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PayU Track

Fazıl Say Hall

09:00 - 09:20
Opening Speech / Açılış Konuşması
Emir Karşıyakalı
09:20 - 10:00
Keynote: Performance Optimization*
Fabien Potencier

I bet you are writing unit tests for your apps; if not, you probably feel ashamed. But what about performance? Everyone is talking about it but very few people actually integrate performance into their development workflow... But performance is key to success: if your website is not fast enough, you will loose both customers and revenue. Theory and good tools can go a long way to quick wins and continuous performance testing.

10:00 - 10:40
Extremely Defensive PHP*
Marco Pivetta

What if I told you that your carefully designed and tested code was fragile?
What if I told you that you can trust nobody?
What does “fragile” even mean?
We are going to look at fragile code, fix it, and lastly learn about various Poka-Yoke techniques that make our code very hard to break.

Kod Kalitesi için Fonksiyonel Testler ve Behat
Fatih Üstündağ

Sunumda fonksiyonel testler ile kod kalitesini korumaktan ve PHP'in popüler araçlarından biri olan Behat'ten bahsedilecek.

11:00 - 11:40
Security: from basic principles to PHP specifics*
Alexander Makarov

During numerous code reviews I've found that many projects sharing alike security flaws despite being developed by experienced teams. In the talk I'd cover both security basics, PHP specifics and some extras such as common errors in server configs.

PHP ve Elasticsearch: Elastica
Alpcan Aydın

Detaylı arama ve analiz işlemleri yapmamızı sağlayan Elasticsearch'e Elastica ile bağlanıp nasıl geliştirme yapabileceğimize ve verimiz üzerinde daha akıllı aramaları ve analizleri nasıl elde edebileceğimize göz atacağız.

12:00 - 12:40
Refactoring Workflows & Techniques*
Valentin Stancescu

In this presentation we will describe our work and experience gained by working on a legacy system and bring it to a completely new and high end architecture. Some refactoring techniques will be presented and how we managed to apply SOLID principles in order to have a system that’s easy to maintain and extend over time.

Ne bu ORM?
Güven Atbakan

Oturumda iki veritabanı kütüphanesi Doctrine ve Eloquent özelinde, karşılaştırma yaparak Active Record, Data Mapper, ORM kavramlarını inceleyeceğiz. Doctrine ve Eloquent'in karşılaştırmasında; bu iki kütüphanenin kullanımı hakkında bilgi verip, farklılıklarını, benzerliklerini, kullanım alanları ve kullanılma nedenlerini de ele alacağız.

12:40 - 13.40
13:40 - 14:20
The framework is dead*
Bruno Škvorc

It is said developers go through four stages:

1. No framework
2. Use a framework.
3. Write own framework.
4. No framework.

Once the cycle is complete, the developer is said to be ready. In this talk, we'll go for stage 3, but replace it with stage 4. In other words, we'll explain how to build our own framework, but from third part components, thus being immune to breaking changes, vendor lock, and other negative side effects of using popular frameworks.

devPod Panel
Moderatör: Uğur Özyılmazel. Konuklar: Fatih Kadir Akın, Üstün Özgür, Lemi Orhan Ergin, Abdullah Uğraşkan

Oturumda Uğur Özyılmazel moderatörlüğünde Fatih Kadir Akın, Üstün Özgür, Lemi Orhan Ergin, Abdullah Uğraşkan yazılım dünyası ile ilgili soru(n)larınızı cevaplandıracak.

14:30 - 15:10
Continuous Delivery with Jenkins in the Real World*
Gianluca Arbezzano

In this talk I will share the CurrencyFair experience, how our IT Team made of 40 engineers manage CurrencyFair delivery with GitHub, Jenkins, Hubot and Slack on different environments. Artifact, pipeline and some Jenkins's plugins in order to create the most comfortable delivery flow for your projects.

