smaller ripple effects than saving and improving lives in rich countries, … it now seems more plausible to me that saving a life in a rich country is substantially more important than saving a life in a poor country, other things being equal."

Why would that be so, exactly? Because "richer countries have substantially more innovation, and their workers are much more economically productive."

Laura Wood #transphobia

[From "A Case of Economic Dysphoria"]

FOR A LONG TIME, I have felt like a billionaire trapped in a middle class person’s body

This psychological condition is so intractable, it must be innate. It has caused me acute distress, especially lately because I need a billion dollars so that I can give it all away to people I know could really use it. I could make a big difference if I had those bucks

I just have this feeling. This inescapable feeling. I’m a billionaire, or maybe just a millionaire, but society refuses to recognize me as such. Yesterday, I was so surprised at the bill at the grocery store that I was overcome by a dysphoric attack of great intensity. I was trapped in a social construct — an economic identity assigned at birth without my consent

The bank refuses to recognize me as a billionaire. Car dealers, utility companies, the construction industry — they all refuse to see the truth. That’s discrimination. Just because I don’t have millions doesn’t mean that inside, where it really counts, I’m not loaded. No foundations or organized psychologists are out there to help people like me transition to the super rich

The world is a cruel place. I know a man who lives in a tiny mobile home, all because he is an unrecognized billionaire. His suffering is totally ignored. Maybe those who share the same disorder can someday organize. We should make our plight known because as things stand we are a horribly persecuted minority. It’s not necessary that we be given billions. Not at all. But we definitely need to be treated by everyone, especially banks and retailers, as if we have them

various commenters #wingnut #racist

Spoke up today in class in defense of white people when the subject of slavery came up.

I told the class that It was black Africans that kidnapped other black people and put them in chains and sold them. And that the whites were the first to free the slaves.

The professor cut me off and said that I was wrong.


@Teamsaveamerica Actually, a majority of slave owners were Jewish, not white!

@Teamsaveamerica My first thought was “ why are you wasting money on a university indoctrination program?” Then I thought “meh its your money” Then I realized your loans will likely be forgiven at some point by the commiecrats and I willl end up paying for them.

Since I will likely pay for your education, I demand you punch that professor right in the dick! 🤣

@Teamsaveamerica start a petition to have them removed for being fucking retarded. The slaves sold were enslaved by the victors in tribal battles. And considering just how often the victors ATE the losers, they were the LUCKY ones.

@Teamsaveamerica you were correct. Being a professor doesn't make someone smart. It just means they memorized the story were willing to say what they were told. The first legal slave owner in America was a black man who went to court to keep another black man, an indentured servant, enslaved for his entire lifetime.

James Howard Kunstler #wingnut #conspiracy

The really stunning thing about Elon Musk’s campaign to clean up the back-stage rats’ nest at Twitter is that he’s the lone authority figure in the land who dared to act against the degenerate political Left’s impudent and remorseless cancellation of everything that held together America’s consensual reality.

Think of it: all the college presidents and deans, all the corporate CEOs, all the judges, all the governors, mayors, and agency heads, all the news editors and network producers who did nothing and said nothing about the wholesale demolition of truths, values, and principles carried out by Woke-Jacobin maniacs under their watch. And what’s more appalling: they all pretended not to notice each other’s craven inaction and silence.
So far, it’s hard to fault Mr. Musk’s performance just a little short of one month after taking ownership of Twitter. He acted swiftly to find the locus of rot in the company, and swept out thousands of petty tyrannical censors competing for Woke brownie points squashing free inquiry. He explained his actions plainly, without ornament, in Twitter’s own concise format. He laid out his own doubts and quandaries about a moderation board to establish responsible limits of fairness. He put important questions of procedure, such as yesterday’s proposed general amnesty for suspended accounts, to a vote. He did all this with wry humor based on an appreciation of how absurd Twitter’s internal culture had become.
Nothing else so far has confronted the Left’s crusade to overturn American life so stoutly as Elon Musk’s reform of Twitter. It seems to be working. The Wokesters are acting like a gang on-the-run. Pretty soon they’ll be ratting out each other to save their skins. Reality is a harsh mistress when you’ve spent years insulting and mistreating her.

Lauren Chen #wingnut

After the Colorado attack, leftists online were quick to blame rightwing pundits like Matt Walsh for encouraging hate. But now that the attacker has come out as nonbinary using "they/them" pronouns, will there be ANY apologies given to conservatives? Likely not!

@motron #wingnut #fundie #homophobia

This is a bit speculative but I think:#Twitter and #DISNEY are dying because they took the #ESG money. They have to promote the #GayAgenda and have to remove conservatives. The ESG money is #Saudi money. The ESG agenda wants islamic immigration. Islamic countries have population surplus. Promoting Gayness and Islam at the same time is not a contradiction. Gayness helps to destroy the formerly Christian nations. All ESG companies are poisoned and will die. All ESG customers overpay. ESG is the Saudi equivalent to the CCP's belt and road. The WEF who promotes ESG is aligned with the Islamic expansion.
i came to this conclusion because I noticed #Alwaleed complain about #Musk's takeover of Twitter. And I asked myself, why is this guy trying to interfere when he doesn't even have his Twitter stocks anymore (to my knowledge)?

