POD Suspendat peste Dunare | Maluri Braila si Tulcea Principalele lucrari | Smardan-DN2B 07.04.2023
🌉POD Suspendat peste Dunare Braila Tulcea | Principalele lucrari mal Braila si Tulcea
De la Smardan DN22 la Centura Braila DN2B 07.04.2023
#pod #braila #suspension #bridge #underconstruction #project #webuild #ihi #raducupdrum
Intro (venirea personalului in santier si rasarit 07.04.2023) 00:01
Mal Tulcea 01:20
Mal Braila 11:46
Outro: 19:34
Playlist-uri :
Pod Suspendat Braila : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcYLZLc2zOAGGUqqdhc5Pf8MVr5yRVK3E
Playlist video-uri montare tablier: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcYLZLc2zOAFXQG-Bqv8DhLW22seGjXeo
Timelapse suduri tablier: https://youtu.be/h7P7ECZ4fE4
A3: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcYLZLc2zOAFPSKk40rB5zmUeSqL3Pcdy
Dex 12 Craiova Pitesti https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcYLZLc2zOAHI2Y-8Ki1s1yfyTnd3WV_F
A1: https://youtube.c...
published: 08 Apr 2023
IMNUL BRĂILEI / rap brăila [HIT] ( official video )
Imnul oficial al brăilei. Daca nu te abonezi esti gay.
Instagram : andrei.ibz
published: 30 Sep 2019
Toată România ep30: Brăila. Vreau să fiu cel mai prost mereu
Braila e un oras mare din judetul cu acelasi nume. Oamenii se supara iesit din comun daca le zici ca sunt moldoveni. Am mers pe cea mai urata vreme, treziti la 4 jumate sa vedem ploaie, pe Terente si sa vedem daca ne scufundam masina luand bacul pe fluviu.
Clip editat de:
Cine sunt:
published: 30 May 2022
Pod peste Dunăre +Centura Brăila, #infrastructura
Filmare aeriană cu centura municipiului Brăila și podul peste fluviul Dunăre.
Stadiul lucrărilor raportat către CNAIR pe 01.03.2023 este de 90%. Constructorul Webuild și IHI au început asfaltarea podului și drumurilor de legătură.
Sursă hartă: https://proinfrastructura.ro/proiecteinfrastructura.html#map=13/45.305/28.04
Sursă informații: http://www.cnadnr.ro/sites/default/files/AUTOSTRAZI%20IN%20EXECUTIE%20-%20PROIECTARE%20SI%20EXECUTIE%20LUCRARI.pdf
published: 26 Mar 2023
Nicușor de la Brăila, îi plătește amenda Bendeac #bendeac #subscribe #like #romania #viral #braila
published: 30 Jan 2023
Podul de peste Dunăre de la Brăila este gata, dar nu se poate circula pe el
Podul de peste Dunăre, care leagă Brăila și Galați de Tulcea, este gata, dar stă nefolosit de peste o lună, pentru că nu avem și șosele de acces.
Citeşte articolul integral → https://stirileprotv.ro/stiri/actualitate/podul-de-peste-dunare-de-la-braila-este-gata-dar-nu-se-poate-circula-pe-el-statul-roman-printre-vinovati.html?utm_source=youtube_stirile_protv&utm;_medium=description&utm;_campaign=stirileprotv
Totul despre sănătate! - http://bit.ly/SubscribeDoctorDeBine
Pentru mai multe știri vizitează site-ul Știrile PRO TV → https://stirileprotv.ro/?utm_source=youtube_stirile_protv&utm;_medium=description&utm;_campaign=stirileprotv
Nu uita să te abonezi la canalul nostru de YouTube → http://bit.ly/StirilePROTVSubscribe
Rămâi la curent cu ultimele știri ale momentului pe rețelele de socializar...
published: 30 Jan 2023
published: 07 Oct 2021
Vlad Drăgulin este Nicușor de la Brăila! | iMai mult Umor | Episodul 1
#iUmor #Antena1
➠ SUBSCRIBE la canalul nostru: https://goo.gl/aGvKR6
Urmăreşte „iUmor” şi pe:
➠ TV Antena 1, DUMINICĂ de la ora 20:00
➠ Site: https://a1.ro/iumor/
➠ liveVIDEO şi emisiunea integrală, oricând pe AntenaPlay: https://antenaplay.ro/iumor
YouTube network: Antena TV Group
published: 10 Sep 2022
POD Suspendat peste Dunare | Maluri Braila si Tulcea Principalele lucrari | Smardan-DN2B 07.04.2023
🌉POD Suspendat peste Dunare Braila Tulcea | Principalele lucrari mal Braila si Tulcea
De la Smardan DN22 la Centura Braila DN2B 07.04.2023
#pod #braila #suspe...
