
After Twitter planned to close offices for the day, Elon Musk asks engineers to come in by wolfmangpuck in news

[–]Whatawaist 529 points530 points 4& 7 more (0 children)

Elon, appropriate given his slave money roots, only operates from a position of having a knife to his employees necks.

With tesla and spacex this makes some sense. There are limited places for passionate and innovative engineers to go and work on exciting projects like new technologies and fucking space missions.

Hell you can squeeze the humanity out of people making video games. If people care about the work they are doing they are ripe for abuse, and I'm sure Elon has made himself feel big and important many times by abusing people smarter and more capable than himself.

No one cares about fucking twitter. The few that did cared about its usefulness in granting power and a voice to people who are being stifled by oppressive governments, which was one of the very first things Musk ruined.

They don't give a shit, you fired all their friends, tiki torched their project, and most twitter employees have a resume stacked with employable skills in demand everywhere.

Dumb motherfucker is sliding checkers around a foosball table yelling "KING ME!", no concept that the game he's playing has changed and he never understood why he'd ever been winning in the first place.

Twitter closes offices until Monday as employees quit in droves by grab-n-g0 in news

[–]TannedCroissant 14.3k points14.3k points 9354& 25 more (0 children)

Apparently Elon said she can have her blue tick for only $6 instead of $8. At least that's what I think he said, it was something about Twitter having a lower Cher price anyway.

60% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck heading into the peak shopping season by preppythugg in news

[–]Cognitive_Spoon 898 points899 points 23& 2 more (0 children)

Have you considered that maybe Mark Zuckerberg works really hard for his estimated 104 dollars a second? Or that maybe Elon Musk is really just out here hustling for his 23k per minute?

I'm a high school teacher, and I make about 70k a year.

Sometimes, while I'm planning lessons, or grading essays, I stop and think about time. The time I'm putting into my work. The time I'm away from my own children to pay for food and housing. Time.

Elon Musk makes my entire year's wages in about four minutes.

About the same amount of time it took me to take a break from planning lessons to write this. Every meal my kids will eat, every trip to the hospital. Every present, every heating or car bill. All the complexity and struggle of my entire life, the whole year all my concerns and stress about presents and date night budgeting.

Four minutes.

Tick. Tock.

If it were eight minutes, it would double my salary. Suddenly we can afford the expensive healthcare plan. Suddenly we have savings that grows instead of shrinks each month.

If it were an entire hour. One hour of one day of Elon's income. It would be over a million dollars.

Now my children can go to college without debt. My house is paid off. My retirement invested. My whole life has completely changed.

One hour. One episode of a show. The time it takes to make some meatloaf from the ground beef I bought from Aldi's.

Tick. Tock.

Edit: Sources




Indiana deputy's gun discharges, shoots student in classroom by Kico_ in news

[–]rasvial 4457 points4458 points  (0 children)

Indiana deputy shoots student in classroom.

Don't add in police spokesperson language. The gun didn't shoot itself.

Maryland probe finds 158 abusive priests, over 600 victims by davetowers646 in news

[–]mygreyhoundisadonut 145 points146 points  (0 children)

Governor Elect Josh Shapiro (current AG for the state) successfully prosecuted those involved in that case!

Edit: I was wrong. His office carried out the investigation but there doesn’t seem to be any prosecutions that I can find. The church (obviously) pushed back hard and brought lawsuits and seemingly media blitz against Shapiro for the report.

Twitter closes offices until Monday as employees quit in droves by grab-n-g0 in news

[–]thedeadthatyetlive 5053 points5054 points  (0 children)

People should really consider that, intentionally or not, wealthy people are showing us in very dramatic and public ways that they can just throw away quantities of money that are so large they could probably sustain all the people reading this comment for the rest of their lives, destroying brands and social media networks in the process, and not even sweating it because they know they're so filthy fucking rich they'll be just fine and never have to eat at any restaurant so lowly that they'd ever see any of us there.

