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Posted by18 days ago
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Posted by8 hours ago

So do your parents put you in a box when they’re mad at you? I used to think this was a normal thing, but I’ve recently started public school after being homeschooled for my entire life, and I don’t think anyone else does this.

My name is Ainsley, and I started middle school this year (Seventh grade, I lived in a place where sixth grade was a part of elementary school, but apparently that’s not normal in the place we just moved to), and my mom decided that I shouldn’t be homeschooled anymore so I could learn proper social skills. I like school, for the most part. The teachers are nice, for the most part, and I’ve made a couple of friends. But now that I’ve hung out with people my age, I’ve begun to realize that some of the things my mom does are kind of weird.

When I asked my mom about it, she shrugged and said that I’m just different, and the way people do things in this city is different too, but I’m not sure if she’s lying or not. So that’s why I’m asking you guys.

The first thing I noticed was that there was a girl in my english class that had a missing hand, which wasn’t unusual at first, but it’s been four months, and it hasn’t grown back. Not only that, but when I asked her when it was going to grow back, she looked at me like I was insane.

“My hand can’t just grow back. Is it your first day on Earth or something?”

I thought she was being rude, but everyone else at my table agreed with her.

“Wait, but…mine grow back.”

“No they don’t! Stop lying about shit to seem cool!”

“I’m not lying!”

“Really? Prove it.”

Posted by20 hours ago
Gold2Mind BlownHelpfulWholesomeSilver2
Posted by21 hours ago

I come from a quaint little town in Ireland that most tourists would regard as picturesque. We get our fair share of tourists throughout the year as they love to wander the walking trails that criss-cross the outskirts.

From the outside our town would be regarded as perfect but we hide a dark secret that only the inhabitants know about.

I learned about the secret during my first driving lesson with my mother. I was beyond stressed that morning as my mother is a perfectionist and I didn't want to disappoint her.

We started off slowly as she taught me to drive down the narrow roadways. My hands had a vice like grip on the steering wheel as I was paranoid that I was going to make a mistake. I kept glancing at my mother out of the corner of my eye to judge her reaction to my driving.

We were driving almost a half hour when I looked into the rearview mirror and spotted the smiling man sitting in the backseat. I was so shocked that I almost spun the steering wheel and crashed into the ditch.

My mother screamed at me to keep driving and whatever I do don't turn around. My eyes were fixated on the mirror as I stared at the man who had suddenly appeared in our backseat.

His face was somehow clouded in shadow even though it was a beautiful sunny day outside. The only features of his face that I could make out were his eyes which were a sickly green. His mouth was twisted into a snarling smile that made me want to jump out of the car. I watched in horror as he started reaching forward with his long spindly arms towards me.

I was paying so much attention to him that I had taken my feet off the gas pedal and we were slowing down. My mother slapped me across the face and yelled at me to drive faster.

I sped up and watched in relief as his arms slowly withdrew back towards his body. He leaned his head forward and opened his mouth, and a plethora of voices began pleading for help.

I instinctively covered my ears with my hands which forced my mother to grab the steering wheel. It took me a few seconds to regain my composure and I grabbed the steering wheel. My entire body was on edge as the cries coming from his mouth reached a deafening crescendo.

Posted by9 hours ago

The Ghosts are Harmless if You Give Them What They Want

My wife, So-Eun, and I knew the house was haunted when we moved in. The previous owner was upfront about it. It was part of the reason the place was so cheap. Well, officially it was because his dog and daughter had died here, horribly.

“Just give them what they want and you’ll be okay,” he asked the realtor to tell us. She handed us the keys and smiled shaking her head. “Don’t worry about all of that, though. His psychosis is your gain! This place was a steal.”

It’s not like the ghosts can just come out and tell you what they want, but they definitely have their ways of communicating. Like the first night we got here, I left a moving box full of plates on top of one of the dining room chairs. We woke up in the middle of the night to hear it crashing down, the plates all shattered into a million pieces and scattered all over the floor. And that’s how we learned their first rule.

Lesson 1: Always leave the chairs empty for the ghosts.

Other rules would follow. We learned not to leave anything on the floor of the pantry after the ghosts wrote a nasty message in Cheerios all over the floor. We learned not to run the dryer at night after two fires (we weren’t sure if the first one was from the ghosts or just a lint buildup.)

So-Eun and I tried to take these little acts of revenge in stride, cleaning up the Cheerio curse words with a smile, and joking with each other about our picky houseguests. For a while, it seemed like things would be just fine. We listed out the rules on a small whiteboard affixed to the refrigerator so that we could continue to cohabitate.

Lesson 5: No bananas in the house.

Lesson 6: The car should always be parked in the driveway, never the garage.