🌉POD Suspendat peste Dunare Braila Tulcea | Principalele lucrari mal Braila si Tulcea
De la Smardan DN22 la Centura Braila DN2B 07.04.2023
#pod #braila #suspension #bridge #underconstruction #project #webuild #ihi #raducupdrum
Intro (venirea personalului in santier si rasarit 07.04.2023) 00:01
Mal Tulcea 01:20
Mal Braila 11:46
Outro: 19:34
Playlist-uri :
Pod Suspendat Braila : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcYLZLc2zOAGGUqqdhc5Pf8MVr5yRVK3E
Playlist video-uri montare tablier: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcYLZLc2zOAFXQG-Bqv8DhLW22seGjXeo
Timelapse suduri tablier: https://youtu.be/h7P7ECZ4fE4
A3: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcYLZLc2zOAFPSKk40rB5zmUeSqL3Pcdy
Dex 12 Craiova Pitesti https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcYLZLc2zOAHI2Y-8Ki1s1yfyTnd3WV_F
A1: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcYLZLc2zOAHxcEtM3RPUjZuXTeGD_yYv
DEx 6 Braila Galati: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcYLZLc2zOAG78Qb3J1rIDDJs27vLIv8_
A7 : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcYLZLc2zOAHSPeAgsqrfQoqvKl2qVidP
Cel mai lung pod suspendat din lume: 1915 Canakkale Turcia:
Constructia Variantei de Ocolire Bacau parte din Autostrada A7 04.2020-07.2021 | Filmare completa dupa deschidere circulatie: https://youtu.be/XHcPw1SVJA8
Distribuirea sau folosirea acestui material este posibila doar cu acordul proprietarului!
Contact pentru mesaje si colaborari : raducupdrum@gmail.com
Distribuire și abonare: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsUYbtD2xS1V35IxFG3zltw/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RaducuPDrum
Daca doriti sa ma sprijiniti la realizarea acestor filmari, o puteti face astfel:
☑ Distribuire, abonare, apreciere
☑ Cont bancar RO11UGBI0000202025615RON
☑ Direct in video sub titlu, click "Multumire"
☑ patreon.com/RaducuPDrum
☑ Paypal https://paypal.me/RaducuPDrum?locale.x=ro_RO
☑ Membru canal: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsUYbtD2xS1V35IxFG3zltw/join
Va multumesc anticipat!
Playlist-uri :
Pod Suspendat Braila : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcYLZLc2zOAGGUqqdhc5Pf8MVr5yRVK3E
Playlist video-uri montare tablier: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcYLZLc2zOAFXQG-Bqv8DhLW22seGjXeo
Timelapse suduri tablier: https://youtu.be/h7P7ECZ4fE4
A3: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcYLZLc2zOAFPSKk40rB5zmUeSqL3Pcdy
Dex 12 Craiova Pitesti https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcYLZLc2zOAHI2Y-8Ki1s1yfyTnd3WV_F
A1: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcYLZLc2zOAHxcEtM3RPUjZuXTeGD_yYv
DEx 6 Braila Galati: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcYLZLc2zOAG78Qb3J1rIDDJs27vLIv8_
A7 : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcYLZLc2zOAHSPeAgsqrfQoqvKl2qVidP
Cel mai lung pod suspendat din lume: 1915 Canakkale Turcia:
Constructia Variantei de Ocolire Bacau parte din Autostrada A7 04.2020-07.2021 | Filmare completa dupa deschidere circulatie: https://youtu.be/XHcPw1SVJA8
Distribuirea sau folosirea acestui material este posibila doar cu acordul proprietarului!
Contact pentru mesaje si colaborari : raducupdrum@gmail.com
Distribuire și abonare: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsUYbtD2xS1V35IxFG3zltw/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Raducu-P-Drum-103107348763054
Daca doriti sa ma sprijiniti la realizarea acestor filmari, o puteti face astfel:
☑ Distribuire, abonare, apreciere
☑ Cont bancar RO11UGBI0000202025615RON
☑ Direct in video sub titlu, click "Multumire"
☑ patreon.com/RaducuPDrum
☑ Paypal https://paypal.me/RaducuPDrum?locale.x=ro_RO
☑ Membru canal: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsUYbtD2xS1V35IxFG3zltw/join
Va multumesc anticipat!