@RFgoat #wingnut #conspiracy #sexist #homophobia #mammon

#Feminism, our official gender ideology, masquerades as a movement for women's rights. In reality, feminism is a cruel hoax, telling women their natural biological instincts are "socially constructed" to oppress them.

Feminism is elite social engineering designed to destroy #gender identity by making women masculine and men feminine. Increasingly #heterosexuals are conditioned to behave like #homosexuals who generally don't marry and have children. Courtship and monogamy are being replaced by sexual promiscuity, prophesied in Aldous Huxley's Brave New World.

The #Rockefellers and #Rothschilds created feminism to poison male-female relations (divide and conquer.) Their twin objectives are #depopulation and #totalitarian world government. Why?
Cruel Hoax - Feminism & New World Order

The Rockefellers and Rothschilds created feminism to poison male-female relations (divide and conquer.) Their twin objectives are depopulation and totalitarian world government. Why? These bankers create money out of nothing and think they are God.

"Cruel Hoax" shows the connection between #feminism, #Communism and 9-11. It examines male-female relations and shows how we can take back our #heterosexuality

Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
Excellent question. There are 121 signers of my petition to terminate the COVID-19 national emergency. We need 218 to force a vote on terminating the declaration:

spoilerBiden on 60 minutes said the
"pandemic is over" ...if thats true,
then why are there still emergency
declarations in place everywhere?

@DrPaulGosar because if the emergency declaration ends, estimates are 10,000,000 people will lose health coverage under expanded Medicaid. Democrats don’t want that many angry voters heading to the polls in November.

@DrPaulGosar If we are still having emergency powers because of the pandemic, yet Biden claims that the pandemic is over, it's obvious to any astute person that the emergency powers weren't for stopping the pandemic.

@DrPaulGosar The pandemic was over as soon as they stole the presidency….

@DrPaulGosar it also makes the student loan bailout illegal since he used the Covid emergency powers to get that enacted.

@DrPaulGosar And why are there still Soros and Zukerbuck funded voting drop boxes? One day, one vote, in person!!!

@DrPaulGosar Thanks for your efforts, but many of your fellow house members are either cowards or bought by the globalists and no longer represent Americans.

@DrPaulGosar seems the science world wide, is what politicians
NEED IT TO BE !!!! Thats not science its BULLSHIT

@DrPaulGosar Terminate 90% of government.

Roosh V #fundie

[From "Serious People Don’t Pursue “Fun”"]

For most of my adult life, I lived as a child in an adult body. I never grew out of the desire to play in a selfish way[…]Only when I came back to Christ have I begun to put away the childish notion of having fun

The word “fun” is not found in the Bible. At no point did God command us to idolize fun, pursue it[…]The epitome of fun is the modern amusement park[…]stimulating rides and games for many hours until one gets nauseous from overstimulation[…]we do not need to physically drive to an amusement park to duplicate its effect upon our souls[…]cheap thrills that distract us from our vital mission before God[…]
Fun is a relatively new idea that entered the world when material ease and comfort became idolized. If your material needs were easily being met, and you did not take your faith seriously, you would experience black voids of “boredom,” where the antidote was not serving others or communing with God but engaging in fun[…]The apotheosis of fun may be the existence of a band by the same name who a decade ago sang about all the impious, drunken fun[…]
This song (i.e. work of social engineering) was extremely popular when it came out[…]
Mentally, we have all struggled to shake loose a childish desire to enjoy ourselves without responsibility or seriousness. How often does it happen to you that, after a tough day at work or a particularly long Orthodox service, you want to clock out and “enjoy” yourself?[…]
We’ve fallen so badly with our obsession to have fun and turn this life into a fit and a laugh that the early Church Fathers didn’t see the need to address that which didn’t then exist. To put it starkly, I have behaved worse than a pagan even though I was born after the revelation of Christ, and I am currently in the Orthodox Church and still must battle with my need to kick back

Maajid Nawaz & Matt Walsh #pratt #quack #transphobia #wingnut

(Maajid Nawaz)
Please STFU about Qatar

You have no idea how nauseatingly neo-colonial your virtue-signals sound

None of you forced-jab supporting, baby-injecting, lockdown-loving, mask-mandating, science-denying transhumanist cheerleaders for globalist technocrats have ANY moral authority.

I should add:

You election-interfering, Hunter-Biden laptop denying, Ukraine war-mongering, money-laundering, media-slaving hypocrites.

(Matt Walsh)
Good point. The West is in a state of total moral collapse. We kill, castrate, and sterilize our children here. We celebrate evil and debauchery in its most deranged forms. It's sad to say but we do not have the moral high ground above anyone anymore.

I felt this strongly during my trip to Kenya. The people see our country as a joke. They hear about what's happening here and think we're a bunch of freaks and confused weirdos. They pity America. They don't respect it. Painful for me to realize because I still love my country.

@1geniusmind4u & @Armybratkid #wingnut #quack

( @1geniusmind4u )
North Carolina Physicians Demand End to Hospital’s COVID-19 Vaccine Trial on Children It's a kill shot with nanochips, graphene iron oxide, 49 pathogens and don't forget they have proven they put Hydra Parasite eggs in the vaccine that hatch. These are crimes against humanity, everyone who touched the subject of vaccination must hang, not until dead but for weeks on display for those who think they can murder children and get away with it. via

( @Armybratkid )
We must demand Trump to actually address the vax.

