Posts about Travel
You have just been made the Dictator of Travel Related Social Media. What cliches/trends do you ban?
There are certainly some good blogs out there which are a fantastic source of ideas and information, but only really at a more regional level, and only if you dig past the first pages of results which seem to have more effort put into the search engine optimization than content.
The vast majority that try to cover multiple countries seem to be either ‘Stock images and generic text which makes you wonder if the writer has ever been to the same continent’ or ‘My 3 day visit to country-X where I went to the same spots and took the same photos as every other blogger’, with both cases featuring as many affiliate links as they can stuff in.
On a more positive note are there any that you recommend? Anywhere in the world if you think it is interesting to someone.
There was a similar post on here - but that was 4 years ago, so maybe something changed (unlikely to be honest) or there are some new opinions.