
Does anyone else’s partner micromanage what you eat? by organiccarrotbread in pregnant

[–]Hannah-may 0 points1 point  (0 children)

The midwife at my ante natal was great, she told all the partners that the only thing you should be saying is “yes dear”. Sometimes it’s helps that they hear it from someone else.

Is there anyone that can talk on your behalf or can you do some couples counselling?

Are you putting on a brave face or hiding any gruesome pregnancy details? I’ve been super open with my husband and I think that’s put us on a good playing field. I ask for what I want. I had pretty bad sickness and told him what I need him to do in that situation.

The other thing I would suggest is to hear out his concerns and ask for help meal prepping. When my sickness was bad my husband took over all cooking and any chores that had a smell. I couldn’t even open the fridge. If he’s that concerned about your nutrition then he should be making every effort to support you. Have him do the emotional labour of research, get him to meal plan and prep foods.

I’m always trying to steer the relationship to us being a team against whatever is in front of us. How are we going to tackle my sickness? How are we going to handle the little screaming terrorist that’s gonna pop out? What’s our strategy?

Also I’m sorry that you’re feeling micromanaged. The judgement and guilt part of pregnancy was something I wasn’t prepared for and it’s not nice to feel that pressure from your partner. I hope you two can work through this issue and come out stronger.

Good luck mumma

My failed attempt at curling my hair vs. the salon 🥹 by Suspicious-Twist0 in Hair

[–]Hannah-may 0 points1 point  (0 children)

There’s a bunch of YouTube tutorials on it.

If you have the time and patience you can pin the curls after you curl them this way and leave them to set for a while. It should hold a little longer/tighter.

Good luck 🤞

My failed attempt at curling my hair vs. the salon 🥹 by Suspicious-Twist0 in Hair

[–]Hannah-may 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Put your hair in a ponytail right at the front and centre of your head and curl in sections from there. Then add some hair spray. When you take it out you can run your fingers through or brush out depending on the look you want. It works for me every time

23w2d what have we all eaten today? by lalaland1019 in pregnant

[–]Hannah-may 5 points6 points  (0 children)

28w6d - Half a quorn sausage, cheese and egg muffin for brekkie. 2 doughnuts and a yum yum for lunch. Half an oven pizza for dinner. I have 0 energy or motivation to make any healthy food and my husband is at work and he normally makes me food. I’m calling it a win that I actually ate food and didn’t just have dry cereal for dinner, which is usually what happens when I’m home alone.

My first night fostering her. She decided she was home so I adopted her. I'm not a "failure". She asked me to adopt her. by Full_Conference_2175 in cats

[–]Hannah-may 4 points5 points  (0 children)

My cat would live in the bathroom by choice if I put a bed in there. The bathroom is a perfect place for a quarenteen. Thank you for doing everything you can to keep your cats healthy and safe.

Over 25s - have you had your smear test? by sneqpanda in AskUK

[–]Hannah-may 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I’ve had two now. First one was uncomfortable but fine. The second one the nurse was moody and was upset that she had to get a smaller speculum.


Wear a long, flowy skirt, no tights, socks and easy to put on/take off knickers. This keeps you feeling covered up.

Practice some laying down and breathing techniques, try and relax as much as possible so your muscles aren’t all tense.

I usually put my hand over my eyes and pretend I’m not there.

Also they don’t give a fuck about your size/shape/muff cut as long as you’re clean then you’re good to go.

It lasts a minute or two tops. They put the speculum in take a few scratchy swabs and then that’s about it. I’ve told doctors and nurses when I’m feeling nervous about a procedure and they usually go out of their way to make me feel more comfortable. I nearly fainted at a blood test the other day which has never happened to me and since then I’ve told the next nurses taking bloods that I’d felt a bit faint at my last appointment and they let me lay down and kept an eye on me. (Im pregnant atm so lots of blood taking and jabs + pregnant people are more likely to feel faint, it’s a whole thing apparently)

Just get it booked in. Maybe have a friend drive you and go for a swift pint after as a treat.

Consumed by drink by [deleted] in StartledCats

[–]Hannah-may 190 points191 points  (0 children)

In my house we can’t leave water unattended for the same reason. My husband asked “if it was safe to drink the water on the bedside or is it pussy juice” so now any cat tainted water is forever called “ pussy juice”

How do you get through the excitement of waiting after finding out? by honey-buttercups in pregnant

[–]Hannah-may 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Make the most of the time you have together as a couple. Make the most of the time you have before you start feeling sick (hopefully you won’t feel sick at all) just eat and smell all the things. The time will pass quickly.

Congratulations 🥳

Apparently already the worst Mom ever and baby hasn't even been born yet by marymay206 in pregnant

[–]Hannah-may 0 points1 point  (0 children)

My mum tried to shame me before the baby was even here too. She said that I have make all of her food when she’s weaning/eating solids and never give her anything store bought or from a jar. I called her out pretty quickly. Mother, the damn baby isn’t even born yet! How can you judge decisions that aren’t going to even be made for like a year. SMH.

the cuties story by w0kstarshawty in LoveIsBlindOnNetflix

[–]Hannah-may 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Mental health diagnosis and stigma is a huge thing. Bipolar doesn’t mean someone blows hot and cold. It’s someone who experiences manic episodes and depressive episodes - both usually lasting days-months at a time.

Men have forever used “crazy” “hysterical” to put women down and it’s something that’s finally starting to be stood up to and rightly so.

I think in this instance Cole showed how immature he was and got called out. I do believe he has the potential to learn why this is unacceptable behaviour.

I'm terrified at the idea of baby kicking inside me by chelsea_dagger69 in pregnant

[–]Hannah-may 0 points1 point  (0 children)

It’s definitely weird but you just gotta embrace it. I’m already nagging my bump, she’s wriggles so much and I’m talking to her all the time, telling her how creepy she’s being or how annoying she is when she make me need a wee.

Sometimes she kicks on demand when I tap my belly which is kinda fun.

Oh my mum also said when the kicks get really big for me to put my belly on my husband’s back so he can feel some of how annoying it is.

Emollient cleansing creams? by tomwhoiscontrary in EczemaUK

[–]Hannah-may 1 point2 points  (0 children)

You can use the big bottles of cetraben as a soap alternative. I do.

mascara for men recommendations by NSFWbuyer97 in MakeUpAddictionUK

[–]Hannah-may 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I also think brown mascara looks much more natural especially if you’ve not got black hair.

How bad is soda during pregnancy? by stelllaah in pregnant

[–]Hannah-may 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I guess you’re not in the UK. Over here we have cordials and squash. It adds flavour and there’s not a whole lot of sugar/colourings (depending on what brand you get and how strong you have it) any chance you could get your hands on something like that?

This incredibly disturbing comment I found 🙃 by heylimepie in NotHowGirlsWork

[–]Hannah-may 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Dude, just say you like to suck dick, it’s cool, we are all friends here.