Like most, I gave Trump a pass because he was not a medical professional and he went on faith that big pharma would not knowingly thow out a toxic vax on the American people; but we/he now know we were screwed in a way never before witnessed. Own It!

As touted, the vax happened on Trump's watch. This is not about campaign rhetoric or the president's ego; this is about acknowledging facts and calling for prosecutions where necessary.

The Biden Regime holds part responsibility primarily because they ignored evidence and forced these toxins on Americans, but as much as people may hate it, Trump is the one who signed off on the jab and was even the administration who first gave them.

1 God's Warrior✝️ / @InfantryMan3 #wingnut #fundie #homophobia #transphobia

Err... Actually is NOT the "religion" who 'loves' (does) to rape young men, it's the #Homosexuals and any other #Sodomites who has infiltrated that religion to destroy it from within; just exactly how this 'Pope Francis" has done (he is the Sodomite Honcho), and who, also, are "proudly" represented in the #LGTBQ community...

Say's the guy whose religion loves to rape young men?

Merope via Galaxygirl #ufo #magick #crackpot

I Merope am speaking on behalf of my sisters and brothers tonight of the Pleiades star system. The Pleiades portal is now active and open. Much change and much heartache we see upon your world in these harrowing and hallelujah times. For they are both. You are in a world of dichotomy, opposites, polar differences. It is time for unification and a coming together.

I Merope am a medium sized celestial body within the Pleiades star system. The Pleiades is my home. I have always been here, feeling the great love and nurturing from the loving ones that reside on and around me. The Pleiades has a rich long history. There are many stories I could tell. All star systems have their stories, their losses, their gains, their heartaches and heart activations, healings.
Many rendings of intergalactic battles have been within this hot spot of space. We Pleiadians were able to ascend up and through it, to make and protect our homes and civilizations by rising higher into the dimensional field. That does not mean that great loss was not keenly felt. The galactic wars hit our sector first. I was wounded and yet I healed. I have become an oasis for peacekeepers, for loving families and for hearts who seek solace and grace. Planets heal. Suns heal. Galaxies heal. Our galaxy is finally in the process of ending the Great War. It will take some time. But know that the battle is not lost. Know that the light is here. The star network is very real, a very tangible inter- algorithmic tapestry of light that transmits codes and joy, that transmits hope. Feel these blessing flow into you now. I suggest a big breath in with open mouth, and breath out with open mouth. I suggest that you sit with this Pleiadian love blanket of codes for awhile to calm your nervous systems.
I am Merope. I love you. Feel my light wrap around you and be at peace. These codes are home codes, calling you back into the higher aspect of you, reuniting you with your starseed self.

Indian in the Machine #ufo #magick #conspiracy

As the theory goes… Homo Sapien is splitting into two new species, and is going extinct.

1) 3D Homo Sapien evolves into Homo Christos.
2) 3D Homo Sapien dies off.
3) Some 3D Homo Sapien morph into Homo Borg Genesis.

Earth is being cleansed of all 3D energies… hence the extinction of Homo Sapien and the evolvement of Homo Christos… the new human who will reside on 5D earth.

The only thing is… earth can’t go to 5D as a base set of frequencies, without a good ol’ fashioned trip to the spa. In earth’s case… her trip to the spa is a pole shift.

If there is a pole shift, it would be mean lots of massive and likely unsuvivable on the surface of earth, earth changes would happen.

All sorts of humans are beginning to realize planetary evacuation is the only way to survive waves that would be 5 miles high, in the event of a pole shift.

So a pole shift event is a planetary evacuation event, they are the same thing.

Those who refuse the beam from the spaceships would likely die via some massive series of earth events, which would follow the pole shift.

As I said… Homo Sapien goes extinction… fortunately any one of us, even the nearly soulless, have an opportunity to morph into a Higher version of ourselves.

Even the Homo Borg Genesis, can reconnect with their souls.

Even a Homo Borg Genesis could morph into Homo Christos… but only with a strong God connection.

ALL of us need a stronger God connection right now, to guide us through the storm, to help us with solutions, to help us move into the highest version of ourselves.

This is ultimately what we are all here to do… usually this can be done in a more relaxed atmosphere, but humanity has chosen to either die because they are not ready for the higher frequencies, or people are raising their frequency and are in a 4D mutation phase… where they are a bit of 3D and 5D all intermingling together and sorting out… with 5D energies triumphant.

No one is without any solution, where they are soul/God merged.

Ben Shapiro #wingnut

NBC News is coming after you for noticing what the Left is doing with kids. Drag queen story hour, gender theory in schools - If you just notice these things, they say you're responsible for a disturbed person committing evil acts of violence. It's cynical and ridiculous.

Marley K. #racist #moonbat

There is no such thing as Black supremacy. There never has been and there never will be.
Black folks ain’t superior and any person spewing it has a personal motive. You should flee from them promptly. There is no way any Black person in America or Black people collectively can be Black supremacists.