Breaking the Framework’s Core
Mehmet İnce

Web framework’leri yani web uygulama çatıları günümüz web teknolojisinin en önemli yapı taşlarından bir tanesidir. Yapısında bir çok farklı özelliği barındıran ve web uygulamalarının temeli olan framework'lerin güvenliği son derece önem teşkil eder. Drupal, WordPress, Symfony veya CodeIgniter gibi çok kullanılan açık kaynak sistemlerde tespit edilecek bir güvenlik açığı birbirinden bağımsız onlarca projeyi, kurumu ve sistemi etki alanı içine alır. Bu sunum içeriğinde popüler frameworklerde oluşan zafiyetlerin detaylı analizi ve en sık karşılaşılan yanlış kullanımlar uygulamalı örnekler ile anlatılacaktır.

15:20 - 16:00
Advanced package development*
Hannes Van De Vreken

Registering your new awesome package to packagist is easy. But what about maintainability? What about open source contributions? What dependencies should you avoid? Have you considered reducing download size? How will you keep your users up to date with changes in newer versions? How do you best handle releases? How do you manage your package to behave in an optimal way both in other people's production environment as in your local package development environment? What are virtual packages, how should you use it? Why you should depend on more stable packages only? Why you should draw a dependency tree, ... Answers and explanations to all these questions will be given during this talk. A talk for everyone who wants to be a true package maintainer.

Tasarım Desenleri ve PHP Uyarlamaları - II
Burak İbrahim Gündüz

Genellikle teoride kalan ve gerçek hayatta nerede kullanılabilecekleri pek de anlaşılamayan tasarm desenlerinin(design patterns), gerçek hayat problemleri üzerinden anlatıldığı "Tasarım Desenleri ve PHP Uyarlamaları" sunumunun ikinci bölümüyle keyifli bir sunum sizleri bekliyor.

16:10 - 16:50
From Development to production with Docker and Docker Datacenter*
Lorenzo Fontana

Nowadays is important to have a development/testing environment closest to the production one. This talk is focused on two main topics. The first one is how Docker and docker compose can be used together while writing Symfony Nginx/PHP-FPM applications using MySQL as database to enable sharing and porting of lightweight environments across machines. The second one is tho show how to deploy containerised applications in production while managing nodes using Docker datacenter.

This talk will also cover topics like stateful containers and fault tolerance.

Nobody likes weird surprises in production. Right?

Senin Değerin Ne Kadar?
Ceyda Anıl

Ekran başında saatlerce zihninizi, gözlerinizi ve ellerinizi çalıştırıyor, zamanınızı ve emeğinizi gelen projeler ve şirketler için veriyorsunuz. Peki hak ettiğiniz değeri gerçekten alabiliyor musunuz?

17:00 - 17:40
Make your web solutions more flexible with Symfony based layout and block management*
Ivo Lukac

When thinking about layout of web applications and sites it is still about custom and rigid templates and controllers. In simple use cases that should be enough but it is less flexible when building or maintaining complex solutions even more so with responsive and adaptive approaches which are today standard requirement.
It should be possible to create a component that gives designers, developers and advanced editors to:
- easily manage different layouts and zones (generating Bootstrap, Foundation, React or whatever kind of output)
- define master layouts with zone inheritance,
- add/more/remove blocks with a simple drag and drop interface (or even from command line),
- implement custom blocks by simple template and/or controller override,
- apply layouts to routes with conditions like user roles, geolocation, time, etc.

Optimizing PHP-FPM, Nginx and kernel for high performance
Osman Üngür

Oturumda web uygulamalarının en iyi performansla çalışması için gereken PHP-FPM, Zend Opcache, Nginx ve Linux kernel ile alakalı ince ayarlardan bahsedilecek.

17:50 - 18:30
Laravel Tips and Tricks
Arda Kılıçdağı

Laravel is one of the most popular PHP Frameworks around. In this presentation, Arda will tell about the struggles he's came along and how he overcame them with tricks he's used.

