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[–]jcwkings 4446 points4447 points  (0 children)

Meanwhile us Latinos are cast as the token fiery buddy/friend who gives our protagonist some street cred.

[–]OG-DaggerSwagger 873 points874 points  (0 children)

Please give us a Static Shock movie!

[–]DeliCreep 12.8k points12.8k points  (1 child)

We deserve better writers.

[–]TomahawkChaotic 1866 points1867 points  (0 children)

It seems the US automobile engineers from the early 1980s are working in Hollywood as scriptwriter’s now.

Boring and bland with a few standouts.

[–]ih8karma 8320 points8321 points 2 (103 children)

Hispanics deserve roles in beloved franchises.

[–]Mr-Bane-Vader 7685 points7686 points 22 (67 children)

Asians too. I'm not sure why Hollywood is so focused on black people exclusively.

[–]burnzilla 2318 points2319 points  (4 children)

I agree with this. Diversity should be everyone and no certain groups. But I also agree peiple should not be shoehorned into roles to check a diversity box.

[–]DarkAswin 739 points740 points  (2 children)

Agreed. It doesn't matter what the color of your skin is, you don't 'deserve' any role. You have to earn it like everyone else. We all know representation matters, but getting a role just because you think you 'deserve' it because of your race is ridiculous. Of course you are going to get backlash if you are putting it out there like that. Racism on the otherhand is never okay and should be called out on whenever it happens

[–]MouthAnusJellyfish 520 points521 points  (0 children)

The title uses deserve not in that they “deserve the roles” but in that after they are already cast, they deserve to not face racism

[–]Alpha433 952 points953 points  (5 children)

Probably the loudest about it. We all know inclusiveness is important, but it seems 4/5 times it's talked about, it's directed towards or by African Americans. Obviously, in a demand focused economy, the loudest most front stage groups get catered to over others.

[–]sidv81 464 points465 points  (15 children)

Totally agree as an Asian person.

[–]dontworryitsme4real 273 points274 points  (11 children)

Lies, youre not asian, your username doesnt have any subtle hints that you are Asian.

[–]thewildweird0 404 points405 points  (5 children)

The band “Asia” was formed in 1981. Checkmate.

[–]AlbionPCJ 97 points98 points  (4 children)

...by 4 white dudes

[–]Heart_of_Spades 148 points149 points  (3 children)

The band name itself was a subtle hint of their Asian ancestry.

[–]HayHayCheung 63 points64 points  (0 children)

I'll vouch for him, no worries

[–]Effective-Cap-2324 24 points25 points  (3 children)

Not him but as korean I would like more asian people in general.

[–]alexandertg4 131 points132 points  (2 children)

As a fellow Korean, I could care less about more of a certain race. I just want whoever the more talented person is for the role.

[–]dawgtown22 85 points86 points  (1 child)

No!!!! More black people is the only way forward

[–]dontworryitsme4real 135 points136 points  (0 children)

What if we compromised and cast Jack Black in more roles?

[–]Holyvigil 299 points300 points  (0 children)

Its because black people have a power base and representation in the film industry. Hispanics and Asians really don't.

[–]FridgesArePeopleToo 226 points227 points 2 (0 children)

Redditors usually only get mad if there are black people

[–]KarmaticIrony 990 points991 points  (0 children)

Diego Luna and Pedro Pascal are the leading men in the best Star Wars entries since Disney took over.

[–]MrWolf327 351 points352 points  (1 child)

Star Wars is mostly Hispanics at this point tbh🤣

[–]ih8karma 124 points125 points  (0 children)

Chewy doesn't count!

[–]QB145MMA 523 points524 points  (0 children)

As a Hispanic - I prefer it be source material accurate OR best actor possible for the role

[–]explorer1o1 179 points180 points  (0 children)

Or middle eastern looking ppl. They always seem to play terrorists and Hispanics are in gangs..

I mean if you're already going the woke route,at least include Most of the demographic lol. I thought the States were the Most diverse country on the planet.. It can't be that hard to represent different ethnicities..

[–]okayfrog 383 points384 points  (4 children)

Did anyone in this comment section actually read the article or did they just kneejerk respond out of anger.

[–]Worldly-Pineapple-98 235 points236 points  (2 children)

It has a strong "actually, all lives matter" energy, doesn't it?

[–]vzo1281 157 points158 points  (5 children)

Then the question becomes, can we get dark color Hispanics or will they maintain white Hispanics?

[–]Leadbaptist 415 points416 points  (3 children)

Suddenly some people "arnt Hispanic enough" huh?

[–]MrCadwell 350 points351 points  (0 children)

That's not what the other comment is saying.

I'm not Hispanic but I am Latino (and white, if it matters for the discussion). Racism in the Latin community is huge and non white Latinos are even less represented than those who are white.

[–]SevereYeti 85 points86 points  (0 children)

I mean it was a big complaint about In the Heights lol it happens

[–]timeenoughatlas 31 points32 points  (0 children)

not what the above poster said but have fun being willfully obnoxious

[–]51stStar 61 points62 points  (0 children)

Great example of crab bucket syndrome, and it being the top-voted comment is just icing on the cake.