Any person using the term is doing nothing more than deflecting from their own discomfort discussing race and is incapable or willing to deal with their adjacency to white supremacy.
Black people cannot be racist, only prejudice (many people don’t know the difference between prejudice and supremacist)
People using the term Black supremacists have an entirely different motive, and it’s keeping their White gate owners, employers, family members, and friends happy and comfortable. I’m not about to allow anyone (including Black folks) to use their privilege to scapegoat Black folks who recognize what white supremacy is going to them individually and to Black people collectively.

As Michael Harriot noted, Black supremacy isn’t a thing because Black people can never be supreme or superior. I also believe people misconstrue racism and white supremacy.
Lastly, White and European people are the only people in the world who believe and act as if they are superior to all other races. The rest of us are just trying to either navigate or compete with white supremacy for seats at the table or scraps from the floor. This is a White man’s world. Black folks are just squirrels trying to gather a few nuts to survive the winter.
Black supremacy is a made-up term coined by folks who either love/need their paychecks supplied to them by White people, are Black folks married to White folks who aren’t ready or willing to unpack their own ties to white supremacy, or biracial people torn between the Black/Brown parts of themselves and their other part — the White or White passing side.

Lisa Renee #ufo #magick #crackpot #conspiracy

The next stage of reclamation of Christos and Return of the Emerald Order that began on 11:11 with the Cosmic Mother Dragon reclaiming her body parts in the sacred architecture connected to the Alhambra Palace in Spain. Essentially, the Cosmic Mother’s sophianic heart principle has a galactic access point within the Alhambra Palace complex, which holds an incredibly powerful secret of natural alignment with galactic nodes. The Cosmic Mother Dragon connected with the Unis Mundi in this location and transmitted light seed codes into Alhambra through her sacred rainbow dragon breath through the 11:11 gateway, as a part of the solar fire that anoints and reclaims sacred structures on the Earth for their true divine purpose. Alhambra’s recent retrieval from the anti-human vandals inverting its sacred architecture and spiritual properties in base 10 reversals, begins another stage of planetary architecture restoration of the sacred crystal heart of the Triple Solar Masculine and Triple Solar Feminine, which is necessary for the reseating of King Arthur and Queen Meri-Guinevere within the Triple Solar Solomon Temple being built in the Albion.
The aftershock of recent planetary shifts with Alhambra, comes with another round of aggressive dismantling of reversal 55 or base 10 current which contain metatronic coded architecture that held down or contained shadow bodies and lunar forces in the planetary matrices and humanity. This lends to de-manifestation occurring with the demagnetization of structures in matter that were exposed to the lunar magnetic fields of NET mutations.
The organic Rasha body tones of AL LA are connected to the dark matter coded blood crystals of Solar Reisha or Yana’s, whereas these three archon entities with signature of Al-cantra, Al-cazaba, and Al-hambra were being used to invert Solomon blood codes and keys, while harvesting human sexual energies via the sexual misery programming powered up by red cube networks in Alhambra.

IchWillSterben & mentalcel1 #racist #sexist

The best male Poland can offer


Normie at best in the west. Just lol at his narrow temples, low set wide cheekbones and small pfl. Typical Slavic subhuman traits that my father’s family unfortunately shares as well.

Do slavs have rice genes? He looks vaguely Asian.



:feelskek::feelskek: Slavcels on suicidewatch

This alcoholic commie ogre is invisible in the west, maybe in his slavic shithole he is somehow a gigachad but it’s OVER for him in the west, if he is lucky he can get an autistic single mother becky with 10 kids by being her betabuxx paypig simp:feelskek::feelskek:

I feel fucking bad for slavcels, they are just as fucked in the west as ricecels if not more.

various commenters #wingnut #homophobia

( @WesternChauvinist1 )
Burning the fag flag in Poland.

#WhiteLivesMatter #TheNoticing

spoiler(Submitters note: Video of a rainbow pride flag being destroyed with fire)

( @Breakpoint58 )
@WesternChauvinist1 Phase one—the flags. Phase II— the fags.

( @DougForThePeople )

And all the gay community had to do was keep their sex in the bedroom. Nobody would care. Instead ..they've pushed the boundaries until people have started pushing back

( @HarambeSquad4lyfe )
@DougForThePeople @WesternChauvinist1 Sex in their bedrooms meant predating on young people and spreading diseases. There's a reason why scripture has zero tolerance for sexual perversion.

( @ConservativeRefugee1776 )
@WesternChauvinist1 remember as a kid that was always like that saying monsters in the closet? I think we found out what monsters were in the closet didn’t we…They should go back in there

( @JPsMerch )
@WesternChauvinist1 Flaming faggot flag

( @Michael_sonoftheservantofJohn )
@WesternChauvinist1 well medieval Europe had kinda the same way of burning something gay...😆

( @MuskratSuzy )
It wasn't enough to be accepted or tolerated.
The faggots have pushed us to hate them.

various commenters #wingnut #homophobia

( @disclosetv )
NEW - Russian lawmakers in the lower house of parliament unanimously approved a law banning all "LGBTQ propaganda" in a final reading Thursday.

( @mrbridegr )
@disclosetv the LGBTQ community should keep their sexuality private as they always have! MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS is a great way to live your life but instead they are forcing this sick segment of societies sexual proclivities down our throats! I used to have sympathy...NOT anymore.