🌉POD Suspendat peste Dunare Braila Tulcea | Principalele lucrari mal Braila si Tulcea
De la Smardan DN22 la Centura Braila DN2B 07.04.2023
#pod #braila #suspension #bridge #underconstruction #project #webuild #ihi #raducupdrum
Intro (venirea personalului in santier si rasarit 07.04.2023) 00:01
Mal Tulcea 01:20
Mal Braila 11:46
Outro: 19:34
Playlist-uri :
Pod Suspendat Braila : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcYLZLc2zOAGGUqqdhc5Pf8MVr5yRVK3E
Playlist video-uri montare tablier: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcYLZLc2zOAFXQG-Bqv8DhLW22seGjXeo
Timelapse suduri tablier: https://youtu.be/h7P7ECZ4fE4
A3: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcYLZLc2zOAFPSKk40rB5zmUeSqL3Pcdy
Dex 12 Craiova Pitesti https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcYLZLc2zOAHI2Y-8Ki1s1yfyTnd3WV_F
A1: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcYLZLc2zOAHxcEtM3RPUjZuXTeGD_yYv
DEx 6 Braila Galati: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcYLZLc2zOAG78Qb3J1rIDDJs27vLIv8_
A7 : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcYLZLc2zOAHSPeAgsqrfQoqvKl2qVidP
Cel mai lung pod suspendat din lume: 1915 Canakkale Turcia:
Constructia Variantei de Ocolire Bacau parte din Autostrada A7 04.2020-07.2021 | Filmare completa dupa deschidere circulatie: https://youtu.be/XHcPw1SVJA8
Distribuirea sau folosirea acestui material este posibila doar cu acordul proprietarului!
Contact pentru mesaje si colaborari : raducupdrum@gmail.com
Distribuire și abonare: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsUYbtD2xS1V35IxFG3zltw/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RaducuPDrum
Daca doriti sa ma sprijiniti la realizarea acestor filmari, o puteti face astfel:
☑ Distribuire, abonare, apreciere
☑ Cont bancar RO11UGBI0000202025615RON
☑ Direct in video sub titlu, click "Multumire"
☑ patreon.com/RaducuPDrum
☑ Paypal https://paypal.me/RaducuPDrum?locale.x=ro_RO
☑ Membru canal: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsUYbtD2xS1V35IxFG3zltw/join
Va multumesc anticipat!
Playlist-uri :
Pod Suspendat Braila : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcYLZLc2zOAGGUqqdhc5Pf8MVr5yRVK3E
Playlist video-uri montare tablier: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcYLZLc2zOAFXQG-Bqv8DhLW22seGjXeo
Timelapse suduri tablier: https://youtu.be/h7P7ECZ4fE4
A3: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcYLZLc2zOAFPSKk40rB5zmUeSqL3Pcdy
Dex 12 Craiova Pitesti https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcYLZLc2zOAHI2Y-8Ki1s1yfyTnd3WV_F
A1: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcYLZLc2zOAHxcEtM3RPUjZuXTeGD_yYv
DEx 6 Braila Galati: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcYLZLc2zOAG78Qb3J1rIDDJs27vLIv8_
A7 : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcYLZLc2zOAHSPeAgsqrfQoqvKl2qVidP
Cel mai lung pod suspendat din lume: 1915 Canakkale Turcia:
Constructia Variantei de Ocolire Bacau parte din Autostrada A7 04.2020-07.2021 | Filmare completa dupa deschidere circulatie: https://youtu.be/XHcPw1SVJA8
Distribuirea sau folosirea acestui material este posibila doar cu acordul proprietarului!
Contact pentru mesaje si colaborari : raducupdrum@gmail.com
Distribuire și abonare: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsUYbtD2xS1V35IxFG3zltw/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Raducu-P-Drum-103107348763054
Daca doriti sa ma sprijiniti la realizarea acestor filmari, o puteti face astfel:
☑ Distribuire, abonare, apreciere
☑ Cont bancar RO11UGBI0000202025615RON
☑ Direct in video sub titlu, click "Multumire"
☑ patreon.com/RaducuPDrum
☑ Paypal https://paypal.me/RaducuPDrum?locale.x=ro_RO
☑ Membru canal: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsUYbtD2xS1V35IxFG3zltw/join
Va multumesc anticipat!