[–]Bill3D 2023 points2024 points  (0 children)

Seems the industry is using “diversity” as a shield against legit criticism though. Plus to squeeze every last drop of life out of existing properties instead of creating new stories. That comes off as more of a form of exploitation by the industry than an honest attempt at inclusivity.

[–]BrentHordickins 2212 points2213 points  (1 child)

I don't think old franchises should be continuously regurgitated over and over again. I don't fucking care who or what is starring in the reboot, the fact it's a reboot makes it automatically shit and lesser than the original. Make something new instead.

[–]historymajor44 196 points197 points  (0 children)

As I read your comment, I notice that Halloween and Hellraiser movies are in the discussion row above.

[–]morphoyle 18.8k points18.8k points 6273& 10 more (10 children)

Black actors (and everyone for that matter) also deserve fresh new characters instead of race-swapped retreads.

[–]Alternatingloss 4181 points4182 points  (2 children)

No. Enjoy the same content and never highlight how creatively bankrupt we’ve become.

[–]CaptainBunderpants 1549 points1550 points  (2 children)

Three of the four characters in the thumbnail are “fresh characters” played by actors who have experienced fandom racism.

[–]SoManyGoblins 1938 points1939 points  (0 children)

Fan baiting.

Bunch of shit companies, Disney screams racism when people criticise their shit characters if they happen to be black even though nobody ever mentions that (Reva from Kenobi), BUT those fucks will actively hide Finn from the Force Awakens posters for China. Disgusting liars.

[–]Altambo 1580 points1581 points  (0 children)

Fin was amazing and I was so DOWN for him to become a Jedi and even be the protagonist. The directors and the script did him dirty.

[–]dissapointingsuccess 620 points621 points  (0 children)

Latinos the help or the sexist bastard in the movie shirtless.

Black people 1/3 of the cast and constantly injected in any remake possible. The face of diversity.

Asians put you in the back round as extras there is no quota to put them in movies tv shows or remakes.

Native Americans, shhhhh we don’t talk about them

[–]Remerez 316 points317 points  (0 children)

i'm so glad that the franchises I love already started out diverse. Star Trek 4 Lyfe.

[–]Aboxofphotons 529 points530 points  (1 child)

Because, as we are all aware, black people are the one and only minority...

[–]legosearch 152 points153 points  (0 children)

The pessimist in me assumes that the focus is on black people because that's the demographic these companies are trying to get in with. They aren't so concerned with other minorities.

[–]sicariobrothers 1497 points1498 points  (17 children)

Here’s my question. Can we more have characters written for black characters or do we need to keep having black actors playing roles obviously written for white roles originally.

Or are we saying black people have the same identity as white people and the roles should be interchangeable.

Because that isn’t working at the moment.

[–]PageVanDamme 765 points766 points  (8 children)

Should be done in the way of Alien or Blade. They weren’t WOMAN character or a AFRICAN character. They were characters whom happened to be so.

Another I wanted to add is Isaak Sirko from Dexter. He was an outstanding character whom happened to be gay, not a HEY LOOK AT US WE HAVE THIS GAY character. While him being gay does play into a plot a bit, but they make sense and goes fluid with the rest of the story. (I don’t wanna spoil the plot so I won’t go into further detail.)

In all those 3 cases, none felt shoehorned. And no audience made an issue because they weren’t “Straight, White. Male.”

[–]alexandertg4 292 points293 points  (0 children)

I still don’t get why a Metroid movie hasn’t been made if Hollywood is needing a badass woman lead.

[–]XTheProtagonistX 275 points276 points  (1 child)

Night of the Living Dead’s main character happens to be Black. People saw that as a statement from George Romero on race and the significance of his skin color on the film. George Romero was asked why he chose Duane Jones to play the lead and Romero said “He was the best actor to play Brian.” (the protagonist of the film.) It had nothing to do with skin color. The character just happens to be Black.

[–]PageVanDamme 76 points77 points  (0 children)

Id like to add John David Washington of Tenet.

[–]Peanutbuttergod48 58 points59 points  (0 children)

Night of the Living Dead is another example. Ben wasn’t written as a black character, which makes the social aspects of the movie feel more genuine imo

[–]Gargus-SCP 79 points80 points  (0 children)

Blade. The movie about a character who was black in the source material. Is an example of a character who wasn't written to be black.

[–]HaCo111 101 points102 points  (2 children)

The Netflix show "another life" did very little correctly, but the way it handled having a nonbinary / trans character was fucking masterful. They just were. The story focused on how they were an amazing doctor that earned a spot on this important mission, not what was in their pants or their identity.

Star Trek was able to figure this shit out in the 90's with Captain Sisko, he even occasionally talked about black history, especially black American history, but it wasn't shoehorned in.

[–]morphoyle 28 points29 points  (1 child)

There was one time when it was shoehorned in - see the episode Badda-Bing Badda-Bang. Sisko initially refused to play in a holodeck program that took place in Vegas in the 60s because in real life, 200 years ago, black people weren't welcome. Cassidy rightly gave him a verbal bitch slapping, but the scene was bad and felt forced. Overall you are right though, ds9 is definitely as good as TNG or TOS and way better than any Trek that came after it.

[–]Radix2309 72 points73 points  (0 children)

That wasn't really shoehorned in. It was directly relevant to the topic and Ben was very knowledgeable and passionate about black history.