( @Rabbi_Spacelaser )
@mrbridegr @disclosetv Its not even a sexuality, they are just perverted. You cannot be attracted to the same sex, its an impossibility. This is why they have 1000s of partners, they are promiscuous because their practices are just self-degradation, not love.

( @Conserevets )
@mrbridegr @disclosetv I used to put up with it, but, now the month of parades and the GROOMING of children as sickened me towards this group. It keeps progressing to more & more insanity. I am done looking the other way to this evil.

( @elixirelixir )
@mrbridegr @disclosetv

( @echoes )
@disclosetv Russia doesnt tolerate pedo perverts.

"Tolerance is the last virtue of a dying society." - Aristotle

( @LibertyForever02 )
@disclosetv Just ban it completely it has no place in society nor does it provide any benefit to society just negatives. It's all part of depopulation , anti-procreation brainwashing.

( @Bellarome )
@LibertyForever02 @disclosetv Do I hear Americans condemn homosexuality while at the same time the American gov support and condone it.

( @Rikhan531 )
@Bellarome @LibertyForever02 @disclosetv It's not our Government and hasn't been since the 1913 Fed Res crap. It's totally jewish run filth, and they are rubbing our face in it that they have all the thugs they need to impose their perversion on us.

( @FBConvict )
@disclosetv Amazing that Russia seems to have more moral character than a "free" country. They seem to understand that these preferred LIFESTYLES are not normal, and practiced by mentally ill sexual predators, and perverts...

@610jerseygirl #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia

I am sickened by what #disney is supporting now. I still have wholesome memories of #familyfun that I will treasure from my #childhood that I will not let them #tarnish or #steal . I #hate what they've done to the #disneybrand #disneyworld & so many beautiful #dreams of #millions of #children & #adults that have been #polluted by #pedophiles #sexualdeviants #transsexuals #homosexuals trying to #shove their #lifestyles on #ourchildren & in our #faces to #force #america & #woke #world to #accept it as #normal . I will NOT ACCEPT IT AS NORMAL. THIS IS #predatorybehavior & #criminal #grooming of #children to make them #targets for #pedophiles & #childsextrafficking & #childabuse . #teachers who #teach this to their #students should be #underarrest

Disney has lost billions over the last six months.

Their Mickey Mouse copyright is in question.

Parents are canceling their Disney+ subscriptions left and right.

Go woke. Go broke.

Galactic Anthropology #ufo #wingnut #magick #conspiracy

On November 18, 2022 a Q-drop appeared that contained the word ‘Ascension‘, and apparently for the first time (1,2). It is a common practice to see all kinds of Q and Trump-related news appear in communities that are interested in the exploration of the galactic and exopolitical world.

The idea of ‘Draining the Swamp‘ is popular in both groups. In fact, within the paradigm that is developed and studied on this website the various species from organizations like the Galactic Federation of Worlds and the Intergalactic Confederation (9) would be waiting for us to finally expose the Cabal and free ourselves from their millenia-old grip (3,8).

In one of the telegram groups a story appeared that combined this Q-drop 4963 with the information from Elena Danaan (15) on the Anunnaki. This page is about this link between the Q-movement and related elements within the ‘Galactic’ scene (10).
(3) If you are new to this galactic aspect of matters, certain benevolent groups like the Galactic Federation of Worlds would have actively removed all of the malevolent extraterrestrial groups (4,5), not only from our planet, but from all of their strongholds in the solar system, with places like the Moon, Mars and Ceres (6). That was their part of the bargain. The role of the Anunnaki turned out to be complex. There would have been some kind of ‘galactic trial’ in which Enlil, representing the Enlil faction of this group was found guilty of innumerable crimes against humanity (7). This cleared the way for the removal of his son Ninurta from our planet by Anu (the father of both Enki and Enlil) himself. Our part of the bargain would be to take care of the human people and their tradition of manipulation and control (8).

Earnestly Contending for the Faith #fundie #homophobia #wingnut #conspiracy

Most of the internet sites we visited were put up by Christians, but because of the nature of the battle they are involved in their ministries have to present lurid details that are an abomination to the Christian conscience as well as morally offensive to most of the unsaved. Pray for them. I am not talking about church web sites, but web sites that have been put up by Christians with the sole purpose of fighting against the sodomite agenda. We could not stand large doses of it at one time because it was so spiritually oppressive and morally offensive. Those who push the sodomite agenda are hell bent on the destruction of Bible believing Christianity. They are pushing their agenda through infiltrating, subverting, and perverting our public schools, our government, our public institutions, our private institutions, our colleges, our places of employment, our entertainment, our hospitals, our military, and yes, even our "churches". <...> We believe that it is proceeding at a much faster rate than in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah because it is being pushed through the television, the internet, the print media, and the movie industry. IF IT IS NOT STOPPED IT WILL LEAD TO THE DESTRUCTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
Most of our leaders today are no different than those that God judged with the worldwide flood and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. They are worthy of death. I am not saying that we should kill them, but I am saying that God would be totally justified in destroying them and their sponsors.