- published: 08 Apr 2023
- views: 18114
IMNUL BRĂILEI / rap brăila [HIT] ( official video )
Imnul oficial al brăilei. Daca nu te abonezi esti gay.
Instagram : andrei.ibz
Imnul oficial al brăilei. Daca nu te abonezi esti gay.
Instagram : andrei.ibz
Imnul oficial al brăilei. Daca nu te abonezi esti gay.
Instagram : andrei.ibz
- published: 30 Sep 2019
- views: 24447
Toată România ep30: Brăila. Vreau să fiu cel mai prost mereu
Braila e un oras mare din judetul cu acelasi nume. Oamenii se supara iesit din comun daca le zici ca sunt moldoveni. Am mers pe cea mai urata vreme, treziti la ...
Braila e un oras mare din judetul cu acelasi nume. Oamenii se supara iesit din comun daca le zici ca sunt moldoveni. Am mers pe cea mai urata vreme, treziti la 4 jumate sa vedem ploaie, pe Terente si sa vedem daca ne scufundam masina luand bacul pe fluviu.
Clip editat de:
Cine sunt:
Braila e un oras mare din judetul cu acelasi nume. Oamenii se supara iesit din comun daca le zici ca sunt moldoveni. Am mers pe cea mai urata vreme, treziti la 4 jumate sa vedem ploaie, pe Terente si sa vedem daca ne scufundam masina luand bacul pe fluviu.
Clip editat de:
Cine sunt:
- published: 30 May 2022
- views: 2926
Pod peste Dunăre +Centura Brăila, #infrastructura
Filmare aeriană cu centura municipiului Brăila și podul peste fluviul Dunăre.
Stadiul lucrărilor raportat către CNAIR pe 01.03.2023 este de 90%. Constructorul ...
Filmare aeriană cu centura municipiului Brăila și podul peste fluviul Dunăre.
Stadiul lucrărilor raportat către CNAIR pe 01.03.2023 este de 90%. Constructorul Webuild și IHI au început asfaltarea podului și drumurilor de legătură.
Sursă hartă: https://proinfrastructura.ro/proiecteinfrastructura.html#map=13/45.305/28.04
Sursă informații: http://www.cnadnr.ro/sites/default/files/AUTOSTRAZI%20IN%20EXECUTIE%20-%20PROIECTARE%20SI%20EXECUTIE%20LUCRARI.pdf
Filmare aeriană cu centura municipiului Brăila și podul peste fluviul Dunăre.
Stadiul lucrărilor raportat către CNAIR pe 01.03.2023 este de 90%. Constructorul Webuild și IHI au început asfaltarea podului și drumurilor de legătură.
Sursă hartă: https://proinfrastructura.ro/proiecteinfrastructura.html#map=13/45.305/28.04
Sursă informații: http://www.cnadnr.ro/sites/default/files/AUTOSTRAZI%20IN%20EXECUTIE%20-%20PROIECTARE%20SI%20EXECUTIE%20LUCRARI.pdf
- published: 26 Mar 2023
- views: 9415
Podul de peste Dunăre de la Brăila este gata, dar nu se poate circula pe el
Podul de peste Dunăre, care leagă Brăila și Galați de Tulcea, este gata, dar stă nefolosit de peste o lună, pentru că nu avem și șosele de acces.
Citeşte artico...
Podul de peste Dunăre, care leagă Brăila și Galați de Tulcea, este gata, dar stă nefolosit de peste o lună, pentru că nu avem și șosele de acces.
Citeşte articolul integral → https://stirileprotv.ro/stiri/actualitate/podul-de-peste-dunare-de-la-braila-este-gata-dar-nu-se-poate-circula-pe-el-statul-roman-printre-vinovati.html?utm_source=youtube_stirile_protv&utm;_medium=description&utm;_campaign=stirileprotv
Totul despre sănătate! - http://bit.ly/SubscribeDoctorDeBine
Pentru mai multe știri vizitează site-ul Știrile PRO TV → https://stirileprotv.ro/?utm_source=youtube_stirile_protv&utm;_medium=description&utm;_campaign=stirileprotv
Nu uita să te abonezi la canalul nostru de YouTube → http://bit.ly/StirilePROTVSubscribe
Rămâi la curent cu ultimele știri ale momentului pe rețelele de socializare:
➥ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StirileProTV/
➥ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stirileprotvro/
➥ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@stirileprotv.ro
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Ai interviuri și informații exclusive și pe:
➥ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ProTVRomania/
➥ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/protv_romania/
Podul de peste Dunăre, care leagă Brăila și Galați de Tulcea, este gata, dar stă nefolosit de peste o lună, pentru că nu avem și șosele de acces.
