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Sanjukta Basu
Journalist. Editor. Author. Photographer. Lawyer. speaker. Pursuing PhD in Women's Political Space and Gender Based Trolling.
New July 2007

Sanjukta Basu’s Tweets

Who ran to save people when they were electrocuted? Whose spirit is undeterred by pace, height or age? How did the Yatra overcome flooded campsites & torrential rain? Here's a freewheeling conversation between Rahul Gandhi & the leaders of Karnataka👇🏽
So this happened 2 years back. Times Now apologized. But it was just for few seconds and came as a random impersonal notice and was not said by Navika Kumar or Rahul Shiv Shankar. NBSA should have been more specific in their order as how the apology should be made.
When he first became #TwitterCEO this tweet of #ParagAgrawal got a lot of traction. First people thought it's a sign he is a liberal and cheered. Then they said it's racist. Today all that drama comes to an end as he is fired from Twitter "in a new york minute" by #ElonMusk
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"If they are not gonna make a distinction between muslims and extremists, then why should I distinguish between white people and racists."
Then one of them just bumped into us, in a temple I think, and said something in very good English. We were so surprised. The story tells how all of us are full of such stereotypes and prejudices.
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I was just about 20 then, my sister about 12. At first we thought they were all anpad jaahils and was scared they will grope and molest. That's what women fear most in crowded public spaces. But slowly noticed they were not disturbing anybody. Just hanging out in groups.
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All these talk of Hindu phobia, Islam phobia...Here's a truth, only time I had phobia was when in Kanyakumari I saw hundreds of men in all black, long beard, crowding all the places, hotel, cafe, beach, shops. They were #sabarimala pilgrims. I didn't know it until then.
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The first time I wrote about what #Twitter is and how much I like it was within a day or two of joining the platform in July 2007. Reading this will tell you how much Twitter has changed, how it evolved. Its bittersweet. #TwitterTakeover
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I know what all must be thinking. That everyday she's after Muslim culture, why she's doing this. Last 10-15 yrs, everyday I've been after Hindutva culture. They ask the same.
London has a Hindu PM, also has a Muslim Mayor. He does not wear a skull cap or beard, wears smart modern clothing. They say religious clothing is prescribed for Muslim men too. But we don't see them following. All obsession is about making women follow religion.
A few right wing Muslims used vile sexual slurs against me for my tweet on Owaisi and a few RW Hindu Twitter stood up in defense. I really appreciate this. But tomorrow I'll say something about cows and Vedic plastic surgery and you'll call me Surpanakha. Aise kaise chalega 😆
Sure madam, Biryani any day. But pls understand, secularism are of many types, one imp type is to keep religion away from public discourse. So please don't use religion so much to justify / argue things and don't tell anybody they need to "learn" about so and so religion. Peace.
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Madam I know universal concept of humanity better than you. 🙏 But i won't show it of . I know 3R.Rational,reasonal and Religion too. Where as u r missing 1😀.U started engaging now i ll decide to endup 😀 have a sweet dream . Let's have biriyani in hyd once u comes here…
Hi I have a confusion. If they don't sleep with random men, where's the problem letting them talk to one? (assuming sleeping with men is a problem to begin with. Also strange opinion by a man) Or are you saying you think they will, if they talk? I'm confused.
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Here's your everyday liberal secular. They write on liberal mouthpieces, their links get shared and views lapped up by the anti-Modi Twitter janta. Meanwhile this is how they talk when they don't like a woman's opinion. This is their truth. #Screenshot kept for #PhDThesis
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Just found, new privacy feature. Leave conversation. Your mention will get untagged, new mentions won't be possible, and no notifications. I love it. We needed this to deal with orchestrated trolling by large Twitter mobs.