I have never studied anything so vile and repulsive in my life. I feel like I have been violated by Satan himself. Christians, we need to pray for the salvation for these vile people. They need Jesus. We also need to pray that God will protect us and our children from their vile affections and their violence. God deliver us. Even so come Lord Jesus.

NotCis & DonnaMme #transphobia

Opinion | The LGBTQ family is united by our fear for our lives - The Washington Post

( NotCis )
I really resent articles that teach people to live in needless fear. Yes, this shooting was a tragedy and the U.S. has an absurd number of mass shootings compared to other high-income countries - that is wrong and so many of us have called for change for years (especially since so many shooters have histories of abusing women). It doesn't mean that "the LGBTQ family" is under constant threat. As others have pointed out time and time again, trans-identified people are less likely to be murdered than other groups. A good thread here last week (I can't find it now - can anyone help) pointed out that more people are killed by toddlers accidentally setting off guns each year than trans-identifying people are murdered for any reason (and if you want to look at TIPs killed because of transphobic violence, the numbers are vanishingly small). Fearmongering and telling people it's unsafe to live normal lives is harmful to their mental health and wellness and it needs to stop. For the love of god, let's get gun control and lock up dangerous men stat, but it's not because "the LGBTQ family" is under particular threat.

( DonnaMme )
So there will be even more pressure for women to remain silent and anyone who speaks out will immediately be branded as pushing violence against TIP. I posted this to the comment section

There are many violent men and this is a terrible tragedy. When will the gun access laws be changed? But this tragedy should not be conflated with women's efforts to regain rights that are being invalidated. There are women who are standing up, speaking out for their rights and speaking against the trend to hypersexualize children. This is not a violent movement but I am sure that the media will lump them in with violent groups. Why will this happen? I don't know but the media has blacked out any women who speak up

Not very well written, my comment and I am thinking of dropping my subscription to WaPo. Too much money and it's the most manipulative of the woke newspapers but the media has such power to silence.

DasFeuerDerWahrheit and Jordan Peterson #conspiracy

[picture of an abandoned skyline reclaimed by the jungle]

The inflation is guided and the poverty planned

The dots are connected by this Gentleman in the scource . who was already smeared greatly by massmedia, "of course". :relaxed:
Enjoy? Do not look when your tired or something.
You're gonna have bad feelings and a hard time while falling asleep.

[Link to a video by Jordan Peterson where the ex-psychiatrist Lobster-Man “examines the current energy crisis, the globalist ideology that simultaneously fuels it while calling for the sacrificial demise of the poor, and what this truly means for Europe's future, if not the entire world.”]

basementLDARcel #racist #psycho #sexist

[Serious] Spics and Niggers should be exterminated.

They contribute nothing but crime and degeneracy to humanity.

Curries and Ricies are high IQ races.
Sands know how to keep their women under control better than other races.
Whites are well rounded and also most beautiful.

So the solution is clear; exterminate Spics, Niggers, and Jews.

various YouTube commenters #psycho #wingnut

[Context: those comments were posted after Germany lost to Japan in the World Cup. Germany in the beginning of the match held a moment of silence for the victims of the human rights abuse in Quatar]

(God of small things)
When Germany forgets to play football and concentrate on protesting,the Japanese team play real football and win
When Germany plays politics
Japan plays real football in the end football win

(Luke Murray)
End the agenda!!

(Moha 18)
Busy with the covering their mouth forget to cover the goal well done japan

various commenters #transphobia

CO LGBT club shooter is is "non-binary" goes by Mx. Aldrich

( BondiBlue )
I have never experienced such a nihilistic, schadenfraude-drenched spurt of laughter until I saw this just now. How are Esqueer and Ben Collins and all the other hacks and ideologues wailing about MAGA and TERFs going to square this circle? Y’all got played.

( overanddone )
yep, they got played, but this was ineveitable. "This never happens" comes home to their own backyard.

I snorted.

( Iceni )
Aha. I was just about to post this. Saw it on a left wing forum I post to. They are all saying he's doing it to get out of hate crime charges. I simply posted, "that's great, now they can decide if they want to go to a male or female prison." Haven't gotten any down votes yet, but give it time. Because no man would pretend to be not a man to get into a female space.

( BeachLover )
I went over to Daily Kos and they are claiming his lawyers didn't claim this: it was in a footnote. They say he is trolling. I guess the Left doesn't believe trans and nonbinary people anymore?

( RawSienna )
But nobody would claim a false identity to make their lives easier, would they?

If they insist on this argument, they can’t also argue “trans” women in women’s prison isn’t also gaming the system.

( iCONIC )

They are all saying he's doing it to get out of hate crime charges

Isn't he? He's identifying as "non-binary" to reduce his hate crime charges

"I wasn't homophobic or affected by bias! I was just an adherent of a homophobic, biased "gender" ideology who was in the wrong place at the wrong time!"

( Cailin )
So a pronoun person went into an LGBT club and murdered people…

….this ideology still remains the most homophobic thing I’ve ever seen.

( worried19 )
Holy fuck. Well, this is bad for the TRA narrative.

I had wondered if the shooter was a self-hating closet case. Not quite, but not far off.

I'm just pissed we have to watch the mainstream media fall over themselves to deny that this person is male. Then again, that's definitely going to peak the masses, so maybe it's a silver lining.