Kadın Yazılımcı Panel
Nesrin Kalender, Ayşe Bilge Gündüz

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PayU Track

Fazıl Say Hall

08:30 - 09:10
Registration / Welcoming

09:20 - 10:00
What They Should Tell You About API Development*
Phil Sturgeon

As a refinement to his previously published book, the author of "Building APIs You Won't Hate" found that API books and training tend to introduce documentation, testing and caching as an after-thought, as if these are not important. However, some new experiences have shown that API development works best when these items are thought out first, as well as including a strong pragmatic approach to ensure the API solves real problems without getting stuck on the theory of how to "properly" create it.

Other pragmatic talking points include: Why and how documentation first can stop your team(s) from getting violent, when is REST not what you want, why is hypermedia sometimes a distraction, convenient ways to avoid versions in your API or at least postpone it, and comprehensive but simple endpoint integration testing beyond trivial examples.

Running Microservices
Ahmet Alp Balkan

What does it take to run your application as bunch of small microservices? While it makes a ton of sense, without a good infrastructure and planning, microservices can create a bigger chaos, manual operations and toil. This talk will go into details of what kind of infrastructure and orchestration you need to have in place, how you should design your code across microservices and what principles you should be following while designing applications and managing the live site operations.

In this talk, we will mainly introduce a completely new mindset to think different about the way you have been writing, deploying and running your applications. You will learn how to write fault tolerant and self healing applications, how containers and container orchestrators come into picture and how you can reduce manual work as your company and number of microservices grow by referring to learnings from companies like Microsoft and Google which have been running microservices in large scales over a decade.

10:10 - 10:50
Magento at 2*
Ben Marks

Magento - the powerhouse behind more than 200,000 commercial websites - has grown up! Composer install, test suite, configurable dependency injection, and so many other details make Magento 2 a compelling choice for ecommerce projects. Even if you're not in the ecommerce world, Magento 2 is a unique, customizable MVC framework worth your attention.

10:10 - 10:30
Kendini yöneten takım olabilmek
Birge Elif Basık

Agile yazılım geliştirmenin temellerinden biri, üstlenilen işi takım olarak sahiplenmek ve bitirmektir. Kendini yönetebilen takım olmak için neye sahip olmalı, hangi aşamalardan geçilmeli?

10:30 - 11:00
Agile Test Süreci
Gamze Ekinci

Agile yazılım gelişirme sürecinde otomasyon testleri olmazsa olmazlardandır. Bu oturumda otomasyon testi yapabilmek için ne gereklidir?
Uygulanabilirliği nedir? Cucumber, Capybara araçlarıyla Visual Regression Test ve Performans Testleri ile Release süreçlerine değinilecek.

11:00 - 11:40
PSR-7 HTTP messages in the wild*
Hannes Van de Vreken

PSR-7 describes common interfaces for representing HTTP messages. HTTP messages are the foundation of web development. Web browsers and HTTP clients such as cURL create HTTP request messages that are sent to a web server, which provides an HTTP response message. Server-side code receives an HTTP request message, and returns an HTTP response message.

This talk will explain the interfaces defined by PSR-7, how they define the future of interoperability between frameworks and tools. After that there will be a showcase of several implementations and tools such as zend's diactoros package, Guzzle v6, php-http, RelayPHP, Symfony's bridge project and other packages that show the real power of shared interfaces for HTTP objects. A clear path to how we can start using these typed objects in our applications today will be shown.

PHP Uygulamalarınızı Güçlendirin
Muhittin Özer

Arama motoru, kuyruklama ve cache teknolojileri ile PHP uygulamalarına nasıl güç katılabileceğinin anlatılacağı bu oturumda bahsedilen teknolojilerin öne çıkanları hakkında genel bir bilgilendirme yapılacaktır.

11:50 - 12:30
Elastic scaling in a (micro)service oriented architecture*
Bastian Hofmann

Splitting an application up into multiple independent services can be a good way to keep it scaling and ensure stability and developer productivity in larger, growing teams. But just splitting the codebase, creating APIs and deploying the code on some servers is not enough, somehow your services need to know where and how other services are accessible. Classical approaches like hardcoding everything in every service or having a central load-balancer can quickly lead to problems in terms of scalability and maintainability. In this talk I'll show how we at ResearchGate tackled this challenge. With the help of tools like Consul and haproxy we created a setup that allows us to quickly boot and shutdown services. This ensures that all servers are utilized optimally and load spikes can be reacted upon quickly and automatically.