[–]BlueAlpha85 244 points245 points  (0 children)

Here is a thought, make NEW movies.

[–]dawgtown22 296 points297 points  (0 children)

Diversity now just means more black people. A movie could consist of 99% black people and it would be celebrated as being diverse. What a load of shit.

[–]PaulieCostello 5569 points5570 points 2 (69 children)

People don't hate black characters, they hate poorly written characters and characters whose race was swapped for marketing purposes.

[–]ZoBamba321 358 points359 points  (0 children)

I mean Creed is something a ton of people are looking forward to and it’s basically just Rocky but black. It’s when these companies come out with a sub par product and then key in on the inevitable few racists tweets for their entire marketing campaign that people get pissed. Rogue 1 was awesome and had a female lead and I don’t see a lot of hate for it. It’s just when they jam it down your throat and say your racist for not liking it that turns people off.

[–]PageVanDamme 2764 points2765 points  (5 children)

This. NO ONE had issues with Alien or Blade.

(Or John David Washington- Tenet)

(Or Isaak Sirko from Dexter who is gay)

I also want to add that adding a character for the sake of diversity is inherently anti-diversity.

[–]silikus 1140 points1141 points  (0 children)

Blade single handedly saved the comic film industry.

Xmen was indefinitely SHELVED until Blade broke the box office.

[–]zzerdzz 824 points825 points  (2 children)

In fact, many of us are praying for the next blade. Mahershala Ali is arguably one of the best actors of his generation

[–]Weak-Hamster- 699 points700 points  (1 child)

Blade, Miles Morales, black panther, and many phenomenal cool black characters, ain't no one complaining about them, if there's a lack of black characters then invent new ones, be original and create new black original fictional characters , instead of swapping the ethnicity of ones we've already seen,

[–]RgCz14 61 points62 points  (0 children)

There are people creating cool new ideas, but they don't get supported. Not by audiences, noy by studios, etc. People just want to keep consuming easy content that gets fed to them like most of their algorithms. So if we're not getting new characters and diversity overall (to which even new characters also get backlash from conservative people for some reason lol), the next thing to do is be able to cast anyone who can portray and act like the character at hand.

[–]JustUseTheWordMmmkay 349 points350 points  (0 children)

Exactly this. It’s not just swapping the race, it’s anything.

I didn’t watch Uncharted because instead of having an older guy in his mid-late 30s they picked Tom Holland because he’s popular and to help the marketing. I’m a huge fan of the games and I can’t bring myself to watch it. People just want stories that are authentic to their source material. Yes their will be some genuine racists out there, but it general, I don’t think people have intentions as sinister as some would make out.

[–]PureErik 208 points209 points  (0 children)

People were upset when Rue, a character described as in The Hunger Games, was black in the movie.

[–]Salarian_American 957 points958 points  (11 children)

Let's don't pretend nobody gets upset about black characters.

People freaked out about there being a black stormtrooper immediately as soon as the first trailer for The Force Awakens dropped, for example.

That doesn't mean that everybody who had a problem with how Finn was written is racist, that just means they were paying attention. But the racist backlash started as soon as we got our first look at him, before anybody knew how well or poorly he was written.

[–]TautSexyElfKing 149 points150 points  (0 children)

It's true and we do have an issue with the way he was written and that's how they did our boy dirty and sidelined the hell out of Finn which was super unfortunate because he was one of the better new characters.

[–]HijacksMissiles 268 points269 points  (3 children)

I'm not a die-hard star-wars fan or anything, but I thought all storm troopers were clones, and we saw the man that served as the basis for those clones in the prequels.

My initial reaction back then was "That isn't that other guy... none of these people are that other guy!"

[–]Around12Ferrets 500 points501 points  (0 children)

In fact none of the storm troopers are clones, but the movies do an absolutely terrible job of informing you of this. If anything, that’s the most reasonable assumption if you’ve only watched the movies.

[–]FoucaultsPudendum 726 points727 points  (0 children)

Storm troopers are not clones. Clone troopers were clones. Those clones aged at an accelerated rate and were either decrepit or dead by the time of the sequels. The storm troopers were volunteers or conscripts from Imperial worlds.

[–]Trips-Over-Tail 218 points219 points  (0 children)

The clone army were clones. But their accelerated ageing limited their service.

[–]thewildweird0 58 points59 points  (3 children)

For most movie buffs and Star Wars fans he was just as interesting as any other new character. “Controversies” like this are the product of Astroturfing and news articles paid for by the movies advertising department. It’s a go to marketing strategy to make a “controversy” about something 90% of people agree with. FFS almost nobody cares about the race of any movie characters.

[–]DMPunk 148 points149 points  (1 child)

That's quite the accusation. Are the marketing departments of the studios also the ones sending death threats to the actors as well?

[–]eZ_Ven 213 points214 points  (9 children)

As a black person I totally agree with you.

[–]YarrrImAPirate 122 points123 points  (8 children)

Honest question because I just “don’t know” as a white person. Do you feel pandered to when they remake a movie and just race swap a character? And would you prefer original stories with poc’s as the leads? As an outsider looking in, that seems like the smartest way to go about it. It just reminds me of when Broadway was trying to adapt popular movies into musicals (Spider-Man, Lord of the rings etc) yet original material was cleaning up instead (Book of Mormon, Hamilton etc.).

