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46th President of the United States, husband to , proud dad & pop. Tweets may be archived: Text me: (302) 404-0880
WhiteHouse.govJoined January 2021

President Biden’s Tweets

My Administration locked in $800 in annual savings on health insurance for 13 million Americans, a $2,000 cap on out-of-pocket prescription drug costs for seniors, and a $35 cap on insulin for seniors on Medicare. Lowering health care costs is about giving people breathing room.
I promised we’d crack down on wealthy billionaires, not the middle class. With a 15% minimum tax on billion-dollar corporations and $0 tax increase for families making under $400,000 – that's exactly what we're doing.
When I think of Nancy Pelosi, I think of dignity. History will note her as the most consequential Speaker of the House of Representatives in history – she is first, last, and always for the people. America owes her a debt of gratitude for her service, patriotism, and dignity.
President Biden shakes hands with Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi.
I ended my international trip by sitting down with Prime Minister Sunak of the United Kingdom. I reaffirmed our nations' great friendship and shared solidarity with the Ukrainian people – and our intention to continue supporting them as long as Russia continues its aggression.
President Biden and Prime Minister Sunak of the United Kingdom
The G20 is all about creating real opportunity, greater equality, and a more secure, healthy, and prosperous world. Moving forward, we have to continue to invest together and invest stronger. And we welcome all who share this vision to join this partnership.
President Biden participates in a session at the G20.
In June, I helped launch the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment. Since then, we've started an array of projects – driven by local needs – with countries across the G20 and beyond. And they're already delivering results to improve the lives of all of our people.
I'm convinced the nations of the G20 are going to come out of the multiple global crises we’ve been through – the pandemic included – stronger than we went in. Every time we engage, we get better.
President Biden participates in a session at the G20.
Love is love and Americans should have the right to marry the person they love. Today’s bipartisan Senate vote gets us closer to protecting that right. The Respect for Marriage Act protects all couples under law – I urge Congress to send the bill to my desk so I can make it law.
I met with Prime Minister Modi of India and President Widodo of Indonesia to reaffirm our commitment to the G20 as the premier forum for global economic cooperation. In the face of global challenges, our coalition continues to demonstrate strength.
President Biden meets with Prime Minister Modi of India and President Widodo of Indonesia.
NASA’s Artemis is in flight. This ship will enable the first woman and first person of color to set foot on the lunar surface and will lead countless students to become explorers and show America’s limitless possibilities to the world.
NASA’s Space Launch System rocket carrying the Orion spacecraft launches on the Artemis I flight test
America is keeping its commitments: we're investing in our strength at home and working to deliver meaningful progress around the world. And at this critical moment, no nation is better positioned to help build the future we want than the United States.
I spoke with President Andrzej Duda of Poland to express my deep condolences for the loss of life in Eastern Poland and offer our full support for Poland's investigation of the explosion. We will remain in close touch to determine appropriate next steps as it proceeds.
(From Left to Right) Secretary of State Antony Blinken, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, and President Joe Biden.
Since signing our historic infrastructure law one year ago, we got to work investing in roads, bridges, transit, rail, ports, airports, water systems, and high-speed internet all across America. See what we’ve built together at
I signed the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to ensure America was positioned to win the competition for the 21st century. Now, there are nearly 7,000 infrastructure projects in the works in every state across our nation. And we’re just getting started.
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Good news for our economy today: prices paid by businesses moderated last month, coming after news that prices paid by consumers have also moderated. And today's report shows that food inflation slowed – a welcome sign for families’ grocery bills as we head into the holidays.
One year ago, I signed the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law – a once-in-a-generation investment in our nation’s infrastructure and competitiveness. Since then, we turned "infrastructure week" from a punchline under my predecessor into "infrastructure decade" on my watch.
On my first trip overseas last year, I said that America was back — back at home, back at the table, and back to leading the world. In the year and a half that’s followed, this Administration has shown exactly what that means.
Indonesia is a vibrant and critical partner to the United States. As two of the largest democracies in the world, we'll continue working together to preserve the rule-based system and international order, and to uphold human rights.
President Biden and President Joko Widodo of Indonesia
Omicron did not even exist when the first vaccines against COVID were developed. Now, we've got an updated vaccine that's highly effective against Omicron that most folks only need to get once a year. Schedule yours today:
Today, I met with President Xi Jinping of the People’s Republic of China. We discussed our responsibility to prevent the competition between our countries from veering into conflict and finding ways to work together on shared challenges that affect the international community.
President Biden and President Xi Jinping of the People's Republic of China