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November 2021
8 hours ago

Part 1

Part 2

For adults, it must’ve been great: four stories of quiet hallways and immaculate rooms with a spa, made-to-order breakfast, cocktail hour and valet service.

But from a kid’s perspective, there was absolutely nothing to do. No pool, no game room, nowhere to play outside.

The manager marched us up to our father’s room just for laughing in the lobby.

Embarrassed and fearful that his company would find out that we were traveling with him, our father kept us on a shorter leash than ever. I suspect he’d also probably had a nasty shock at the motel–

Where that kid had disappeared.

Cayden and I found ourselves longing for another visit from Merry, Holly, and Wendy, but we didn’t even have to wait a full day before we got our wish. When I awoke in the night to use the restroom, there was a faint tapping on the door. At first I wasn’t sure that I was hearing it at all, but when I got closer, the sound was unmistakable.

Since I couldn’t see through the peephole, I opened the door just a crack–

Posted by15 hours ago
SilverNarwhal Salute

We had reached cruising altitude and the passenger airplane I was sitting aboard was sailing turbulently through the sky, riding on air currents and exploiting physics in ways that I would never understand. Maybe it was my ignorance of these principles which made me so nervous - my legs trembling with constant vibrations. My teeth had even been chattering for a while during takeoff. But now my nerves had settled down to a dull roar.

“Are you sure you’re alright?” the white-haired man sitting next to me asked, his hand settling on my arm in a comforting way. “Should I call the stewardess over? She can get you some water, or a cup of tea to calm the nerves? With a shot of brandy too, maybe?”

He laughed, gripping my arm just a little too firmly now.

“I’m fine,” I said. “The worst of it’s passed. As long as we don’t run into engine trouble I should be okay.”

That statement caught a few angry glares from passengers nearby, who quickly went back to reading or talking amongst themselves. I scolded myself internally for saying my worst fears out loud. Nobody liked to think about engine trouble when they were flying over the Atlantic Ocean in the middle of the night.

“Well, let’s not speak of those things just now. Do you want a book to read? I brought a spare novel. It’s a John Grisham.”

“No, thanks."

“Well, how about some television? I think they have cable on these little things nowadays.”

He pointed at the screen on the headrest in front of me. I hadn’t even noticed it there.

“That’s a good idea. Maybe I can find something to distract myself.”

Posted by12 hours ago

You may or may not have heard of the House of the Others. I certainly have.

The House is an American urban legend I’d been looking into on and off the past few years. The tale goes like this, essentially:

There is a house outside of town, deep in the woods. You can only find the House by accident. No roads lead directly to it, and you couldn’t build one that does if you tried, because the House moves. You may find it standing tall one day, and when you returned to that same spot the next, the House itself would be gone. The only thing remaining that would mark that the House had ever been there at all would be the detritus it left behind. Little things you would expect to find in a normal house, like shoes, a book, or a watch. Who these things belong to, nobody knows. The objects left behind simply belong to . . . others.

You wouldn’t be able to find the House again. No one ever finds it twice.

And that’s the bare bones of the legend, more or less. The fine-comb details change depending on the region, naturally. One of the delightful traits of urban legends is the way they shift and change as they are spread. If you happen to be a reader from Maine, for instance, you may have also heard that electronics break down near the House. An Arizonan may have heard that the House only appears in the Superstition Mountains. In upstate Washington, the House is instead the Log Cabin. Add to that, while the modern form of the legend seems to have popped up sometime in the late 1970s, iterations of it can be found dating all the way back to before European colonists rolled up to American shores.

Now, as I’ve previously mentioned, I’m a nut for all things supernatural. Mostly I collect items of interest, but I’m a bit of a tourist as well. Me being me, I took this urban legend far more seriously than the other kids at recess when I first heard it. I’ve never doubted the possibility of the House’s existence. I’ve always wanted to visit it, to see the House for myself. Specifically, see the inside, because that part is not mentioned in the legend. I’ve been reaching out through my usual channels of information for anyone with any leads, or even anyone with personal experience with the House that they’d be willing to share. As is usually the case with these things, I mostly hit dead-ends and goose-chases. But my patience was rewarded last week when I was contacted by a young woman from Oregon (to preserve her privacy, I’ll be referring to her as Alice) who claimed that the House made regular appearances in her area. She corroborated this claim with a few photos of a house that was certainly in a place a normal house would not be, as well as some testimony from two other townsfolk. Needless to say, I caught a flight the day after receiving her email and met Alice on the outskirts of her town (which again, I won’t reveal the name of to preserve her privacy).

Alice kindly gave me a ride to where the House had last been sighted. She also shared an affinity for the supernatural, and seemed to carry a sort of pride that her hometown had been chosen by the House for several visits.

We arrived at the location of the sighting. The surrounding woods were a perfect match for the photos she’d sent, minus the great gap where the House had once stood. In that rectangular space, the ground was about an inch lower than the rest of the area, and a handful of trees within the space were, there’s no better word for it, squashed. Flattened right into the ground. The House, in accordance with legend, had not stood around waiting for us. But lucky me, a few other things were. I sifted through the leaves as Alice watched. A jacket, a bracelet, a stick of cherry lip balm.

Alice shrugged apologetically. “Sorry, it doesn’t usually leave behind anything interesting. Sometimes it doesn’t leave anything at all.”

Posted by8 hours ago
Bravo Grande!

It started with an email.

After spending most of the day trying and failing to make Starbucks drinks with tongue twister names and being spat at by customers, the last thing I wanted was to check my emails. I would just do a skim through. That’s what I told myself—and after scrolling through spam and job rejections, I found myself staring at one which piqued my interest. The sender was Amazon. But I didn’t remember ordering anything. It didn’t look like a scam. When I clicked on it after hesitating, the email popped onto my screen and I found myself losing all the breath in my lungs.

“Hi, Elizabeth!

We’re writing to tell you about our brand new service. Due to it currently being in the beta testing stage, we are only working with a select number of individuals who we think would benefit from this opportunity! Amazon Bring Back (Formally FriendTM) is a brand new and innovative invention from our greatest minds! Let us ask. Have you ever wanted to say goodbye to that special someone? Maybe a lost love, or a family member? Well, now you can! Using state of the art technology, we can offer you that chance to be with that someone for as long as you would like. 

Our system is easy for beginners! Just search a name of a person (or even an object) and we will tell you their current state and if there is a refurbishment available. There is no time-limit with our models, and rest assured you will be treated with the upmost respect when making your purchase. We pride ourselves on making our customers happy. 

If this is something you would like to try please click the link below to get started! Find further information on our page and take that chance today. We will not be offering you this opportunity forever. Remember, Elizabeth: You CAN be with them again. We promise.

Never be scared of taking a risk.

Because it may grant you a miracle.

You’re Sincerely,

Jane Marlowe.


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Created Mar 24, 2010


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