[–]ChrisLew 253 points254 points  (4 children)

Not the person you asked but I have been black my whole life and just wanna give my 2 cents.

I genuinely love good fun movies, TV shows, whatever. I truly have never cared about what the skin color of a character is, as long as it makes since to the story/character then I probably won’t notice at all. And even if it doesn’t make “sense” I can’t imagine caring about it.

I think it’s weird when people make a big deal about the skin color of a character, I don’t personally feel pandered to because the skin color of a character isn’t and wasn’t going to be the reason I see or don’t see a movie/tv show/musical. If it’s made well or interesting to me, I’ll go, don’t really care what anyone looks like.

[–]19trdheritage 193 points194 points  (1 child)

Black your whole life!? Wow wow.

All poking fun at your phrasing of that line aside. Totally agree with your point.

[–]ChrisLew 102 points103 points  (0 children)

Ahahaha yeah it’s just a line I say in real life, usually gets a good chuckle lol

[–]YarrrImAPirate 28 points29 points  (1 child)

Well that’s how I see it too, I just hate when I see a cool trailer then make the mistake of “let’s see what everyone else thinks” and instead of discourse like “CG could use a bump” or “I already saw the animated one” it comes down to this shit.

[–]ChrisLew 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Same here, I saw the little mermaid trailer and just wanted to know if it would be better than the other garbage disney live action movies, I do not care who’s black or not.

[–]eZ_Ven 119 points120 points  (1 child)

I apologize in advance if I don't get your question right, since I'm not a native English speaker and I can't grasp the meaning of the verb "to pander".

That said, I feel offended when they cast a black actor for a role previously intended for a non-black person, when they do movies or series remakes. It feels like they don't trust POC can make new characters popular among the audience. Also, I hate when writers force diversity in well-stabilished scenarios, ficcional or not - for instance, black people as elves in LotR to name just one example.

On the other hand, I don't mind if they race swap a character if he/she is secondary or it doesn't really cause any impact in the storyline.

[–]hairlikegoats1 222 points223 points  (0 children)

I'm getting tired. The R word gets thrown up in order to shut down valid criticism.

The problem didn't lie with the idea of a black mermaid.

Mermaids can be any shade of color you want idgaf.

But in this case it's not like Spider-man, who can be ANYBODY. We have Miles Morales, Peter Parker, Gwen Stacy, Glen Riley etc.

But the character itself is so iconic that there is only really one "Ariel".

[–]GuardiolasOTGalaxy 107 points108 points  (12 children)

How can you tell if someone's race was changed for marketing purposes or if they just picked the best person for the role?

[–]FightWithBrickWalls 257 points258 points  (1 child)

Because Disney edits and minimizes black characters in China. They don't make choices based on what's best. They make choices based on what grabs the most money/attention. Do you think Illumination chose Chris Pratt because he was the best choice for Mario? No, they chose him because it got a shit load of attention. Just like casting a black actress for Ariel has gotten this little mermaid remake 10x the attention it would have gotten otherwise. The live action Disney remakes have gotten a bad wrap recently for being shit. Without a stunt of some kind this movie would have just fallen by the wayside like the live action Mulan or Beauty and the Beast. I want more representation in movies, but I want Encanto, Coco, or Soul, not race swap Ariel.

[–]nasanu 371 points372 points  (0 children)

Because if the original source material said "the man was 7 foot tall and a mountain of muscle" and they cast a small girl then you know its marketing. This shit happens all the time.

[–]pornplz22526 291 points292 points  (2 children)

How aggressive they are about pointing out the race/gender/etc. of the actor. When the people involved in the production are constantly tweeting about "toxic fans." That's when you know it's all a stunt. The culture war is easy marketing.

[–]thewildweird0 67 points68 points  (0 children)

Usually If there are multiple news outlets pointing out any characters irrelevant quality’s it’s usually an intricate ad bought by the movie studio.

[–]GottaPSoBad 63 points64 points  (0 children)

How often it happens and which characters it happens with, for one. One obvious example is Sandman. I liked both the original comics and the TV series, mind you. But they changed a lot of things, notably the race and/or gender of at least 70 - 80 percent of the cast. It's pretty unlikely the "best person for the role" was almost never someone who looked like the comics counterpart. Again, I liked the show. It was solid. But we all know, if we're reasonably honest and sociopolitically aware, why it looked the way it did.

[–]Gh0stMan0nThird 45 points46 points  (1 child)

Is that what they said when they let John Wayne be Gengis Khan?

[–]V-twin_Vader 9 points10 points  (0 children)


[–]BigChief002 237 points238 points  (1 child)

They need to focus on highlighting black characters and not making established characters black. There are a lot of people that would love a static shock movie. There are plenty of POC characters they could use rather than just rebrand. I saw a video of a family gathered around their little girl (she was black) as she watched the teaser that revealed the black little mermaid, thinking how excited she would be. As soon as she saw her she turned around and said “That’s not the little mermaid she’s white”. Little girl wanted to see the character she loves not a rebrand. I think Finn suffered from a poor story line, I liked his character but his story line seemed pointless. I really thought he was gonna emerge as a Jedi. 🤷🏻‍♂️

[–]aj_ramone 376 points377 points  (0 children)

Yet black actors are insulted by shitty writers that race swap instead of being given organic roles.