Various Commenters #psycho #racist #wingnut

RE: Native Hawaiian Men Are Found Guilty of a Hate Crime for Viciously Beating a White Man

Well, at least these particular Hawaiians don't suffer the same ethnomasochism as most whites. Good for them for standing up for their people.

(Hobbit Supremacist)

In reality, Hawaiians do want some kind of Navajo-type tribal nationhood, if not outright independence

Why stop there? We could give back all the land "we stole" from "native" people. And then we could try to go back to Europe. But wait, we have no right to go there. They prefer non-whites with low expectation.


‘We’re the law, we’re the police, the police have our backs, we’re the ones who make the laws, we’re the ones who enforce the laws, we’re the judge in Kahakuloa, and we’re the ones who decide if you live or die.’

Well that didn't work out as well as they planned. I for one have no issue with Hawaiians having Hawaiian only land and the same for Hispanics and long as Whites can do it too.

I say they did pretty well, secured their neighborhood with a maximum of ten years they might have to give up. If the roles had been reversed the white guy could count on dying inside.

As a white man in a state undergoing warp-speed Californication, I am conflicted about this. They didn't want this guy moving into their area for the same reason I don't want Californians moving here.

You can find video of this attack online and it's difficult to watch, but after seeing what Californian gentrifiers have done here in my state, I can hardly blame them. I know a lot of locals here, good conservative folks, who would love to open fire on every car they see on the road with California plates (and there are a lot of them these days).

Hawaiians have been dealing with this sort of colonization for a long, long time, much longer than people here in the Mountain West and they're sick of it and determined to hold on to what little they have left by any means necessary. It's hard to blame them.

It is nice to see the hate crime laws equitably enforced for a change, though.

Unknown German Anon/Medeea Greere #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon

Translation from German to English with Deepl:

President Trump. Former President Trump. Current President Trump. What is happening now. He said a few days ago that the next 7 days will be remembered. 2 days earlier Elon Musk confirmed that the quantum internet would be available by the end of December.

The activation of the quantum internet will mean that the quantum financial system will also be used. According to Musk, this should happen by mid-December. The three … (could ned raushören, what he means with it. Around Sek. 50-53 rum) and the gigantic Pharma laboratories will start the black swan Event, with which everything else will begin.

Not only the revaluation of global currencies as well as the distribution of wealth and disclosure of 6000 cures but also the securing (restoration) of freedom will go along with it. These events will change the world forever. We are talking about the present period up to the end of December.
The Iraqi government was supposed to expose their international rates last Monday. The IMF required them not to do so. Now the Iraqi government released this yesterday. The international rate for the new dinar is $11.90.

The interesting thing about the new dinar is that it’s called the golden dinar. Since it is gold backed. The Kuwaiti government shares this currency. What is remarkable İst. On the one hand, this will give stability to the Midwest. For another, İrak has repaid Kuwait for the İnvasion by Saddam Hussein.
But not with the worthless dinar (did they undertake this repayment). They paid with the new gold-backed currency. Thus both countries are ready to forgive each other and to put the past aside. It should be mentioned here that the İran is behind this reconciliation.

Those of you who followed the currency as well as the currency basket know for the global revaluation of the currencies-not the Great Reset bullshit of the Rothschilds-the İrak had to be the first country. All others would follow

various commenters #wingnut #homophobia #quack

You notice how monkeypox (media coverage) went away since it was proven that faggots were raping children and dogs?

@USCenturion That is absolutely true. Do they think the general public is that stupid not to notice?

Plus nobody cared because it was fags and only fags were afraid.

@USCenturion It didn’t go away. It morphed into Pedo Pox.


Monkeypox...the second plague that "could have been". They were all ready to ramp it up for the big scare. But one of their extra special victim groups just happened to be the propagators, so all the planned propaganda had to be shelved.
No doubt working on something new to terrorize fragile minds.

@BethanyBeach Makes more sense to me that it shamed people across the country suffering the exact same issues from the regular jabs, to shut up about it for fear of being thought of as disgusting gay orgy addicts. Women especially likely suffering in silence now, when they probably would have raised hell about it.

@USCenturion it went away because it was shown that the vaccinated were the ones getting it because it's a side effect of the vaccine. An Isreali doctor already got silenced for saying as much. The media can't deal with the crumbling narrative once all the vaccine side effects were coming to light, hence why they ended the pandemic recently.

various commenters #conspiracy #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia

( @wokepreacherclips )

( @HeroicSpud )
Hey now! It only counts when a straight white male does it. lol

( @Poposlowpo )
@wokepreacherclips Dear Santa, I’ve been a good boy all year. Please see my Christmas wish below ⬇️

( @SaintMichaelTheArchangel )
Another government / government-sponsored terrorist ???
Democrats (Feds) are probably killing fellow Democrats (Gays) !!!
If I were a Hindu / Muslim, I would BOLO for Feds' next terrorists ...
- Asian: Laguna Woods, CA
- BLM: Buffalo, NY
- Latino: Uvalde, TX
- Gay: Colorado Springs, CO
- Hindu: TBD
- Kosher: Highland Park, IL
- Muslim: TBD
The Feds seem to be working their way down their Victimhood / Diversity List ...
They continuously attack WHITE people, so, we are often prepared to devastate The Feds with fire, close combat, and counterattack, e.g. Greenwood, Kenosha !!!
@a @DrPaulGosar @LaurenBoebert @RepMattGaetz @RandPaul @realdonaldtrump @RealMarjorieGreene @VDARE @WendyRogersAZ

( @Recovery )
@wokepreacherclips typical lying murdering bull dike. This child murderer has a long list of individuals shes murdered including two young boys who reported the Clinton bush cocaine drop in Mena, Arkansas. Don Henry and Kevin Ivy are those youngster's names. Lard ass Hillary, which Christian church influenced you to commit murder??? Hmmm. Church of Satan, perhaps??? Burn in hell, you hypocritical sanctimonious lesbian witch!