Citeşte articolul integral → https://stirileprotv.ro/stiri/actualitate/podul-de-peste-dunare-de-la-braila-este-gata-dar-nu-se-poate-circula-pe-el-statul-roman-printre-vinovati.html?utm_source=youtube_stirile_protv&utm;_medium=description&utm;_campaign=stirileprotv
Totul despre sănătate! - http://bit.ly/SubscribeDoctorDeBine
Pentru mai multe știri vizitează site-ul Știrile PRO TV → https://stirileprotv.ro/?utm_source=youtube_stirile_protv&utm;_medium=description&utm;_campaign=stirileprotv
Nu uita să te abonezi la canalul nostru de YouTube → http://bit.ly/StirilePROTVSubscribe
Rămâi la curent cu ultimele știri ale momentului pe rețelele de socializare:
➥ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StirileProTV/
➥ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stirileprotvro/
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Urmărește PRO TV Plus pe paginile de Social Media:
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Ai interviuri și informații exclusive și pe:
➥ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ProTVRomania/
➥ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/protv_romania/
- published: 30 Jan 2023
- views: 283657
Vlad Drăgulin este Nicușor de la Brăila! | iMai mult Umor | Episodul 1
#iUmor #Antena1
➠ SUBSCRIBE la canalul nostru: https://goo.gl/aGvKR6
Urmăreşte „iUmor” şi pe:
➠ TV Antena 1, DUMINICĂ de la ora 20:00
➠ Site: https://a1.ro/ium...
#iUmor #Antena1
➠ SUBSCRIBE la canalul nostru: https://goo.gl/aGvKR6
Urmăreşte „iUmor” şi pe:
➠ TV Antena 1, DUMINICĂ de la ora 20:00
➠ Site: https://a1.ro/iumor/
➠ liveVIDEO şi emisiunea integrală, oricând pe AntenaPlay: https://antenaplay.ro/iumor
YouTube network: Antena TV Group
#iUmor #Antena1
➠ SUBSCRIBE la canalul nostru: https://goo.gl/aGvKR6
Urmăreşte „iUmor” şi pe:
➠ TV Antena 1, DUMINICĂ de la ora 20:00
➠ Site: https://a1.ro/iumor/
➠ liveVIDEO şi emisiunea integrală, oricând pe AntenaPlay: https://antenaplay.ro/iumor
YouTube network: Antena TV Group
- published: 10 Sep 2022
- views: 131753
Braila Romania Vlog I ROMANIA Off the beaten path I What locals love to visit in Braila
We explore Braila, in Romania''s South East region, also called the 'city on the Danube'. Most travellers to Romania head to Transylvania and are impressed by the beauty of Brasov, Sibiu or Sighisoara. But Romania is more than the region of Transylvania. The cities on the Danube have a long history of trade and multiculturalism which defined the way they present themselves to the traveller today. Braila is a great place to go off the beaten path in Romania and explore a different region than Transylvania. It is also a great stop on the way to the Danube Delta.
You should definitely check out the Romanian food we tried during our trip: https://youtu.be/w8y81cQyd40
See you in the next one!
published: 08 Aug 2021
Flour Mill for sale in Vultureni-Braila county, Romania
published: 08 Sep 2023
Bridge over Danube River (Braila county) aerial footage - DJI Mini 2
Bridge over Danube River (Braila county) aerial footage - DJI Mini 2
Pod peste Dunare Braila - Filmare cu drona
This is an air footage of the (under construction) bridge over the Danube river, in Braila county, Romania (between Galati and Braila to be more specific).
The footage is taken by using a DJI (mavic) mini 2 drone.
The music was provided by THBD:
THBD - Lost In The Night (feat. Pipa Moran)
Thanks for watching and please consider a like and subscribe to our humble channel :)
published: 21 Jun 2022
Flag of Brăila County - Romania
published: 01 Oct 2008
🚗 Driving in BRAILA | City Tour | ROMANIA #4k60fps
Brăila is a city in Muntenia, eastern Romania, a port on the Danube and the capital of Brăila County.