[–]claud2113 89 points90 points  (0 children)

And moviegoers deserve original stories that are inclusive of everyone and not cynical "this thing BUT WITH BLACK PEOPLE!!!" cash grabs.

[–]LoveNewton_Nibbler 87 points88 points  (0 children)

John Boyega was absolutely fumbled by Disney

[–]pete_smith1229 150 points151 points  (1 child)

"Black stars deserve their own original characters and backstories."

Fixed it for you.

[–]TofuTigerteeth 398 points399 points  (4 children)

Criticism over badly cast or badly performed characters is not the same as racism. You have to stop beating that dead horse. There are many very talented black stars that have been great. Hell the MCU has had several POC with big roles that were a huge hit. I’ve never heard anyone complain about their race.

Only complaints are bad acting or varying from a story line to much where it’s not true to the story. I’m thinking of the sorcerer supreme being a white woman instead of Tibetan but that was because of China…

[–]xXCr4zie_mofoXx 73 points74 points  (0 children)

For sure but here's an idea instead of taking a character that's already established and changing the gender or race, why not create a new original character?

I'd be pretty pissed if someone tried to spin a white Luke Cage!

[–]HaCo111 30 points31 points  (0 children)

Still waiting for a static shock movie but instead we keep racebending established characters for representation.

Real representation would be having the courage to push new, interesting, characters of various identities. Not using black people as props for free marketing.

[–]lego_office_worker 134 points135 points  (0 children)

id argue black stars deserve roles in original content, not the 400th remake of the same anglosaxon fairytale.

no one takes african folklore and shoehorns in white actors.

inb4 someone posts a picture of some egyptian yarn from the 60's that had white people in brownface. i get it, you found the one movie that happened back when racism was socially acceptable.

its also interesting they had lucas from stranger things on here. he didnt experience racism, he experienced not being the lead actor in a popular show, and his parents gaslighted him into thinking it was racism. not the example i'd want to bring up for the purposes of this article, but ok.

[–]Sewrtyuiop 74 points75 points  (0 children)

I'm just tired of getting sloppy seconds. I rather a new character be created or actually use the black characters that are already established in the franchise (DC/Marvel need to do this more)

I feel like most of the race swapping is a lazy way to get online brownie points and get a quick buck. I rather time taken to do what I already said.

[–]sjkbacon 544 points545 points  (19 children)

No one deserves anything. Just because I'm black, why should I get the role? A good actor is a good actor regardless of race. If they make an all white movie, so what? No one seems to complain when they make an all black movie. Stop focusing on someone's skin color and focus on who they are.

[–]dontworryitsme4real 104 points105 points  (0 children)

Unless youre Denzel Washington, you deserve any roll you want. I would pay to see him play as Snowwhite.

[–]pewpewpewmadafakas 150 points151 points  (0 children)

Yes they do deserve roles. There is no problem giving them roles. But changing a race in a movie just to show face? Not buying it, just leads me to believe the only person that has an original idea is Jordan peele and Tyler Perry. I am pretty sure there are shit tons of ideas in the African/ black American community. I do not want to see remakes, I want original content.

[–]Brokenbatmancowl 72 points73 points  (1 child)

This thread will be locked in 3….2….

[–]DeadFyre 108 points109 points  (0 children)

You mean like 48 Hours? Or Return of the Jedi? Or The Matrix? Or Platoon? Or Independence Day? or Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves? or Iron Man?

Black stars have been getting roles in beloved movies for DECADES. What's happening now is not about opportunity or representation, it's about lazy, stupid, greedy studios camouflaging bad, retread movies with virtue-signaling tokenism.

Nobody cared that Finn was a black stormtrooper, they cared that the role he was given was stupid, nonsensical, and almost entirely disposable to the overarching plot. Why bother taking risks with original movies, with new stories and characters, when you can just excrete a turd of a sequel or a remake, and spray it with the Febreeze of woke politics to cover up the stench?

[–]opinionated-dick 45 points46 points  (0 children)

Maybe the fact so many black actors are having to take over traditionally white roles is more a point about the sheer dearth of creativity in Hollywood rather than anything else.

Maybe we should be seeing actors of all backgrounds creating new franchises instead

[–]Torque2101 119 points120 points  (2 children)

Counterpoint. test drive the following headline: "Schindler's List remake to star Shia LaBeouf as Oskar Schindler, Joaquin Phoenix as Amon Goeth and Denzel Washington as Itzak Stern." "We wanted our work to reflect the world we live in today."

You can hear the groaning already.

[–]pornplz22526 108 points109 points  (0 children)

The people demand black Hitler!

[–]Chen_Geller 296 points297 points  (16 children)

Here's a thought: just look at people as individuals rather than "black guy this" or "asian woman that" or whatever?

This is true of the fans but its also true of the casting directors.

[–]Ok_Grass_2441 46 points47 points  (1 child)

Idea, just make new good series with a realistic distribution instead of changing series that already exist.

[–]pornplz22526 9 points10 points  (0 children)

This. Maybe it's time we leave sixties and eighties pop culture in the sixties and eighties and give modern audiences some modern icons.