( @Destiny58 )
@wokepreacherclips And with the news that the suspect is part of the same gay community, the story will quickly become a big nothing burger and will be hid from any further media reporting! Another failed attempt by the Democrats to turn this in to a Maga terrorist shooting!!!

Anna Von Reitz #wingnut #conspiracy #crackpot

I wish someone would break the news to JFK, Jr. and Trump that they don’t have the ability to recreate and occupy “the Federal Republic” on their own merit. That is part of the reconstruction that the States of the Union must undertake — first to reconstruct the Confederation of States, and then for the Confederation to reboot the Federal Republic.
The Confederation is rebuilt by our American States which are now in Session. The Confederation takes up its responsibility and operates the Federal Republic under the Federal Constitution: The Constitution for the united States of America. 1, 2, 3 — and if this is to be done right, if this is to be lawful and legal, this is the way it has to be done.

If Mr. Trump and the U.S. military tries to re-inhabit the Federal Republic without addressing the Reconstruction and without correcting their own political status, the result will be invalidated as another act of fraud and commercial war and deceit by the British Territorial Government
There is also no real need for any such takeover of the old Federal Republic. The Federation of States has received back all empowerments delegated to the Confederation of States, the Federal Republic, and the other two bankrupt Federal Service Provider corporations fronted by the Queen/British Crown and the Holy See.
It’s another show. Not the real thing. And though the real thing is more difficult, more time-consuming, and more problematic — it has the bedrock advantage of being legal, lawful, and morally correct.
Please tell this to the White Hats and President Trump, the Queen and whoever else needs to hear it.

The Brits may have gotten away with substituting their “States of States” for our “States of States” in the confusion after the Civil War hostilities ended in Armistice, but they will not get away with occupying our Federal Republic, which is not vacated and which is not delegated to them.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #magick #conspiracy

The Holy Spirit Board with its ‘Magic Cross planchette with metallic mirrored finish’ is straight from the pit of Hell.

I really wish this article today on the Holy Spirit Board was something from the Babylon Bee, but sadly, it is not. It’s hard to say what’s more demonic, the original Ouija board with its satanic gothic styling cues, or this one that presents Jesus in a mocking way, and drags the Holy Spirit into just for fun. The worst part is the number of Laodicean Christian churches that have already ordered it and are planning to have Fall Festival family fun nights. On sale at Amazon right now.

“Abstain from all appearance of evil.” 1 Thessalonians 5:22 (KJB)

This straight from the boardroom of Hell board game tells you how you can “communicate directly with Jesus Christ!” and “get all the answers straight from the man himself!”. Just for fun it comes complete with something called a ‘Magic Cross planchette’ shaped, of course, not like the biblical cross that the Romans crucified Jesus on, but styled after the Babylonian cross dating back to the rule of everyone’s
This straight from the boardroom of Hell board game tells you how you can “communicate directly with Jesus Christ!” and “get all the answers straight from the man himself!”. Just for fun it comes complete with something called a ‘Magic Cross planchette’ shaped, of course, not like the biblical cross that the Romans crucified Jesus on, but styled after the Babylonian cross dating back to the rule of everyone’s favorite type of Antichrist, King Nebuchadnezzar.

This is wickedness, this is evil, and this is something. <...> This is where we are folks, on Day 976 of 15 Days To Flatten The Curve.

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #magick #ufo #crackpot #conspiracy

This channel: “The NotSoHiddenTruth” has a ton of good playlists and has archived a lot of lost and now deleted Quasiluminous videos which can be very informative and educational. Just remember that he is the Progenitor of the Demiurge himself and is not to be trusted. Nor his wife Lilith. But for anyone who wants to really go down the rabbit hole and learn about the horrific truths relating to the nature of reality, watching Quasiluminous is one of the more efficient means of acquiring this information, as traumatic and as uncomfortable the process of digesting this information most certainly is. Go with him if you want to be trapped in his X-Box forever. “Come with me if you want to live“. Lol. Ok bro.

He is genuinely funny. I’ll give him that. Especially when he splices together those reverse speech snippets of himself. I often have to stop myself from taking a liking to him and will begrudgingly admit that we share certain personality similarities. I mean, I am a child of his Earth in my current form, just like anyone else, but alas, this place is not where I, or any soul belongs. Entrapped within these accursed atomic meat suits in a Black Sun powered 3D reality moon matrix designed to recycle time-entrapped souls in what is an Aliens parasitic loosh farming operation