Accessible to small and medium-sized oceangoing ships, Brăila has large grain-handling and warehousing facilities. It is also an important industrial center, with metalworking, textile, food-processing, and other factories. The naval industry is one of the focus of Brăila's revenue bringers.
Streets radiating from near the port towards Brăila's center are crossed at symmetrical intervals by concentric streets following the geometric design of the old Ottoman fortifications.
The old center of the city has many 19th-century buildings, some of them fully restored. The most important monuments are the Greek Church, erected in 1863–1872 by the Greek community; the Church of the Holy Archangels...
published: 11 Mar 2023
Obiective turistice in Judetul Braila.
Hai sa vedem si sa vizitam Judetul Braila!
published: 22 Mar 2022
Visit Romania _ day 21 _ Braila County _ 27.08.2021
Discovering Romania - a series of one-day visits (in general) to the counties of Romania, with interesting images from each county ... included in a video edited in "google photos" with taken pictures on the date the visit was made ...
The order of the counties was random... day 21 - Braila county / judetul Braila (visited on 08/27/2021)
In identifying local tourist attractions, we generally have used:
published: 27 Apr 2022
FPV Drone Danube Bridge Dives and Forest Speed in Braila County
Welcome to an exhilarating FPV drone adventure in the vicinity of the Danube River Bridge in Braila County! Join us as we take you on heart-pounding dives through the towering pillars of a bridge, showcasing the breathtaking views of the majestic Danube below. Feel the rush as we push the limits, racing through the lush forested landscapes of Braila County, capturing every twist and turn in high-speed pursuit.
🚀 Highlights:
Spectacular FPV drone flight over the iconic Danube River.
Thrilling bridge dives for an adrenaline-pumping experience.
High-speed exploration through the picturesque forests of Braila County.
Mesmerizing electronic dubstep melody to elevate the adventure.
Experience the action through our FPV goggle feed.
🌍 Location:
Braila County, Romania
🚁 Equipment:
- Custom 5-in...
published: 16 Sep 2023
Suspension Bridge over The Danube_May15th 2022_ferry crossing to Braila County
Old transit method meets new, the future bridge across Danube getting shape with visible central deck mounted in place. Video shot on deck of the ferry crossing from Jijila Side - Tulcea County to Braila City.
published: 18 May 2022
Romanian style overtake, Braila county, Romania.
Un diasporean italian, f educat si respectand traficul rutier - precum se vede in videoclip - acasa in Romania. Respectivul romanas avea copii cu el in masina, la fel si eu.
Muzica - Toto Cutugno.
published: 23 Aug 2023
Braila Romania Vlog I ROMANIA Off the beaten path I What locals love to visit in Braila
We explore Braila, in Romania''s South East region, also called the 'city on the Danube'. Most travellers to Romania head to Transylvania and are impressed by t...
We explore Braila, in Romania''s South East region, also called the 'city on the Danube'. Most travellers to Romania head to Transylvania and are impressed by the beauty of Brasov, Sibiu or Sighisoara. But Romania is more than the region of Transylvania. The cities on the Danube have a long history of trade and multiculturalism which defined the way they present themselves to the traveller today. Braila is a great place to go off the beaten path in Romania and explore a different region than Transylvania. It is also a great stop on the way to the Danube Delta.
You should definitely check out the Romanian food we tried during our trip: https://youtu.be/w8y81cQyd40
See you in the next one!
We explore Braila, in Romania''s South East region, also called the 'city on the Danube'. Most travellers to Romania head to Transylvania and are impressed by the beauty of Brasov, Sibiu or Sighisoara. But Romania is more than the region of Transylvania. The cities on the Danube have a long history of trade and multiculturalism which defined the way they present themselves to the traveller today. Braila is a great place to go off the beaten path in Romania and explore a different region than Transylvania. It is also a great stop on the way to the Danube Delta.
You should definitely check out the Romanian food we tried during our trip: https://youtu.be/w8y81cQyd40
See you in the next one!
- published: 08 Aug 2021
- views: 10159
Bridge over Danube River (Braila county) aerial footage - DJI Mini 2
Bridge over Danube River (Braila county) aerial footage - DJI Mini 2
Pod peste Dunare Braila - Filmare cu drona
This is an air footage of the (under constructi...
Bridge over Danube River (Braila county) aerial footage - DJI Mini 2
Pod peste Dunare Braila - Filmare cu drona
This is an air footage of the (under construction) bridge over the Danube river, in Braila county, Romania (between Galati and Braila to be more specific).