[–]GoneFishingFL 72 points73 points  (0 children)

  1. No one "deserves" anything
  2. Given the state of our divisiveness, many people are seeing this as an "us vs. them" being shoved in their face through their beloved stories. There are racists out there, but I would venture to say, it's more about the attack on their stories

[–]e-commerceguy 40 points41 points  (0 children)

They are literally using racism to deflect any and all real criticism about whatever shitty reboot they are making. There are tons of great beloved black actors that constantly get good roles. Just fucking make new interesting movies with good writing and casting. But no, they will churn out more and more shitty content and dodge all real criticism and just say everyone’s racist

[–]jannuhat 38 points39 points  (0 children)

No one deserves jack shit just because of their skin colour.

What viewers (and actors alike) deserve are new stories and characters written to be playable by actors from various backgrounds when it suits the overarching story being told. What no one deserves are lazy-ass reboots with 'diversity' shoehorned in.

[–]sacred_oak_nutsack 85 points86 points  (0 children)

No one is entitled to anything from another. You cant just force people to like something.

[–]Rulinglionadi 42 points43 points  (0 children)

Good actors deserve roles in movies, Period.

[–]Biscuits_N_Gravey 58 points59 points  (0 children)

Over emphasizing race leads to toxic outcomes

[–]justjoshingu 109 points110 points  (9 children)

I always find finn an interesting topic.

Its a little odd to have the stormtroopers be anything but white. They are analogous to german stormtroopers and have kind of a built in race war. Mostly against aliens but it bled over to other human races. But.. it was always an assumption and its the new order and not the empire and they need bodies.

As for Finn. The fans didnt do him wrong, disney did. Anyone ive seen talking about his original arc, a force user former stormtrooper leading an uprising from the bowels of coruscant! Holy shit that sounds amazing. Most subs talk about how spectacular and moving that would have been. Instead we got ...him riding a horse on a space ship. And of course "rey!"

Throw in the chinese movie posters. Yeah Finn got screwed by disney.

[–]combine42 66 points67 points  (1 child)

A defective storm trooper is a cool concept. But that is clearly all the thought that went into his character. It really shows when going into the 2nd and 3rd movies. He just doesn’t have shit to do it any agency at all.

[–]SailingBroat 39 points40 points  (0 children)

It shows up in the first movie, tbh. He's weirdly puppy-dog and goofy and wide-eyed for someone raised in a fringe fascist order (bearing in mind they're the faithful remnants and he's been raised with them since birth).

But, like you said, why let that initial concept for characteristation get in the way of quips ("Y-you got a cute boyfriend?") and a consistent arc. Feels like they got confused at some point and gave him "cute guy born yesterday" vibes.

Deserved so much better than he got and he's right to be pissed off and unwilling to return.

[–]FedoraChronicles 80 points81 points  (0 children)

Finn pisses me off because even Boyega was upset at how his character was treated.

Finn was the coolest and most interesting of the new cast in my opinion, and he had by far the most theories about who he was, and who he could become. It was awesome, I really liked Finn.

And then they literally did less than nothing with him. They made his character worse. He became a pushover who got caught in an awful side plot, before basically becoming a literal joke in the 9th movie.

He had so much potential and they just threw it away.

[–]Soulful-Sorrow 52 points53 points  (1 child)

Finn should've been the main character. Even in TFA he was so much more interesting than Rey.

[–]PureErik 21 points22 points  (0 children)

Didn't the actor get tons of death threats and racist messages from people?

[–]blahreditblah 36 points37 points  (0 children)

I would actually love for black artists to create their own franchises. The harder they fall is the perfect example of black art but if they wanted to follow miles morales for the next spider man I would be down. What I don't want is this lazy representation that we get now.

We are marketing tools, we aren't props, we are people. We don't want special treatment we just want a fair shot. I don't just want more black actors in films I want great actors period of any race.

Ps. I am also black and you know nothing of black cinema

[–]jarpio 36 points37 points  (0 children)

I don’t think people were upset with Reva (just going off the picture) bc she’s black. I think people didn’t like Reva bc she was a shittily written character.

[–]R4Y029 71 points72 points  (1 child)

People freak out if the race of a beloved character is changed. No one has a problem with diversity in movies.

[–]kummer5peck 21 points22 points  (0 children)

I think diversity is important but you don’t need to make a reboot of everything in an attempt to modernize it.

[–]_storm_trumper_ 20 points21 points  (0 children)

Hollywood lacking ideas for new films and blaming audiences for not accepting lesser quality recycled propaganda pieces. Please, introduce us to new stories and no one will bat an eye which skin color does character have.

[–]Forwhoami 5 points6 points  (0 children)

People should be treated with respect. The bar is so low.

[–]3MrNiceGuy15 16 points17 points  (0 children)

The same thing can and should be said about any race.

[–]Weary_Error8032 37 points38 points  (2 children)

Why do they need the sloppy seconds of white people's media? Why can't we make NEW beloved franchises with black stars? This entirely philosophy is such a disservice* to their abilities and potential.

[–]pornplz22526 21 points22 points  (0 children)

Don't even need to be new. All us millennial nerds would cream our pants over a Static Shock movie.