Lesson 7: No houseplants (maybe just no ferns? Worth investigating more?)

Lesson 8: Downstairs shades must be drawn down at night at ALL TIMES. No exceptions.

Posted by7 hours ago

Since I was young, my grandfather always told me not to go into the woods during the winter. He meant the Hatakin woods located near the border of our reserve and not just any old forest. This always struck me as a scare tactic to keep the children from getting lost or climbing the trees which were so tall you might think they were brushing against the clouds.

That was until this morning.

The day was going as per usual. I woke up and walked over to my grandparents house to greet her for our morning cup of coffee, but something felt off this morning. I am not sure if it was just me still being tired from a shortened sleep due to the storm that had practically terrorized our grounds, but non the less, something was wrong.

When I walked up those old steps on the front porch, it reminded me of the days I would go there as a young kid and jump up as many steps as possible because I was scared of something living under the porch grabbing my ankle as I was walking up. Of course, this was just a nonsense fear and I havent done that for years.

I knocked on the door in a way that wouldnt startle them in their older age, and after about 15 seconds, my grandmother opened the door. This is where I noticed something wasn't the same. As she pulled the door open she looked up at me with an almost confused look. She opened her mouth as if she were about to speak and ask what I was doing here, but her mouth closed and she remained silent. "Good morning grandma, how was your sleep?" I asked her to break the silence so we could move on with our morning routine. She looked at me once again, this time her eyes appeared diluted and scared. "Your grandfather hasnt come home since yesterday evening," she said in a timber voice. With this news I didnt immediately know what to say. My grandfather was practiaclly a seasoned veteran around these grounds and rarely got lost. I took the initiative to ask the question that I feared I already knew the answer to. "Where did he go last?" I said shyly. When I asked this question she stared in my eyes once again and said, "He went into the forest." My stomach dropped. My was brain suddenly filled with all the memories of him telling me how dangerous it was during the winter. I told her not to worry, and that he probably just got invested into a hunt and lost track of time. She still seemed off, and was barely speaking to me, as if she was coming in and out of a daydream. Finally, I told her I was going to go look for him. After all, what did I have to fear? It was the middle of the day and I have never been one to believe in these kind of myths and stories that grandpartents tell the youth to scare them.

I should have believed them.

I began to walk away, climbing down those porch stairs again, when I heard my grandmother finally speak up once again. "He always liked those trees," She mumbled from behind me. I turned my head to see her staring up in the sky smiling, and she slowly lowered her eyes down and met my own. Still smiling. I would be lying if I said that this didnt at least creep me out. I mean, your husband is missing and you are smiling and remembering how he enjoyed the trees? I dont understand. Regardless, I will do my duty and see if I can find him.

I walked for about thirty minutes give or take, until I finally reached the border of the infamous woods which I had been so repeatedly warned about. Seemed normal to me, just a beautiful winter day where the bare trees held a couple inches of snow on each branch. A small amount of wind in the air, just enough to blow the snow around from time to time, but not enough to whistle. I began walking, luckily the snow was only a few inches deep and my boots were high enough to cover until just below my knees. I walked and I walked, calling out "Grandpa! Grandpa!" over and over again in hopes he would hear me. He didnt respond. That was until I could have sworn that I heard someone whistling near this large oak tree about a hundred feet in front of me. I began walking towards the whistle, but I started getting a strange feeling and the hairs on my body began to stand up as I got closer. The whistle was not caused by wind, but It didnt sound like it was created by a person either. It was a single note, dragged out for about ten seconds at a time, never changing. I neared the tree but didnt see anyone. I did the only thing left that I could do. I began to raise my head, and look up. There he was, tangled in the branches with what looked like every limb on his body being broken as if he had fallen from the top but got stuck on the way to the ground. I began to cry and scream for help but then I heard that whistle again. Same note. Same length. I looked up again but this time his eyes were wide open, and his pupils were dialated just like my grandmothers this morning when I met her for coffee. I am not proud of what happened next, but honestly I dont know what anyone else would have done.

I ran as fast as I could back to the reserve.

I was running, crying, screaming, and just hoping to see another pair of eyes that looked normal so I could get that image out of my head. I wanted to see my grandmother but I was scared of her, and I was not sure if I could handle it. But of course I had to tell someone that my grandfather is in that tree, and potentially alive. I went back to my place first, to calm myself down as I was not even entirely sure what just happened was real. I took about five minutes to calm down, have some water, and get prepared to handle this situation I am now directly in the middle of. Finally, I opened my front door ready to deal with whatever I had just experienced. I began to run over to my grandparents house again, almost tripping because my boots were not great for running, but I didnt care, I just had to get to their house.


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Created Mar 24, 2010


afraid to sleep


awake right now

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