Indiana deputy's gun discharges, shoots student in classroom by Kico_ in news

[–]rederic 369 points370 points  (0 children)

Wild how we're told guns can't just do that and can't ever be the problem, but every time a highly trained professional has an accident we're expected to believe it's because the gun—which can't do that—just did that.

U.S. seeks 15 years for Elizabeth Holmes over Theranos fraud by grungegoth in news

[–]waywardmedic 3369 points3370 points  (0 children)

I just finished the audiobook Bad Blood. Excellent listening, all about her rise to infamy, how she lied, and took advantage, intimidated and threatened her employees.

Twitter closes offices until Monday as employees quit in droves by grab-n-g0 in news

[–]Jsublime 1488 points1489 points  (0 children)

Man, that kid that was tracking Elon’s flights must have really got to him.

Prosecutors: HOA board members stole millions from residents by singingkiltmygrandma in news

[–]wolfbayte 351 points352 points  (0 children)

The original purpose of HOA was to prevent homes being sold to minorities.


World Cup organizers to ban alcoholic beer sales at stadiums by human8264829264 in news

[–]gordonblue 62 points63 points  (0 children)

I used to ignore the world cup. I still do, but I used to, too

Twitter closes offices until Monday as employees quit in droves by grab-n-g0 in news

[–]Atticus_Vague 1014 points1015 points  (0 children)

Pay close attention America. These billionaires we place on pedestals are not geniuses, they are not exceptionally talented. And, as is the case here, many times these gods among men are below average humans. This is the lesson Elon Musk is trying to teach us.

FBI director ‘very concerned’ by reports of secret Chinese police stations in US by likeiamnoone in news

[–]BowwwwBallll 222 points223 points  (0 children)

There was a famous documentary series on this. “Rush Hour,” I believe it was called.

Twitter closes offices until Monday as employees quit in droves by grab-n-g0 in news

[–]Interesting_Total_98 28.0k points28.0k points 3 (0 children)

Twitter, which has lost many of its communication team members, did not respond to a request for comment.

Never gets old.

Worst fall in UK living standards since records began, says OBR. by Xul-luX in news

[–]ledow 88 points89 points 2 (0 children)

No matter what happens to housing prices, there's upsides and downsides and the winners almost universally are those with money.

When house prices are low, rich people can snap up lots of housing and just hang onto it and wait for it to go high - they have no mortgage, they don't care if it takes ten years. Literally every penny in rent is income, and their only expense is whatever it takes to keep the house rentable and maybe a council tax bill.

When house prices are high, rich people can sell off their housing portfolios while also being the only people who can afford a house themselves.

When house prices are low, poor people can't afford houses because the rich people are outbidding them every time and snapping up dozens of them.

When house prices are high, poor people can't afford houses.

It doesn't matter how you look at it in terms of the economy at large, or forecasts, it's about how many toys you let people gather and cling onto with almost no consequences, while others have nothing.

I just bought a house. I don't really care if it "drops in value". There's nothing I can do about it, one way or the other, and unless I decide to sell it it makes no difference.Even when I do, selling my X bedroom house will give me enough money to buy... an X bedroom house in a similar area.

My mortgage costs the same whatever and will actually be going UP in cost no matter what I do, eventually.

It's the third house I've bought in my lifetime (and had to sell the previous one each time), and it's going to be the last I'll ever get. I was driving 150+ mile round-trips to view houses. I had "no chain". I was being outbid by everyone - like me - who was moving out of London because they can't afford it, and I had to go THAT FAR OUT to stand a chance of viewing things that weren't sold by the time I could drive there.

I was able to get my parents to put down a deposit (I'm 40-fucking-3 and couldn't afford it! Mainly because I was renting for years) and that's never going to happen again until they both die and my brother and we sell their house and split the proceeds (neither of us could afford to keep it).

I got a 1-bed former-council bungalow, 40 miles from where I work. Because that's literally all I could get, on a single income. The mortgage is paid over 24 years because I'm too old to have a 25-year mortgage. That's only EVER going to get worse.