[–]Exciting-Listen2091 64 points65 points  (2 children)

Then stop trying to appropriate European stories. Start writing about African stuff. I loved black panther for this reason cause it uses African mythology. I would much enjoy an adaptation of African stuff just because it's something new to me. Like all the Latin American and Aztec stuff coming out recently. Just give me something new and stop trying to force European stories to fit your obvious bias.

[–]Savvy-or-die 47 points48 points  (0 children)

Remaking old movies that had white actors with black actors is thinly veiled PC pandering bullshit.….why only black actors? Why not Hispanic, Asian, Indian, east Europe, etc…

[–]YallAre2Soft 76 points77 points  (1 child)

Cast by color! Your skills don't matter!

[–]KindOfOblivious 27 points28 points  (0 children)

It’s crazy how many people here are trying solve racism while also not acknowledging that minorities can receive roles for being the best fit. The headline doesn’t stop at “they deserve roles.”

[–]Themercyunanswered 92 points93 points  (0 children)

what about white people? Can a white person play black panther and not experiene fandom racism?

[–]Jonestown_Juice 37 points38 points  (2 children)

I think they should definitely get major parts in beloved franchises. But I'm not sure making an old, established character who is traditionally white a different race is a good way to go. It definitely doesn't work the other way around (remember how mad everyone was when Goku was played by a white dude? Or when Scarlett Johannsen played Kusanagi?)

It would be cooler if the source material was followed as faithfully as possible.

[–]flim-flam13 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Pretty sure despite the minor controversy, everyone loves the Ancient One played by Tilda Swinton.

[–]jeff8073x 19 points20 points  (0 children)

To speak to the article title: completely agree.

To speak to the underlying issue at hand: I'm not sure how much if it's actually real. Seems like you could have 100 million people watch it, and they'll focus on the one tweet that some random person had and suggest that everyone is racist/sexist etc. Or that there is a huge racist backlash, when it's likely a bunch of fake/bot/troll accounts. And those trolls phish for the racist/sexist defenders who likely would have never watched the movie/show to begin with.

Studios need to stop taking advantage of actors/actresses who simply want their big break. They do this on purpose to build a shield from criticism on a project. And these stars are the one who get all the focus/criticism. But that seems by design from the studios.

[–]akirkbride 42 points43 points  (0 children)

No one cares about black stars in movies. They only care when u take a known character and change them in the name of equity.

[–]Arctic_Scrap 16 points17 points  (0 children)

There is no reason to change the gender, race, sexual preference or any other similar detail of an established character or franchise whether it’s a book, movie, or adaptation.

If you want a character with those preferences then make new content. It’s just laziness and pandering otherwise.

[–]pighalf 7 points8 points  (0 children)

I’d definitely watch Kevin hart as black Annie if the movie had decent writers

[–]billyflynnn 21 points22 points  (0 children)

This is dumb and untrue it’s all in the writing. 50 cents Power series is a perfect example of that great story writing and acting, loved by fans and mostly black actors

[–]JustHereToPlay246 49 points50 points  (0 children)

Define racism

I don’t think pointing out a casting isn’t accurate to source material is racist.

We rarely see racism against original projects. As for specifically beloved franchises, just be open about what you’re doing. To me I’m just tired of the pretence that the race swapped characters were just “the best person for the job”, especially considering the statistically improbable correlation between redheads and race swaps.

I think audiences were more open to race swaps in the 2000s because it wasn’t really reflected in the scripts so there was no association between race swap and politicking. The studios screwed themselves on this because now many audiences do just inherently presume a race swap = a preachy script.

[–]thisisinfrench 6 points7 points  (0 children)

We should just throw this whole society away and start a new one.

[–]applesauce_92 48 points49 points  (1 child)

Amazing how Michael Jordan didn't have this issue in Space Jam back in the 90's.

>invent a problem
>mandate the "solution"

[–]DownvoteMeandEffOff 46 points47 points  (0 children)

Yea Michael Jordan playing Michael Jordan is Space Jam was a huge accomplishment.

[–]Bubbagumpredditor 41 points42 points  (0 children)

ITT people claiming it's not about race while continually talking about race.

[–]YnotZoidberg2409 31 points32 points  (1 child)

Why is Finn on this list? Dude was arguably the only part of the ST that made it watchable.

[–]SlickyTheKid 53 points54 points  (0 children)

Because when he was first shown in the trailer it exploded and a wave of racism came over him

[–]DARTH_LT4 5 points6 points  (1 child)

"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."

[–]Edwardhunts 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Now imagine Malcolm being portrayed by an Asian woman in the next biography...

[–]Xeynid 22 points23 points  (2 children)

Honest question: does anyone have an example of a film or TV series they've seen where there's a black actor that seems like a diversity hire? As in, they seem unqualified in terms of skill, and it's not just a series or film full of bad actors?

[–]TheWildRodawg 24 points25 points  (0 children)

Lethal Weapon 7….

[–]Doomeye56 24 points25 points  (0 children)

The head guard from Loki is the only one that comes to mind. There was no way she was hired for her horrible acting skills.

[–]tailford07 15 points16 points  (0 children)

Have they considered just making the characters not suck ass? Or coming up with original ideas?

[–]Mattfab22 59 points60 points  (1 child)

Can any of you, such as the OP, just go ONE DAY without talking about skin color and accusing over half the population of being racists? Just once?