Here's your everyday liberal secular. They write on liberal mouthpieces, their links get shared and views lapped up by the anti-Modi Twitter janta. Meanwhile this is how they talk when they don't like a woman's opinion. This is their truth. #Screenshot kept for #PhDThesis
I have no opinion on this. Just sharing. A section of liberals are trolling because he addressed Arfa Khanum as Begum. But said there's nothing wrong in the label. Though sometimes a good word can become slur depending upon the motive and context.
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I don't like religion in public space. I respect other people's right to practice and preach religion because Constitution guarantees it but I don't like it. I wish India had more atheist.
I can comment on anything i like whenever i like. As for learning, your views are backward and patriarchal and based upon religion. You need to learn about reason, rationality and universal concepts of human rights personal liberties. Don't try to engage with me continuously.
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You need to study Islam before commenting on it. Half knowledge is dangerous. If you are intrested I can arrange a teacher for the same. Waiting for your reply @sanjukta…
Question regressive practices and extreme patriarchy in Muslim society and watch liberal Ms and Extremist Ms take same stand of shamelessly defending it. There is no 'liberal' Islam afterall, one can either be a liberal or a Muslim
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I just came to know how Owaisi refused to let Rajdeep meet his wife. Who is he to refuse? Is she a furniture or pet animal? But it's a practice I've personally seen in many rich Muslim families. Education, hijab doesn't matter they just won't let women enter public sphere.
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The vigor with which right wing Muslims on Twitter defend Burqa / Hijab and other patriarchal ideas (women should be kept inside away from other men's eyes) it seems the entire religion survives upon these misogynist notions. As if, if you end these, Islam itself will end.
Why would Rajdeep have to ask in the first place? Why was Mrs. Owaisi kept inside in purdah? When a guest comes to our house all family members come out and say hello and then we all eat together for the lunch or dinner. Nobody is kept inside.
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Rajdeep is a creep to ask a man that he'd like to see/meet his wife. Also it was at Owaisi's residence he can do whatever he wants. I don't know what all goes in your household and frankly I wouldn't like to imagine it.…
एक ने नोटो को बदला था एक नोटो पर फोटो बदलने जा रहा है दोनो ने अबकी बार खुद की सरकार बनवाई.दोनो भ्रष्टाचार के काल है मोई जी ही केजरीवाल है !! मोरल आफ स्टोरी - 'तुगलक मरा नही,तुगलक मरते नही' तुगलक(ऊर्जा) संरक्षण नियम फिजिक्स एंड हिस्ट्री रिडिफाइंड इन् वन शॉट 😂#घोरकलजुग #डाटावाणी
That too first done by majority side. Demolishing an entire monument is not a small crime. It's a big crime. It happened as a revenge of 500 yr old incident which is still not proven fully even after court case, and doesn't even have anything to do with today's citizens.
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Verbal stone should be dealt with verbal stone only. Not take law into their own hands.…
Mr. , do something on your own. Stop asking for more from the parents, stop complaining and blaming parents and start earning yourself. They have got you this far, done enough, walk the rest of the journey on your own. I am sure you know what i mean.
It's another matter though that slowly that peer circle dissociated from me. 🙂 That's what I mean when i say that i am burning bridges since 2007. But i don't care.
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I have directly criticised gender segregation in Muslim community questioning the men present, where are the women? Is it fair to expect equality in State Politics if you cannot see the inequality at home? I also documented these in a book. Right wing ko abhi pata chala 🙂.
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It also was the same story when we called for public meetings. Hundreds of men turned up, not a single woman. I then took the mic and asked the crowd where are the women? Other members of my team said, "shh not the time to bring up gender." I have documented these in a book too.
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You visit a home as a guest and ask so how are you? How's madam? Where's she, not at home? If man answer is, "she is inside, you cannot meet her you are a man" that's it. End of logic. Start of patriarchy. I have personally seen this in dozens of rich Muslim homes.
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Replying to @sanjukta
Question here is that if Mrs Owaisi wants to meet Rajdeep or not. Why such request is being made to her husband. Generally we journalists never insist on meeting private individuals unless required for a story. I worked with him once but not keen to meet him in private.
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