The footage is taken by using a DJI (mavic) mini 2 drone.
The music was provided by THBD:
THBD - Lost In The Night (feat. Pipa Moran)
Thanks for watching and please consider a like and subscribe to our humble channel :)
Bridge over Danube River (Braila county) aerial footage - DJI Mini 2
Pod peste Dunare Braila - Filmare cu drona
This is an air footage of the (under construction) bridge over the Danube river, in Braila county, Romania (between Galati and Braila to be more specific).
The footage is taken by using a DJI (mavic) mini 2 drone.
The music was provided by THBD:
THBD - Lost In The Night (feat. Pipa Moran)
Thanks for watching and please consider a like and subscribe to our humble channel :)
- published: 21 Jun 2022
- views: 5531
🚗 Driving in BRAILA | City Tour | ROMANIA #4k60fps
Brăila is a city in Muntenia, eastern Romania, a port on the Danube and the capital of Brăila County.
Accessible to small and medium-sized oceangoing ships, Bră...
Brăila is a city in Muntenia, eastern Romania, a port on the Danube and the capital of Brăila County.
Accessible to small and medium-sized oceangoing ships, Brăila has large grain-handling and warehousing facilities. It is also an important industrial center, with metalworking, textile, food-processing, and other factories. The naval industry is one of the focus of Brăila's revenue bringers.
Streets radiating from near the port towards Brăila's center are crossed at symmetrical intervals by concentric streets following the geometric design of the old Ottoman fortifications.
The old center of the city has many 19th-century buildings, some of them fully restored. The most important monuments are the Greek Church, erected in 1863–1872 by the Greek community; the Church of the Holy Archangels Michael and Gabriel, former jāmi during the Ottoman rule (until 1831) and oldest church in the city; the 19th-century St. Nicholas Church; the Maria Filotti theatre; the Palace of Culture and its Art Museum; the History Museum; and the old Water Tower. The latter houses a restaurant and a rotation system (360° in one hour). Still, the city has some landmarks from the 20th century, such as the Palace of Agriculture.
Another important site is the Public Garden, a park situated above the bank of the Danube with a view over the river and the Măcin Mountains. Early in 2006 the municipality received European Union funds to renovate the old center of the city, aiming to transform Brăila into a major tourist attraction of Muntenia.
Starting point: https://goo.gl/maps/agcAfYnrSbzENCp27
If you enjoyed the video, please like and subscribe to the channel.
#romania #4k #driving #braila
✅ Buy me a coffee:
➜ https://ko-fi.com/4kdrivingchannel
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➜ https://www.patreon.com/4kDrivingChannel
Brăila is a city in Muntenia, eastern Romania, a port on the Danube and the capital of Brăila County.
Accessible to small and medium-sized oceangoing ships, Brăila has large grain-handling and warehousing facilities. It is also an important industrial center, with metalworking, textile, food-processing, and other factories. The naval industry is one of the focus of Brăila's revenue bringers.
Streets radiating from near the port towards Brăila's center are crossed at symmetrical intervals by concentric streets following the geometric design of the old Ottoman fortifications.
The old center of the city has many 19th-century buildings, some of them fully restored. The most important monuments are the Greek Church, erected in 1863–1872 by the Greek community; the Church of the Holy Archangels Michael and Gabriel, former jāmi during the Ottoman rule (until 1831) and oldest church in the city; the 19th-century St. Nicholas Church; the Maria Filotti theatre; the Palace of Culture and its Art Museum; the History Museum; and the old Water Tower. The latter houses a restaurant and a rotation system (360° in one hour). Still, the city has some landmarks from the 20th century, such as the Palace of Agriculture.
Another important site is the Public Garden, a park situated above the bank of the Danube with a view over the river and the Măcin Mountains. Early in 2006 the municipality received European Union funds to renovate the old center of the city, aiming to transform Brăila into a major tourist attraction of Muntenia.
Starting point: https://goo.gl/maps/agcAfYnrSbzENCp27
If you enjoyed the video, please like and subscribe to the channel.
#romania #4k #driving #braila
✅ Buy me a coffee:
➜ https://ko-fi.com/4kdrivingchannel
✅ Support me on Patreon:
➜ https://www.patreon.com/4kDrivingChannel
- published: 11 Mar 2023
- views: 9189
Obiective turistice in Judetul Braila.
Hai sa vedem si sa vizitam Judetul Braila!
Hai sa vedem si sa vizitam Judetul Braila!
