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This is how they run their own country but come to the USA and moralize Americans and help bring the USA down to the trash level they left. Plus they raise their kids to be morally and ethically hollow #America-hating #bigots
"He [a #Vancouver cop] told us a man on the 2nd floor started shooting his gun off the balcony towards CRAB Park." If shots had come from park, #bigots would've called for it to be cleared of #homeless. But it was a well-off resident doing the shooting!
Thoroughly discredited & defeated at the ballot box, the raging #bigots, resentful #incels & militant #morons of the #MAGA movement are turning now to domestic #terrorism. The & need to track & disrupt their plots, arrest their leaders in the .
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I just published Where Does Trumpism Go Now? It Becomes Terrorism — And It’s Already Beginning
These guys melt faster than snow on a summer's day. Anything you've been labeled as has come from your own mouth Jeremy. Do we need refreshers? How about grow up & move on. You're a victim of your own actions. #Diagalon #Bigots