WordPress ile Büyük Ölçekli Siteler
Mustafa Uysal

Bu oturumda WordPress kullanan büyük ölçekli sitelerin alt yapısında kullanılan teknolojiler, eklentiler ve teknikler ile ilgili bilgi verilecek.

12:30 - 13:30
13:30 - 14:10
Software design with PHP7*
Paul Dragoonis

This talk covers the lessons learned on my journey of developing large-scale PHP applications for the past 10 years. I will cover the core areas of software design (OOD) and programming (OOP) that are important to that are important to consider when building your own software applications, with a focus on building them in PHP7.

Magento ve Ödeme Sistemleri
Hidayet Ok

Sunumda dünyanın en çok kullanılan açık kaynaklı e-ticaret uygulaması Magento'nun nasıl bir yapısı var ve e-ticaret dünyasına getirdiği yenilikleri neler, kodlama yapısı ve sistem ne gibi esneklikler sağlıyor, 3. parti şirketler tarafından geliştirilen eklentilerden örnekler, iyi ve kötü uygulama örnekleriyle gerçek hayattan çözümleri ve ülkemizde hizmet veren ödeme sistemi alternatiflerini inceleyeceğiz.

14:30 - 15:10
RabbitMQ Where and How?
İrfan Durmuş

RabbitMQ is a quite big software and there are many things to know in both server and client side. We will do our best to cover in the limited time as much as we can with real world examples.

We're gonna cover where to use a RabbitMQ instance and what are the PHP adapters in order to integrate your PHP code.

Plus, there are variety of RabbitMQ plugins that open your way when you stuck, we're gonna mention some important rabbitMQ plugins that would be helpful for every developer.

Realtime Web Uygulamaları
Fatih Acet

Oturumda gerçek zamanlı web uygulamaları ve Firebase, Google Drive gibi 3. parti servisleri kullanarak web uygulamalarına gerçek zaman desteği vermekten bahsedilecek.

15:30 - 16:10
PHP Senfoni Orkestrası: Composer
Hidayet Doğan

Modern PHP'nin olmazsa olmaz bağımlılık yöneticisi olan "Composer" hakkında kısa bir bilgilendirme sonrasında faydaları ve kullanım ipuçları konularından bahsedilecektir.

Nightwatch.js ile Automated testler yazmak
Didem Acet

Sunumda Selenium WebDriver API üzerinde çalışan Nightwatch.js'i kullanarak JavaScript ile kolayca End to End test yazarak uygulamalarımızı nasıl test edebileceğimizden bahsedilecek.

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Our accommodation sponsor Sirkeci Mansion Hotel and Lalahan Hotel offer discounts for paying in cash special for PHPKonf guests!

Also you can check five stars Beşiktaş Hotels listed (Three days 20/23 May)

{{ 'SPONSORS' | translate }}

{{ 'ORGANIZATION' | translate }} / Partner
İstanbul PHP UG Teknasyon Teknoloji
{{ 'HONOR' | translate }}
Bahçeşehir University
{{ 'GOLD_SPONSORS' | translate }}
Radore Netsparker
Freebird Systems PayU Türkiye
{{ 'SILVER_SPONSORS' | translate }}
Sonsuzdöngü Atölye15 Düğü
{{ 'BRONZE_SPONSORS' | translate }}
Currency Fair
{{ 'ACCOMMODATION_SPONSOR' | translate }}
Sirkeci Mansion Hotel Lalahan Hotel
{{ 'MEDIA_SPONSORS' | translate }}
{{ 'OPEN_SPONSORS' | translate }} Nefis Yemek Tarifleri Deckhub
Api Plug
{{ 'SUPPORT' | translate }}
Jstanbul PHP-TR