Hai sa vedem si sa vizitam Judetul Braila!
- published: 22 Mar 2022
- views: 2839
Visit Romania _ day 21 _ Braila County _ 27.08.2021
Discovering Romania - a series of one-day visits (in general) to the counties of Romania, with interesting images from each county ... included in a video edite...
Discovering Romania - a series of one-day visits (in general) to the counties of Romania, with interesting images from each county ... included in a video edited in "google photos" with taken pictures on the date the visit was made ...
The order of the counties was random... day 21 - Braila county / judetul Braila (visited on 08/27/2021)
In identifying local tourist attractions, we generally have used:
Discovering Romania - a series of one-day visits (in general) to the counties of Romania, with interesting images from each county ... included in a video edited in "google photos" with taken pictures on the date the visit was made ...
The order of the counties was random... day 21 - Braila county / judetul Braila (visited on 08/27/2021)
In identifying local tourist attractions, we generally have used:
- published: 27 Apr 2022
- views: 15
FPV Drone Danube Bridge Dives and Forest Speed in Braila County
Welcome to an exhilarating FPV drone adventure in the vicinity of the Danube River Bridge in Braila County! Join us as we take you on heart-pounding dives throu...
Welcome to an exhilarating FPV drone adventure in the vicinity of the Danube River Bridge in Braila County! Join us as we take you on heart-pounding dives through the towering pillars of a bridge, showcasing the breathtaking views of the majestic Danube below. Feel the rush as we push the limits, racing through the lush forested landscapes of Braila County, capturing every twist and turn in high-speed pursuit.
🚀 Highlights:
Spectacular FPV drone flight over the iconic Danube River.
Thrilling bridge dives for an adrenaline-pumping experience.
High-speed exploration through the picturesque forests of Braila County.
Mesmerizing electronic dubstep melody to elevate the adventure.
Experience the action through our FPV goggle feed.
🌍 Location:
Braila County, Romania
🚁 Equipment:
- Custom 5-inch build drone
- DJI goggles for immersive FPV experience
- DJI camera for the aerial footage
🎵 Music:
Track: MAY - Terminus [Creative Commons] by Argofox
Welcome to an exhilarating FPV drone adventure in the vicinity of the Danube River Bridge in Braila County! Join us as we take you on heart-pounding dives through the towering pillars of a bridge, showcasing the breathtaking views of the majestic Danube below. Feel the rush as we push the limits, racing through the lush forested landscapes of Braila County, capturing every twist and turn in high-speed pursuit.
🚀 Highlights:
Spectacular FPV drone flight over the iconic Danube River.
Thrilling bridge dives for an adrenaline-pumping experience.
High-speed exploration through the picturesque forests of Braila County.
Mesmerizing electronic dubstep melody to elevate the adventure.
Experience the action through our FPV goggle feed.
🌍 Location:
Braila County, Romania
🚁 Equipment:
- Custom 5-inch build drone
- DJI goggles for immersive FPV experience
- DJI camera for the aerial footage
🎵 Music:
Track: MAY - Terminus [Creative Commons] by Argofox
- published: 16 Sep 2023
- views: 220
Suspension Bridge over The Danube_May15th 2022_ferry crossing to Braila County
Old transit method meets new, the future bridge across Danube getting shape with visible central deck mounted in place. Video shot on deck of the ferry crossin...
Old transit method meets new, the future bridge across Danube getting shape with visible central deck mounted in place. Video shot on deck of the ferry crossing from Jijila Side - Tulcea County to Braila City.
Old transit method meets new, the future bridge across Danube getting shape with visible central deck mounted in place. Video shot on deck of the ferry crossing from Jijila Side - Tulcea County to Braila City.
- published: 18 May 2022
- views: 218
Romanian style overtake, Braila county, Romania.
Un diasporean italian, f educat si respectand traficul rutier - precum se vede in videoclip - acasa in Romania. Respectivul romanas avea copii cu el in masina, ...
Un diasporean italian, f educat si respectand traficul rutier - precum se vede in videoclip - acasa in Romania. Respectivul romanas avea copii cu el in masina, la fel si eu.
Muzica - Toto Cutugno.
Un diasporean italian, f educat si respectand traficul rutier - precum se vede in videoclip - acasa in Romania. Respectivul romanas avea copii cu el in masina, la fel si eu.
Muzica - Toto Cutugno.
- published: 23 Aug 2023
- views: 39