I've actually got a way-above-average job, but I can't secure anything on my own, and I was pushed out of buying everything else I saw. I had an elderly couple at a viewing tell me that "young people like me..." (FORTY FUCKING THREE!) "... should just rent a flat in the main town near all the noisy nightclubs" and leave them to look at the suburban homes in reasonable areas for their downsizing for retirement.

Housing is only ever going to get more expensive. It's only ever going to be the domain of the rich. It's only ever going to get worse. Until something absolutely drastic changes... like literally charging tax for second homes so humongously that only the extreme elite can afford to have one.

We're growing in population all the time. We're not building ANYWHERE NEAR enough housing. And we need to build it 20, 30 years in advance at least just to be able to catch up to demand.

Until rent control is a thing (so that being a landlord isn't that profitable), or owning a second property is taxed to the hilt, or people are forced to occupy all their properties at least 90% of the year either by themselves or a paying tenant, or someone builds tens of thousands of houses all of a sudden, it's never going to get any better and no "economy change" is going to make any difference to the poor staying poor and renting (which makes them poorer) and the rich staying rich and being landlords (which makes them richer).

Until the rules change, you will always lose. Unless you're rich.

Even my house - it was original a council house built in the 60's for disabled and elderly and SOME TWAT decided to let someone buy it for a pittance several decades ago. So now there's less suitable council housing for people in need like the disabled and elderly, and the guy who happened to be allocated it by the council made a fortune out of it for doing almost nothing, and I can *barely* afford to live there as the only private homeowner in that part of the street, among a bunch of people who are all council-tenants: retired or on benefits and have no money themselves living in all the bigger 3-bed houses around me. Hell, my parents are living in a £600k 3-bed house, with garage and huge garden, just the two of them on their own. They bought it on a single working wage, with only one of them in a minimum-wage job and it's been paid off for the last 10 years. Since I was 20, I've earned more in any given year than my mum and dad ever earned COLLECTIVELY in any year they ever worked in their lifetime - even adjusted for inflation. I know, because I dug out all the statistics and did the maths to show them.

And somewhere there's someone else like me in a tiny bedsit somewhere paying rent through the nose who can't get a council house because there aren't any, and can never stand a chance of buying a house.

And in 20+ years time when I finally pay my house off, and come to retire, I'll likely have to work through retirement to pay the basic bills, and the house will eventually sell for proportionally a pittance that probably won't buy a 1-bed flat anywhere in the country.

It's not the economy that's to blame. It's the way that the division is inherent in the rules and the separations between haves and have-nots, and things like NOT BUILDING ANY FUCKING HOUSES, unless they are designed to be permanent rent-traps for rich landlords.

Adderall users struggle amid ongoing medication shortage by darthatheos in news

[–]sublliminali 38 points39 points  (0 children)

I think it’s also fair to say that everyone reacts to drugs and withdrawal differently. I’ve taken XR adderall for over a decade now and I don’t experience debilitating effects if I stop usage for a weekend, but anecdotally I do have one friend who does.

I’m not going to doubt someone else’s experience with the drug just because it’s not my own. It’s totally possible that other drugs have way worse withdrawals (This is the only one I use), but I don’t think we should be diminishing the genuine distress people feel when a maintenance medication they’ve taken for years to function is suddenly unavailable.

Twitter closes offices until Monday as employees quit in droves by grab-n-g0 in news

[–]TheValgus 35.2k points35.2k points  (0 children)

Offering 3 months pay to quit right before the holidays: not a good idea if your employees hate you.

"Positively Dystopian": Federal Judge Blocks Florida Stop WOKE Act by Geodestamp in news

[–]Ludwigofthepotatoppl 577 points578 points  (0 children)

The circle only gets smaller. One enemy removed? Things still suck. On to the next one. “They’ve been sabotaging things behind the scenes for years.”

FBI director 'very concerned' by Chinese 'police stations' in U.S. by iamaneditor in news

[–]jkpirat -9 points-8 points  (0 children)

And compound that with the Biden family’s ties to China, and Russia…