[–]Unusual-Election8702 5 points6 points  (0 children)

I agree 1000%, give every race roles in media that traditionally has not given them representation. Also, they deserve well written characters too. Don’t slack on writing and effort just so you can hide behind calling people racist for not enjoying a movie. Efforts need to be made all around.

[–]Impressive_Tell8590 56 points57 points  (0 children)

Imagine living in a world… Where our top minds were forced to dig ditches because another group of people felt owed something. Meritocracy is dead

[–]DarkLordKefka 29 points30 points  (0 children)

When you’re switching character’s races for “representation”, that in itself is racist. It doesn’t matter if the character is white, green, blue or black, it’s still essentially saying “this character isn’t good enough as X race, so let’s make it Y race, instead.”

It’s disrespectful, of course, to those who identify as either race, as well to the creators of those IPs, and the fans of those IPs. If people want a particular skin colour “represented” more in films and television, would it not be better to create new stories, instead of potentially angering the fans of already existing IPs with an endless stream of terrible remakes that nobody asked for?

[–]ExcellentWaffles 13 points14 points  (0 children)

It’s Hollywood’s fault they just want to reboot everything. They could take a risk and make a new ip and stop bastardizing things people already love.

[–]shsu6 30 points31 points  (1 child)

Dam doesEVERYTHING have to be about race

[–]chrishammhamm 17 points18 points  (0 children)

It's not racist to say that a character that was conceived a certain way should stay that way. That's why new art is important. We are losing creativity nowadays and instead of creating new art with inclusive ideas, we are shoehorning these ideas into pre existing franchises that we built without these ideals in mind. At the same time, certain franchises I believe would make sense. If Dr. Who or 007 changed to black characters I think it would be fine since they are resurrected and a code name respectively.

[–]Penguator432 22 points23 points  (0 children)

Stop making progressiveness a shield for being lazy then.

[–]Mattfab22 23 points24 points  (1 child)

Seriously, why are you guys so obsessed with race? Can't even scroll through a "movies" forum without being accused of racism or watching people accuse others of being racists. Stop trying to divide the country and start uniting. 99.9% of fans of these franchises aren't racists. They just don't like politics being shoved down their throats by studios.

[–]stuckinsanity 40 points41 points  (0 children)

Holy shit, how is the point of the article going over everyone's heads? This isn't an opportunity for you to voice your opinion on casting decisions, it's about how actors and actresses shouldn't be subjected to racist harassment.

[–]funplayer3s 65 points66 points  (6 children)

This world wasn't built on who deserves what. It was and still is built on who earned what, whether it be through building a nation, or building a business.

[–]fsamson3 7 points8 points  (0 children)

If there’s one thing reddit is good at, it’s telling black people that treating them with decency is too tall of an order to deliver on

[–]oniluis20 22 points23 points  (1 child)

black actors deserve better rolls than being used as inclusion tokens and marketing strategies (and talking bout the little mermaid specially)

[–]Mechanik_J 19 points20 points  (1 child)

No one is entitled to anything, go work for it and pay your dues. I also just want hollywood to concentrate on making great stories and content, without having to worry about identity politics or agendas. Just make good shit, or fun shit to watch.

[–]Chemical-Fun3063 19 points20 points  (0 children)

So with this outlook, it would be perfectly OK for Taylor Swift play the role of Rosa Parks right??? Seriously as long as she portrayed the events accurately it’s shouldn’t matter who plays the part correct???

[–]Psychonaut84 11 points12 points  (0 children)

Black stars deserve to not be shoehorned into existing lore and franchises to be exploited by Hollywood for the color of their skin to push a social engineering project. And these woke movies are all trash written by marketing teams.

[–]TheInconspicuousBIG 16 points17 points  (0 children)

holy shit just create new franchises where you can write the story however tf you want.

[–]BroodyWall15 9 points10 points  (0 children)

I don’t think anybody “deserves” a role. It should go to the person who’s best for the role.

[–]Spiritual-Put-9228 14 points15 points  (0 children)

I think it's racist to just change a characters race just to tick a diversity box. Let me put it like this, if they made an actual lord of the rings show set after the movies and casted a black guy as aragorn, I wouldn't be angry because he's black, I'd be angry because it's lazy to just change the race of a character to fit diversity when you could create a cool new character that was black, or asian, or whatever you wanted.

People of color need roles of their own they can look to without having to stand on the pre-established fans of characters, it's setting them up to fail, and sometimes I feel like they want it to fail so they can stop trying or shield their work from criticism by calling the critics racist.

[–]Ilskur 13 points14 points  (0 children)

When genuine criticism of bad movies/shows is written off as racism, you know you're living in a clown world.

[–]StopDoingThatItsDumb 25 points26 points  (0 children)

How dare people ask not to be victims of shitty racists on line? Obviously r/movies can't stand that!!!

Seriously though. You are all fucking morons. This can't be your reaction every time a post like this comes up.

[–]K-Toon 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I feel the quality of writing is today's biggest hindrance. An actor can only do so much with what they are given.

[–]suns253 18 points19 points  (0 children)

The role should go to the best actor of any race thats the most fitting for the character. The role shouldn't go to the best black actor for the role and a character shouldn't be changed up to the point that its obvious race was thought about.